We should forgive Bioware.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
Vampire cat said:
I guess I can compare it to how I feel about Ubisoft. They made some good smoked salmon, and I liked it a lot. But then they started smearing poo on it. No matter how hard you try to enjoy the salmon after that, you just can't get around that smell and taste...


I'm hungry!
I think it's less smearing poo on it, and more like dropping in into poo. It was not what they wanted (crappy DRM for the pc) but they served it anyway.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
I vote with my dollars. They destroyed all interest I had in two series of their's, have displayed disastrous results in their attempt to make a WoW clone (in outer spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace), EA's influence can be seen in every product or statement they release and I will no longer be supporting them ever again. Unless of course they actually create something of worth. Cause, you know,that's definitely going to happen...
Plus there's the fact that Bioware isn't actually Bioware any more. The majority of the original devs have been reassigned to other EA projects or have quit. Bioware has just become a shell of it's former self, a way for EA to earn a bit of money off of idiots that have "dev loyalty".
That's just my opinion though. Everyone else can continue to throw money at them to keep them afloat until EA gets tired of their performances and kills the company for good.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Mikeyfell said:
Can you tell me what Mass Effect 3 did right? Like anything it did that was good, Because I've played it through 6 times now and have found maybe 3 minutes of "acceptable" or "good" things in this 50 hour game.
You played a 50 hour game six times over despite only liking 3 minutes of it.

Or, to put it another way, you knowingly spent roughly 249 hours and 45 minutes (not counting the first playthrough) playing a game that you do not consider to be of acceptable quality.




New member
Aug 18, 2008
I never liked bioware to begin with, so I'm not in a position to forgive them. All of their games have a samey aspect to me, even the supposed good ones.

However, you are right. I've played through the game and I have to admit the ending was okay. It was not great, but hey limitations of the medium and all that.


New member
Feb 1, 2010
SnakeoilSage said:
I didn't mind Dragon Age 2, don't care about Old Republic and never played Mass Effect 3.

They need to get back to decent stories. I don't care if the gameplay is like Resident Evil 1.
SWTOR has some excellent story telling. The gameplay is a wash, but the light/dark side is done really well.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
With Ultima MMORPG they dont seem to want forgiveness. Also I never really liked them so with their later games they didn't have any trust to lose with me.

Lord Quirk

New member
Aug 15, 2011
I forgive Bioware. Da2 was actually alright, with the extended cut, Mass Effect 3 was brilliant (I'm one of those people who didn't care that they'd stripped down on RPG elements in the Mass Effect games) and I can't speak for The Old Republic. I've forgiven Bioware, but I haven't forgiven George Lucas. I'm gunna be pretty cautious next time they release a game, but I still love them.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
Don't need to forgive them, I like DA2 and Love ME3.

Sure they dropped the ball with the whole ending debacle (not the ending, but how they initially dealt with the backlash) and EA has not done them any favours, with their stupid marketing ideas.

But the people who gave us Garrus, Alistair, Mordin, Wrex, Tali and so many more don't need forgivness for a few fumbles.


Need superslick, Kupo.
Dec 7, 2009
oplinger said:
they were a stranger wearing their still bleeding face, recently peeled off of their spasming corpse, staring deep into your soul and letting out a eerie creak of a voice.


OT: I'll trust Bioware when they stop trying to prove the "games are art" debate and get back to actually making decent storylines. The ME3 story was artful crap. I haven't played DAII but the consensus is that it was crap.

This is still the most accurate argument against Bioware and, specifically, Casey Hudson. When decides to stop being a pompous ass, I'll forgive Bioware.

johnnnny guitar

New member
Jul 16, 2010
No three strikes and you're out I don't want to play their games because they disinterest me and I find them quite frankly boring, rushed and average games which is a shame because DA:O,ME 1/2 and KOTOR are some of my favourite games of all time and it sucks because I now have zero interests in all of these series.


Probably your average communist.
Oct 4, 2008
yaydod said:
I wanted Battlefront 3 :(
LucasArts pulled the plug on Bafflefront 3, not Bioware.



New member
Apr 10, 2011
EA was what happened to Bioware, nowadays they march the same goosestep, both are ignorant. It's same with Blizz-Activ.

I think what annoys most ppl is that Bioware was one of the best oldschool PC dev studios remaining and don't like that the fact they aren't as good as they once were.

Imo the disgruntled fans a better off looking elsewhere for what they want like CD project who make The Witcher games, or whatever other games are out there that fit their playstyle.

THe only vote that counts nowadays is wallets, It's no good buying all the overly hyped games at launch day then getting angry about it, buy it 6 months later when it's half price and intead buy that niche game that looks good at launch, instead of waiting 3-4 weeks because you know that niche game will be in the bargin bin by then.


New member
Sep 20, 2011
Nimzabaat said:
SnakeoilSage said:
I didn't mind Dragon Age 2, don't care about Old Republic and never played Mass Effect 3.

