Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Wake up VS

You take a moment to get your bearings, before realizing where you are. Most would expect you to start FLIPPING OFF THE FUCKING HANDLE right about now. But you don't. You're a Hero of Time, you're far too busy planning for the future to get too stressed out about the present right now. That's why you didn't react when you found out Connor died. Not too much, anyway. Of course you were sad, but there's only so much that can be done. You have to win your battles where you can, and try and manipulate fate into falling into your hands. You don't get too upset about it.

Something tells you you'll see him again. But right now, you have your PROSPITIAN FRIEND to talk to. You gently rouse him from his slumber.

"Hey, sorry about falling asleep there. But we've got a problem now. I assume you hear those sirens too, right? Well a whole lot is going on..."

>Dirk: Have plot-log with VS


New member
Sep 2, 2009
>Rich: Cease foolhardy assumptions.

You gently chide yourself for assuming that you needed air to breathe in space.

That's just not how Sburb works.

>Rich: Engage.

You lay in a course for the planet with vaguely tan-like pigmentation.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Continue on your grand adventure

Yay,some grand adventure this has turned out to be.Nearly dead,twice in one day.....

Thanks for the help Lily.It helped. You smile up to her weakly as you make your way slowly and wobbly to your knees.You nearly fall over,but are stopped by Lily catching you.You thank her again.You may not hurt as much,but sore legs still suck.

Well,all things said and done everything worked out.The SKYNEEDLE charged and you not dead.Sore,but not dead.

You ask Lily if she would be so kind as to take you somewhere not here.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Have a massive change of plans

You thank Lily again as she helps keep you from falling over.Today has not gone as well as you would like.

A beep from your glasses and a quick check tells you that Illire wants something.You hope its good news as you could use some right about now.

[06:12:07] -- unopressedAgitator [UA] began pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 18:12 --
[06:12:20] UA: yo chucklENuts
[06:12:29] GK: Oh,Hey Illire
[06:12:32] UA: shits GoiNG dowN hERE hAvE A look At this
[06:12:43] GK: Do I want to know?
[06:13:01] UA: #CHUCKLENUTS
[06:13:41] GK: Interesting name I must say
[06:14:06] UA: NAh
[06:14:06] UA: just Go thERE
[06:14:11] GK: Very well
[06:14:42] GK: As long as it doesn't get me killed..I would rather not try for a third time today
[06:15:22] UA: it AppliEs to thE situAtioN At hANd

You thank Lily for the help,but you need to sit down for this.You need to focus on this right now.

