Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Solve one problem,deal with the next

You pick yourself up off the ground after your small victory of freeing yourself.Well,almost free.You still need to get these small glass cubes off your feet,as it makes walking somewhat of an issue.But hey,now you what it feels like to wear cement shoes.Ok,glass shoes,but close enough!

Oh course whatever feels of victory you had felt immediately vanished once the creature that had been advancing on you is now close enough to see you.And boy is he big.....And now he is swinging at you...well crap...

Quick,dodge!...wait..you can't really move....

Quick,SCHERZO STEP!And follow it up with a LEGATO SLASH!

Man,you are so glad you learned those abilities.Granted,they are all you use,but hey,why fix what isn't broke?

You're pretty sure a great philosopher said that once.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Rich: Your UNWORTHY INQUIRY is met with confusion by most of the PARROTS in the BIRDHOUSE. It seems that most of them didn't even know that the lines existed. However, as you continue your question, and begin to describe the beast pictured, the Consorts fly into a panicked frenzy. Again.

After they calm down, you are again approached by the wizened PARROT, who whacks you in the shin with a cane for causing another riot. He then mutters something about TYPHOON wanting to leave his signature everywhere, and how the guy's really turned into quite the jerk over the past few years.

From the sound of things, TYPHOON might be this Land's Denizen, and he apparently looks a lot like that picture on the ground.


>Chas: Upon closer examination of Connor, you find that he's currently lying on the ground, perfectly immobile. It's kind of weird, he's not even breathing or anything. You know, you thought that people had to breathe in order to say alive; when he wakes up you're going to have to get him to teach you how to do that and... Wait a minute.

Yeah. He's dead.


WQ: Hello, Dirk Pace.
SS: =]=> *Dirk hastily tries to figure out what the fuck he should do, and bows*
SS: =]=> Er, my Queen.
WQ: No, not your Queen.
SS: =]=> Or, I guess, not my queen. Purple tunic and all, I guess.
WQ: But perhaps an advisor.
SS: =]=> Right. Right. I, uh, came seeking your guidance.
SS: =]=> *Dirk realizes he completely forgot everything he was going to ask*
SS: =]=> Shit.
SS: =]=> I mean, shoot! Shoot.
WQ: Is something the matter?
SS: =]=> I'm sorry. I'm not, er, really good with authority figures.
SS: =]=> I just need to collect my thoughts.
WQ: Please, take all the time you need.
SS: =]=> T-thank you. Um, I suppose, the first thing I should ask is about my friends.
SS: =]=> Have any of them spoken to you?
WQ: Yes, two in fact. Greg Markos, the Knight of Space, and Chas Alder, the Heir of Light.
WQ: Both very diverse, interesting young men.
SS: =]=> I was very worried you would say the second one.
WQ: I cannot say I'm surprised by your worries.
SS: =]=> I'm assuming you picked up that he's not, uh... I guess you could say the most thoughtful person.
WQ: That was a very tactful way of saying it.
SS: =]=> I'm just getting really freaked out, I guess. It seems like all our friends keeping getting hurt, or... worse. I don't know how Chas has dodged the bullet so many times,
SS: =]=> but I'm worried he won't be able to do it for much longer.
WQ: Fortune tends to favor the bold, as it turns out. Even moreso when the bold is a Hero of Light.
SS: =]=> Right. But, I mean, for all of that it seems like he keeps throwing himself into danger.
SS: =]=> And, even though my beta self hasn't told me much, I think I'm starting to understand the kind of future he came from.
WQ: And what kind is it?
SS: =]=> The kind where Chas' fortune ran out. Where all of ours did. And it seems like we're going down that same path.
SS: =]=> And I'm... not sure what to do.
WQ: Well, the future is never set in stone. It is full of infinate possibility, composed of every possible outcome. You and your friends could all live, or you could all die.
WQ: You are the Hero of Time.
WQ: You must know this.
WQ: Choose the future you want.
WQ: Choose it, and strive after it.
WQ: Protect your friend if you must, or help him take even higher risks.
SS: =]=> I do know that. I guess, for all of those speeches my sprite and I have been giving I should be following my own advice.
SS: =]=> If anyone is going to change the future... I guess it should be me.
SS: =]=> Thank you for the advice. I guess, I really just needed to hear it.
WQ: That task falls upon all of your shoulders, but especially your own.
WQ: And you are quite welcome for the counsol.
WQ: It is something I am always happy to give.
SS: =]=> I should let you get back to your duties... oh wait, one last thing! I guess you should know. This guy, Jack, promised me info back on Derse.
SS: =]=> But in return he wanted yours and the White King's crowns. I don't want them, but I thought you should know.
WQ: Noir sends an assassin after asking for our help? His tatics are rather... interesting.
WQ: What information did he promise you?
SS: =]=> He was going to tell me about a Derse agent. A guy in a white suit and fedora. But, are the crowns really that important? I don't... think he said to kill you. He just wanted the crowns.
WQ: A royal cannot yield their crown while they still wield power. Death may not be your goal, but make no mistake, you are his assassin.
WQ: Or rather, you would have been, had you obeyed Noir.
SS: =]=> Oh... wow. Wow, I did not know that.
WQ: Do not worry. I do not hold you responsible.
WQ: I have heard of the Arch-Regent's schemes and plans. I know of his tricks and tactics.
WQ: I had hoped that we could be allies... now I am not so certain.
WQ: In any case, you are welcome to whatever stores of information we have here.
SS: =]=> Thank you, very much.
WQ: But of course.
WQ: Stay well, Dirk Pace, Mentor of Time. May Skaia light your path.
SS: =]=> I appreciate that a lot, coming from the White Queen.
SS: =]=> Thank you, once again.
SS: =]=> I'll check out the library right now, if that's ok.
WQ: Of course. I hope you find what you seek.
WQ: The Sentinal will be your guide.
WQ: Farewell.

After WQ dismisses you, VS leads you back to the FILE ROOM. Although it's obvious he's quite curious as to what you and the Queen talked about, he politely avoids the subject, instead making some small talk about the weather.

When you enter the room again, the small Prospitian from earlier shoots you and VS a glare, but doesn't do anything to impede you.


>Greg: Ah, yes. Joseph Heller was truly a man of great wisdom and kickass attitude. Quoting him is sure to boost your attack strength! Well, maybe. I don't know.

Anyway. POOF, SLASH! You phase out of existence again, only to reappear behind the OCCULUSI. Swinging your blade, you unleash a massive LEGATO SLASH, the attack quickly traversing the distance between you and your foe. The beast roars as your blow lands, leaving a nasty gash on its back.

However, the OCCULUSI is still standing. Spinning around, it swings a massive fist at you, ready to crush you into dust. Although the attack barely misses you, the glass beneath you cracks and shatters, some of the debris flying up and hitting you. You're knocked backward, taking some damage from the assault.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
>Rich: Recall Elwoodsprite's words.

He suggested you just explore. So you think you'll do just that.

>Rich: Pick random direction, fly in it.

Zero hour, now. And you're as high as a kite.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
>X-Gang Leader: Lead your team down that hole
You piggyback Dirk (then, feel the full weight of his muscles, but you buckle through it) and command C-Diddy to slowly descend down the hole as you do the same.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Get back up

You slowly make your way back to your feet,and then proceed to have to do so again as the glass shoes make it hard to balance.You seem to be spending a lot of time on your back.And you have had enough.

