What always manages to upset you, thickness of your skin be damned?


New member
May 10, 2011
I don't like people who victimise rape victims through their own good will and over sensitivity, and ironically in the process destroy all their chance of recovery.

Tdc2182 said:
Eww. Do you know why circumcision is recommended these days? Very nasty germs get under that excess skin and has very detrimental risks to your one eyed snake.
lol. God, I love it when someone is this wrong.

The Royal Australasian College of Physicians, the Canadian Paediatric Society, the Royal Dutch Medical Association, The British Medical Association, The American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists all do not recommend routine infant circumcision. In fact, in 2011 there is no official national or multinational medical association or organisation that recommends RIC. Not one.

You're talking shit. I understand why you feel the need to defend it, and to be honest, I'm not "pro-circumcision" nor am I "anti-circumcision". I just don't give a shit. But I will step in when I see someone spread misinformation like you are doing right now. You're plan wrong, no discussion.

I will reiterate, I am not going to jump into a debate over circumcision. Like I said, I don't fucking care. But to suggest circumcision is "recommended" is 100% wrong.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
Ditto. Plus people who ask my political/religious affiliation, i give it to them, and they get super pissy if they disagree even though they are they asked in the first place. Also, less of a big controversial topic, when ever i pick up the phone when one of my friends calls, its just this one friend, he always says my name after I say hello. Really bugs me, man.


New member
Jan 12, 2011
Two things always annoy me.

1) People who are indecisive or constantly lack an opinion of their own. Completely passive in all decisions made, or letting other people make their decisions for them. Girlfriends are the worst for that (fact).
Me: "Hey, what do you feel like doing tonight?"
Her: "Up to you."
Me: "Ok, what about _____ or... _____?"
Her: "I don't care, as long as I'm with you."
Oh, fuck off. That attitude is EXACTLY the reason why we went to go see Rambo 4 on our first date.

And, on a larger scale, when they completely lack their own opinion on whatever subject. I mean, how are they ever supposed to engage in any type of intellectual conversation without an opinion on the topic at hand.

2) BUT, on the other side of that, what REALLY annoys me is people who are too damn outspoken about their opinion... who feel the need to constantly let you know about their feelings on politics/religion/current events, etc.
You know what the most annoying question in the world is?
"What are your thoughts on ___________?"


You DO NOT give a shit what my thoughts are on ___________. The ONLY reason you are asking is so that you can reply and tell me what your thoughts are.

Harry Mason

New member
Mar 7, 2011
Gaiseric said:
Rape. I don't know why but sometime a few years back it became something that I can't stand to see in the news. If I meet a rapist, I'd probably snap. It also extends to books, games, TV, and movies. I can't watch/read/play them without getting upset.

0 > RAGE! in seconds
This, 100%. Even the depiction of rape in a movie makes me sick and furious. Hell, the demo for SHANK upset me because it begins with an implied rape. I'm very sensitive about it. As far as people in my life, I have a zero tolerance policy for sexual assault. If someone raped a person that I cared about, I would find them and fucking kill them, no holds barred. I recognize that that would be hypocrisy, but, like I said, illogical and furious. Normally I'm an imperviously patient teddy bear... But DAMN rape gets me riled.

A less depressing one would be people who use homophobic language. "That's a faggy shirt, dude." "rrrrrrRRRRAAAAAAHHH HARRY SMASH STUPID INTOLERANT MORON!"


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
Firstly- when People use the word "gay" as an insult. If you use that word as a downer, you are a hobophobic biggot. Secondly- people that don't have common sense or good taste. "DUUUUUUUUUDE! I JUST SAW TRANSFORMERS 2!!! SO F***ING AWESOME 'CAUSE IT HAD BOOBS AND EXPLOSIONS!" me, "yah, wooo, go to a frat party some place and stop annoying me while I do calculus and listen to classical music. (i'm a cultured child)" That third numberLY- The word Beast. That's so beast. No, it is not a monster, it's not a rabbid animal that kills wildlife and citizens. Lastly- Immaturity. It's none avoideable.


.........that is all.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Morons who want people to stop showing things or doing things because they're incapable of navigating away from a page/changing the channel/turning off the video.

No instead they get offended and make a big stink about it. I'm often happy they get mad because it just shows how incompetent and intolerant they are.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
People who abuse children and people who flat out deny climate change. and any really in your face fundamentilist, from any religion or group, yes you can share your views but dont force them on people! come on!


New member
May 21, 2009
SillyBear said:
I don't like people who victimise rape victims through their own good will and over sensitivity, and ironically in the process destroy all their chance of recovery.

Tdc2182 said:
Eww. Do you know why circumcision is recommended these days? Very nasty germs get under that excess skin and has very detrimental risks to your one eyed snake.
lol. God, I love it when someone is this wrong.