[06:15:34] CURRENT unopressedAgitator [CUA] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
[06:15:34] CUA: lEtAGE hEAds up GREG is GoiNG to ARRivE
[06:15:48] CGK: Yes,I'm here
[06:16:23] CURRENT equilibricConcilate [CEC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
[06:16:23] CEC: \/ oh hello greg
[06:16:47] CGK: Hey Letage.You will be glad to know that the task you asked of me is done
[06:17:01] CEC: \/ oh the needle?
[06:17:05] CEC: \/ thank you
[06:17:09] CUA: whAt
[06:17:12] CGK: Glad to help
[06:17:21] CEC: \/ shush its one of the contraptions he activated
[06:17:29] CUA: oh AlRiGht
[06:17:42] CUA: so ANywAy
[06:17:45] CGK: Could have done without the near death thing..but thats my fault no yours
[06:18:10] CGK: What seems to be the problem?
[06:18:15] CEC: \/ hmm yeah i could have warned you
[06:18:15] CEC: \/ apologies
[06:18:30] CUA: how up to dAtE ARE you oN thE fRiENdEvENts thAt ARE cuRRENtly tAkiNG plAcE
[06:19:02] CUA: likE coNNoR dyiNG ANd shit
[06:19:21] CGK: For the first,no need Letage,I was glad to help you two.And to the friends thing,Letage mentioned the Connor thing...
[06:19:53] CUA: ok Good
[06:19:55] CGK: But I figured we had a bigger problem.You two know about the Black Queen situation?
[06:20:10] CEC: \/ you mean her broadcast and ultimatum?
[06:20:14] CGK: Yes
[06:20:22] CEC: \/ we are aware of that yes
[06:20:33] CUA: fuckEd up sEssioN you Guys ARE iN yEEsh
[06:20:58] CGK: Good,saves me time having to explain it as time is something we seem to be running low on...not to be rude of course
[06:21:00] CEC: \/ does this pose a problem?
[06:21:18] CGK: Fucked up session..I can't comment
[06:21:35] CUA: just tAkE it fRom mE
[06:21:35] CUA: A fuckEd up sEssioN
[06:21:39] CGK: I only know what ours has been like..as to posing a problem...yes
[06:21:45] CGK: A very big problem
[06:22:20] CUA: wEll yEAh i thiNk it is Now
[06:22:26] CEC: \/ subtle illire
[06:22:30] CUA: bitE mE
[06:22:55] CGK: Ok,do I need to...what was it...auspice?..between you two?
[06:23:09] CGK: Because you two fighting is not a good thing right now
[06:23:23] CEC: \/ 0u0
[06:23:24] CUA: fuck No
[06:23:28] CEC: \/ thank you greg but were fine
[06:23:30] CGK: Ok then
[06:23:37] CUA: SO
[06:23:40] CUA: FUCKING
[06:23:40] CUA: ANYWAY
[06:23:43] CUA: ThE poiNt of All this
[06:24:03] CUA: youR fRiENds ARE hEllA fuckEd up ANd you NEEd to do somE mAd thERApistiNG doG
[06:24:52] CGK: What do you mean by "hella fucked up"?
[06:25:07] CUA: wEll fiRst thEREs diRk
[06:25:12] CGK: Granted,Chas was a bit..off..but I doubt I would use that to descibe him
[06:25:17] CEC: \/ ha!
[06:25:26] CEC: \/ yeah hes off alright
[06:25:42] CGK: Ok..I'm going to guess something bad has happened...
[06:25:44] CUA: stop bEiNG A fANGiRl ANd lEt mE tAlk
[06:25:53] CUA: ok ok Go do youR thiNG
[06:25:55] CEC: \/ i will
[06:26:02] CEC: \/ theres been an incident, yes
[06:26:07] CEC: \/ actually
[06:26:07] CEC: \/ two
[06:26:26] CGK: What has happened exactly?
[06:26:38] CEC: \/ firstly he encountered an agent
[06:26:53] CGK: An Agent of Derse?
[06:26:54] CEC: \/ it seems derse has been employing more powerful dersites to counter the heroes of skaia
[06:27:33] CGK: I see...that doesn't sound surprising
[06:27:44] CEC: \/ this one in particular was cruel killing both of the game constructs chas had madly befriended
[06:28:21] CGK: I have been working on the theory that Derse has been holding back...and wait..didn't he get on my case for trying to NOT kill? :/
[06:28:54] CUA: yEAh but thEREs this wEiRd bullshit of thEm 'sEEiNG thE liGht'
[06:29:29] CGK: Makes sense I guess.He is the heir of light..but anyway,sorry,please continue
[06:29:41] CEC: \/ he actually convinced them to be his allies a while back
[06:29:49] CEC: \/ he combatted the agent which was a terribly brutal fight
[06:30:00] CGK: For him or the agent?
[06:30:01] CEC: \/ chas was wounded pretty badly and he did something
[06:30:04] CEC: \/ both
[06:30:15] CEC: \/ though chas certainly got the worse part of it
[06:30:17] CGK: I'm afraid to ask...but what did he do?
[06:30:24] CEC: \/ i dont exactly know
[06:30:40] CEC: \/ the conversation with his sprite after it called it grimdarkness
[06:30:55] CGK: Grimdarkness?
[06:31:05] CEC: \/ yes
[06:31:22] CUA: its somE bullshit tERm foR thE dARk ARts i thiNk
[06:31:38] CGK: Dark Arts?Like black magic?
[06:31:44] CUA: kiNdA
[06:31:55] CGK: I see..thats..worrying
[06:32:01] CUA: it comEs fRom thE hoRRoRtERRoRs fRom bEyoNd dERsE
[06:32:02] CEC: \/ quite
[06:32:09] CEC: \/ after this his sprite left him
[06:32:19] CGK: Ok..there is the horrorterror word again..
[06:32:29] CUA: whAt About it
[06:32:32] CGK: Not to be rude..but I feel thats important
[06:32:57] CGK: What are these horrorterrors exactly?
[06:33:19] CUA: thEyRE GiANt fuckoff Gods liviNG iN pARAdox spAcE
[06:33:21] CUA: wEll Not ExActly liviNG
[06:33:24] CUA: but you GEt thE poiNt
[06:33:37] CGK: I,uh,see
[06:33:54] CGK: What..do they want exactly?
[06:34:06] CUA: duNNo
[06:34:17] CUA: As fAR As i cAN tEll thEyRE just thERE
[06:34:21] CUA: Not doiNG much
[06:34:26] CGK: Strangely,that answer doesn't surprise me
[06:34:32] CUA: hAssliNG ANd hoRNswoGGliNG thE plAyERs
[06:35:13] CEC: \/ normally only the derse players hear them though
[06:35:23] CUA: yEAh wEll chAs hAsNt ExActly bEEN A pARAGoN of liGht
[06:35:26] CGK: So why is Chas hearing them?
[06:35:28] CEC: \/ true
[06:35:47] CUA: wEll skAiA AlREAdy cAllEd him out oNcE foR bEiNG A dick
[06:35:54] CUA: cuttiNG his EyEs out Ect
[06:35:57] CGK: It can do that?
[06:36:05] CGK: Wait..cut his eyes out?!?!
[06:36:06] CEC: \/ apparently
[06:36:17] CUA: oh hAsNt shE told you
[06:36:19] CGK: What have I been missing???
[06:36:24] CEC: \/ i couldve sworn i did
[06:36:31] CEC: \/ did i not tell you? seriously?
[06:36:40] CGK: Universe frog thing,yes,eye gouging no
[06:37:17] CGK: But ignoring that for now
[06:37:17] CEC: \/ ...whoops
[06:37:21] CUA: skAiA foRcEd chAs to GivE up his siGht bEcAusE hEs bEEN ActiNG likE A RAGiNG douchE
[06:37:38] CEC: \/ yes there are more immediate dangers
[06:37:49] CGK: Part of me wants to argue that in someway Illire...but I can't
[06:38:25] CUA: yEAh wEll EvERyoNE AGREEs with you
[06:38:56] CUA: hEll EvEN his GRANdfAthER-bE-spRitE lEft him
[06:39:19] CGK: Better then them thinking I'm trying to take some imaginary leadership title..and his sprite left?
[06:39:35] CUA: yup
[06:39:58] CEC: \/ it is a part of the game though
[06:39:58] CUA: likE fuck it is
[06:39:58] CEC: \/ shaddap
[06:39:58] CEC: \/ at a certain point your sprite leaves you
[06:40:11] CGK: ..What?...D:
[06:40:34] CEC: \/ because else you would be relying on it too much
[06:41:03] CGK: I..I guess...but...but..I don't wanna lose Lily D:
[06:41:40] CEC: \/ this is an unavoidable thing
[06:42:03] CGK: :(
[06:42:18] CGK: That doesn't mean I have to like it
[06:42:36] CGK: But here and the now.....
[06:43:34] CGK: What do you think I could do for Chas?He barely talks to me.Hell you would have a better change Letage
[06:45:01] CEC: \/ its not really losing as much as letting go
[06:45:19] CUA: pARt of GRowiNG up bRo
[06:45:38] CGK: That doesn't make it any easier :(
[06:45:47] CUA: RiGht i hAvE somE iNfo About diRk
[06:45:48] CUA: but i mAy oR mAy Not hAvE GottEN this iNfo bEhiNd his bAck
[06:46:05] CGK: ..What info?
[06:46:06] CEC: \/ well
[06:46:06] CEC: \/ werent you the confidant of the group preskaia
[06:46:06] CUA: oh suRE just fuckiNG iGNoRE mE
[06:46:06] CEC: \/ shush this is important
[06:46:28] CUA: wEll i kiNdA Got this fRom bEtA-diRk
[06:46:42] CUA: ANd AlphA doEs Not kNow this
[06:46:45] CUA: ANd this is pREtty fuckiNG pERsoNAl shit RiGht hERE
[06:46:55] CGK: Not to be rude to either of you,but we can worry about me later...What is is Illire?
[06:47:18] CEC: \/ apparently he had a thing for beth
[06:47:29] CUA: GoddAmNit
[06:47:32] CUA: thERE GoEs my REvElAtioN
[06:47:35] CGK: That..doesn't surprise me