You glare up at the massive creature,more in defiance then anything,and sharply exhale.You grip your STEEL KATANA tightly in your hand.In that moment a fire seems to burn in your eyes.Not of anger or rage,but of determination.And you're going to use all that determination to bring this creature down.

Ok monster.You have had your fun.Now its time for you to see what the Knight of Space can really do.

You exhale sharply again,then disappear in a familiar POOF of green energy.Now that you are behind the creature,you swing and put all your might behind one good slash.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009

You all feel something has gone terribly wrong. (SOME of you are a little more OVERDRAMATIC about it than others, though.) You pause for a moment, determining what to do.

>Dirk: Be more determined than ever

Whatever Chas just did, you are certain that it was tremendously stupid. You're going to need to help him snap out of it. Just as soon as you get the info you need. You ask the SENTINEL if he'll help you track down any books or documents on the DERSITE AGENTS.

>Future Dirk: Be confused and scared

Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no this is not good. You don't remember any feelings like this from your own timeline. Chas was an idiot, but you never got this sense of... RAGING, EVIL STUPIDITY from him before. Is this good? Or have you gone into another BETA TIMELINE? Did you fuck up again? Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit...

Suddenly, your SHADES buzz. It looks like your future self is contacting you.

[17:04] -- stabsSalesman [SS] began pestering sesquipedalianScholar [SS] at 17:04 --
[17:04] SS: =]=> Hey! Dirk, calm down. I know you're scared, but it's going to be fine.
[17:04] SS: =]=> Everything will be fine.
[17:04] SS: Wait, shit, what? How do you know that? I'm supposed to be the flaky mysterious one.
[17:05] SS: Not you.
[17:05] SS: =]=> Oh, fuck, I forgot.
[17:05] SS: =]=> Yeah I'm using our Alpha Self's shades to contact you.
[17:05] SS: =]=> I'm Dirk-F2, your future self.
[17:05] SS: =]=> Speaking of which... hold on.
[17:05] -- stabsSalesman [SS] ceased pestering sesquipedalianScholar [SS] at 17:05 --
[17:07] -- stabsSalesman [SS] began pestering sesquipedalianScholar [SS] at 17:07 --
[17:07] SS: =|==> Much better.
[17:07] SS: =|==> I don't know why I thought that dagger looked good.
[17:07] SS: =|==> This one looks much better.
[17:08] SS: Alpha's probably gonna be kind of pissed you're fucking around with his profile options like that.
[17:08] SS: =|==> Eh, he can deal with it. Hell, he should be thanking me for bringing in my future tastes to refine his shitty-ass account.
[17:08] SS: True enough.
[17:08] SS: So, if you don't mind me asking.
[17:08] SS: What the hell are you going on about, saying it's all right?
[17:09] SS: I'm assuming you felt that too, right?
[17:09] SS: =|==> I did.
[17:09] SS: =|==> But I'm telling you it'll be all right because I've felt it before.
[17:09] SS: =|==> When I was you.
[17:09] SS: Oh. Well that makes sense.
[17:09] SS: How does it work out?
[17:10] SS: =|==> It all works out in the end. The violent, violent end.
[17:10] SS: Wait, so are you saying our plan works?
[17:10] SS: =|==> Better than we ever could have hoped.
[17:10] SS: Well then... that's a relief.
[17:11] SS: =|==> Right.
[17:11] SS: =|==> So you get back to helping Xavier, and I'll get back to watching a sleeping guy and a basilisk cuddle up like it's Goodnight motherfucking Moon over here.
[17:11] SS: Sounds like a hell of a time. Can't wait to experience it.
[17:11] SS: =|==> Believe me. You can.
[17:11] -- stabsSalesman [SS] ceased pestering sesquipedalianScholar [SS] at 17:11 --

Somewhat REASSURED, you tell Xavier that you're sorry you spaced out for a minute, and continue on his quest.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Rich: Why do you make me be creative! My brain is tired; I don't want to think. Kidding, by the way.

Anyway. Assuming you fly out in some arbitrary direction, you probably eventually spot something interesting. Something like... a large group of Underlings, milling about on the ground, far below you. IMPS, OGRES, BASILISKS, even a couple of GICLOPS, the gang's all here.

It seems that a large portion of the IMPS are working on erecting some kind of device, what appears to be a FENESTRATED WALL. You wonder what that's for.


>Chas: Indeed, if all went well, you would have eventually made it back to Dash and Ace. You would have undoubtedly rejoined them, probably gathering FROGS or ILLICIT CONTRABAND, as KE had suggested you do. You would have likely continued your quest, gaining further levels, growing ever stronger, et cetera, et cetra.

However, things have a rather funny habit of not going well. It makes life interesting.

In this particular case, the admittedly abstract concept of "things not going well" decided to manifest itself as a violet aircraft, a black crown emblazoned on its side. To be more specific, the thing in particular that wasn't going well was the ship's pilot, a rather tall Dersite dressed in a plain uniform. Said Dersite was standing on top of his vehicle, his eyes following you as you descended.

In one hand, he held a barely conscious GECKO, clad in a spiffy looking, if now tattered and torn, suit. In the other, he clutched a crumpled, mysteriously stained, FEDORA. A pile of Grist littered the ground behind him. I think I'm abusing tenses here, but yeah. He looks somewhat threatening.

"Ah, there you are. About time."


>Xavier: Well, going down the big, dark, scary, horrifying pit of unknowable darkness and mysterious smells and strange sounds is probably going to be loads of fun, right? Undoubtedly the three of you will have a ton of great adventures, finding treasure and Grist and levels and magic stuff and all kinds of neat things! There's no way you're going to encounter anything creepy or dangerous down here; you're sure everything is going to go great for you and your team. Oh, how you love being alive and not being attacked by giant killer monsters.

Eventually, you reach the bottom of the pit, your feet squishing down into the soft, uneven floor beneath you. The smell down here is absolutely horrid; your eyes are watering, and it's all you can do to keep the contents of your stomach in check. The light from above fails to illuminate your surroundings, leaving you stranded in the darkness. The hissing noise you heard earlier has grown louder; instead of being barely audible, it now fills your ears constantly, echoing around you in the enclosed space. Yeah, this place sucks, and it doesn't look like it goes anywhere. Maybe you should check someplace did the floor just move? Yeah, the floor is definitely moving. And something cold, wet, and sticky is wrapping around your shoe...


>Greg: Well, while your swing gives the OCCULUSI a nasty gash upon its neck, the massive beast is able to shrug off the wound, treating it as a mere annoyance. It looks like you're going to need to do something much more awesome to deal any real damage to your foe.

The Underling spins about to face you again; as it rotates a leg slips out from under it, causing the monster to fall to its knees.


>Dirk: Well, one thing's for certain. That's a pretty awesome new dagger you've got.

VS is more than happy to give you a hand, and soon the two of you have gathered a sizable pile of folders and files on various Agents of the dark world. Each folder/file is tagged by an Agent's identification code (a pair of letters assigned to Agents of both Prospit and Derse) and a BARCODE-like symbol.

