Well, this sucks.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
I was hit by a car, broke my upper left arm and twisted it so that one piece was parallel to the other, broke my hip and had numerous wounds. Was in the hospital for a few weeks followed by a few weeks in a cast which was then followed by a few months in rehabilitation.

Oh, and I wasn't allowed to eat while I was in the hospital.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
PeePantz said:
Radeonx said:
The store I was working at got held up and the guy shot me in the leg.
In terms of accidents, I've broken both my legs twice, my ankle twice, torn my achilles tendon, broken my wrist, and gotten 2 concussions.
Overall, though, none of them have had that big of an impact.
Jeebus, I've always been curious. What was it like (besides the obvious) and what damage did it do? Also, what was the recovery like and what did it require?
Well, since it was in the kneecap it required a very long surgery to remove the bullet, followed by weeks on crutches, followed by a few months of physical therapy to get back into shape. Because of the way that my bone moved, I have to have metal brackets holding some stuff together, and my knee, after a few years still isn't as good as it previously was.

Nom Pretentieux

New member
Aug 2, 2010
OP, I love how disjointed you made those two things that suck seem, though on second thought they might actually sound related.

"I have an STD and also there's war in the world!!"


Anyways, yeah, I'm overly careful and a wuzz so I've never had any real injuries. Have a chronic foot injury after a gym class in the 3rd grade though.


Elite Member
May 23, 2010
Squarez said:
spartan1077 said:
3 concussions and 4 times I split my head open. But no MAJOR damage just a little loss of memory.

And I would kidnap that "friends" parents and hold them hostage until he completes some tests to make sure he is worth the wasted air. Or you can break his wrist and nose when you feel better. Or you can pee in his drink. Revenge.
Or break into his house and pee in his toilet and don't flush it.

Then pee in the cistern so that when he flushes it, more pee comes out.

Ultimate revenge.
I'm not going to lie, that made me laugh so hard. thats one of the funniest things anybody could do.


New member
Jul 15, 2010
gamerguy473 said:
adakias said:
A nail cut through my knee when I was about 8. That was probably the most painful.

The most inconvenient "injury" was when I played piano from 7 AM to 11 PM one day with only one break of about five minutes. By the last hour, almost all of my fingers (and my left wrist) were sprained and red and blistered. I couldn't do anything the next day.
Why on earth were you playing so long?
I didn't say it was the logical thing to do. I go through these phases where I get a little uncontrollable and obsessive about it.

That day, I had been up since about 5 or something bored out of my mind and decided to pick up a new piece. I don't really remember the rest of the day, but I perfected the first two pages. It was a tricky *****, but I know it now... I had to wait about a week to play again, so in the long run it took more time than usual to learn.

...Which reminds me I haven't played today, so adios, Escapist. <3

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Swaki said:
thanks man, i assume that sooner or later i will "pass out", but its weird, i have never been awake for so long, i dont get why people stay up so long voluntarily.
With me, it lasted a week, but after the first 2 days I was in this weird half asleep, half awake feverish daze. I still remember the moment my parents drove me to the ER in the middle of the night where they injected me with a nice dose of Prednisone.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
Radeonx said:
Well, since it was in the kneecap it required a very long surgery to remove the bullet, followed by weeks on crutches, followed by a few months of physical therapy to get back into shape. Because of the way that my bone moved, I have to have metal brackets holding some stuff together, and my knee, after a few years still isn't as good as it previously was.
That's terrible. Will you ever get the hardware removed? I can only imagine how painful getting shot in the kneecap must be. What a dick! Couldn't he have just gone for the calf instead!


Ace Defective
May 1, 2009
My sinuses were blocked and I had to miss two weeks of school. Yeah, I was sad about about missing school, I'm such a nerd.
Not as in "I had a cold and was a bit stuffy and didn't feel like school", more like "Maybe if I tilt my head slowly enough I caOH GOD THE PAIN!"

Yeah. Had to sleep sitting upright for a few days. My back didn't forgive me for those nights for about a month.


Still Approved by Shock
May 30, 2010
United States
Car accident, near death, coma. after about a month I got to go home, on top of another few months of physical therapy.

It sucked.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
friend said the rope would hold me.... it didn't hold me and I broke my arm.

missed work for a week, and it was painful as hell to do anything with it for like 3 months.


Elite Member
Jun 27, 2009
United States
my friend crashed an atv with me on it which lead to a large chunk of wood being being stabbed underneath my thumbnail. Not a good experience.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
My dog bit my hand a week before I started my exams, I managed to struggle through thanks to painkillers.


New member
Feb 4, 2009
A staph infection decided that several muscles in my leg which I would rather keep if I wanted to ever walk again would make a nice lunch. I spent thirty days in hospital screaming in pain and praying for death and I now walk with a significant limp.


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
I once sprained my ankle[footnote]It went completely purple![/footnote].

OK, I'll leave. I can't compete with the rest of this thread.

Ace of Spades

New member
Jul 12, 2008
I broke my collarbone while playing basketball, and it hurt like a ***** for two days, and was just annoying for two months.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
I snapped my foot once, while we were on our way to a club, we came across one of those 24h fitness centres and wanted to make fun of the aftermidnight training people, well joke was on me there i guess :p fucking karma.
After we all stopped laughing, yes i can appreciate irony even on my cost, i drank half a bottle of Martini Bianco and we went on to the club,i danced for 6 hours and woke up, wanted to get out of the bed, stood up, screamed in pain and fell down, the ankle was a nice mixture of red blue green and dark purple. I had to get a cast for 3 weeks. Funny that it was the night after the last day in school before 2 weeks of easter-holidays.The week after the holidays we went to Praque with class, and we had fun decorating our room with empty beer bottles, ashtrays and my used thrombosis-injections before the teachers checked the bedrooms :p schooltime was fun.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
i train in MMA, but im not at a particularly high level. i was kicking the bag durring open gym. my technique and power are getting a lot better, but i still keep landing it too close to my foot. a proper kick should impact with the shin. this makes my ankles and insteps pretty sore, but its something you just have to put up with. it kept getting worse with every kick, and after a really hard one, i decided to stop kicking with the right leg, and just focus on the left leg and my hands. eventually i did the same thing with the left and just boxed for a while, before deciding to stay off my feat and get some ice. a hemotoma formed on my right ankle about the size of an egg. i took a month off, but when i returned i just hurt myself again durring some wrestling drills. after that it was about 3 months before i could even walk properly. it was 6 months before i had the confidence to jog or work out. its been a year now and i still havnt gone back to actual training, but im ready now.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
I pulled my back sliding down a bouncy castle onetime, unfortunate, because the rest of my day had been fucking golden.

"Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (wrink) ffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccckkkk"

Plus I used to get strepthroat (super contagious and super painful, like some kind of mechasorethroat) every couple of months and it would take a fucking week to get my mom to take me to the goddamn walk in clinic for some anti-biotics (I don't care what cracked says, they solved my problem).