Well, I'm never doing that again.


New member
Oct 21, 2009
There's a few once-in-a-lifetime actions I've committed on Bad Company 2.

I once got pinned down by a sniper in the lighthouse in Valparaiso. I stood up, fired a burst down my Uzi's red dot sight...and headshotted the bastard through the tiny windows. Not exactly unique but highly unlikely.

Another one, the most recent, was managing to get an Ace Pin on Laguna Presa Conquest. I hadn't slept in 29 hours at the time.

The best though was managing to get 6 Ace Pins in a row. Somehow. These were full matches with the usual mix of players so I must have been on some reflex enhancing magic that day.

Brandon Lum

New member
Apr 4, 2010
I've had quite a few, but I'll list the best.

- Killing about half a team on RSV2 with thru-cover shots and then using every cartridge in the Raging bull to get headshots and wipe the rest out. On CQB Training - Night, without nightvision, or thermal.

- My friend Larry and I somehow made all the terrorists (CS) kill each other. He threw a flash bang through a window and then the kill icons came up saying that so-and-so killed almost everyone on his team with automatic M429 fire. Luckily the hostages were fine.

- Killing the Red Eyes Knight in Demon's Souls, without taking damage, and then crossing the bridge, without getting killed by the dragon.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
For me it would be finding 2 shiny pokemon in the same day on my pokemon Platinum version.

First off I was fishing for a feebas in mt.coronet when I bumped into a shiny magikarp, which I caught.

Then whe I went back to route 201 to start EV training one of my pokemon, I bump into a shiny cressilia, first time I had seen it outside of the little island area where you set it off running. caught it then and there to not waste any time.
Mar 25, 2010
24 kill streak on ctf_doublecross with a scout using the 4 shot scattergun... I'm trying to remember... Oh yeah! The shortstop! It was hilarious because 9 of the kills were on this spy who kept disguising as me! (Btw, what kind of spy disguises himself as a scout to begin with? Must of been a new f2p guy. Or a horrible tf2 veteran.)


New member
Jul 23, 2008
73 kills and a single death in a game of Black Ops. I can manage to get that many kills without too much of a problem, but I usually get five more deaths. :3


New member
Sep 8, 2010
In Saints Row 2. I managed to parachute on top of an airplane (which was in mid air) and did a handstand on it. As if that wasn't enough, I bashed on it until it exploded and then my ragdollized character landed into a car, sitting position.

I can't even repeat the parachute-on-airplane sequence again, let alone fall into a car and end up in a sitting position.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Grell Sutcliff said:
in one of the tekken games I used Paul and he did an attack that hit once but took away 75% of the opponents HP. I think it was a glitch
It's not a glitch, that's the Phoenix Fist, i can't remember the combo for it but it's similar to the Falcon Punch in a lot of aspects.


New member
Jul 11, 2011
Two examples I can think of are mainly amusing rather than skillful, and I suspect they were only funny if you saw it happen.

Halo 3, sandtrap, 4 people splitscreen match. Me and my friend with a spartan laser stood still on either side of the corridor of sand bisecting the length of the building in that map (50 metre separation). Not generally a good idea to stand still against a spartan laser but I managed to snipe him in the head a fraction of a second before the laser was sufficiently charged. Everyone else saw it happen so it was very funny.

Halo 3, the pit, 2 people splitscreen match. I was in an upper area and my friend was lobbying an endless supply of grenades into the room I was in while repeatedly jumping, as I was throwing grenades out at him. My plasma grenade stuck to his spike grenade in midair, the spike grenade stuck just below the doorway and my plasma grenade prematurely detonated his spike grenade, instantly killing him as he mistimed his jump to rendezvous with the spike cloud.

Last Hugh Alive

New member
Jul 6, 2011
Resident Evil 5. I ran out of ammo while fighting Wesker. As a last resort, I pulled out a rotten egg and hoped for the best. I defeated him by hurling the bad egg at his face from across the room. He was stunned and groaning in pain, then the end-of-fight cutscene played.

I was laughing for a good 5 minutes.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
The most recent I could think of would be in Lost Planet 2; downing an enemy that self destructs when it's defeated. I was about 5 feet away when it went down had had literally 3 seconds to outrun the blast. No way I'd make it on foot so I leaped off the edge nearest me and managed to grappling hook to the ledge before I fell to my death.