[06:47:43] CUA: wAit it doEsNt
[06:47:47] CEC: \/ 0_0 it doesnt?
[06:48:00] CGK: Only girl in our group
[06:48:22] CEC: \/ yes but
[06:48:23] CEC: \/ i mean
[06:48:36] CEC: \/ they had no chemistry whatsoever
[06:48:41] CEC: \/ barely talked even
[06:48:49] CGK: And?
[06:49:05] CGK: Love works in mysterious ways
[06:49:09] CUA: hAvE you bEEN fuckiNG spyiNG oN thEm lEtAGE
[06:49:17] CUA: GoiNG bAck bEfoRE skAiA to sEE whAt thEyRE up to
[06:49:33] CEC: \/ uh
[06:49:54] CEC: \/ no
[06:50:11] CGK: Ok,this is very out in the open,and I'm sorry Letage..but I have to ask
[06:50:12] CUA: sick
[06:50:18] CGK: Do you have a thing for Chas?
[06:50:39] CEC: \/ 0_0
[06:50:47] CUA: oh comE oN wE All fuckiNG kNow you do
[06:51:01] CGK: I am sorry about that Letage
[06:51:09] CEC: \/ its ok
[06:51:28] CEC: \/ me waxing red for chas has been a general fact for quite some time i guess
[06:51:46] CEC: \/ but i had thought that with the argument we had i had kind of scared him away
[06:51:58] CGK: Yes,what every waxing red is...
[06:52:08] CGK: You could just...tell him
[06:52:24] CEC: \/ like he is now? he would probably just kill me to get rid of the hassle
[06:52:53] CGK: Yeah,probably...thought last I check..you guys are far away from us
[06:53:07] CGK: So atleast if he wants to kill you,you have time to plan
[06:53:31] CGK: But you should just ignore me.I'm just the guy who reads books.What do I know? :/
[06:53:52] CUA: ok so ENouGh of thE sAppy Gossip
[06:53:55] CUA: diRk Also hAs A thiNG foR lEtAGE AppARENtly
[06:54:20] CGK: I'm just going to repeat what I said about Beth and say that doesn't surprise me
[06:54:25] CEC: \/ 8-8 what
[06:54:33] CEC: \/ are you kidding me
[06:54:42] CEC: \/ how are you so clairvoyant on romances greg
[06:54:47] CGK: No
[06:55:06] CGK: You are the only girl among us
[06:55:41] CGK: I would be surprised if I was the only one not in love with you..
[06:55:53] CUA: shE pRobAbly foRGot thAt humANs ARE fuckiNG wEiRd whEN it comEs to GENdERs
[06:56:08] CEC: \/ oh yes that was still a thing
[06:56:17] CGK: No offense Letage,but I'm kinda focus on not dieing
[06:57:09] CUA: ok wERE GoiNG to spEEd thRouGh thE impoRtANt pARts thEN
[06:57:22] CGK: Very well,time is running short\
[06:57:28] CUA: diRk ANd chAs fouGht ANd diRk is Now lAyiNG fAcE dowN iNto A pool of his owN blood
[06:57:33] CUA: chAs is Also blEEdiNG out somEwhERE
[06:57:41] CGK: O_O
[06:57:50] CUA: Rich is tAkiNG his jEtpAck to hElp out chAs i AssumE
[06:58:01] CGK: ...I.....uh....wha....uh..
[06:58:22] CGK: What?!?!?!?
[06:58:44] CUA: chAs wAs hEllA GRimdARk ANd diRk wANtEd to stop him fRom...ActuAlly im fuckiNG coNfusEd why
[06:58:54] CUA: it is just A thiNG thAt hAppENEd
[06:59:00] CGK: Your telling me!!
[06:59:11] CGK: I have no idea what the hell!!
[06:59:22] CUA: yEAh youvE bEEN kiNdA outtA thE loop huh
[06:59:30] CGK: So it would seem
[06:59:36] CEC: \/ on the plus side, xavier is doing really well
[06:59:50] CGK: Well,thats,uh,good
[07:00:03] CGK: Least we aren't ALL trying to kill each other
[07:00:23] CEC: \/ take what you can get
[07:00:48] CGK: Yeah...
[07:01:23] CUA: so thAt wAs pREtty much it
[07:01:35] CGK: I..uh..I have no idea what to do to be honest
[07:01:45] CUA: wEll
[07:01:47] CUA: fuck
[07:01:58] CEC: \/ first thing you need to do is not die, obviously
[07:02:05] CGK: I have had to deal with fights..but this..this is something a bit more extreme
[07:02:36] CGK: And ya,kinda working on that Letage.Nearly failed there for a minute...ok not the time for a bad joke
[07:02:55] CUA: youvE bEEN pREtty AwEsomE with youR spAcEpowERs thouGh dudE
[07:03:28] CGK: Thanks..I guess? Sorry,this has been a very up and down talk
[07:04:16] CGK: Ok,I don't know what to really do..but I can try..But I will need both of you to help
[07:04:17] CUA: Eh
[07:04:30] CEC: \/ alright we will help
[07:04:35] CGK: Thank you
[07:04:51] CEC: \/ so what is it exactly what is required of us?
[07:04:52] CGK: Understand I'm not forcing you to help..either of you
[07:05:07] CUA: i Am bEiNG foRcEd
[07:05:17] CGK: No you aren't
[07:05:21] CEC: \/ yeah he is
[07:05:23] CEC: \/ by me
[07:05:31] CEC: \/ 8P
[07:05:32] CGK: No he is not Letage
[07:05:40] CGK: This is HIS choice
[07:05:47] CGK: I don't mean to sound like a jerk
[07:05:48] CUA: NAh mAN tAkE it EAsy wERE kiNdA kiddiNG
[07:05:56] CGK: Oh..uh..sorry
[07:06:03] CUA: Go AhEAd mAN whAt do you NEEd us to do
[07:06:09] CGK: Ok,uh,well
[07:06:20] CGK: I will need help to run interfence
[07:06:43] CGK: Letage,I need you to speak with Chas as you are the best chance at getting something out of him
[07:07:01] CEC: \/ can do
[07:07:08] CEC: \/ though he might be asleep now im not sure
[07:07:30] CGK: Depending on rate of blood loss I would agree
[07:08:11] CGK: I need you to also speak with Dirk latter when things have calmed down a bit
[07:08:29] CEC: \/ um
[07:08:32] CEC: \/ ok i can do that
[07:08:51] CGK: If they both have a crush on you,it would probably be for the best
[07:09:11] CGK: Illire,I need you to speak with Rich and get his take on things.
[07:09:31] CUA: Rich
[07:09:32] CUA: ok
[07:09:40] CUA: i thiNk i tAlkEd to him bEfoRE
[07:09:41] CGK: And I ask that you alert Xavier to the situation.We need everyone on the same page
[07:10:07] CUA: Aw hEll yEAh
[07:10:12] CUA: i GEt to buRst his hAppy bubblE
[07:10:14] CGK: We need to stand together,not fall apart
[07:10:38] CGK: ..and you sound a bit to happy about that..ok nevermind...just don't break him please
[07:11:13] CGK: And also
[07:11:22] CUA: NAh i woNt do ANythiNG too bAd
[07:12:01] CGK: If you two believe in any kind of God,you may wish to start hoping for a miracle...because we sure as hell could use one
[07:13:03] CGK: Also,I ask that if new developments occur that you bring it my attention asap
[07:13:05] CEC: \/ mhm
[07:13:25] CUA: im GoiNG to GoddAmN stick my hANds iNto thE GREEN suN itsElf ANd pull out A GoddAmN fREshly foRGEd vAt of AwEsomE
[07:13:26] CEC: \/ can do
[07:13:38] CGK: Thats the spirit
[07:13:56] CGK: Oh what ever the troll equivalent is
[07:14:39] CGK: I thank you both for your help
[07:14:42] CGK: It means alot
[07:15:35] CGK: I want you both to know that at no point have I lied about wanting to help you two
[07:16:45] CUA: yEAh spiRit will do
[07:16:48] CEC: \/ it is no problem
[07:16:51] CUA: fuck Rich is AN EllusivE bAstARd
[07:16:54] CEC: \/ i think that you are the only person in this team who would say that and actually mean it
[07:16:59] CEC: \/ what will you be doing
[07:17:14] CGK: Well I do consider you both friends...and as for me
[07:17:34] CGK: I think the White Queen needs to be informed..and I feel like I need a rest
[07:18:00] CUA: how loNG uNtil youR plAN hAppENs AGAiN
[07:18:21] CGK: Well,its kinda in pieces right now,so things have to change
[07:18:32] CGK: We went from 17 hours to less then 12
[07:18:53] CEC: \/ should be enough to get everyone sorted out i hope
[07:19:05] CGK: Me too Letage
[07:19:17] CGK: Infighting is not going to help
[07:19:24] CGK: Its only going to make things worse
[07:20:10] CUA: tRuE mAN
[07:20:15] CUA: wE lost bEcAusE of iNfiGhtiNG :\
[07:20:47] CGK: But you see what happens when you work together?You can do amazing things
[07:21:23] CUA: so fAR ivE sEEN A couplE of Guys GEttiNG killEd
[07:21:27] CUA: i Am Not yEt impREssEd
[07:21:42] CEC: \/ ok i kicked him across the room
[07:21:42] CGK: Well lets hope that can change
[07:21:52] CEC: \/ he will not be responding for a while
[07:22:04] CGK: And uh you may wish to not do that to much
[07:22:23] CEC: \/ oh he can take it, no worries
[07:22:25] CGK: A pissed Illire is not a good thing right now
[07:22:59] CGK: But unless you two need anything else,I should do what I need to do
[07:23:09] CEC: \/ i think that would be best
[07:23:13] CEC: \/ stay safe greg
[07:23:26] CGK: I ask the same of you Letage.Both of you.
[07:23:34] CGK ceased responding to memo.

