What always manages to upset you, thickness of your skin be damned?


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
To name a few?

Internet Atheists who are militant (You want to eradicate faith. And you say WE are intolerant and that we violate rights)

People who support piracy by saying ?I wasn?t going to buy it anyway?

Pedophiles, and the people on this forum who have defended them.

People who think that Science and Religion are at war

Abstinence only sex-ed. You can teach abstinence, but teaching the use of condoms is good, considering many will end up married someday, and thus this is something they need to know.

The people in high school who called me a Nazi due to the fact that I looked a LOT like a Hitler Youth poster in a history book. The fact that my school was 40% or so Jewish did not make this easy.

EDIT: Anyone and everyone who take themselves to seriously. Just freaking laugh at yourself guys.


iDrink, iSmoke, iPill
Nov 16, 2008
People who say /thread when they are clearly incorrect and their point can be argued. They just want to continue thinking they are right. Also idiots, idiots will also agitate me. I make myself angry quite a lot in that regard.


New member
Sep 10, 2010
This is a silly thing to be sensitive about but I have incredibly shitty hand writing and I can't stand it when people point it out.

I'm fairly certain it stems from my experiences in sixth grade. I had this teacher who was a total abrasive *****. I had learning disabilities and she gave me shit and ridiculed me in front of the class everyday for being stupid. One of her Favourite things to ***** about was how terrible my penmanship was.

Not much bothers me any more but whenever someone comments on my penmanship I'm reminded of that teacher and I get irritated to no end.


New member
May 21, 2009
SillyBear said:
Tdc2182 said:
Did I trigger something traumatizing happen to you involving a circumcised penis? Because you are very insistent on convincing me the error of my penis judging ability.
No, you just said something that was completely wrong. Because of my interest in medicine, and the importance I place upon understanding medicine I pounced on it. You said something that was medically false, and you were acting as if it were not. I don't like to see this happening, because if even just one person takes you seriously you have spread misinformation. This is never a good thing, especially when it is about medicine and human health.

Tdc2182 said:
I stopped reading after about three sentences because I really, really don't care. I just can't see myself needing this information in the future.
My advice to you would be if you don't care about an issue, don't speak about it. Because when you do, you'll usually be wrong. And you were, without one shadow of a doubt, wrong. I think that's good advice for everyone to follow.

Tdc2182 said:
and then proceed to give me a page and a half worth of deeply investigative penis research.
I did that because you cited a website with outrageous medical claims. If I encouter bogus, outdated medicine, I do my best to shine the torch of reality onto it. I think everyone should do this to issues they are knowledgeable about and care about.

Tdc2182 said:
What would your parents say?
They would be proud of me for displaying critical and thoughtful thinking. Of having an understanding of medical research and collective medical knowledge. They would also be proud of me for being optimistic enough to try to inform you of your blatant medical errors.

You on the other hand, are the type of person that clearly ignores worthwhile medicine, who ignores the research and observations of hundreds of medical associations and instead believes seven spurious, poorly written pieces of information on an internet site. You plainly admit that you don't care if you are right or wrong, but you still continue to defend yourself when someone provides more than enough evidence to suggest you are wrong. You are the type of person who should stay as far away from science as possible.
I wrote out a long retort taking this seriously, but then I kinda had to control myself so as to me not backing down from my previous claims to not caring.

I will say this, you take the internet to seriously. Any problems you have with trolls on the interwebs are clearly your own fault.

Mostly trolls end up on my block list, but you just landed in that new special category for people who are just obnoxious. I just can't bring myself to see you respond to other people trying to have a good time and over analyzing their posts. We were talking about penises for Christs sakes.

But I wrote out all of it regardless, and I was rather pleased with it. Respond if you wish, but just realize that I won't be notified of your response.
Alright then, I'll bite. Rereading your previous posts I realize the errors of my ways. You really don't have that much of a logical backing. I actually can counter some of your counter points. You (here's a compliment by the way) have a very good way with words. You type in long legible sentences, and you are very exceptional in presenting your points.

The thing is, that's all it is. Doesn't mean your right. Your points are arguably weaker than mine.

