Well, I'm never doing that again.


New member
May 17, 2010
Double Clutch in Black Op's Search and Destroy and obtaining a Attack Helicopter killstreak on Discovery when the map was newish, using an AK47 with Silencer without Ghost against a team of ghost users (one of the first games of SnD I played.) I have never been able to replicate it or do better.

Jabberwock xeno

New member
Oct 30, 2009
I went over 30 kills with under 5 deaths with just a throwing knife in MW2, after taking a bet with my friend.

Twas amazing.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
A nuke in CoD MW2. It was the second lastgame I played or something. It was last year.
And a solo rush no mercy, expert. And I mean Rush. Leave the tank to the AI, and rush with a shotgun, picking off hunters, smokers, boomers and a bloody witch. It was awesome


New member
Apr 27, 2011
On Gears of War 2 I managed to get a double headshot with the torque bow. Sure, I've gotten a headshot that stuck another guy behind him a few times, but the 1 double headshot I got was a once in a lifetime thing for me.


New member
Jun 9, 2009
3 player splitscreen on halo 2, started off two kills infront, went to the toilet, came back about 5 or 6 behind, in the last couple of minutes i ended up 15 kills ahead, it was madness


New member
Jan 20, 2009
I actually managed to get a god damn 66 kills and 4 deaths on a modern warfare 2 match once. i liberally used stealth bombers and helecopters, and the enemy team wasnt the best, but i must have just been really happy or something, becaus i normally get my arse kicked. quite flattering to be called a hacker, actually ^_^ also, i once got a 24 kill streak as the soldier in team fortress 2. if you have it. get the black box for the soldier. right fucking now.


New member
Aug 13, 2010
28 points with sniper on my first hour of playing sniper on tf2.
19 kills, 16 headshots, staying alive for 10 min.
I did find a great spot but it was still weird._.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
My Kill to death ratio in a halo 3 match was 34/0, and it was in the MLG Lobby to. I don't know how I managed it but it sure felt good when the other team started bitching at me after the match.


Pointy Object Enthusiast
Sep 20, 2008
Perfecting Unlimited Hakumen on Hell difficulty in BlazBlue CS.

Also, no-scoping a chopper pilot in Bad Company 2: Vietnam.

Ghengis John

New member
Dec 16, 2007
Action half-life. It was a realistic damage mod for half-life with some action movie sensibilities like stunts.

I got separated from the rest of my team and they all died. Massacred by the other team, 15 guys and not one of them went down, now all gunning for me. I figured I was toast but I fought on. 20 minutes later I had managed to bump them all off one or two at a time. At one point I was under attack by a large group of them, I ran away, and as I turned a corner I dropped a grenade at my feet, leaving it behind me as I ran. It killed two of them. I turned around right after the explosion and shot a third in the head who'd been wounded by the grenade and thrown against the wall of the tunnel.

When the match ended I could see the enemy chat and my dead team mate's. There was a lot of congratulation from my guys and one message from one of the enemy: "That was retarded."

I'm not normally that good. Normally in that game because you could bleed out, die from a single head shot or be crippled in your limbs I'd have had trouble killing two guys without assistance, that's why it made sense to travel in small squads. But that game, on that day I ran that match like a commando. Laying traps, blowing up barrels, hitting and disappearing, swapping out my empty guns for the enemy's and somehow always having the right one at the right time. I even jump kicked one of their snipers in the chest, sending him flying off a rooftop. I'll never forget it. I ended the match with 36 health. Most of the damage incurred by a man with stealth pads on his feet using throwing knives, he kept making attacks on me and disappearing, but when he stepped on the body of one of his friends he left bloody footprints behind, I followed the prints and caught him bandaging behind a crate where I shot him with a sawed off shotgun I got off the same corpse.

The next round I was the third person to die. So much for my invincibility. Maybe they were targeting me after that.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Probably the time it took me 8 hours to complete a single mission of haegemonia: legions of iron... (next play through, did it sensibly, saved my research points until after cruisers became availible 20 minutes in, cleaned up in an hour and a half).


New member
May 13, 2010
On MAG I went over 70 kills for 4 deaths and basically carried my entire platoon on my back, I took out 3 bunkers, the AA and was just running between the two objectives securing and reviving and killing. I mean I'm normally good at the game, consistently scoring high and getting MVP but this was just unreal, every action was perfect.
Just one of those games I've never replicated.

Had a similar one where it was my team, not me. None of them had mics but they followed orders flawlessly and despite an overall terrible platoon my squad managed to keep the line for all 30 minutes, losing our bunker once for about 30 seconds to a precision strike. It was just a beautiful sight, they were all well above average players and all following fragos/spoken commands when jammed or downed. I've been in a few good squads but nothing compared to that and it felt better than the above, better than any run on CoD. It was just so...smooth.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
in Battlefield: Bad Company, i was on the top of a crane (the very tippy top, you have to tightrope walk up the wire to get there) on that one foggy map with the single crane at the attackers first base. anyway, i was up there and was sniping people at the next base. suddenly i notice a dude in a hummer is driving down the path towards my base. his vehicle is pretty messed up, since its smoking, but i decide not to wait for him to get to my base. i aim and take one shot when hes like 500 meters away. i got a headshot and the vehicle was also so badly damaged that my bullet breaking through his glass was enough to make it explode, too.

that was the best shot ive ever made in any game, and i probably wont ever do any better.

The Diabolical Biz

New member
Jun 25, 2009
wolas3214 said:
Getting S rank on the final boss of bullet heaven. Skip to the 10 min mark.

What is this I don't- I bet you like Touhou :p

Mine would be on Just Cause 2 at a friend's house when I managed to hook two planes together, get them flying circles with each other, until I took control of one and crashed them together. About 30 seconds later, I was told I'd killed 3 elites.


New member
Dec 23, 2010
Playing Combat Arms I used my sniper and shot 1 kid through the ass just as he jumped infront of his team mate so it killed him and then went through his team mate's head. Me and my little brother called it a blow job shot, and I doubt I'll ever be able to do it again.