Ok,things have gone from bad to worse.But you won't focus on that.You trust Illire and Letage to do their parts,so now you need to do yours.

You stand up again,with Lily's help and say Lily,bad things are happening.My friends are at each others throats and the White Queen needs to be informed of what the Black Queen is up to.I am going to try something.Pray that it works.

You take Lily's hand and focus on your home,trying to push all your Spacy Power to take both of you home.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: As you exit your bed in what might be the most painful method possible, you hear the flutter of extravagant clothing being flung about in an incredibly dramatic manner. A cheerful, feminine voice pipes up excitedly, "I'm the Mischievous Housebreaker!"

Afterwards, a gleeful male voice speaks, "And I'm the Illogical Draftee! Nice to meet you!

"...So, what's your name?"


VS: Ah, hey Dirk! Have a good nap?
SS: =|==> Um... no, not exactly. But I think that is a conversation that might need to wait. What are those sirens?
VS: Oh, those. Those would be the "all aboard" signals.
VS: I think we're about to launch an attack on Derse or something.
SS: =|==> OK, well, I have a job for you if that's OK. As in, a REALLY important one.
VS: Sounds important. What's up?
SS: =|==> Did everyone on Prospit hear the Black Queen's announcement? About me and the other heroes' families?
VS: Um... No?
SS: =|==> Well, they have captured them.
SS: =|==> They are being held hostage on Derse.
VS: What? That's terrible!
SS: =|==> I know. And that's why I need your help to save them. But it may involve... some SLIGHT treason.
VS: ...I don't think I like where this is going.
SS: =|==> If all of those ships are leaving, I need you to do me a favor. I need you to commandeer one, however you see fit, and keep it out of the attack.
VS: Well, I would, but I'm kind of supposed to stay here. I don't really like fighting that much.
SS: =|==> Get some help then. I read up on some of your friends. PS, PI, and AD. Get their help if you need to.
SS: =|==> I know it's not your style but you're my only friend here, and I need your help if I'm going to save everybody.
SS: =|==> I've got a feeling this attack isn't going to work.
VS: Sigh... you had to play the friend card, didn't you? Curses, my only weakness!
VS: Okay, not really. I've got all kinds of weaknesses. Especially donuts.
SS: =|==> Thank you so much! OK, look, what I need you to do is take that ship and keep it hidden. Bring anybody who's willing to pull off a giant middle-finger mission against Derse.
SS: =|==> Not long from now, about 12 hours I'd guess, the other heroes and I are going to attempt our own rescue mission.
SS: =|==> And when we get our families we need a way out.
SS: =|==> I need you to get that ship to Derse when we need it so we can all escape.
VS: Alright, I might be able to help out. But, I've got one condition:
SS: =|==> Name it.
VS: Promise me you won't kill anybody.
SS: =|==> That is going to be... difficult in a warzone. But OK. I won't kill anyone.
VS: Look, if you have to fight, or even injure someone, then I understand. But please, please don't kill them.
VS: Life is something precious; you shouldn't take it away from anyone.
SS: =|==> I think Life might be more my friend's territory. But I get what you're saying.
SS: =|==> If that's what it takes to save my sister, I'll find a way.
VS: Thank you.
VS: Alright, I'll see what I can do. I think a couple friends of mine recently showed up; they'll probably help out.
SS: =|==> And thank you.
SS: =|==> And I need to find some way to get back to my other body. I think I have a lot of work cut out for me.
VS: Can't you just fall asleep? Isn't that what you did last time?
SS: =|==> Yeah... but I think I bled out in my other body, not fell asleep.
SS: =|==> I'm not quite sure what will happen if I force myself awake from that.
SS: =|==> I need to get in contact with my friends. Are there any computers on Prospit?
VS: Yeah, I think so... you might want to check out the Labs.
SS: =|==> All right, thanks again man. I think I need to get moving.
VS: Or, the Princes' towers might have some. I think I heard a rumor awhile back about weird technology in there.
VS: Yeah, go right ahead. I'll try and get that ship, I suppose.
SS: =|==> You have no idea how much that means to me. Thank you.
VS: You're welcome. And remember, Love and Peace!
SS: =|==> Love and Peace.
VS: Love and Peace.
SS: =|==> *Dirk dashes away*
VS: Hmm... Where did those guys get to...

>Future Dirk (The one who currently is on LORAL):
-- studiousSchemer [SS] began pestering kaminaSprite [KS] at 21:23 --
SS: Hey, bro.
KS: Hey little bro. What's up?
SS: Not a whole lot. Trying to keep our session from falling apart.
SS: *Glances down at alpha Dirk*
SS: Of course, this guy keeps trying to fuck everything up.
KS: Yeah, looks like it.
SS: You might want to heal him. Looks like he's lost a lot of blood.
KS: Already did.
SS: Oh, good. So I'm guessing you saw what happened, then?
KS: I think I did. Past you got his ass kicked by that one kid with the sporks, right?
KS: That wasn't just me dreaming or something, right? That actually happened?
SS: Yeah, it happened.
SS: Shouldn't have, though.
KS: I'll say.
SS: If he'd just let Snake Eyes take the hit, he'd have won that fight hands down.
KS: Don't leave comrades to die.
KS: That's not the way a man fights.
SS: Of course not. But you were right there to heal him.
SS: That's the problem with Alpha me.
SS: He's got the heart, but no brains.
KS: Brains are overblown. They're not that big a deal.
KS: You just need a couple fists and a sword.
SS: And he's got those. Look where it got him.
SS: I'm not saying he has to stop being who he is. But if he'd just give some damn thought to his actions...
KS: ...Maybe you're right.
KS: Alright, so what's the plan then?
SS: Chas wouldn't be out tearing up the Medium with his grimdark shit. He'd at worst be here, properly restrained, or at best back to his old self.
SS: The plan?
SS: Unchanged, for the most part.
SS: We wait for Dirk to wake up, and we send him to a very special place.
KS: Alright, sounds like fun.
SS: A place guaranteed to throw his ass to the top of his echeladder in enough time to save Chas and our families on Derse.
KS: Straight to the top of his echeladder, huh?
SS: Yeah. We're fresh out of time for dicking around.
KS: Well, I can think of one way to do that. It ain't gonna be easy though. Hell, might even kill him if he's not ready.
SS: He'll be ready. Just give him the right motivation and that idiot will bring down the heavens if he has to.
KS: He doesn't need to bring the heavens down. He just needs to reach their height.
SS: Even better. Are you thinking where I'm thinking..?
KS: Up and up. Straight to the Eighth Gate.
SS: Damn straight.
KS: The sprite part of me says that's a very, VERY bad idea.
SS: Of course it is.
SS: But everything about this game is a bad idea.
KS: But what the hell is the point of living if you can't go up against some impossible odds?
SS: Exactly. If we want Alpha me at his full potential he can't be afraid to take on one measly demigod.
KS: Heh, I take it you never met Daedalus yourself?
SS: That's not... entirely true. I caught a glimpse of him.
SS: But by that time I was pretty much just super-sprinting through my land as it fell to pieces.
KS: Yeah, that'll make it kind of hard to concentrate.
SS: But by this point I don't think he's that much weaker than me.
SS: And I'm almost certain I could have taken him with all my best gear.
SS: So Alpha me can too.
KS: Damn right.
SS: Anyways, I guess all we can do now is wait for him to wake up.
KS: Hmm... well, I'm gonna take a nap.
SS: All right, bro. Good luck with that. I think I'll forgo sleep for now.
SS: Gonna be getting a hell of a lot of it pretty shortly...
KS: Hey, if it's any consolation, death's not the end.
SS: Seems kind of unlikely, to be honest... but thanks.
KS: No problem kid. Wake me he's up.
SS: I will.


>Rich: Well, as has already been proven, the Medium is not, in fact, a mere void of matter. Rather, it is comprised entirely of pure, 100% INTERNET. Which, of course, you can breathe (Internet is made of 58% oxygen)

Anyway, long story short: Land of Ruins and Legends, towering pile of walls and stairs that is known as Dirk's house, and a few miles away from there lies a passed out guy with a blood-stained suit and fedora.

Let the shenanigans commence.


>Greg: Using the power provided by your SPRITE's natural energy, you are able to teleport the two of you halfway across the Medium, back to the Land of Castles and Frogs. Things seem to be in pretty decent order.


>Xavier: Sadly, TEDDYSPRITE cannot hear you, as you do not yet possess your SPRITE's pendant, and are nowhere near your Land.

