What always manages to upset you, thickness of your skin be damned?


New member
Apr 16, 2009
jobobob said:
Two things, My little pony, something about the fans of this show that love to shove it in your face that their ponies, just like with a lot of fanboys, it gets old.
... On behalf of my fellow bronies, I'll go ahead and tell you this.

I'm sorry about the fans that annoyed you. Most of us are pretty reasonable. I'm going to assume that you watched an episode or two and didn't like it.

Once again, I'm sorry for the obnoxious fans. Most of us are more reasonable.


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Apr 28, 2010
The Apothecarry said:
It's not so bad when someone calls my gamertag stupid, since I think "XxXGamertagXxX" looks dumb, but if they insinuate that my gamertag means that I'm bad at game A or B, they usually end up with a chainsaw bayonet in their back or a shotgun in their face.
Hey I just saw you over in the thread you created about this. HI!


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Oct 25, 2009
destruction of property, and when people hurt my friends and family.

That's all.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Religious arguments can manage to bother me, mainly because I have little control over it.
Why can't we all just accept that we have different beliefs and not attack people who believe differently? I'm not just saying that about Atheists, as a Christian, I know that there are a lot of morons who share my beliefs and blatantly insult what others think.
This is all actually a bit childish when you think about it. Some Atheists are trying to produce evidence against the existence of God whil basically saying "Ha ha! You losers are all wrong and we're smarter!", while some Christians will produce evidence towards the existence of god saying "No, he's real! You guys are doodoo heads!"
Here's the thing about God: you can't prove he exists, you can't disprove he exists. That's the point of faith; believing in something without proof. We're never going to come to an agreement, so why can't we all say "I respect your beliefs", shake hands and be friends?


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Apr 29, 2011
SillyBear said:
I would wager both you and your penis are lovely people.
As a member of the male species was it wrong for me to have a boner reading this sentence? xD

Anyway back on topic, i also hate ppl who sing awfully loud while i'm trying to concentrate.(ughh lots of ppl like that in my town, the freaks)..


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Oct 25, 2009
rapidoud said:
People who say that the US is the greatest country on Earth. I'm not being discriminative (although I can be) but when they blindly say it as if everyone wants to go there, PLEASE, no one wants to go to residential US.

People who treat 'gay' as an insult.

People who think the US are the good guys.

Some of the world when 'commies are bad rar rar rar' and thus begin wars over it/accuse people of treason.
A lot of people I know (I'm American, and I'm referring to American friends) don't really actually buy into the whole "America is the greatest country on earth" thing.


Elite Member
Aug 19, 2009
orangeban said:
The first thing that springs to mind is the use of the word "fag". That instantly pushes my rage button, I'm damn quick to jump on anyone that uses it (as an insult to gay people of course, in case your thinking of cigarettes). I don't even care if someone says gay or queer or whatever as an insult, it's just fag, something about it makes me spit metaphorical blood.
This might actually piss you off more, but thinking of this clip from the Clerks cartoon helps take the edge off the word 'fag' for me.


For me, there's a few things. When people say that if most people didn't believe in God, everybody would just be raping and murdering all over the place, because morality just doesn't work without God! Which totally explains why pedophile priests are a thing. Yeah.

Another big one is when people degrade each other for their interests. Liking one genre of music over another, or enjoying a movie that most people didn't like, doesn't mean you don't understand art, and it doesn't make you weird, or stupid, or (God help us) a "fag".

Lil devils x_v1legacy

More Lego Goats Please!
May 17, 2011
Someone belittling the disabled, handicapped, elderly, or weak.
Someone sitting there doing nothing to help when they see someone is in need of help.
Drama queens- poor me syndrome trying to make life more complicated than it already is, worse than running nails down a chalkboard.

As a defense mechanism, however, I do not yell, I throw punches. Not intentionally, I just do it, like a bug landing on your face and you just start swinging. Or if you touch a hot stove you pull your hand back.

If something gets in my face I hit it. If someone grabs me unexpectedly, I hit them. It is a reflex, and as explained to me growing up a part of the fight or flight syndrome. I am a fighter. It was why I hit my 4th grade teacher when she grabbed me. It was an accident, a reflex that is very difficult to control. It has caused me to hit people I never intended to.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list

I find the inability to spell or punctuate quite horrifying.
It just makes me weep how little people appreciate the power of punctuation.

do what you want

Do what? You want...

Do what you want?

Do what you want!

Do what you want!?

The only other thing that grates my cheese are people who try to normalise pedophilia or its derivatives.

The Moehlinator

New member
Mar 25, 2011
There isn't too much that bugs me...life is too short. Probably the one thing that gets my proverbial panties in a wad is when people start talking down about other people who aren't there to defend themselves. Hell, it could be totally true, I just don't like it when someone talks smack about someone without them being there to either refute it or say "yep, I am a dick....so what?".

Captcha: statistics dorovi

assuming "dorovi" means "suck major league", that is a 100% true statement.


New member
May 29, 2011
Kyman102 said:
However, there was one other time where I got angry. Genuinely, cold fury, seething anger. Some jackasses had apparently harassed my girlfriend earlier in a day, and when she pointed them out, I literally wanted to deck one. Only her literally dragging me away stopped me, and she also had to talk me out of keying the bikes out of spite.