You've managed to find several interesting files, labeled LR, GS, CS, ID&MH, DD, HB, CD, and Jack Noir.

In addition, you manage to stumble across a few files on Prospitian Agents, labeled VS, KE, PS, PI, AD, LS, and GM.

Whew, that's a lot of reading, way to much for you to comprehend in just one sitting. For now, you decide to browse through the file on LR; you should be able to read the rest of the files, if you want to that is, later, at your own leisure.

Rank: Agent
Affiliation: Derse
Loyalty: Questionable. Cares little for Royalty or Regents; obeys whoever tells him to fight. Does not accept bribes.
Skills: Combat (Close range): Exceptional. Combat (Medium range): Exceptional. Combat (Long range): Trained to Adequate. Leadership: Varies depending on followers and personal mood. Tactics: Untrained. Espionage: Untrained.
Equipment: Pump action rifle. Fists. Any weapon/blunt object within reach.
Description: Bloodthirsty, fearless, and most likely insane. He cares nothing for money, power, followers, possessions, reputation, or obligations. Is only satisfied by fighting, and killing. Obsession with killing borders on fetishistic. When conversing, he often gives off an aggressive and excited attitude, but has been shown to have more tempered demeanors when expressing sadness or disappointment. Cannot be bargained with, cannot be persuaded.
Threat level: Massive. Do not engage unless absolutely necessary. Flee on sight.
Affiliates: Has been known to socialize with Jack Noir, DD, and GS.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
>Rich: Assume control.

You assume control of the battlefield by using your STRETTO BURST to surround your enemies with weird glow-y floating mines. You begin circle-strafing, as usual, but this time with a twist - instead of firing at your enemies, you fire at the glow-y things, hoping to push them slowly inwards. You call this the ANACONDA PLAN.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>CS: Engage in a peaceful conversation with this fine young lad. Yeah, you think you can do that. Undoubtedly this will all go completely fine.

CS: Ah, there you are. About time.
SS: Ah, another carapaced, color-coded character to introduce myself to.
SS: Who would you be.
CS: Oh, no one in particular. Just a regular patriot, I suppose.
SS: A patriot for Derse.
SS: How perfectly admirable.
CS: Why thank you.
SS: Allow me to inquire as to the state of the gecko you hold, then, sir patriot.
SS: As it happens, that would be one of my consorts, and I concern myself very much with their...well-being.
CS: Right, I can see why. Don't worry, he'll be fine. I didn't do any lasting damage.
CS: Really, it would have been much easier for him if he'd just given me directions.
SS: Where...in particular, did you pick up that gecko.
CS: Oh, he was over by that patch of steel, over there. Looking for illegal contrabrand of all things.
SS: I see.
CS: Anyway, I was hoping he could tell me where you went.
SS: I must stop you there.
CS: Oh? Why's that?
SS: Before this conversation can continue I am going to have to as- I am going to have to demand that you return to me my travelling companion.
SS: As it happens, your captive is a close friend of mine.
CS: Sure, here you go.

You toss the SLIGHTLY ROUGHED UP GECKO to the kid. Upon catching the Consort, the kid does some weird storage thing, locking the GECKO in some alternate dimension thing. It's pretty neat.

CS: You're the one I wanted to talk to in any case.
SS: Now then...the hat, sir.
CS: What, this thing?
SS: Yes.
CS: I'm not sure you'd really want it.
SS: I don't like those stains, no.
CS: Yeah, they do kind of ruin the color, don't they?
SS: They ruin a lot more than the color, if the stains are from...
SS: What I think they're from.
CS: What do you think they're from?
SS: Allow me to guess.
SS: An ogre, about yea high, searching for illegal contraband with the gecko you just hunted down.
SS: He didn't come easy, did he.
CS: Hey, good guess! Yeah, didn't expect to find him out here.
CS: It's not often one of our Underlings goes rouge.
CS: They're normally quite loyal.
SS: It would've taken quite the little bag of blind hope and an ideology of sheer reckless abandon, a carefree hero, to turn him.
SS: I imagine you dealt out the...appropriate punishment.
CS: Yep, only thing I could really do. The law's fairly strict on what happens to deserters and traitors.
CS: Had to put the guy down.
SS: ...Give me the hat.
CS: Eh, sure. Here you go.

You're not sure he can really use that hat for anything, but whatever. It's not like you were using it anyway. Now then, didn't you have something you wanted to say to him... right, the message!

CS: Now, there was a message I was supposed to deliver... what was that?
CS: Ah, right!
SS: Please give it to me quickly.
CS: *Ahem*
CS: Your father is being held in our dungeons.
CS: If you want his head to remain attached, surrender yourself within twelve hours.
CS: Present yourself before the Black Queen, unarmed.
CS: Eh, that was the gist of it in any case.
CS: It was probably supposed to be more flowerly, but I don't really get that stuff.
CS: So, yeah.
SS: Thank you for the cordial delivery.
CS: No problem! Just doing my job.
SS: Might I inquire as to the details of this prisoner exchange?
CS: Exchange?
CS: No, I think you're missing the point.
SS: ...Ah.
CS: You give yourself up.
CS: And your dad doesn't die!
CS: Everybody wins!
CS: Well, I guess you kind of end up on the losing end...
CS: Ah well. That's life.
SS: Sometimes things go wrong.
SS: For all of us.
CS: Yeah, it's a shame.
SS: An old human adage, really. Murphy's law.
SS: You know, we have another old adage, we humans. Quite a few.
CS: Really? Murphy sounds like a smart guy.
CS: What other idioms do you have?
SS: It goes something like "don't shoot the messenger".
CS: I don't really get that one.
SS: Oh, it takes a little experience.
SS: See, a lesser man would take out his fury on you for delivering bad new, just...following orders, really.
SS: Putting you down for existing at the wrong place at the wrong time.
SS: But I'm a man of wealth and taste.
CS: ...Taste? Really?
SS: I like to think...I've got a little class in me.
CS: *Chuckles*
SS: And, see, that ogre you put down...
SS: He was a friend of mine.
SS: A very close friend of mine.
CS: Okay.
SS: And that gecko you tortured, well, at the very least he's still around.
SS: That doesn't excuse you.
SS: I'm afraid you've wronged me.
SS: Just following orders, sure.
SS: But you've wronged me.
CS: If you want to look at it that way, sure.
SS: Another human adage; "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."
CS: ...You guys trade eyes or something?
CS: Seems like an odd form of currency.
SS: No, not quite. It's a little philosophical look at revenge. But, see, I'm past that point. I've got nothing else left to lose.
CS: Oh, sure you do!
CS: You've always got something else to lose.
CS: Your dad, your friends, your arms, your legs, your fingers, your toes, etc, etc.
SS: Right, right.
SS: You're looking at this all the wrong way.
SS: Maybe I'll be forward about it.
SS: I'm going to kill you.

You pause for a moment, then burst out laughing. Oh, you needed that. You NEEDED that. A good joke always helps get you through a day. Haha, no, but seriously. Back to business.