Blargh, sorry about the low-content post. Life is kind of crazy, including broken down cars, depressed friends, looming deadlines, etc. But, I figured I should get something up tonight.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Head toward the Labs

Realizing that time is not a luxury you really have access to, you dash to the PROSPITIAN LABS in an attempt to find a working computer to contact your friends. If you're lucky, you might be able to coordinate a FORCED WAKING without sending your other body into shock.

>Future Dirk: Be observing Xavier

You haven't really felt a need to intervene yet. You're most there to observe, protect, and potentially TALK if your friend feels like it. You won't have long before you have to leave, though. You have a lot to take care of once your alpha self meets up with Chas again...

>Dirk-F2: Blackjack

You take out a DECK OF CARDS and offer to play a few rounds of your FAVORITE CARD GAME with Kaminasprite while you wait for Alpha Dirk to wake up.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
>Xavier: :(
Ah well. You'll see him when you see him.

>Xavier: Sleep
You take your PIMP MONTHLY magazine and use it as a pillow, then you try to drift off.


New member
Sep 2, 2009

Fueled by the inexhaustible energy source that is mutual-fate-rejection-induced BROSHIP, you locate Chas, sprawled out on the ground, lying in a pool of crimson blood. He appears to be sleeping.

>Rich: Attempt to wake up Chas.

You POKE him a few times. He fails to react. You ask him whether he's awake. He is silent.

>Rich: Violently accost Chas.

You SLAP him a few times. He begins to react. You ask him whether he's awake. He is relieved to see you.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Dirk: Unsurprisingly, you're able to locate the PROSPITIAN LABS without too much trouble. The Palace may be a complex, sprawling mess of hallways and stairwells, but it does have several very informative signs and maps posted every so often. So, alright, yeah. You're able to travel to the LABS fairly quickly.

Upon making it to said LABS, you quickly shove your way through the doors, entering the main area. You're greeted by a rather curious set-up; rows upon rows of vials and test-tubes litter the tops of several enormous tables, intermixed with various machines, papers and files, and the occasional lab assistant trying to catch a few winks. In addition, you spot a large set of strange, liquid-filled pods, occupied by vague silhouettes. Some are about your size, while others are simply massive, easily twenty times your height.

But hey, who cares about all that SCIENCE STUFF? You spot a COMPUTER among all the detritus, and quickly log onto a guest account.

You then realize that this probably wasn't the best of ideas. Granted, while PESTERCHUM may have been one of the most popular IM clients back on Earth, easily beating out competitors such as BETTYBOTHER and AIM, you're kind of in another universe right now. The odds of them having the same program, or even compatible software has to be astronomical. You can't believe you thought this would work.

However, you do note that the computer does have SQUIDDLECHUM installed.


>Xavier: You know, magazines make for oddly comfortable head-resting-places. In fact, lying down in the middle of nowhere is incredibly comfortable. The sun-warmed sand filling your body with a pleasant heat, the gentle swish of the incoming tide, the quiet caw of a few solitary seagulls... yeah, this is nice. This is really, really nice.

You soon drift into slumber's sweet embrace.

>Dream Xavier: Have surroundings stop being nice. Okay, let's see here. Room on fire? Check. Pillar of smoke rising from somewhere on Derse, over the horizon? Check. A series of blue and red flashing lights tearing through the streets far below you? Check. The sound of a barely understandable voice crackling over a PA system, shouting something about escaped prisoners and coordinates? Check.

Yeah, things are getting kind of interesting.


>Rich and Chas: Hello, and welcome to SBURB's MONTAGE SELECTION SCREEN! We're here to provide you with only the best options in terms of your montage's content, location, and musical accompaniment; your satisfaction is all we crave.

First, please select the type of montage you would like to experience:
1. Sports training
2. Romantic relationship
3. Traveling
4. Level grinding

Next, please select your location of choice:
1. Ruined castle
2. Flower filled meadow
3. Desert oasis
4. 1000 story tower
5. Secret underground prison
6. ATM queue
7. All of the above

Finally, please select the musical piece to complete your experience!

Of course, if any of these options or choices do not meet your standards, feel free to substitute in any of your own.

Thank you for using SBURB's MONTAGE SELECTIONS SCREEN! We hope that you enjoy your upcoming session.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Fuuuuuck

You HATE SQUIDDLECHUM. Hate hate hate it. You want to find a Squiddle and MURDER it right now. Still, you guess it's the only thing you can use at the moment. You replicate your normal username of STABSSALESMAN and attempt to figure out how this incomprehensible program lets you find contacts. In the off-chance you do, you will attempt to message KAMINASPRITE.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Find yourself back in LoCaF

You have to admit to yourself,you are glad to be back here in LoCaF.Atleast here no one will laugh at you for being a Knight.You hope.

You return to the SALAMANDER'S OUTPOST,with a little help from Lily and a bit of Spacy Powers,and use the RETURN NODE there to return to your HOME.

Of course you let Lily go before you.Its only proper for a Knight to let a lady go first.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
>Xavier: Make a plan
Shit, shit, shit! No times for plans! Now is the time for action!

>Xavier: Do something action-y
You grab your DREAM KNIFE and stuff it into your DERSITE POCKET, then grab your DREAM SHEETS to protect yourself from the fire and jump out the window. You quickly dash into a nearby alley-way.

>Xavier: Address yourself
Welp! You survived!

You chuckle to yourself, but it only sounds like a cough.

You made it pass soot, raging pyrotechnics, and an assassination attempt, and you fucking survived!

A full fledged laughs, but then it evolves into another, harder than the last.

Goddammit! This had been quite the ordeal, you had many t-*Mental cough*-ough moments, pulled through!

You pause.

You have no idea how to end this internal monologue...Heh, uh, why don't agree to yourself you never look back on that tower again, ever.

>Xavier: Status check
Your OK for the most part, you pat out embers still linger on your clothes, but your clothes are completely covered in soot, though.

>Xavier: Have an idea
Wait, of course!

You wipe the soot on your face, cover all but your face with the sheet and head down the street. The perfect disguise!

>Waffles: Stop making Shenanigans references


New member
Sep 2, 2009
>Rich: Vote for Level-Grinding montage, All of the Above, with "You Need a Montage". Have "Eye of the Tiger" be a close second.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Talk to Kaminasprite

You're not on the computer for ten seconds before you are contacted by your BROSPRITE. You preempt him in starting the conversation, though.

[19:16] -- kaminaSprite [KS] began pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 19:16 --
[19:16] SS: =|==> Kamina! There you are!
[19:17] KS: Oh, hey little bro. You found a computer?
[19:17] SS: =|==> Yeah, there's a huge lab up here.
[19:18] KS: Oh, perfect! Did you have any trouble infiltrating the Palace?
[19:18] SS: =|==> Infiltrating?
[19:18] SS: =|==> Oh!
[19:18] SS: =|==> No. I'm on Prospit. They let me in.
[19:19] KS: Really? Huh, well what'd you know.
[19:19] KS: Well, that's cool.
[19:19] KS: Oh, before I forget, you don't have to worry about bleeding out anytime soon.
[19:19] KS: Got you all patched up.
[19:20] SS: =|==> Oh good. Thanks, bro. It was really worrying wondering if I'd try to wake up and find myself dead or something.
[19:21] KS: Nah, not yet. You've got plenty of life left!
[19:21] SS: =|==> Well, then... I guess I should probably wake up then, right?
[19:22] KS: If you don't want to do anything in that body, then yeah, go ahead.
[19:22] KS: We've got a surprise for you when you get back.
[19:22] SS: =|==> Normally I would love surprises.
[19:22] SS: =|==> But I've learned better by now.
[19:23] KS: Well, too bad. Not spoiling it.
[19:23] SS: =|==> Damn.
[19:24] KS: Alright fine.
[19:25] KS: We're going to toss your body through the Eighth Gate if you don't wake up soon.
[19:25] KS: Should be fun!
[19:25] SS: =|==> Wait.
[19:25] SS: =|==> WHAT.
[19:25] KS: Nope, not waiting.
[19:25] SS: =|==> Whose idea was that?!
[19:25] KS: Yours.
[19:25] KS: Well, Future You's.
[19:26] KS: But, I'm fairly certain it's a good one!
[19:26] KS: Like, 56% sure.
[19:27] SS: =|==> ...Yeah. Figures that dick would be responsible.
[19:27] SS: =|==> All right, fine, just hold up a minute, I'm going to wake up right now.
[19:27] SS: =|==> I want to know what I'm in for before you assholes toss me behind enemy lines.
[19:27] KS: Alright, better hurry up.
[19:27] KS: See you in a bit then.
[19:28] SS: =|==> Right. See you in something like twenty seconds.
[19:47] -- kaminaSprite [KS] ceased pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 19:47 --