Tease me all you want, but you do NOT... FUCK... With my girlfriend. --
I wish my balls were even half the size of yours, Kyman.

Kakashi on crack

New member
Aug 5, 2009
orangeban said:
So, what upsets/angers you Escapist? What always manages to slip past your carefully constructed emotional defences?
I'd probably say rape jokes for starters. I had a friend who was brutally raped, and it takes every nerve in my body to keep from punching people who make these sort of jokes.

Also would have to say people who disrespect elders. (and by elders I mean by about 5 years older at the very minimum.) It's one thing to argue with them, but blatant disrespect for elders, unless they are idiots, makes me cringe.

There's a few other insignificant ones, but for the most part those two are my biggest "GRAH RAGE" kinda topics.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
people who don't believe in evolution drive me insane


New member
Apr 16, 2009
UmJammerSully said:
Kyman102 said:
However, there was one other time where I got angry. Genuinely, cold fury, seething anger. Some jackasses had apparently harassed my girlfriend earlier in a day, and when she pointed them out, I literally wanted to deck one. Only her literally dragging me away stopped me, and she also had to talk me out of keying the bikes out of spite.

Tease me all you want, but you do NOT... FUCK... With my girlfriend. --
I wish my balls were even half the size of yours, Kyman.
Oh are you kidding? There were five of them and only one of me. I wouldn't have stood a chance.

But I get what you mean. And trust me, that is NOT an accurate representation of how I normally act. It's like I store up rage and fury, put it behind a massive dam, and when one of a select few incidents happen, BOOM! It all comes flooding out.

And I rarely have outbursts. As I said, I go past outbursts to the slow, cold, restrained anger. It's kind of weird.

(sic) humor

New member
Nov 19, 2009
1) Interruptions, particularly when someone cuts another person off in the middle of an argument and it denigrates into a shouting match.

2) People who are rude on the internet, who may be the best reason we have for reinstating concentration camps. (I don't mean this as a passive-aggressive jab at anyone in particular. This is more geared towards YouTube and affiliates.)

3) Branching off of that, any sentence that begins with "You're just jealous/angry/biased because...". At that point you're just attributing things to the person and attacking that instead. It's a strawman argument at best and terrible ad hominem at worst, depending on the generalization that follows. It's been the basis for too many flame wars.

4) Self-important grammar police. There's a difference between wanting people to know the distinction between your and you're and acting morally superior for pointing out when someone misuses the subjective tense.

5) Beginning posts with the word "um". It never doesn't sound condescending to me.

6) Gossips and/or people who revel in "drama".


New member
May 29, 2011
Kyman102 said:
UmJammerSully said:
Kyman102 said:
However, there was one other time where I got angry. Genuinely, cold fury, seething anger. Some jackasses had apparently harassed my girlfriend earlier in a day, and when she pointed them out, I literally wanted to deck one. Only her literally dragging me away stopped me, and she also had to talk me out of keying the bikes out of spite.

Tease me all you want, but you do NOT... FUCK... With my girlfriend. --
I wish my balls were even half the size of yours, Kyman.
Oh are you kidding? There were five of them and only one of me. I wouldn't have stood a chance.

But I get what you mean. And trust me, that is NOT an accurate representation of how I normally act. It's like I store up rage and fury, put it behind a massive dam, and when one of a select few incidents happen, BOOM! It all comes flooding out.

And I rarely have outbursts. As I said, I go past outbursts to the slow, cold, restrained anger. It's kind of weird.
Now I just feel bad... I was being sarcastic.

*runs away*

EDIT: Seriously though, sorry. The assholey vibes of this forum are rubbing off on me. That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
I'm only average height. if someone mentions that in a negative way... looks down on me... you know? I floor them, without warning. one punch to the temple normally does it ^^ that's about all really.

UmJammerSully said:
Kyman102 said:
However, there was one other time where I got angry. Genuinely, cold fury, seething anger. Some jackasses had apparently harassed my girlfriend earlier in a day, and when she pointed them out, I literally wanted to deck one. Only her literally dragging me away stopped me, and she also had to talk me out of keying the bikes out of spite.

Tease me all you want, but you do NOT... FUCK... With my girlfriend. --
I wish my balls were even half the size of yours, Kyman.
what a strange reaction...
I thought everyone did that... >.>


Elite Member
Sep 20, 2009
funguy2121 said:
The thickness of Paige Guthrie's skin rather upsets me
I know, right? Sam Guthrie is much better.

OT: When people assume I'm lazy just because I'm fat.


New member
May 21, 2009
SillyBear said:
Did I trigger something traumatizing happen to you involving a circumcised penis? Because you are very insistent on convincing me the error of my penis judging ability.

I stopped reading after about three sentences because I really, really don't care. I just can't see myself needing this information in the future.

Plus, you said
I will reiterate, I am not going to jump into a debate over circumcision. Like I said, I don't fucking care. But to suggest circumcision is "recommended" is 100% wrong.
and then proceed to give me a page and a half worth of deeply investigative penis research.

What would your parents say?

I assure you, any problems you have with people on the internet is your own doing.


New member
May 29, 2011
garjian said:
I'm only average height. if someone mentions that in a negative way... looks down on me... you know? I floor them, without warning. one punch to the temple normally does it ^^ that's about all really.
I wish my balls were half as big as yours, garjian. (;D)