CS: No.
CS: No you're not.
SS: It's quite fair, don't you think?
CS: Looking at it from your view, I guess it would be fair.
CS: However, that doesn't change this one, simple fact:
CS: I'm not going to die.
CS: I can't die.
SS: I bet Dash sure liked breathing too.
CS: Don't we all?
SS: I'm sure my father likes a head on his shoulders.
CS: Again, don't we all?
SS: How are you any different?
SS: Hell, I'm not. I've seen my friends die. I've killed one.
CS: Really? Good for you.
SS: Thank you.
CS: Everyone should kill at least one of their friends. Gives you good perspective on life.
SS: He deserved it.
CS: Alright, that's even better!
SS: So, let me a sk.
SS: Why can't you die?
CS: Simply put?
CS: This world is mine.
CS: Now, I'm not trying to sound arrogant or anything; let me explain.
CS: I think this world may even just be a long, long dream I'm watching.
CS: You and everyone else may just be illusions, and it can't be proven whether or not you really exist either.
CS: In other words, this world was created with me at the center.
CS: So what will happen if I die? I don't know. My imagination isn't very creative; I just can't imagine myself dying.
SS: So you're demented.
CS: That's what they say, yes.
SS: Oh, don't get me wrong.
SS: Dreams are powerful things.
SS: When I dream, I can fly around prospit, I can see into the heart of Skaia, speak to the White Queen.
SS: or I can look into my soul and cut my own eyes out.
SS: That happened.
SS: Skaia's trying to put me back on their set path; that is to say, that the hero of light should be a paragon of all that is good.
SS: I'm not much of a fan of that anymore.
CS: Look, is this going to turn into some kind of self-centered rant?
CS: Because if it is, then I'll probably just leave.
CS: I get enough of those back on Derse.
SS: Right, right.
SS: Why don't we be frontal about it.
SS: You're clearly a wise and weathered man.
SS: This world, however, is mine. I'm the hero.
CS: You can say that, but it doesn't make it true.
SS: I would say the same for you.
CS: Good point. But, whatever you say won't change my mind.
SS: Oh, I don't intend to.
CS: Sorry, but I don't think you're a very trustworthy source.
SS: The feeling is mutual. My murderous fervor remains unshaked, on that note.
CS: Okay.

Well then. This is going to end with you beating this kid's ass into the ground, isn't it?

CS: *CS dances and dodges through the barrage of lasers.*
CS: Really? You're really going through with this?
SS: Call me impulsive.
SS: For Dash, you sick son-of-a-*****.
CS: I don't want to have to hurt you...
CS: Just go away now.
CS: Go on. Shoo.
SS: *Chas starts unloading his full laserbarrage, from his eyes, shoes, and his weapon, at the ship.*
SS: I don't think I will.
CS: I was gonna offer you a ride, but fine.

This kid wants to fight? Fine. Let's fucking fight.

CS: *CS leaps into the air, throwing his body into a complicated series of flips. He's easily able to reach Chas' height*
CS: *CS delievers a powerful blow to Chas' head, before grabbing the lad's feet, hurling him groundward.*
SS: *He hits the ground, damaging him, but regains his wind fairly quickly and BUSCEMI ROLLS back onto his feet.*
SS: *He pulls out his LPoS weapon and FLASHes.*
CS: *CS is blinded. He lands, blinking his eyes rapidly.*
SS: *Burning Hymn!*
CS: Now you're just being annoying.
SS: *Chas doesn't know what this does!*
SS: An eye for an eye, sir patriot.
CS: *Waves of light rush off Chas' body, raising the temperture around him enormously. The LPoS begins to shimmer, smoke coming off of it.*
CS: *CS suddenly rushes forward, hurling himself through the layers of heat.*
SS: *Having learned his lesson, he puts up a solid guard.*
SS: *With any luck, his augmented vision will allow him a chance to dodge.*
CS: *Though his clothes begin burning, CS throws a punch towards Chas' face, at a blinding speed.*
SS: *He counteracts, mid-punch, by jabbing forth his weapon at CS' torso.*
CS: *Chas' guard is easily broken, as is his fray-motif*
SS: *His counterattack is thrown off-balance by the blow.*
CS: *Lurching to the side, CS avoids a lethel blow. His flesh is still seared by the LPos*
CS: Well. That'll tingle for a while.
SS: *Chas stumbles backwards, staying on his feet as best he can but nearly tripping over the rocky terrain.*
CS: *Flips into the air again, landing just behind Chas.*
SS: *He ducks and kicks backward.*
SS: *Laser-kicks, that is.*
CS: *Dodges laser, catches leg. Throws Chas into the air.*
CS: *Rubbing his eyes, CS finally casts off the effects of FLASH.*
SS: *Jetpack engage, use momentum to escape.*
SS: *Escape his reach, that is.*
CS: Na ah ah. Not happening.
SS: *Chance time; Allegro Shot!*
CS: *Leaps up towards Chas.*
CS: *Chas' index fingers begin to glow, blue spheres of energy beginning to form at their tips.*
CS: Ah shit...
SS: *He points at his foe with both fingers, Sburb-instinct kicking in.*
CS: *Twin shots fire from said digits, hurling towards CS. Though he manages to twist and dodge the one, he is knocked to the ground by the other, winded and stunned.*
SS: *Now Chas takes a chance; he uses his jetpack to fly towards the ground and his foe, his spork of power held tightly in his hand.*
CS: *CS lays unmoving*
SS: *He brings down, momentum and all, a powerful blow to the chest.*
CS: *At the last second, CS swings up his legs, feet slamming into Chas' ribs.*
SS: *The momentum now swings against him, both legs connecting and sending the hero of light barreling back.*
CS: *CS flips into the air again, grabbing hold of Chas' body.*
CS: Let's take care of this annoying thing...
SS: *At point-blank, panicking, he lets out a painful eyeblast.*
CS: *Slams a fist into the JETPACK, breaking it. Dodges the eyeblast by rotating Chas.*
SS: *Chas regains his wind as he turns and they begin to fall to the ground.*
CS: *Flips Chas upside down, and firmly plants a foot on his chest.*
SS: *He raises his laserheel backwards into his enemy.
SS: *
CS: *Grabs said laserheel, and violently wrenches Chas' ankle*
SS: *Chas lurches his foot out of the shoe, barely avoiding a broken foot.*
SS: *Only one thing he hasn't tried; pinned down, Lucky Elegy.*
CS: *The two combatants slam into the ground, CS's foot crunching into Chas' chest. However, the impact knocks the Agent off balance; he falls over.*
SS: *Feeling a sharp pain go through his body, Chas leaps to his feet, and slashes his opponent with the spork.*
CS: *CS sways his body back and forth, deftly dodging the attacks.*
CS: You're gonna have to do better than that.
SS: *Chas grimaces, but leaps backward.*
SS: *Dim!*
CS: *Latches onto Chas' wrist. Squeezes.*
CS: *CS can no longer see Chas. Still has a grip on him though. CRACK.*
SS: *Chas' left wrist breaks. A scream resounds; however, he activates the amulet.*
CS: *Grandpasprite shows up!*
SS: *Whilst doing this, his invisible weapon arm leaps forward at his enemy's leg.*

Really? REALLY? He's calling in backup now? Why that impudent little...