You drop yourself to the floor and lean up against the wall. Curiously, you feel somebody place a blanket over your body. You attempt to thank whoever it is, but instead you fall asleep immediately, and wake up to find yourself back in your land. This time, though, your BETA SELF is there with your SPRITE waiting for you.

Also there is an awful aching in your side.

[19:47] KS: Hey, good to see you made it!
[19:47] SS: =|==> Welp.
[19:47] SS: =|==> That is definitely a stab wound in my torso.
[19:47] KS: Indeed it is.
[19:48] KS: Gonna have a scar there.
[19:48] SS: =|==> At least I don't have to get a metal replacement this time.
[19:49] KS: Yeah, I don't do internal surgery too well...
[19:49] KS: Things get a bit messy.
[19:49] KS: Well, anyway, let's get you going!
[19:49] SS: =|==> As long as I can fight.
[19:49] SS: =|==> I can still fight, right?
[19:50] KS: Can you move?
[19:50] SS: =|==> Help me up, let's find out.
[19:50] KS: *Grabs Dirk's hand, yanks him up.
[19:50] SS: =|==> OHSHIT
[19:50] SS: =|==> *Dirk grips his side and clenches his teeth*
[19:50] SS: =|==> Yeah wow that is going to hurt.
[19:50] SS: =|==> But, I think I'll make it.
[19:51] KS: Hmm... I don't think we have any painkillers. Yeah, looks like you'll just have to deal with it.
[19:51] KS: Right, so here's a jetpack. Go ahead and put that on; you're gonna need it.
[19:53] SS: =|==> OK.
[19:53] SS: =|==> *Dirk straps on the jetpack*
[19:53] SS: =|==> This thing is heavy. What did you make it out of?
[19:53] KS: Painium.
[19:53] KS: The strongest metal known to man.
[19:53] SS: =|==> And apparently the *urgh* heaviest.
[19:53] KS: Well, yeah.
[19:54] KS: Now, do you see all those Gates, way up there?
[19:54] SS: =|==> Yep. Hard to miss that shiny shit.
[19:55] KS: You're gonna want to fly through the very top one, the Eighth Gate.
[19:55] KS: And it'll take you... somewhere, I guess.
[19:55] SS: =|==> Even you don't know?
[19:56] KS: Well, I know who you'll find. I just don't what else you will.
[19:59] SS: =|==> Ah. So it's been Daedalus all along, right?
[19:59] SS: =|==> That old man I met when I went into the past?
[19:59] KS: Yep! Good guess.
[20:00] SS: =|==> Damn.
[20:01] SS: =|==> I was hoping it wasn't, there was something really, really wrong about that guy.
[20:01] SS: =|==> I have no idea what kind of power he's got.
[20:01] KS: Oh, it's been, what, a thousand years since you last saw him?
[20:01] KS: I'm sure he's all old and weak and stuff. You'll be fine.
[20:02] SS: =|==> But he was already an old man! He's probably only gotten stronger!
[20:02] SS: =|==> WAIT.
[20:02] SS: =|==> I just had an idea.
[20:02] KS: Oh? What's that?
[20:02] SS: =|==> Kamina, since I'm the Mentor of Time, I have power over Time naturally, right?
[20:03] KS: To a certain extent, yeah.
[20:03] SS: =|==> So are my powers completely restricted by my motifs and my gear?
[20:03] SS: =|==> Or can I exert a bit of creative force with them?
[20:04] KS: Dirk, a man's strength is never as great as his armor or weapons.
[20:05] KS: If you push yourself hard enough, then there's probably very little that you can't do.
[20:05] SS: =|==> In that case... maybe Daedalus' current age is irrelevant.
[20:07] SS: =|==> I think I know what I need to do now.
[20:08] KS: Well. Alright then.
[20:10] SS: =|==> In case I don't see you again before the big moment... thanks for everything, bro.
[20:11] KS: Hey, you'll pull through buddy!
[20:11] KS: Remember, just believe.
[20:11] SS: =|==> ...
[20:12] SS: =|==> OK!
[20:12] SS: =|==> In that case I challenge you, Kamina!
[20:12] KS: ...
[20:12] SS: =|==> When I get back, I'm going to challenge you to a fight!
[20:12] KS: Tch.
[20:13] KS: Look, you may be tough, but you've got a long way to go before you reach the level of KAMINA!
[20:14] KS: You want to fight me!?
[20:14] KS: They let's do it!
[20:14] SS: =|==> But...
[20:14] SS: =|==> I can't yet.
[20:14] SS: =|==> Not until I know my sister is safe.
[20:14] KS: Heh. I guess I can wait a bit then.
[20:15] KS: But if you die on me...
[20:15] KS: Well, you'll find out what'll happen.
[20:15] KS: See you in a few hours. Don't come back unless you won.
[20:16] SS: =|==> Hey, same goes for you! Just because I'm trying to save one part of my family doesn't mean I'm gonna let the other go off and get himself killed like an idiot!
[20:20] KS: Hell if I'm gonna die anytime soon!
[20:20] KS: It's gonna take way more than Dersites to finish me off.
[20:21] SS: =|==> Damn straight.
[20:22] SS: =|==> Well... Guess I'd better be going then. Tigers to get, friends to save, queens to slay and all that.
[20:22] KS: You grab those tigers!
[20:23] KS: Oh, and next time you see Chas, give him a punch from me.
[20:23] SS: =|==> Can do, bro. Can do.
[20:24] KS: See ya little bro. Good luck.
[20:24] -- kaminaSprite [KS] ceased pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 20:24 --

You take off into the SKY with your jetpack, heading off for thef inal gate. You're going up for about a minute before Letage springs in to attack with her odd questionings.