So riddle me this then, if being circumcised has minor health benefits whereas being uncircumcised has none, why would a doctor not recommend it?

You've no doubt met many doctors in your time. A thing about all the big ones, they will not Jeopardize their careers for anything. It's one of the many complaints about our health system. Taking risks isn't in their definitions (arguably for good cause), so of course they aren't going to say it's fine with limited research.

For instance, the Arizona shootings. They almost knew for a fact that Gabrielle Giffords was going to be okay, but it took nearly three days for them to officially pronounce her stable. They'll prefer silence as opposed to educated guesses.

You haven't presented me with one reason why circumcision is not recommended. I'll do that for you.

Over 4 web pages, this pretty much sums up what I found.

These are the only risks I can find:
Risk of bleeding and infection at the site of the circumcision
Irritation of the glans
Increased risk of meatitis (inflammation of the opening of the penis)
Risk of injury to the penis

These are all bad, but all of these are clerical errors based off of how much you trust you doctors steady hand and whether or not he keeps his tools clean.

You can go ahead and deny the information, I encourage you to do just that. But the evidence you keep presenting is along the lines of "it's not big enough difference to warrant the surgery"

Completely wrong? Not at all. To be completely wrong, I'd have to be... well, the opposite of right.

Talking out of my ass? Hmm, perhaps. But hell, I've actually got something backing up my side.

Maybe I should be the one studying to be a doctor? I think I'd be doing a damn sight better than you.

Oh yeah, and by the way, usually when someone says
I will reiterate, I am not going to jump into a debate over circumcision. Like I said, I don't fucking care. But to suggest circumcision is "recommended" is 100% wrong.
and then
I will also not be responding to anyone any further on this
Usually that means that you won't respond further to any retort.

If you can't keep your word, how am I suppose to trust you? How are your patients suppose to trust you as a doctor?


New member
Apr 13, 2011
People (and its always creationists) who say evolution is a religion / believing it happens is faith based.

Its just not.


New member
May 21, 2009
Ultratwinkie said:
Tdc2182 said:
tofulove said:
circumcision, im very anti circumcision and is the only topic i am unable to discuss in a reasonable way. ether your on my side or fuck you.
Eww. Do you know why circumcision is recommended these days? Very nasty germs get under that excess skin and has very detrimental risks to your one eyed snake.

OT: I still have a very soft spot for religion. I don't practice anything to more, and I don't even know what I believe in, but people who do that whole "logic is power routine" tend to get under my skin. Maybe because of their cocky attitude, but none of them seem to be able to do it without a pretentious attitude.

But then again, I also hate religious folk that do that. But in my 3-4 years here on the Escapists I have yet to see one person be preachy in that manner.
Actually we have these very cool inventions called showers now. Those germs are just BS reasons thought up by priests to scare people. Want to know the REAL reason America practices it?
Well I don't take showers, so yeah
The owner of Kellog's cereal scared the entire US with tales about how God will rain fire on them for not cutting their sons, in an attempt to fight masturbation. Circumcision is only commonplace because a CEO was scared of God's wrath over a century ago.
I assure you, being circumcised does not affect my masturbating
Want to know the kicker? In christian faith, God doesn't make mistakes. To circumcise is like questioning God in that faith, and we all know what happens if you question or disobey God.
Yet God invented circumcision...

Nah, I'm just fuckin with you. But it's been around much longer than Christianity. I'm gonna be completely honest with you, I just think it looks better.
EDIT: Also a lot of organizations don't recommend it anymore. They view it as just an unnecessary surgery with little benefits.
Yeah, I've learned more about circumcision today then I thought I ever would.

The Human Torch

New member
Sep 12, 2010
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
Funny, I have the same feeling about religious people who won't stop adding "God bless you." to every post they make.

As far as really getting under my skin, also someone hurting kitties and cats, I fucking love cats. Mistreat a cat and I will break your legs.


New member
Apr 13, 2011
Oh, and repeated quoting of scripture in a debate with someone they know doesn't believe it. Fine it the context of this is where I stand and why, but useless when trying to make a point (about the existence of God, morality or science).