Hanging off the edge of a 50 foot death drop as a blast overcame the area above me was utterly awesome. Not sure how well I could repeat that event, I'd almost rather not try - it would diminish the badassery :p


New member
Sep 9, 2009
Team Fortress 2. 40 kill steak as a spy. I was also drunk. In the morning I simply stared at my score in wonder...


New member
Jun 3, 2008
I saw that every time I get knifed from 8 foot away in Black Ops, which is about half the time.


New member
May 5, 2009
Ages ago I was at a friends house. I was playing on the PS2 and he was on his laptop playing an RTS which looking back I think must have been Total Annihilation or something very silimar. I started watching him play out of the corner of my eye and became intrigued, asking questions about what the game played like etc. A little while later he went off to to do something or other and left me in charge of the game, telling me I could just play around with the map he was playing for a while. I basically just faffed about, trying to figure out the control scheme, resource system and such. Eventually I got around to building a small fleet of air craft - a horde of bombers, some fighter escorts and a handful of unarmed scout planes. I sent in the scout planes first to see if I could find a good spot to focus my attack, and as I did my friend returned and pointed out that they were likely to get instantly wiped out by the opponent AIs significant air defences.

Sure enough as soon as they reached the enemies defense line the helpless little planes came under an overhwhelming barrage of ordnance, wiping out all but one. That one plucky little scout, critically damaged and all alone zips past the defenses and right into the heart of the enemies base where it encountered some sort of enormous mecha thing bristling with numerous threatening weapons, the kind that could make the entire American millitary feel inadequate. The mecha turns. It opens fire, and misses spectacularly. It's shots streak past the scout plant and detonate in the middle of the enemies production facilities and power plants. There is an enormous explosion. The poor laptop freezes for a moment, the fps drops to a snails pace and slowly returns to normal over the course of several minutes. As the dust clears and the laptop is once again able to function effectively my eyes go wide, and my friends eyes go wider still as we see that half of what had once been a sprawling tightly packed base spanning a fifth of the entire map was gone.

We burst into laughter, and my friend proffesses that he has never seen anything like that happen before, and after a few hours of trying to recreate it, he decides that he'll likely never see such a thing again.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
jbchillin said:
i caught a lugia with a pokeball first try once. i was stunned lol.
I caught Giratina like that. I was like o.0 and Giratina was like 0.o.

Then I was like :./ and he was like *shrug*.

It was weird.

OT: In MH3 I got a rathalos ruby on my first ever high rank Los hunt, from my tail carve, then got another one in the quest rewards. It was a big WTF moment seeing as how, in a previous save I'd killed over 50 rathians trying to get a plate, or how I'd killed 40 or so Gigginox (breaking everything) trying to get 1 fearsome maw (and didn't get any), then on my next save I got 4 fearsome maws from 23 Gigginox.


Charming, But Stupid
Mar 22, 2009
Playing dustbowl as a backburner pyro, round is at stage 2, cap B (the part with four tunnels leading to the courtyard). I'm on defense, we've got the tunnels locked down and my team as a whole is doing a fantastic job of keeping them pushed back. I take a surprisingly empty tunnel (the one on the right if you're defending), walk around the back of that one building, double back, and then I see the entire enemy team facing the other way. A friendly uber-heavy was just emerging from the tunnel and chewing up all the engie buildings with a few demomen in tow, so everybody on Blu was very distracted and super-panicky. Burned nine of them to death from behind and scored three domination kills in the process, and I would've had a few more if heavy-medic combos didn't completely steal kill assists. I was very, very happy.

Jove said:
Beating Halo Reach on Legendary, not even going to try and repeat that.
Did you solo it for the achievement?


Charming, But Stupid
Mar 22, 2009
Jove said:
Yes, and it was hell. Good game, but HELL!
I can sympathize, the vehicle sections in particular are sheer brutality on legendary. The only thing worse is when me and my bro go for the Legendary: All Skulls On weekly achievements. So far, we've done three (Long Night of Solace being the worst), and have thoroughly hated each one.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
In starcraft 2 I was playing matchmaking 3vs3, and at the very beginning of the game my two mates DC, so now I'm playing 3vs1, except I started controlling both of their bases as well, never have I been so glad to play random, since I knew what build to go for both of them. I managed to build them both up and win the game, 3vs1. At the end I was so in the zone, I was macroing the shit out of everything. To be honest my Micro was a bit sloppy, but you try controlling 3 guys and not slip!

That game was so godlike.

EDIT: Note that your team-mate resources and housing don't show up, so I was pretty much making rough accounts based on previous games, and I never got supply blocked.