[19:26] -- equilibricConcilate [EC] began pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 19:26 --
[19:26] EC: \/ hello
[19:26] SS: =|==> Hey Letage.
[19:27] EC: \/ so
[19:27] EC: \/ not looking good i saw
[19:27] SS: =|==> No, I... I guess not.
[19:27] SS: =|==> You saw everything then?
[19:29] EC: \/ yes i did
[19:29] SS: =|==> Right.
[19:30] EC: \/ quite heroic to sacfice yourself for a companion
[19:30] SS: =|==> Not really. You don't leave a friend to die like that. Ever. It was my only option.
[19:31] EC: \/ just take the compiment dirk 8u8
[19:32] SS: =|==> All right, fine.
[19:32] SS: =|==> So, uh... sorry.
[19:32] EC: \/ for what
[19:33] SS: =|==> I couldn't stop Chas.
[19:34] EC: \/ i think you might have
[19:34] SS: =|==> What do you mean?
[19:34] EC: \/ you did not stopped him here and now but you did certainly do a number on him
[19:35] EC: \/ i think he is incapacitated at this timeframe
[19:35] SS: =|==> Oh. Well, thanks, I guess. But I didn't mean physically stop him.
[19:35] EC: \/ well this is a thing that was neccesairy
[19:36] EC: \/ It might not've been possible to stop him
[19:36] SS: =|==> How does that make any sense? This should have been preventable. The Chas I knew wouldn't just give into the darkness like that.
[19:37] EC: \/ have you met the horrorterrors yet
[19:37] SS: =|==> Maybe. I've heard voices on Derse.
[19:38] EC: \/ chas gave into them i think
[19:38] EC: \/ not true darkness
[19:38] EC: \/ just power from another source
[19:39] SS: =|==> No legitimate power source smells that foul.
[19:39] EC: \/ hmm alright
[19:39] EC: \/ i will take your word on the matter
[19:39] SS: =|==> Like I said to Chas, just because it was a choice doesn't make it the right one.
[19:40] SS: =|==> But I guess I can't really blame him.
[19:40] EC: \/ you cant
[19:40] EC: \/ why not
[19:41] SS: =|==> He's my best friend, and I'm his. We're supposed to support each other, but I got caught up in my own adventures and just left him to handle things on his own.
[19:41] SS: =|==> If I hadn't done that he might still be sane.
[19:42] EC: \/ if you want to blame anything blame the medium
[19:42] EC: \/ it seems that all of this is just a metaphore for growing up and to do this it isolates you from all your companions and takes away all that was safe
[19:42] SS: =|==> I don't like that.
[19:42] SS: =|==> Not one bit.
[19:43] EC: \/ like i said
[19:43] EC: \/ blame it
[19:43] SS: =|==> Learning to stand on your own two feet is something that everyone needs to learn. But no one should ever have to be alone.
[19:43] SS: =|==> I can't blame the medium. Or even if I can, I can't rest on that. Because the medium isn't going to fix anything.
[19:44] SS: =|==> I owe it to Chas, and to you, to get him back to the way he was.
[19:44] EC: \/ and this is exactly the point of all this messaging
[19:44] EC: \/ apart from catching up
[19:44] EC: \/ sorry
[19:44] SS: =|==> Sorry? Why would you be sorry?
[19:45] EC: \/ i do not mean to be rude or impersonal
[19:45] EC: \/ the sole reason of this is not only to relay plans
[19:46] SS: =|==> Oh. Well, all right then.
[19:47] SS: =|==> I guess we haven't really talked in a while, have we?
[19:47] EC: \/ no we have not
[19:47] EC: \/ illire has been getting aquainted with your beta selves
[19:48] EC: \/ but our last conversation was i think back when you were in your first temple on your world
[19:48] SS: =|==> Wow. That really has been a long time. Especially since I've run through the timeline at least twice now.
[19:48] EC: \/ oh no wait
[19:48] EC: \/ when i made such a debacle with chas
[19:49] EC: \/ i talked to you through illire
[19:49] SS: =|==> Oh.
[19:49] SS: =|==> Right.
[19:49] SS: =|==> I had, uh, forgotten about that.
[19:49] EC: \/ mhm
[19:50] SS: =|==> So... I guess I'm about to go fight my denizen.
[19:50] EC: \/ already? wow
[19:51] SS: =|==> Not much time left on the clock.
[19:51] EC: \/ there is always enough time on your clock
[19:51] SS: =|==> If I'm going to get to a high enough level to save all our family on Derse my sprite and beta self decided we need to power level.
[19:51] SS: =|==> They wanted to get it done in one fell swoop.
[19:52] EC: \/ yes that thing on derse is quite the conundrum
[19:52] EC: \/ and its one of the things i would want to discuss with you
[19:52] SS: =|==> OK. What did you want to discuss about it?
[19:53] EC: \/ the medium and its damned metaphore for growing up apparently also tries to seperate you from your guardians
[19:53] EC: \/ in the case of our session
[19:53] EC: \/ they were killed off in the first few hours
[19:54] SS: =|==> I'm sorry. I don't really know what to say.
[19:54] EC: \/ it is okay it happened a long time ago
[19:54] SS: =|==> Still, that's just another thing that shouldn't have happened.
[19:54] EC: \/ or perhaps it should have
[19:55] SS: =|==> You keep saying that sort of thing about this game.
[19:55] SS: =|==> Why are you so accepting of all this?
[19:56] EC: \/ why are you not
[19:56] EC: \/ you must have noticed that certain things MUST come to pass would the timeline stay unfractured
[19:57] EC: \/ at certain parts
[19:57] SS: =|==> Maybe so. But I don't know what those things are, and until the game forces me down the right path I won't accept something as lousy as this.
[19:57] SS: =|==> I love my sister. She scares the shit out of me, but I love her. And I'll be damned if I let some arbitrary code decide she has to die because we share blood.
[19:57] EC: \/ alright i will not try to dispute that
[19:57] EC: \/ i am just trying to say that
[19:58] EC: \/ you might want to steel yourself for what is to come on derse
[19:58] SS: =|==> Maybe. But I find preparing for the worst to be a waste of time.
[19:58] SS: =|==> I'd much rather prepare for the best, and not let anything worse come to pass.
[19:59] EC: \/ did you like beth
[19:59] SS: =|==> What?
[19:59] EC: \/ i am sorry but this question has been on the front of my lobes the entire time
[19:59] EC: \/ did you like her
[19:59] SS: =|==> Well, ok but that seems like a very out of nowhere question!
[19:59] SS: =|==> Where the hell did that come from??
[19:59] EC: \/ illire
[20:00] SS: =|==> And how the fuck would Illire know?? I never told him that!
[20:00] SS: =|==> I mean, I wouldn't have if I had anything to tell.
[20:00] EC: \/ ô_ô
[20:00] EC: \/ so you would have something to tell him which he would have no reason to be told to
[20:01] SS: =|==> Oh god... confusing words... aneurysm. What do you mean??
[20:01] EC: \/ you liked her didnt you
[20:03] SS: =|==> That is not the question we are on right now! Right now I am trying to decipher just how the hell Illire discovered this information of dubious levels of truth!
[20:03] EC: \/ well dummy
[20:03] EC: \/ who else has major personal information about you in their own head
[20:04] SS: =|==> Nobody! Only I--
[20:04] SS: =|==> FUCK.
[20:04] EC: \/ yes
[20:04] SS: =|==> That son of a *****.
[20:04] EC: \/ you, you and you
[20:04] SS: =|==> Bastard sold me out.
[20:05] EC: \/ well dont worry
[20:05] EC: \/ apparently everyone knew already?
[20:05] SS: =|==> WHAT??
[20:06] SS: =|==> How the fuck did they know?!
[20:06] SS: =|==> I mean, how did they think they knew or FUCK
[20:06] EC: \/ "yeah, it was kinda obvious. Only girl in our group and stuff."
[20:06] EC: \/ is what one said
[20:06] SS: =|==> Greg.
[20:06] EC: \/ nah
[20:07] SS: =|==> So you're going to try and tell me that was Xavier? Or Rich? Or god forbid Connor?
[20:17] EC: \/ listen the extended digit is still pointing towards you dirk
[20:17] EC: \/ my question remains unanswered
[20:17] SS: =|==> ...
[20:18] SS: =|==> What does it matter that I did?
[20:18] SS: =|==> She's dead now.
[20:18] SS: =|==> A lot of people I knew are dead now.
[20:18] EC: \/ mhm and im sorry for you and them
[20:19] SS: =|==> Why bother asking? It's not really that important.
[20:19] EC: \/ no particular reason
[20:20] SS: =|==> Is that so... I think it's time maybe I should do some finger pointing.
[20:20] EC: \/ i think you deserved that
[20:21] SS: =|==> Deserved what? A round of interrogation?
[20:21] EC: \/ the chance of pointing fingers
[20:22] SS: =|==> Well, the finger is pointed.
[20:23] EC: \/ well dont i feel all in the spotlight now
[20:23] SS: =|==> It's your own personal limelight.
[20:24] EC: \/ ...do you expect me to say something now?
[20:25] SS: =|==> Well it's probably a good idea, before the audience starts booing. You never want to get on a crowd's bad side.
[20:25] SS: =|==> American Idol taught that lesson well.
[20:26] EC: \/ 'hello my baby, hello my honey,'
[20:26] EC: \/ honestly i do not see the point of this asenine tomfoolery\
[20:27] SS: =|==> Now who's dodging the question? >=p
[20:27] EC: \/ you have not yet asked me a question
[20:28] SS: =|==> Don't give me that. Why did you ask me about Beth?
[20:29] EC: \/ i told you; previous comments made by nondisclosed indivicuals made me curious
[20:29] EC: \/ and the mood was getting rather heavy
[20:29] SS: =|==> So to lighten the mood you bring up my dead crush.
[20:29] SS: =|==> Trolls sure are confusing.
[20:31] EC: \/ i guess asking why would be tasteless right now
[20:35] SS: =|==> Maybe.
[20:35] SS: =|==> Oh shit.
[20:35] SS: =|==> Hey,
[20:35] SS: =|==> I think I'm coming up on the gate now.
[20:35] SS: =|==> I think I'd better concentrate for this.
[20:35] EC: \/ alright i shall contact you later
[20:35] SS: =|==> All right. Wish me luck.
[20:35] EC: \/ all this gossip distracted me from the real isssues
[20:35] EC: \/ good luck
[20:36] EC: \/ and stay safe
[20:36] SS: =|==> Bye Letage. Oh and tell Illire that he's a gossiping dick and tell him to tell beta me he is also a gossiping dick.
[20:36] EC: \/ will do
[20:36] -- equilibricConcilate [EC] ceased pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 20:36 --