CS: Awwww, now that's not playing fair.
CS: *Recieves a gash along the leg. Stomps said leg onto Chas' weapon hand.*
SS: *Chas' pain is only matched by the satisfaction of drawing blood; he lets out a cry for grandpa with the breath he has.*
CS: *GS prepares to blast CS with the burning fires of the Ukraine.*
CS: *CS, however, grabs for Chas' body, finding it.*
CS: *Puts Chas into a chokehold, bending his left arm behind his back*
CS: You know, you really didn't have to do this.
SS: *Chas' still-shoed leg activates the laser at short-range, then sears into the flesh of the wounded leg.*
SS: I asked for it, didn't I.

...That hurts. THAT FUCKING HURTS.

CS: *Slams other foot into both of Chas' knees. Then onto his shins. CRACKS abound.*
SS: *Chas cries out again, now visible.*
CS: Tell me, have you ever studied the arts of torture? The sciences of pain?
SS: *He screams for a healing hand, he screams for help, a pure survivalist rage in him; he taps into absolutely the last of his inner will to keep fighting.*
SS: *The dark, dark reccesses of his soul.*
SS: *He reaches out to whatever favorable forces the infinite grimdarkness can lend him.*
CS: *Chas uses Extinguish.*
CS: What the... the hell's going on?
CS: *CS's hands and feet are enshrouded by a strange darkness, slowly inching down his limbs, covering more and more of his body.*
CS: What did you do?! WHAT DID YOU DO!!!!!!
SS: *Chas drops to the ground, laying, barely able to physically move - he turns his face, his empty, mechanical eyes to face his enemy.*
CS: *Rushing forward, CS uses his shrouded hands to grab onto Chas' head.*
CS: *As the darkness continues to cover him, CS slams Chas' head into the ground, again and again, harder and harder.*
CS: *Eventually, Chas passes out.*
CS: *The darkness begins to dissappate. As it does, however, so do CS' arms and legs.*
CS: *His carapace and flesh are dissolved, exposing muscles and bones to the open air.*
CS: *CS screams out in pain, reeling wildly. His eyes lock upon Chas' still form, and he rushes toward his fallen foe.*
SS: *Chas' final conscious breath, moments ago, would be for his grandfather.*
CS: *GS intervenes, however, placing himself between the combatants.*
CS: *GS prepares to finsih CS off, before...*
CS: *CS stops himself, his screams of pain and rage growing silent. He stares at GS with a mix of contempt and respect.*
CS: ...Wasn't supposed to kill him anyway.
CS: *CS limps off towards his still functioning ship. (Those things are built to last.)
CS: *Soon, the aircraft takes off, leaving Chas and GS alone.*

You think... you think you're just gonna head back to Derse for now. You delivered the message, your mission's complete... fuck it hurts. Everything hurts. You're gonna need some new arms...


>GS: Don't let your player/grandson die! Right, no worries! You're a SPRITE, after all; healing is something you can do quite easily.

What's going to be a bit more difficult, however, is talking to Chas about that last attack he used. You're not sure what that was, but there was no way that was part of his Light abilities. You pray to Skaia that he hasn't been dabbling in the Grimdarkness... Better wait here until he wakes up.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk-F2: Solidify bro-hood with Illire, fucking ruin Alpha Dirk's life

You aren't done consoling your PAST SELF for longer than five minutes before ILLIRE contacts you. He must be pretty pissed that Dirk hasn't woken up yet.

[20:53] -- unopressedAgitator [UA] began pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 20:53 --
[20:53] UA: did wE just ENtER bEtA timE
[20:54] SS: =|==> No.
[20:54] SS: =|==> At least, I don't think so.
[20:54] UA: fuck i suRE hopE Not
[20:59] SS: =|==> What this timeline's been through, I don't think we're in position to worry about going Beta.
[20:59] SS: =|==> Or, will go through, at least.
[21:00] UA: No cRux dEcisioN hAs bEEN mAdE As fAR As i cAN tEll
[21:00] SS: =|==> There are a few. The first is that I'm here.
[21:00] SS: =|==> Both past me and me me.
[21:00] SS: =|==> This is still Dirk-F2 by the way.
[21:00] UA: yEAh i fiGuREd
[21:01] UA: AlphA you is still sNooziNG
[21:01] SS: =|==> Yeah. I don't think he'll be asleep much longer though.
[21:01] SS: =|==> He just made another crux decision on Prospit a few moments ago.
[21:01] UA: hE did
[21:01] UA: whAt did hE do
[21:02] SS: =|==> He decided that nothing in the universe was going to stop him from protecting Chas.
[21:02] UA: whElp
[21:02] UA: ok
[21:02] SS: =|==> As you can imagine, this will lead to a later conflict of interest between him and Letage, what with the means to acquiring the god tiers.
[21:02] UA: oh fuck
[21:02] UA: is hE GoiNG to bE thAt kiNd of dick
[21:03] SS: =|==> He's going to try and destroy Chas' quest bed, when he finds out about it, yes.
[21:03] UA: yEAh but thAt hAs bEEN soRtEd out thouGh hAsNt it
[21:03] SS: =|==> Yes. Fortunately, I will be on hand to ensure that both of them die and are placed on their quest beds.
[21:04] SS: =|==> Past me, that is.
[21:05] UA: i woNdER whAt would hAppEN if All of you diEd oN thE quEstbEd
[21:06] SS: =|==> A beta god tier... it is interesting to think about. I wonder if it could serve as a loophole of doomed beta copies.
[21:06] UA: pERhAps you All miNdmEld iNto oNE RiGhtEous dudE
[21:07] SS: =|==> Maybe. But I've always kind of doubted that could ever happen.
[21:07] SS: =|==> I'm me, and he's him. We're the same person, but our experiences make us different enough that I can't really see things happening that way.

That's a half-lie. You thought about getting on that Quest Bed. You really, really thought about it. You thought that maybe it would somehow fix everything. Fix you. Maybe you'd be able to survive the DOOM that normally comes with one in your situation. But you decided not to. Don't give yourself false hope. You've got enough real hope that you don't need to feel bad about dying.

You've got people waiting for you on the other side, anyway.

[21:07] UA: yEAh i GEt thAt
[21:07] UA: still miGht bE fuN to tRy out whEN thE timE comEs
[21:08] UA: uh
[21:08] UA: Not tRyiNG to souNd moRbid
[21:08] SS: =|==> Yeah, I know, I understand. Still, kind of pointless now.
[21:08] SS: =|==> See, I know it's not going to happen.
[21:08] SS: =|==> Because it's already happened, for me.
[21:09] UA: wEll thAt ANd i cAN just outRiGht tEll you
[21:09] UA: but yEAh
[21:09] UA: spoilERs
[21:10] SS: =|==> True. Besides, on the off chance I do end up absorbed into his consciousness, that would leave me unable to enact my plan.
[21:10] UA: yup
[21:10] UA: oh hEy dudE
[21:10] UA: pARAdox foR you
[21:10] SS: =|==> Hm?
[21:10] UA: lEtAGE wAs coNtActEd by coNNoR fRom thE futuRE
[21:11] SS: =|==> I... what?
[21:11] SS: =|==> You're sure it was him?
[21:11] SS: =|==> Not just somebody hijacking his account?
[21:11] UA: hE wAs A GiANt douchENozzlE
[21:11] UA: thiNG is
[21:11] UA: hE isNt iN thE stAtE to coNtAct RiGht Now
[21:11] UA: oR EvER
[21:11] SS: =|==> Because he's dead.
[21:12] UA: yEAh

That is... somewhat troubling. You know for a fact that he's dead. To be honest, you knew he was dead when you saw him and Chas there. But you didn't have the heart to tell him. He probably wouldn't have taken it well. Of course, he ended up finding out later on anyway, and without you to keep him in line. THAT sure went well.

