That's all well and good, but when you heavily advertise your game on pretty graphics (far more so than the gameplay, which granted, seems awesome), you don't get to come out and say "but graphics aren't really THAT important!". Talk to your marketing teams and get your shit sorted out. No one would bat an eye that this game is coming out with the graphics it has, except you advertised as shit on this being the "true next-gen experience" and based that claim on graphics alone. If you wanna stick to that claim, then you'll have a LOT to answer for if the gameplay is not completely out of this world - which I don't believe it is. Don't get me wrong, I expect it to be a good game and an innovative concept to a point, but it'll take a lot to convince me this game couldn't have been made five or even ten years ago, seeing as it's a GTA clone with some additional features (which again, are cool, but don't scream "this was made possible by new technology").