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Snake Plissken said:
I get pissed when people (I'm especially looking at you, Europeans) pretend to know a lot about beer. I can guarantee that you probably don't.
I know that I like it. What else is there to know? =P
Tdc2182 said:
tofulove said:
circumcision, im very anti circumcision and is the only topic i am unable to discuss in a reasonable way. ether your on my side or fuck you.
Eww. Do you know why circumcision is recommended these days? Very nasty germs get under that excess skin and has very detrimental risks to your one eyed snake.
Do you have any idea what a load of bullshit that is? If you're too much of a moron to wash under your skin then you deserve to lose your cock.

Circumcision removes the ONLY nerve cells in your penis that are touch-sensitive (this is a specific kind of sensitivity, look it up if you don't believe me) which seriously impedes sexual pleasure. Also, it removes an entire mechanism from the penis known as the "glide mechanism", which your penis has been designed to do over, y'know, millions of years of evolution...

Also, more children die in America every year from botched circumcisions and resulting infections of the wound than do from penile cancer and any other form of penis infection. Not only is it a monstrous thing to do, it doesn't even have the benefits people claim it does.
Jun 7, 2010
Animal cruelty makes me rage/sad.

Stupid people who can't accept that they're wrong even when it has been clearly demonstrated in front of their eyes makes me rage.

Religious assemblies in public schools and schools teaching all subjects (such as science) according to religion makes me rage.

People who deliberatly misinform people for their own political/financial gain (not that I'm looking at any fox news in paticular) makes me rage/ sad for the stupidity that they're causing.

A small child losing a balloon makes me sad. I don't know why.


Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
Oct 15, 2009

If you can't keep your cool, and measure out a proper response to views with which you disagree, then you've already lost.


Hmm.. what's this button do?
Nov 2, 2009
I hate it when someone tells me my ideas, dreams or goals are stupid. It's more or less the reason I keep to myself most of the time now.


New member
Apr 13, 2011
I would just put forward, on the circumcision thing, we already have laws that do say the parent's don't have total rights as to what happens to the kid when the decision is for largely religious reasons - best example I can give is Jehovah's witnesses and blood transfusion - they are overuled if their kid needs a life saving transfusion and they decline it (at least in Australia).

Not exactly the same thing, but it is an argument to the "well its the parent's right to decide" point.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
It kinda bothers me when people use horrid written grammar. Maybe it's not their fault and their school system didn't give two shits. Maybe they didn't give a crap to pay attention in class, though, school be damned.

The worst? When people say "should of" instead of "should've". Do they not educate you in the use of grammatical contractions where you are? If that's the case, GO AMERICAN EDUCATION SYSTEM!... If it's YOUR fault for blowing it off, enjoy your career at Wal-Mart.

Also, learn the proper uses of "THERE, THEIR, and THEY'RE"...


New member
Apr 13, 2011
Also just for giggles about the video - Why the hell is an Ob/gyn talking about circumcision? She sees a total of zero men! Cracked me up.


New member
Mar 13, 2010
Honestly, not much these days. Life is too short to sweat the technics.

That said, I'm not immune to being upset by people... People who try and 'test' me; harassing or attacking me with words and posturing to see if I'll fight them bugs me a lot. It doesn't happen a lot, since I'm - god help us - TECHNICALLY a grown man, tall and muscular, slightly militant / formal dress and aware of my surroundings, but there's occasionally someone who's got something to prove.

I never indulge these idiots, beyond flipping them off and walking away if they're exceptionally aggressive, but the fact that people just loiter around trying to pick fights with strangers gets to me, even though I'm sure I'm not the only one they behave so poorly towards.

I suppose it just speaks of pervading mindset of aggressively hostile ignorance and contempt and misguided arrogance about the former. But then, always, everywhere have there been humans who choose to be or just ARE unreasonable, toxic, brutes.


New member
Feb 2, 2010
when someone thinks they're better than me because they do something different, or just simply think they are better

"what's your hobby"
"I like playing games"
"heh, why don't you do something better in your free time"

when one of my friends said it I raged so hard I could've punched in the stomach, because sitting at home all day watching soccer is so much more intelligent

and isn't the reason for "free time" is to do whatever you want to to entertain yourself?