[21:12] UA: wAit
[21:12] UA: did this hAppEN to you
[21:12] UA: oR whAt
[21:12] SS: =|==> I told you before. The Dirk running around with the cap and polo shirt? That's me. My past self. I've experienced this all already.
[21:12] UA: yEAh ok
[21:13] SS: =|==> I'm just going through it again to get Alpha me ahead of the game.
[21:13] UA: but this wAs kiNd of so thAt you wouldNt diE RiGht
[21:13] SS: =|==> Yeah, it was.
[21:14] UA: so dudE stARts dyiNG
[21:14] UA: did you fuck up
[21:14] SS: =|==> No.
[21:14] SS: =|==> Well, actually, I did.
[21:14] SS: =|==> But the timeline says I was supposed to.
[21:14] SS: =|==> I can't change it.
[21:14] UA: oh ok
[21:14] UA: how did hE diE bEfoRE
[21:15] SS: =|==> Jack.
[21:15] UA: kNifE iN thE Gut
[21:15] UA: GotchA
[21:15] SS: =|==> This is definitely a different timeline compared to mine. None of this shit with Chas happened, for one thing.
[21:16] UA: REplAcEd by diffERENt shit thouGh
[21:16] UA: did you follow thE ENtiRE him bEiNG bliNd
[21:16] UA: ANd thEN him muRdERiNG A compAtRiot
[21:16] SS: =|==> What do you mean? In my timeline?
[21:17] UA: i Am AskiNG if youRE AwARE of this shit hAppENiNG to him iN this timEliNE
[21:17] UA: its Not Good foR him lEt mE tEll yA
[21:17] UA: hEs lookiNG A bit GRim
[21:17] SS: =|==> Yeah, I know about it.
[21:18] SS: =|==> I learned most of it my second time through,
[21:18] UA: oN thE othER hANd
[21:18] UA: thE REst ARE A pREtty buNch of Goofy mothERfuckERs
[21:18] SS: =|==> True. But that all gets solved later on. A whole lot of murdering goes on.
[21:20] UA: AlwAys Good to GEt youR muRdER oN
[21:21] SS: =|==> Especially when it serves such a constructive purpose.
[21:21] UA: yo could you do mE A solid
[21:21] SS: =|==> What's that?
[21:22] UA: GivE mE thE codE foR youR stRifE poRtfolio
[21:22] UA: oR blAdEkiNd ANywAy
[21:22] SS: =|==> Uh, sure. Mind if I ask why?
[21:22] UA: my plANts diEd A whilE bAck ANd im dEfENsElEss
[21:22] SS: =|==> Ah.
[21:22] UA: floRAlkiNd is A ***** likE thAt
[21:22] SS: =|==> Let's see here...
[21:23] SS: =|==> 001SWIZZ4sH
[21:23] UA: ok thANks
[21:24] SS: =|==> No problem.
[21:24] SS: =|==> You know, if you've got fully developed time and space powers, do you even need a sword?
[21:24] SS: =|==> Can't you just fling meteors at shit by now?
[21:24] UA: wEll yEAh
[21:24] UA: but somEtimEs A tRoll just hAs to GEt up closE ANd pERsoNAl GEt mE
[21:24] UA: i mEAN
[21:24] SS: =|==> Yeah I get you.
[21:24] UA: suRE i could just fliNG A fuckER iNto spAcE
[21:24] UA: but thAts boRiNG

Speaking of abuse-able powers, you start thinking about what kind of unlimited Time control YOU would have gotten...

[21:25] SS: =|==> I just thought about something.
[21:25] SS: =|==> With Time powers, couldn't you, in theory, age or de-age shit as you wanted?
[21:25] UA: i doNt thiNk so
[21:26] UA: uh ok somE tERmiNoloGy comiNG up
[21:27] UA: i cAN sENd thiNGs bAck ANd foRth ovER thE timEliNE but i cANt mAkE thEm stAy iN thE sAmE timEliNE ANd ExpERiENcE its EffEcts
[21:28] UA: whAt do you wANt to mAkE oldER/youNGER
[21:28] SS: =|==> Hm... because I was trying to think of some way, maybe you could make a confined area where you rapidly advance or reverse time?
[21:28] SS: =|==> I was wondering if there was some way just to revert enemies to younger/less experienced selvers.
[21:28] SS: =|==> selves*
[21:28] SS: =|==> Or maybe age them to dust.
[21:29] UA: just GRAb oNto thEm ANd sENd thEm A millioN yEARs bAck
[21:29] UA: thAt would bE A lot EAsEiR
[21:30] SS: =|==> I'm not trying to change where they are though. I'm trying to change them, physically.
[21:30] UA: ...why
[21:31] SS: =|==> Just sort of... curious, I guess. I figured, everyone has a physical starting point, right?
[21:31] SS: =|==> And I thought, maybe there was some way I could force them to that starting point, so they'd be at their weakest.
[21:31] SS: =|==> Or even just wipe them out of existance entirely.
[21:31] UA: ARE you tAlkiNG About ***** quEEN
[21:32] SS: =|==> Well, maybe her too. But I'm more thinking about Daedalus.
[21:33] UA: youR dENizEN
[21:33] UA: RiGht
[21:33] SS: =|==> I'm not even 100% sure he's my denizen. I just know he was an old man who had been around for a very long time, and seemed to be blatantly planning some evil shit.
[21:34] UA: thAts A dENizEN if ivE EvER hEARd ANy dudE
[21:34] UA: comE oN whERE is youR GENRE sAvvyNEss
[21:34] UA: did AlphA tAkE it All
[21:34] SS: =|==> If Alpha had any genre savvy he'd have prototyped the Black Queen with Fluttershy,
[21:35] SS: =|==> not the fucking Burning Gundam.
[21:35] SS: =|==> Do you know what they call that thing in Japan?
[21:35] SS: =|==> GOD GUNDAM.
[21:35] UA: whAt thE fuck is A jApAN
[21:35] SS: =|==> A country.
[21:35] UA: oh ok
[21:35] UA: ANd fluttERshy
[21:36] SS: =|==> Fluttershy is a pony.
[21:36] UA: wAit
[21:36] UA: thAt hAppENEd
[21:36] UA: Not by AlphA
[21:36] UA: but by dEAd Guy
[21:36] SS: =|==> Wait what?
[21:36] SS: =|==> He prototyped My Little Pony?
[21:36] SS: =|==> Seriously?
[21:36] UA: its A piNk hoofbEAst
[21:36] UA: so yEAh i thiNk thAts whAt hE cAllEd it
[21:36] SS: =|==> Fucking Pinkie Pie.
[21:37] SS: =|==> I can't... I can't even believe this.
[21:37] SS: =|==> There is no way he did that on purpose.
[21:37] SS: =|==> He is just that weird.
[21:38] UA: i thiNk hE wAs yEAh
[21:38] SS: =|==> There aren't even words for that.
[21:38] SS: =|==> I don't want to think about that anymore.
[21:38] SS: =|==> By the way,
[21:38] SS: =|==> I found out something interesting.
[21:38] UA: osNAp
[21:39] SS: =|==> Apparently pesterchum records any live conversations you have into its logs.
[21:39] SS: =|==> I'm looking through Alpha me's conversations right now.
[21:39] SS: =|==> Some interesting shit.
[21:39] SS: =|==> Whoa shit.
[21:39] UA: whAt
[21:39] SS: =|==> Oh, uh, nothing. Nothing.
[21:39] UA: yEAh thAts GoNNA woRk
[21:39] UA: comE oN dudE
[21:40] SS: =|==> Apparently he had a talk with... my sister.
[21:40] UA: mystERious hAG GoddAmN
[21:41] UA: hE told mE shE didNt hAvE A pEstERchum whAt thE fuck
[21:41] SS: =|==> No, I mean, in person.
[21:41] UA: oh
[21:41] UA: ooooh
[21:41] SS: =|==> It's... interesting.
[21:42] UA: whAts it About
[21:42] SS: =|==> Looks like the usual shit. Back and forth insults, jokes about the apocalypse, and at least one reference to Christopher Reeve,
[21:43] UA: likE you do
[21:43] SS: =|==> Well yeah, Alpha and I are pretty much the same in personality. But yeah there's even more.
[21:43] SS: =|==> Looks like they were talking about what they were going to do after they won the game.
[21:44] UA: oh
[21:44] SS: =|==> Very optimistic, the two of them.