Despite your RAGE at your BETA SELF, you think that was a conversation you really needed. But no time to dwell on it, you're coming up on the gate!


Here's a random picture of that hypothetical Alpha universe we were discussing a while back's iterations of Dirk and Sis with the originals.



Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Greg: Be back in your HOUSE. Yep, that's certainly a place that you're at right now. Man, those return nodes sure are handy, aren't they? Just step inside one, and ZWOOP! Back home instantly.

Well, let's see here. You and LILYSPRITE are back home, where you've got all your ALCHEMY EQUIPMENT and various ACCOUTERMENTS. There's still a few SALAMANDERS and IMPS mucking about, but they're not really getting into any trouble.

So, what now?


>Xavier: Your improvised disguise gives you the appearance of a XEROTES LACKEY (It's totally a word. Look it up.) Using said disguise, you are able to slip through the alleys and backstreets of Derse while gaining minimal attention. At least, you're able to until you walk into a DESECRATED MARKETPLACE.

The walls and building surrounding you have all been graffitied by a single phrase, repeated over and over and over, scrawled in dozens of different colors, written in a hundred different styles. Truly, it must be a saying of utmost power, of unbelievable meaning, of perfect beauty! Let's see here...

Dersites eunt domus.

...You get the oddest feeling that somewhere, a Latin student is sobbing into his notebook.


>Chas and Rich: So, guess who's inside a gigantic, decrepit castle, filled to bursting with IMPS and OGRES and BASILISKS and GICLOPS and OCCULUSI and LICHES and... well, that's about it actually.

You can totally hear "Eye of the Tiger" playing in the background.

Um... you might want to do something about all those Underlings. Like, fast. Before they all realize that they can crush you beneath their sheer numbers.


>Dirk: You soar through the Eight Gate, that final barrier, that last goal. This is it; there's no going back. It's do or die time.

After a rather expected CLIMATIC FLASH OF LIGHT, you find yourself landing in some kind of entry hall. A series of dimly lit lanterns, each desperately grasping a flickering glass globe, line the passageway. Two rows of columns, lined with growths of ivy and vines, run down the hallway as well, casting shaking shadows in the poor lighting.

Directly before you lies a large archway, clearly of some significance. Yet, despite all the carvings and glyphs that have covered nearly every other ruin you've come across, this one is almost entirely bare. Only a single marking defaces the arch, set at its very top. It's a rather simple carving, one of a humanoid figure: Torso, head, two arms, two legs. You are unable to make out any facial features.

As you stand there, taking in your surroundings, a low rumbling echoes through the passage, shaking the ground for a few moments. Eventually, the tremor passes on; however, you can hear the distant crackling of electricity.

...I have got to stop making these insanely late/early posts. Things tend to get... weird when I'm up this late.

Anyway, onto the note of a possible Scratch-Universe: Again, I'd like to point out that you guys are in no danger whatsoever of losing this Session, at least at this point. You're pretty much right at the halfway point; this is where shit starts getting real. By my arbitrary calculations, we're about three and a half days into the week-long period before the Reckoning hits. Although, considering the amount of betrayals, level-boosting, and general shit-going-down that's been filling the last week of posts, maybe I should shorten that timeline a bit...

That said, obviously you can perform a scratch if you want to; just need to find the right artifact on the Land of Ruins and Legends to pull it off. And, although not necessary, starting over with new Lands, Roles, and characters could be fun.

However, if you do decide to enact a Scratch, then I would request that someone either steps up to co-GM with me, or maybe even take over the role entirely. Don't get me wrong, it's been insanely fun and satisfying to write lore and characterization across six different planets and three different universes. Still, if there's one thing that I've learned from experiences with Shenanigans and MetroidNutQuest, it's that sometimes it's more fun to blindly charge ahead with your character, with no idea what lies in store for you or your compatriots.

Basically, I'm saying that I would like to play a character in the rebooted universe, and the fact of the matter is I do not trust myself to do so while still playing all the antagonists as well.

Anyway, sleep now. Later.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Further up and further in

You take a moment to admire the ARCH. It's rather impressive, you must admit. Impressive in that whoever was making all these pillars seems to have finally run out of fucking ideas. And by whoever you mean Daedalus, since you kind of already knew that days ago. Or maybe a day ago. Shit, time shenanigans are annoying to calculate.

Your GENRE SAVVY nature kicks in whenever stuff about the human body comes up. Since you knew Daedalus was obsessed with creation, your best guess is that this has something to do with that. A rough outline, maybe? Maybe he's been trying to create life? Or maybe he just had artist's block halfway through drawing Nicholas Cage. You're not really sure, but it's fun to speculate.

You head down what appears to be the only way, toward that CRACKLING NOISE. You hope that's proof that somebody's here. DUNGEONS with no MONSTERS kind of creep you out.


>Dirk-F2: Plot

You are now completely unsure of what to do for the moment. As much as you'd like to say you're completely assured of your plan coming to fruition, you're actually kind of FLIPPING OFF THE HANDLE here. You try to think of who is left to manipulate and set on the proper path to save everyone, but you're kind of stuck. The only ones you haven't directly tangled with yet are the DERSITES.


Guess there's only one thing to do then.

You step back into your HOUSE and start ALCHEMIZING. First you re-create the JETPACK you gave your ALPHA SELF to use. Then you take your CLAYMORE. This thing looks sweet, but frankly it's useless in the long run. You place it aside. It won't ever need use. Instead, you take FOUR CARDS.


For that personal touch.


You don't worry about the insane grist cost. You already torrented all of Chas' and Connor's a while ago. You're going to need one hell of a weapon if you're taking on the BLACK QUEEN all by yourself.


>Future Dirk: It's time

What Xavier doesn't know is that you left a while ago. You had planned to help him, but frankly he doesn't need it. He's doing much better than you expected of him, and he'll definitely reach the top of his echeladder soon enough. Probably not by the big Derse showdown, but that's not something that is really necessary.

You make your way to CHAS' LAND. You won't seek him out, but once you get to where you're going, he'll come to you soon enough.