What always manages to upset you, thickness of your skin be damned?


New member
Sep 8, 2010
Whenever the Juniors or lower at my high school regularly talk about smoking cigarettes/marijuana and NO ONE SEEMS PHASED AT ALL. I feel like I'm the only one that seems to worry about what they're doing to themselves. I try not to get involved in their business too much but, a lot of them were my friends. And I know they are not talking BS about it. They've offered me weed before.


New member
Sep 8, 2010
RamirezDoEverything said:
Youtube comments.

They always manage to make me pissed off, whether it be about Justin Bieber or x people disliked.

Especially RWJ comments...
co za asy... I know what you mean -_-#
Jul 5, 2009
People who ***** about people using the word gay as a description of annoyance or when you call anyone a fag in jest.
I'm bi, I call all my guy friends fags in jest, words are only properly offensive in the context they are used.
You offended?
By all means be offended, but I will continue to say it because I'm not hurting anyone by it and I'm not trying to demean anyone.
And if you still think I'm being offensive, I would tell you to stop being so damn sensitive, a word is just a word.

Also people who eat their food loudly/with their mouth open.


New member
Feb 2, 2010
orangeban said:
Second thing that pops up is people hating on welfare and benefits. This more upsets me than angers me. It's generally the "poor people don't deserve anything" type thing that gets me the most. I see this as grossly insulting to poor people, it is often a view-point born of ignorance (e.g. "poor people wouldn't be poor if they paid attention in school!") and I think shows blatant lack of empathy, care and respect for the right to a decent life in a fellow human being.
this along with any kind of extreme intolerance (albeit racial, sexual, economic, or religious intolerance) that kind of backwards thinking is in my honest opinion the biggest problem holding us back as a species and seeing anyone openly celebrate/demonstrate their intolerance makes me wanna hit them up side their head with a 62 hit hyper combo finish MvC3 stlye.

kinda of contradictorily to that tho I'm also upset(not so much angered) by overly being P.C.
example I'm black, born and raised in the states, my Dad and Mom are from both Jamaica and the Bahamas respectfully, nothing about my family's recent history (for at least 5 generations) has nothing to do with Africa, so why am I a African American and not just an American...


New member
Aug 20, 2009
people who rape basic grammar/spelling for example: OMGZOR I ARE TEH GREATEST!!!!!111!!1!!11!!oneeleven
seriously either speak your native language so we can translate it or normal English
seriously if I EVER hear somebody talk like that I would punch the wapanese out of them.
people saying that games/anime are for kids (yes I watch anime but I,m not a weeabo at least I try not to be)
I don,t mind minor typo,s like "teh" instead of "the" but big stuff like "U" instead of "you" it,s one second longer! is it that hard? also leet speak it only makes it HARDER to read what you typed not easier.

Jon Shannow

New member
Oct 11, 2010
People who get their historical information from Hollywood and then convince themselves that it is the ultimate truth


The Next Best Thing
Feb 15, 2011
dstreet121 said:
I get enraged inside whenever I overhear anyone yelling at customer service reps.
This. A million times this.
SamtheDeathclaw said:
The word "******", variations thereof, and heterosexism in general. Nothing unusual.
Sometimes I feel like the only homosexual who doesn't see "******" as a negative word. It's like "******" being reclaimed by black people: just don't get pissed off at the word and adopt it as a compliment and it loses its effectiveness.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
orangeban said:
Internet Kraken said:
Two main things; people who strongly support the death penalty, or who legitimately think a lot of people should be killed when it's not necessary. As someone who values human life to a high degree the death penalty really bothers me, and as a result people who defend it strongly do as well.

Also anyone who makes a comment along the lines of "90% of people are idiots. Not me though
" instantly earn my hatred, mainly because they remind me of myself from 4 years ago and I'm ashamed.
Ah yes, the death penalty thing, that tends to get at me.
Also that 90% of people are idiots thing only applied to a bigger scale (see objectivism).
Ironically, most people who believe in objectivism ARE in fact in that percentage of idiots. They've just deluded themselves into believing that it's everyone else's fault they have an awful job as opposed to owning Microsoft, or something.

OT: Seeing stereotypes in real life always irks me. Also, while I generally dislike anyone being "gangsta", I especially hate seeing otherwise normal white people doing it. (I myself am white, but especially in those circumstances is just smacks of trying too hard to reach the social definition of "cool".