You can't see what actually happened, but you can tell from the text this was probably during their little adventure together. It's kind of odd to see your SIS talking like this. She was never big on the genuine emotion growing up. The closest you got to encouragement was an insult intended to rile you up into a competitive spirit.

You can't really feel jealous, though. I mean, shit like this continuing to happen is the cause you're planning to die for and all.

[21:44] UA: wEll
[21:44] UA: whAt wAs it
[21:44] UA: uNlEss its pERsoNAl
[21:44] UA: iN thAt cAsE
[21:44] UA: i doNt GivE A shit tEll mE
[21:45] SS: =|==> I... don't really know how to describe this. I guess she was just giving him advice on what to do with his life.
[21:46] SS: =|==> Find a way to get back to Earth, or some other planet. Just all sorts of shit on wait what the fuck.

You realize you just typed that last part in. Shit. Illire's going to get all kinds of invasive now. You actually kind of want to tell him the juicy gossip you're looking at. And yet...

[21:47] UA: im just GoiNG to wAit pAtiENtly uNtil you tEll mE hAhA No i woNt
[21:47] UA: WHAT
[21:48] SS: =|==> Just when along the lines did our timelines split.
[21:48] SS: =|==> I mean what the fuck me.
[21:48] SS: =|==> What the fuck.
[21:48] UA: you ARE spoutiNG NoNsENsE
[21:48] SS: =|==> Me?
[21:48] SS: =|==> Oh no I'm not.
[21:48] SS: =|==> That's what Alpha me is doing.
[21:49] UA: splittiNG thE timEliNE
[21:49] SS: =|==> Fuck, you know what I mean.
[21:49] UA: i hAvE No fuckiNG cluE
[21:50] SS: =|==> The point where my timeline split off from the Alpha.
[21:50] UA: yEAh thE poiNt whERE thE bEd wAs dEstRoyEd RiGht
[21:50] SS: =|==> Yeah it was. It was just a phrase to point out how fucked up and alien to me what he was talking about is.
[21:52] SS: =|==> Apparently he had a crush on Beth.

You can't believe those words just exited your mouth. You feel a sense of disgust with your Alpha self, and disbelief.

[21:52] UA: woAh whAt
[21:53] SS: =|==> I am not going to fucking repeat it. You can look at it on your screen.
[21:53] SS: =|==> Besides, I'm as confused as you are.
[21:53] UA: so...did YOU
[21:53] SS: =|==> No. At least, if I did I've repressed the memory to the extent that even this can't remind me of it.

You actually MIGHT have repressed it, to be honest. Or maybe Alpha Dirk got a lot more introspective than you did after she died. You never really had any time to give it much thought, you were just all go go go, since without help from beta selves, your timeline fell to shambles pretty quickly.

[21:54] UA: whElp
[21:54] UA: EvERyoNE must kNow of this
[21:54] SS: =|==> NO.
[21:54] SS: =|==> FUCK NO.
[21:54] SS: =|==> For the sake of him, and by association me, I cannot allow you to do this.
[21:55] UA: wEll
[21:55] UA: fuck ok
[21:55] SS: =|==> Oh. Well that was easier than I expected.
[21:55] UA: yEAh youRE GoiNG to diE ANywAy so i kiNdA owE you Not to bE A dick to you
[21:56] SS: =|==> Eh, to be honest I don't really care. I'm a distinct enough personality that I can't be held accountable for his shitty taste in women.
[21:56] UA: lEtAGE must kNow
[21:56] SS: =|==> Go ahead and tell people if you want. I just felt I had to put up some kind of defense.
[21:57] UA: oh ok
[21:57] SS: =|==> Oh, well if you're telling her then it's a good thing I didn't tell you about the rest of their conversation.

You were already planning on telling him. But if he was going to make this difficult on himself then you cannot pass up such a ripe trolling opportunity.