They need to get back to decent stories. I don't care if the gameplay is like Resident Evil 1.
SWTOR has some excellent story telling. The gameplay is a wash, but the light/dark side is done really well.
I've heard it's good, but Star Wars has been done. Knights of the Old Republic was excellent, and didn't need expanding upon.

Bioware have never had a very firm grasp on what they want; their games are either over-blown fan-fiction (D&D and Star Wars) or very confused and directionless (Dragon Age, Mass Effect). Yes EA shares some of that blame, but Bioware needs someone with more vision leading their projects, someone with more confidence so that the team doesn't start second guessing itself, or get so afraid of stepping on someone's toes that they don't assert themselves enough.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
shrekfan246 said:
And I have to ask why? What's the purpose?
To avoid paying money for shitty games? A boycott to illustrate disgust?

Yeah yeah, they had great games in the past. And that's essentially what's keeping them afloat.

FFS, forgiveness is not something that should be issued to companies. This is a business transaction and if you don't like the way they do business, you don't buy "from" them. why these misplaced feelings like "loyalty" and "forgiveness" which do more damage to gaming than the "haters" do?

Because I think it's a waste of emotion to feel so strongly about something so insignificant. Are people swearing off Pixar forever because of Cars and its sequel? What would've happened to Batman Begins if people had sworn they would never watch another Batman film ever again after Batman Forever and Batman & Robin? What would've happened to Pink Floyd if people had sworn them off forever after Syd Barrett left the band?
You know, most of these DID happen. People have sworn off Pixar. People said they were done with Batman after the last two 90s movies. People said Pink Floyd without Barrett wasn't Pink Floyd.

And you know what? The world didn't end. the FRANCHISES didn't end.

Besides, complaining about emotion is pretty hypocritical, when your own argument plays off the great games they had in the past.

As for myself, there's a good chance I'm done with Bioware. They've taken a path I dislike, and I'm not going to bother with them. This isn't out of hate or out of "emotion" so much as a disinterest in spending money on games I think are bad. I can probably afford to buy bad games, but I'd enjoy my money far more with good ones. And honestly, I think the last Bioware game I liked was the FIRST Mass Effect.

But hey, I'm not holding a grudge, and therefore I do not need to forgive them. If they can put out a game I like, I will buy it (In other words, please don't try and make this about how I am stubborn or emotional or whatever). But the more bad games they put out, the less likely I am to bother even looking at their new ones. Why? Because I'm not nursing sentimentality over the good old days.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Bioware just sucks at they're jobs, hell I'd written them off before the ME3 shit storm for making dull, uninteresting games, and yes, I'm talking about KoToR when i say that.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Zachary Amaranth said:
Besides, complaining about emotion is pretty hypocritical, when your own argument plays off the great games they had in the past.
I believe I expressed more incredulity than complaint.

As for myself, there's a good chance I'm done with Bioware. They've taken a path I dislike, and I'm not going to bother with them. This isn't out of hate or out of "emotion" so much as a disinterest in spending money on games I think are bad. I can probably afford to buy bad games, but I'd enjoy my money far more with good ones. And honestly, I think the last Bioware game I liked was the FIRST Mass Effect.

But hey, I'm not holding a grudge, and therefore I do not need to forgive them. If they can put out a game I like, I will buy it (In other words, please don't try and make this about how I am stubborn or emotional or whatever). But the more bad games they put out, the less likely I am to bother even looking at their new ones. Why? Because I'm not nursing sentimentality over the good old days.
I like how you feel the need to keep throwing the word "emotion" into your post, as if I'm going to accuse you of being angry or hostile. I only used the word once, and I used it specifically because there are plenty of people who appear to be harboring grudges against Bioware. If you're not holding a grudge, then more power to you. If you're not holding a grudge, then you're not a person being addressed by the opening post.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
I liked Dragon Age 2, and everything but the ending of Mas Effect 3 (although I hadn't beaten the game a second time before loning it to a friend who still has it). If it were only the issue sof the games then it wouldn't be as big a deal.

One issue is rushing games to deliver to a date and rushing out an unfinished product. Getting past the fact that the story of the ending made no sense, the game play didn't either. Why spend so much time working on the war assets if they don't mean anything to the game. That smells of rushed work.

Another issue, bigger in my mind, is the horrible business practices. DRM, day one DLC, their horrible treatment of their customers. This is all horrible ways to do business. I preordered DA2 so I got the exiled prince and the black market. Neither were bad, as in they ruined the game, but I sure wouldn't pay money for them. After using Sebastian on my second playthrough I never played him again unless it was his character quests. And I have beaten the game 6 times. The prothean DLC on ME3 wasn't even free. It was an extra $10. I was stupid enough to buy it to get less than a half hour of game play and add a very uninteresting character. Bioware should be ashamed for charging that.

So really I will let it boil down to how I do with most game. No free passes. No Pre orders, and no DLC until it is thuroughly reviewed, and most of the time I will wait several months until the price drops $20. A game will have to prove it is worth full price before I buy it. The funny thing is that if everyone would adopt this attitude you would see a very different games market.