Well, I'm never doing that again.

Total LOLige

New member
Jul 17, 2009
Not that spectacular but I got 15 for 1 on gears of war 2, I was playing guardian. But today I was playing and some guy got 35 for 2 on guardian. I'm not that good online about average.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Soloed the last 5% of the Blood Prince Council in ICC on WoW as a Paladin tank. (A game I quit a few months back so I definitely won't be doing that one again)


New member
Sep 15, 2008
BFBC2, defending a Rush round on Laguna with a couple of friends. Decided to try out a shotgun (for the first time) and took the M1911 and went about 32 for 2. Seriously, best I've ever done until then, and the M1911 is SERIOUSLY awesome - though not quite as awesome as sniping snipers with solid shotgun slugs ^_^ Got like 15,000 points from that round I got so many medals and an achievement star :D


New member
Jan 23, 2011
I beat my brother at Super Smash Bros: Melee. I suck at all fighting games, and he's really good at them. He was pissed, and I found the one technique he can't beat (jump constantly). It was a good day for me.
Jul 11, 2011
It was wave 20(something) of Black OP's Call of the Dead, and I had just died last round. So I go get a measly MP5, and learn that all my buddies are DOWN ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MAP. So what do I do? I run around for 30 minutes picking up guns off the wall, blasting zombies as I go. Killed 300+ zombies by myself, and was making the funniest war crys all while doing it. My buddies were both amazed and laughing thier butts off.


New member
Oct 1, 2010
I was playing Battlefront II as the Republic on Naboo when I looked up at the team sizes and saw that somehow I was the only guy left on my team, and the other team had...40 or so if I recall correctly.

I won because I switched to an engineer and kept repairing the healing and ammo droids and took out anything that got close to me. 'Twas glorious.

I once also managed to get a plasma grenade into a warthog that killed the warthog, driver, gunner, and passenger. I've also stuck two people together using a plasma grenade. I've gotten the most kills in a few TDMs, although I generally stick to games like territories and such.


New member
Mar 26, 2011
I used to love the Devil May Cry series. So much so that I played every single one of them through on Dante Must Die difficulty. In the first game there was a boss called nightmare, and the third fight with that bastard bought me to tears on one occasion xD (I was 8)
Then one time I guess I got really lucky, 'cause I kicked his arse without even having to use all my vital stars.

I also managed to out-br two guys at once in a halo 3 game, and proceeded to get my first 50 rank from the same game, after a friend killed a third guy immediately after. We only won by like 2 points as well, I was pretty damn chuffed.


New member
Jun 10, 2010
This one time I was playing a wager match in Black Ops, sticks and stones to be precise.

For those of you not familiar with this game mode, it's basically when you are giving the crossbow, tactical knife, and a tomahawk to kill people with. The trick is that the tomahawk bankrupts whoever you kill with it of all their points.

So there are like 5 seconds left and I'm in 4th place which is upsetting because you only win points if you're in the top 3. At the very last second, I threw my tomahawk randomly. It ends up flying through the air, ricocheting off of a wall and stabbing some random guy in the ass, bankrupting him and moving me up to 3rd. It played as the final killcam and everyone was like, "WTFFFF" and I felt glorious.

And it never happened again.

But I'm glad I saved that moment haha.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
Well me and my brother were playing Resident Evil 5 on splitscreen and by some miracle I managed to do the god-awful quick-time event on the final level. Y'know...

The one where Sheva falls of a cliff and you have to tap X at superhuman speed to avoid mutated Wesker killing you and before you fall into the lava

But, I died soon after and couldn't do it again. Some people may have found it easy but I found it insanely difficult.


New member
Sep 17, 2008
Pretty much anytime I top any leaderboard in an online multiplayer game I'm stunned, particularily once when I topped our teams board on Black Ops, and I SUCK at Black Ops, its a sad sad day for our team when I'm the best player XD (we won the match incidently, lord knows how!)

Oh and one time that I wish I had been fraps-ing, was playing TDU2, going offroad in my hummer trying to explore all the roads, while going over the dirt roads in Ibiza there was a small jump in one so I drove over it and because of the slope on the other side my rear wheels hit the dirt road first...

...then... I dunno the physics engine must have gone screwey because the front wheels came down so hard it made the rear come up again and the whole thing went end over end, but the momentum kept going, it landed on its roof then kept rolling till it landed back on all 4 wheels again... I front flipped a freaking hummer! how on earth...


New member
Nov 19, 2010
In saints row 2, i tried to take out my shotgun to kill a boss, but instead i accidentally took out my rpg, hit a car next to the boss, and instantly killed him and won the mission. Quickest boss fight ever for me.


New member
May 6, 2011
on multiple online games (TF2, counter strike etc) we hadd all chosen the same class/outfits(accidently)

it happens really rarely but is hilarious when it does


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
RoseArch said:
How in the ...?

A question we have all asked ourselves at one point or another. You'll sit there, controller in hand and eyebrows raised, wonder just how on Earth you managed to do that. Whether it be in Single Player or in Multiplayer, what have you done in a game that you have never managed to repeat again? A once in a lifetime thing.

I once completely carried a game in TF2. I had the most kills, least deaths and I had captured the briefcase the most (I didn't get it two, maybe three times)

Which is surprising because I suck. (lawl)
Probably the best single example of such a thing in my experience was in a game of Halo: Reach not long after it came out, on the Blood Gulch recreation map. The short version is that I lobbed a plasma grenade over a flag base and managed to tag a Ghost with it. Aforementioned ghost just happened to move in just the right way that when the grenade exploded, it killed the driver and gunner in a Warthog, then sent of both vehicles flying. The Ghost slid through an enemy and an ally (who had been about to get a kill with a plasma sword), and the Warthog flipped through the air and landed smack-dab on top of an enemy about to fire a rocket at me.

I have no idea how the fuck it actually happened, but I somehow got a quintakill from a mostly blind grenade toss.


New member
Oct 3, 2010
I was playing a game of halo 3 with my brother on sandtrap at the very start of the map we jumped into a warhog. my brother was on the gun and i was driving. a few minutes later the match ended and my brothers say's" hey you got me the prefectionist award". we manged to survive the entire match in one hog and he got over 19 kills ever since then he always has me drive.


New member
Jul 6, 2011
I tried to beat the Aztec level in Goldeneye on the N64 about 2 dozen times without success back when the game was first released.

I came back to it about a year later and did it with a fair bit of health to spare in my third or fourth attempt. I was quite sure if I tried another 20 times that wasn't going to happen again.