[21:57] UA: GOD
[21:57] UA: DAMNIT
[21:57] UA: you ANd youR wilEs
[21:57] SS: =|==> >=D
[21:57] UA: im thE tRoll hERE Not you
[21:57] SS: =|==> Then I guess you need to step up your game.
[21:58] UA: fuck No
[21:58] UA: GREG miGht GEt pissEd off ANd Not GEt us off this Rock
[21:58] SS: =|==> If that's supposed to convince me to tell you, it's not working.
[21:59] UA: just tEll mE if ANy of thE REst of thE coNvERsAtioN hEld ANy REfERENcE to EithER us oR ANythiNG of tActicAl AdvANtAGE
[21:59] SS: =|==> You two? Yes. Tactical advantage? That depends entirely on the battlefield.
[22:00] UA: cARE to shARE thE shit About us
[22:00] SS: =|==> That one may actually come back to bite Alpha me in the ass, so... not without some compensation.
[22:00] UA: uh
[22:01] UA: ok i hAvE this fuckiNG timE tRiNkEt lAyiNG ARouNd somEwhERE
[22:01] SS: =|==> What kind of time trinket?
[22:02] UA: i thiNk it wAs cAllEd A totEm oR somE shit
[22:02] UA: i NEvER usEd it but AppARENtly it AmplifiEd youR timE powERs
[22:03] UA: costs A buNch of GiRst thouGh
[22:04] SS: =|==> Hm... I'm already about to compromise my Alpha self's respectability among his peers.
[22:04] SS: =|==> Might as well rob him while I'm at it.
[22:04] SS: =|==> Give me the code I guess.
[22:04] UA: DC4R1s3G4N
[22:05] SS: =|==> All right. So I guess I need to keep my end of the bargain.
[22:05] UA: youd bEttER
[22:05] UA: REmEmbER whEN i movEd thAt quEstbEd foR you
[22:05] UA: boy thAt suRE wAs somEthiNG
[22:05] SS: =|==> Yeah yeah, shut up.
[22:06] SS: =|==> OK so apparently Dirk is actually pretty jealous of Chas.
[22:06] UA: ok why
[22:08] SS: =|==> A lot of shit, by the looks of it.
[22:08] UA: yEAh ok i couldNt REAlly GivE A fuck About thE Gossip pARt
[22:09] UA: fAciNAtiNG As it mAy bE
[22:09] SS: =|==> Your loss.
[22:09] SS: =|==> So what do you want to know, then?
[22:09] UA: thERE wERE REfERENcEs to us tRolls
[22:09] UA: comiNG fRom diRk oR fRom his sis
[22:10] SS: =|==> Yeah but it pretty much falls under "gossip", so...
[22:10] UA: doNt bE thAt Guy RiGht Now
[22:10] SS: =|==> Oh, I am being that guy right now.
[22:11] UA: could you just
[22:11] UA: Not bE A dick
[22:11] UA: ANd GivE mE A stRAiGht ANswER
[22:12] SS: =|==> My name is Dirk. All it takes to make me a Dick is the whim of some crazy man typing up in an attic somewhere.
[22:12] SS: =|==> But yeah, yeah, straight answer.
[22:12] SS: =|==> Like I said, Dirk was jealous about a lot of shit. Not the least was the attention that Chas was getting from your lady friend.
[22:13] UA: sERious? whAt is up with humANs dRooliNG All ovER hER
[22:14] SS: =|==> Well in Alpha me's case, it's understandable. Being the last female in existence who is not either older by over twenty years, or his fucking SISTER.
[22:15] UA: AlRiGht ill lEt thAt slidE
[22:15] UA: Also - ill kEEp this fRom lEtAGE foR Now
[22:15] UA: shE hAs A biG ENouGh EGo As it is
[22:16] SS: =|==> It's probably for the best.
[22:17] UA: ANythiNG ElsE
[22:21] SS: =|==> No I think that's all the crazy there was. After that they sort of just had a really awkward family moment and parted ways.
[22:21] UA: ANy wAy to coNtAct thE cRAzy fAmily mEmbER
[22:22] SS: =|==> If you can summon a ghostly jackhammer and carve a message into a rock, maybe.
[22:22] UA: ill GEt RiGht oN thAt
[22:23] UA: wEll ANywAy AN ENliGhtENiNG chAt this hAs bEEN
[22:23] SS: =|==> Indeed it has been. We'll have to do it again sometime.
[22:23] SS: =|==> Oh shit.
[22:23] SS: =|==> I just realized I need to find a way to delete this log.
[22:23] SS: =|==> Because Alpha me is going to see it otherwise.
[22:23] UA: thERE is No othER optioN
[22:23] UA: dEstRoy thE GlAssEs
[22:23] UA: it is thE oNly wAy
[22:24] SS: =|==> I... I can't.
[22:24] SS: =|==> I could never harm these things. They're too beautiful.
[22:25] UA: AlchEmisE A NEw pAiR thEN
[22:25] SS: =|==> But these would still be broken. And I can't accept that.
[22:26] UA: kEEp hANGiNG oNto it thEN
[22:26] UA: im suRE thAt if you kEEp it with you it shAll bE foRGottEN foREvER ANd NEvER comE iNto plAy EvER AGAiN
[22:26] UA: 100% suRE of thAt
[22:27] SS: =|==> That is either the best or worst idea ever.
[22:27] SS: =|==> But yeah I'll think of something.
[22:27] UA: AlRiGht
[22:27] SS: =|==> Talk to you later then.
[22:27] UA: i thiNk im GoNNA bothER AlphA iN thE futuRE A littlE bit - Ask whAt thE fuck is up with thAt pARAdox of thE dEAd Guy tAlkiNG
[22:27] UA: coNNoR, i mENAt
[22:27] UA: Also i mEANt to do thAt
[22:30] SS: =|==> Right then. Let me know how that goes.
[22:30] UA: chEERs
[22:30] -- unopressedAgitator [UA] ceased pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 22:30 --

With that out of the way, you must tackle the issue of how to ERASE THE EVIDENCE.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Ignore creature and deal with Skyneedle

You stand there,staring at the creature.Its down,but not out.You could attack it and maybe finish it off...and yet...

You sigh then point at the creature and call out I'm not going to kill you right now.Attack me again and I will change that feeling.We will talk after I finish what I need to do here..

You teleport yourself right next to the SKYNEEDLE and look up.You do have to wonder what this thing does.But if it helps the trolls any,then you guess you will do as you were told.Focus your Space powers into it..you can do that..you hope.

You place your hands on the SKYNEEDLE and close your eyes,going though the mediation stances that your MOTHER taught you,only this time using the SKYNEEDLE as a focus,and you try to pour your powers into it.

Here goes..something.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Rich: You briefly channel the spirit of GENERAL-IN-CHIEF WINFIELD SCOTT, as you ensnare the Underlings in your trap. The spheres of energy from your STRETTO BURST begin to orbit closer and closer to the Dersite soldiers below you, dealing damage every time they touch one of your foes. Looks like IMPS are pretty much toast after one hit, OGRES and BASILISKS after about ten or twelve. Those GICLOPSES are still pretty hardy though.

But yeah, you're way out of range, and your attack keeps the Underlings from advancing. Pretty soon, they've all been dealt with.

Level up! Level 16 Union Reckoner. +640,000 Boondollars.


>Chas: Well. You won. It's you. You just beat an Agent of Derse, and a tough one at that. You're going to be absolutely fine.

As you walk along, you find a few Underlings here and there. They easily fall to your weapon, leaving behind piles of Grist and Gel.


>Greg: As you begin to meditate, energy begins to pour off your body, flowing through the air to the NEEDLE before you. As the mystical aura is absorbed by the strange structure, the NEEDLE begins glowing, softly at first, then brighter and brighter.

However, you're not able to get very far, as the OCCULUSI has begun scaling the SKYNEEDLE, climbing towards you at a terrifying rate. Yeah, doesn't look like you're gonna be able to reason with this guy.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
>Rich: Reap the spoils of victory.

How high do you even have to BE to be so good at TACTICS?



Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
Unless I am specifically proven wrong at some point in the future, I am forced to assume that this was how our Hero of Time got his name:

Except Dave is naturally switched out with SIS.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
Greg:Deal with Occulusi

You have to admit,that critter sure is persistent.You will have to deal with it before you finish what you are here to do.But what to do?Hmmm...

You look around but don't see anything to throw at it,and you doubt you are strong enough Spacy wise to teleport him.

You you are looking down,your eye catches the glass still around your feet and an idea starts to form.Its a bit reckless,and a bit dangerous,but hey,sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith.

You position yourself close to where the creature's head is,take a deep breath,thanking whatever god who will listen that you don't have a fear of heights and hope that this doesn't kill you,you teleport yourself several dozen feet in the air.Using what little focus you still have at this point from your rapid descent,you aim feet first toward the creature like a KNIGHT MISSLE.