Also, hypocrites. I kid you not, I have seen someone whose father passed away from cancer (who still cries about it if it's mentioned frequently) take the piss out of someone else's grandfather, who had cancer at the time (is now dead.)


New member
Oct 15, 2009
suomynonA said:
People who belittle others for lack of skill in a game.
God I hate people like that. If I see someone who isn't good at a game I help them by giving them pointers and making sure they know the controls.

Another thing that grinds my gears are feminists who believe that Women are better then men. I don't believe that men are better then women I think that we're both equal so I hate it when women don't shut up about how much better they are at everything.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Cpu46 said:
People who try and twist or disprove scientific knowledge without actually understanding the science being presented. Namely but not limited to the theory of Evolution, Abiogenesis, and the Big bang theory.
Oh, this!

Seriously, I've heard them say "oh, it's only the theory of evolution!"

Yes, that's what we call the theory that we proved with research. I have had "debates" (I use that word loosely) with that really narrow minded type of religious person and they just change their argument as you hit the flaws in it until it utterly contradicts all of their starting argument except "God made all this stuff. You are evil." (Not talking about all religious people, just a small minority.)

That said, I despise people who give Atheism a bad name. The people who fail to see the inherent cultural and traditional value of Religion. It did at one point help bring people together under organized law. While it's no longer necessary for that, and shouldn't factor into logical decision making, that doesn't mean it needs to be completely ousted.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
Games that are horrible that I spent alot of money on. I feel terrible because I just bought a PS2 copy of Ultimate Alliance 2. Ouch.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
CleverCover said:
BstrdChris said:
CleverCover said:
When politicians argue against gay marriage because of their religious beliefs.
Whenever it comes up, I have to repeatedly punch my walls or pillows to lose steam.

Separation of church and state you hrmvutringrkjghbgrkgbrvjhntvj.

See now I hate people.
Must not tell people to go die in a fire. GRAAAAAAHHHH.

I always vote YES on gay/lesbian affairs. I'm straight, myself, but who the hell am I to vote against a person or persons being happy, strictly based on their sexual preferrence ( i.e. THEIR OWN DAMN BUSINESS).
Exactly! It's not my business if someone likes it up the duff from their own sex or a dildo or three different people and I don't know why the very same people here who hate government repeatedly use it to keep people from marrying each other because they think their god doesn't like it. If they want to have the right to have a big fancy wedding with their family, who the fuck am I to stop them.

And it's everyone too. They all want to pretend they're tolerant until they're faced with rainbow love and interracial marriage and...ok, must go punch a wall now. Go punch...a GRAAAAAHHHH.

Just...why America? Why must you be so hypocritical? Would it kill you to be honest about something?

" BUT BUT BUT GOD SAYS IT'S WRONG!"- Let God deal with it when they get up there, because YOU're sure not God, let alone his mouthpiece, or his hands on Earth...

"BUT BUT BUT THEY"RE JUST GONNA RUIN THE INSTITUTION OF A MARITAL BOND AND DIRTY IT UP FOR STRAIGHT PEOPLE!"- yeah, because marriage scams, domestic violence, and divoece are juuuust for people with alternate sexual preferences. straight people would nevuuur have a hand in those things that.

K, politicians... best justification i have is that you can think of aaaall of the raked-in cash from MORE marriage registrations. DIVORCE??? Go ahead and say "I told you so" while you open your wallets for THAT money, too.


New member
May 29, 2011
People who pull the race card out on you.

I'm not saying I'm a racist, or I...do racist things? But everyone now and then I will come across a black person who pulls out the race card on you when something happens to them that they don't approve of.

I just don't get it. I'm not singling out just blacks, but anyone in general. We all strive for equality, but then they don't have a problem breaking that whole goal by pulling out the race card and completely bringing everything off balance.

Also, Bill O'Reilly. I just saw the whole, "Tide goes in, tide goes out" segment for the first time, and it just made me facepalm. It especially didn't help when the supposed President of all Atheists couldn't even explain why the tide does go in and out.