The Royal Australasian College of Physicians, the Canadian Paediatric Society, the Royal Dutch Medical Association, The British Medical Association, The American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists all do not recommend routine infant circumcision. In fact, in 2011 there is no official national or multinational medical association or organisation that recommends RIC. Not one.

You're talking shit. I understand why you feel the need to defend it, and to be honest, I'm not "pro-circumcision" nor am I "anti-circumcision". I just don't give a shit. But I will step in when I see someone spread misinformation like you are doing right now. You're plan wrong, no discussion.

I will reiterate, I am not going to jump into a debate over circumcision. Like I said, I don't fucking care. But to suggest circumcision is "recommended" is 100% wrong.
In all my years I never thought someone would get this up at arms over circumcision. How was that talking shit? Is someone here a Turtlehead?

Health benefits include:

? Decrease in physical problems involving a tight foreskin [Ohjimi et al., 1995].

? Lower incidence of inflammation of the head of the penis [Escala & Rickwood, 1989; Fakjian et al., 1990; Edwards, 1996].

? Reduced urinary tract infections.

? Fewer problems with erections, especially at puberty.

? Decrease in certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV, HPV, genital herpes, syphilis and other micro-organisms in men and their partner(s).

? Almost complete elimination of invasive penile cancer.

? Decrease in urological problems generally.

Oh, I guess it's worth mentioning that I honestly couldn't care less about circumcision. I don't believe I will ever have sex with a man, so there really isn't much for me to worry about.



Nov 24, 2009
United States
Romidude said:
werewolfsfury said:
Romidude said:
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
Well, it would be, if you think about it.
OT: People who hate things just because they don't understand it.
no just no
Oh, quite. There'd be a lot less genocide and hate.
well for religious reasons yes but many more reasons could pop up. or things could be made even worse I'm pretty sure alot of people don't murder and rape because fear of eternal punishment.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
People who get pissed off at the word gay as an insult...

They're stupid... in their blind self-righteousness bandwagon jumps they fail to realize the equivalent is used in many different languages.

And atheists who act like they are the smartest in the block just because they don't believe in God.


New member
Dec 22, 2010
People killing/severely injuring another person or animal makes me very angry, but where it starts to feel really personal and get my blood boiling is if they do it to a cat. Especially a kitten. Even letting one die out of negligence enrages me.

I guess I've had more close feline friends than I have human ones over the years, so it makes sense.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
People who not only refuse to accept that they are wrong, but use circular reasoning and ignore any argument against their opinion.
Oh yeah, and also when people use the word "gay" as an insult. It annoys me to no end. The problem is, whenever I ask someone to stop, they usually reply that "Gays are weird. Now I'ma go shoot some animals derpa derp." Screw Texas.


New member
Aug 3, 2010
werewolfsfury said:
Romidude said:
werewolfsfury said:
Romidude said:
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
Well, it would be, if you think about it.
OT: People who hate things just because they don't understand it.
no just no
Oh, quite. There'd be a lot less genocide and hate.
well for religious reasons yes but many more reasons could pop up. or things could be made even worse I'm pretty sure alot of people don't murder and rape because fear of eternal punishment.
That's the magic of religion. Not the feeling you get when you pray, not the feeling of God loving you. But the blood curdling fear.


Nov 24, 2009
United States
Romidude said:
werewolfsfury said:
Romidude said:
werewolfsfury said:
Romidude said:
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
Well, it would be, if you think about it.
OT: People who hate things just because they don't understand it.
no just no
Oh, quite. There'd be a lot less genocide and hate.
well for religious reasons yes but many more reasons could pop up. or things could be made even worse I'm pretty sure alot of people don't murder and rape because fear of eternal punishment.
That's the magic of religion. Not the feeling you get when you pray, not the feeling of God loving you. But the blood curdling fear.
yep! I do believe in god and his love but I think he just put the world on auto pilot and left to go watch something much more interesting


New member
Aug 3, 2010
werewolfsfury said:
Romidude said:
werewolfsfury said:
Romidude said:
werewolfsfury said:
Romidude said:
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
Well, it would be, if you think about it.
OT: People who hate things just because they don't understand it.
no just no
Oh, quite. There'd be a lot less genocide and hate.
well for religious reasons yes but many more reasons could pop up. or things could be made even worse I'm pretty sure alot of people don't murder and rape because fear of eternal punishment.
That's the magic of religion. Not the feeling you get when you pray, not the feeling of God loving you. But the blood curdling fear.
yep! I do believe in god and his love but I think he just put the world on auto pilot and left to go watch something much more interesting
I don't think there's anything more interesting than humanity, our history could make a great comedy show.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
LCP said:
People who get pissed off at the word gay as an insult...

They're stupid... in their blind self-righteousness bandwagon jumps they fail to realize the equivalent is used in many different languages.
Sorry, I don't quite get your point here. People shouldn't be annoyed that people use homosexuality as an insult because other languages do the same? Have I missed something?