What is the point of this thing? I didn't expect them to just ape scenes totally.
Edit: Leaked teaser removed on copyright grounds. It showed the movie's recreation of the airplane scene in Uncharted 3.
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Yeah, they nuked that thing quick. Saw this post like a few minutes after you posted and it was already gone.Edit: Leaked teaser removed on copyright grounds. It showed the movie's recreation of the airplane scene in Uncharted 3.
Uncharted was never my vibe, so bare with me.
Will probably be removed too.
I wouldn't say Nathan Drake has even a semi-imposing build, he's always just been kinda 'a guy'. I'd say Holland is about as physically imposing. But there was definitely the sense that he was kind of a man-child, whereas Tom Holland just has too much boyishness to him to get that across I think.Uncharted was never my vibe, so bare with me.
But one of the reasons why people always said Nathan Fillion should have been Drake is because both the actor and the character have a semi-imposing build, that is offset with their boyish charm and the seeming inability to take anything seriously.
I saw a kid flung around without an ounce of gravitas in that teaser.
Why do certain people always find their way into hollywood just to mess everything up? Who keeps giving them the power to do this? Why?
My only objection to Tom Holland is that he's about five to seven years too young. I think he's a capable actor, but he's only 25 and still very baby faced - Leonardo Dicaprio had a similar problem until he grew his beard for Blood Diamond but he was a skilled actor also - compared to the rugged man of the world handsomeness Nathan Drake is meant to have. Like if they'd designed this to be Uncharted's answer to Young Indiana Jones I'd be more on-board since Nate would implicitly be younger and still learning.Uncharted was never my vibe, so bare with me.
But one of the reasons why people always said Nathan Fillion should have been Drake is because both the actor and the character have a semi-imposing build, that is offset with their boyish charm and the seeming inability to take anything seriously.
I saw a kid flung around without an ounce of gravitas in that teaser.
Why do certain people always find their way into hollywood just to mess everything up? Who keeps giving them the power to do this? Why?
Why do certain people always find their way into hollywood just to mess everything up? Who keeps giving them the power to do this? Why?
Looks quite alright. I mean, judging from this trailer it doesn't have that odd clumsy vibe that the Assassin's Creed and the latest Tomb Raider movie had. Still feels like something that's Uncharted in name only though (except for the plane bit of course) - I mean, I'm sure game Drake has had regular jobs before, but seeing Holland Drake work as a bartender feels very un-Drake somehow.
Looks horribly miscast. I like Tom Holland. He was great, for instance, in "The Devil All the Time". Just wrong for this role. Yet, his inclusion may be what got the film made to begin with.Looks quite alright. I mean, judging from this trailer it doesn't have that odd clumsy vibe that the Assassin's Creed and the latest Tomb Raider movie had. Still feels like something that's Uncharted in name only though (except for the plane bit of course) - I mean, I'm sure game Drake has had regular jobs before, but seeing Holland Drake work as a bartender feels very un-Drake somehow.
And as much as I dislike freaking Mark Wahlberg as Sully, it looks like at least they didn't go for the game origins of how the two met, which painted Sully as some weird groomer. Couldn't they at least have given him a moustache though, I mean come on.
Should this somehow be succesful though, didn't Tom Holland have a really bad time making this movie? He might not wanna even come back for a sequel.
Would you say there's aLooks horribly miscast. I like Tom Holland. He was great, for instance, in "The Devil All the Time". Just wrong for this role. Yet, his inclusion may be what got the film made to begin with.
Wahlberg is even worse casting for Sully. I hear you about the mustache.
There are a few Easter eggs in the trailer. Fun. Per usual, the trailer does tell us too much.
Uncharted 2 is in my all time top 10. I'm sure I will get around to seeing this.
The closest I think I can come to answering that is, to make a truly dramatic theatrical experience of the UnCharted series is to have (like Tomb Raider) come across as a mass murderer. You'd have to have Drake shoot dead a dozen people every few minutes. So, the movie is going to have to advance the story without all the mayhem.snip
It looks okayish, but it really just comes off as average and unnecessary. I don't see Nate or Scully on screen. I just see Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg playing as themselves. Wahlberg I am sick and tired of seeing on screen in general. It's why I've been avoiding any movies where he's the lead. I just don't like the guy and most of this characters he plays. Don't even get me started on the Max Payne movie he was in playing the title character.
Nathan Fillion is one of those actors I would watch in just about anything because he has such great timing, screen presence and charm. Hell I watch the Rookie, and I hate TV shows and Cop dramas, but fuck it Nathan Fillion makes Firefly references, so can do!SNIP