New member
Aug 28, 2010
fellure said:
people holding a country eternally responsible for something that happened a long time ago, for instance a lot of my fellow british citizens still go on about Germany and the 2nd world war.. if we go down that road isnt britain equally guilty? - invading other countries and calling them their own, slave trading, arms dealing etc etc
Hmmm, the part I quoted is interesting, because I'm British as well and I find it much more common for people to be hating on the French rather than the Germans. Must differ from place to place. The whole British Vs. French rivalry goes even further back than the 2nd World war and yet people still seem to obsess over it as if the 100 years war was yesterday.


Nov 1, 2009
Being told to "get a life" by my 16 year old sister for having a gaming habit that replaces the typical "OMG SPORTS!" attitude most people seem to have recently.

The "holier-art-thou" attitude.

The self-persecution/belittlement complex I hear from many gamers and in the R&P section on this site.

Ultra-Conservative religious individuals whom treat homosexuality and homosexual individuals as though a "living social/genetic experiment", and less like individuals no less people than the rest of them in every manner. Also, the "your not open-minded unless you believe in (a) God" rhetoric.

..That's it, I guess.

Croix Sinistre

New member
Oct 25, 2009
Not a whole lot aggravates me or gets under my skin, but a general lack of work ethic has been getting to me lately.

Being in the military I see a lot of this (yes, I know there are lazy people everywhere). We all have our fair share of stupid shit we have to do, usually on top of normal work, but I cannot stand the people who put more effort into getting out of work or doing the least work, than actually just getting the job done and helping everyone out.

For educational purposes, if you didn't know, the American military gets paid every two weeks, no matter what, and the pay is constant, not matter if you worked 120 hours a week or 20, a two-edged sword. Thus, I run into a good amount of soldiers who, knowing they're getting paid anyway, seek to get out of the work that everyone else is just sucking it up and doing, even if its their day to day job. Whats worse is the superiors who fail to notice this. I show up to work on time every day, I do my job without bitching, and when stupid stuff comes up, knock it out and move on, yet because I'm reliable, I often work long shifts, pull call and am made to come in on my days off to cover down for someone with the above mentioned attitude. And guess what? We get the same pay...

TL;DR: people who think they deserve the pay they get while doing their best to avoid actually earning it.


New member
Mar 3, 2010
Being stereotyped because of my asian heritage. *sigh*

also, when people don't pay attention to what I'm doing.


better yet, how about people that don't have the courtesy to use logical reasoning to figure something out! I'm serious! I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in my family with the ability to problem solve without a goddamn handicap!


New member
Apr 18, 2011
orangeban said:
I thought of this question because of what I said the other day. Someone said something a bit insulting towards me (inadvertantly) and apolgised. I just brushed it off and pointed out that I have very thick skin... but I don't. Or at least, I don't in some cases, somethings always manage to get past my defenses and make me very angry/seriously offend me/genuinally upset me.

The first thing that springs to mind is the use of the word "fag". That instantly pushes my rage button, I'm damn quick to jump on anyone that uses it (as an insult to gay people of course, in case your thinking of cigarettes). I don't even care if someone says gay or queer or whatever as an insult, it's just fag, something about it makes me spit metaphorical blood.

Second thing that pops up is people hating on welfare and benefits. This more upsets me than angers me. It's generally the "poor people don't deserve anything" type thing that gets me the most. I see this as grossly insulting to poor people, it is often a view-point born of ignorance (e.g. "poor people wouldn't be poor if they paid attention in school!") and I think shows blatant lack of empathy, care and respect for the right to a decent life in a fellow human being.

So, what upsets/angers you Escapist? What always manages to slip past your carefully constructed emotional defences?
Do you only hate the word fag when it's intended as an insult for gay people? what if someone uses it with the south park meaning (an annoying person)?

I can understand the welfare thing, but there are people out there who abuse the system. One of my roommates moms hurt herself awhile ago while at work, and was on disability, now however her doctor says she can go back to work but according to the government she can still be on disability so that is what she chose to do.

OT: For me it is mostly ignorance. People who make comments on completely outdated or flawed beliefs. Also for a personal insult it bothers me when people who don't know me assume I am stupid when I raise intelligent counter arguments that don't coincide with their view of the world. When in reality I have a masters in Mechanical Engineering, and I am working simultaneously towards my PhD in Engineering, and my J.D. (Juris Doctor).