What are questions you are sick of people asking?


New member
Jun 9, 2010
"You're left handed?"

No. Of course not. I simply use my left hand predominantly out of a sense of masochism. You see, I'm right handed, and pretend I'm left handed as a personal challenge. Little secret, that's what all left handed people do. So make sure you ask every. Single. One. Of us, just so we know you're on to us.


New member
Mar 7, 2009
o_O I just remembered the one I hate the most! When some older person who hasn't played a video game since the Atari 2600 comes up to me playing DS and says "Are you winning?"

It drives me insane because games aren't like that. In a single player experience, there aren't many cases where you can simply say "I'm winning". Usually I just say "yes" and that makes them drop the subject, but it still drives me up the wall when people ask that.

Also, when I'm writing something down for a blog post, article or video script, and some moron comes up to me and asks "are you writing a story?". There are other things one can write on a piece of paper you know. >:/

I also hate it when I'm playing a game, and someone comes up and asks "what'cha playing?" usually followed by "can I play?" First off, it's none of your business what I'm playing, and I sure as hell don't want you watching over my shoulder and getting your bad breath of unidentifiable origin in my face. Second, no you may not play my game because you don't know what you're doing and will kill me and make me lose my progress.

Then there are the people who ask "what'cha drawing?" usually followed by "can I see?" No you may not look at my drawings you big snoop. Maybe some people don't WANT to show off their drawings! Maybe some people just like to doodle random crap that doesn't really need to be shown off. Or maybe some people aren't particularity great artists, and are self-conscious about it. DID YOU EVER THINK OF THAT?!

And finally, when you ask someone "Do you know where my *insert object* is?" and they reply "Where did you have it last?" If I knew the answer to that I wouldn't be looking for it you goddamn idiot. >:/

Shadow flame master

New member
Jul 1, 2011
"Are you a virgin?"

I've never had a girlfriend

"I can get you one if ya want?"
No thankyou


"Why don't you talk much?"
I don't feel like talking/tired.

"Are you mad/Why are you mad?"
No/Because you're talking to me.

"Why are you so mean?"
Because I relized it's no use being nice to idiotic pricks/sluts/bitches when they're gonna trample over your kindness.

"You're not gonna bring a gun to school and shoot it up, are you?"
Why would I shoot a school when I can shoot you instead fool?

I'll stop here and let others have a turn.


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
- "Are you an artist?"

No, I'm just drawing random shit in a sketchbook. The FUCK do YOU think?!

- "Why do you talk so proper?"

Outside the fact that I don't even know what the fuck that means, I guess it never occurred to some folks that, oh... I dunno, THIS IS HOW I FUCKING TALK!

Shadow flame master

New member
Jul 1, 2011
SageRuffin said:
- - "Why do you talk so proper?"

Outside the fact that I don't even know what the fuck that means, I guess it never occurred to some folks that, oh... I dunno, THIS IS HOW I FUCKING TALK!
I totally forgot about this one. I talk proper because that's how I was taught how to talk. I'm so god damn sorry that I don't mispronouce words(sang instead of sing) but just because I'm black doesn't mean I'll talk like a "gangster" than you idiotic pricks.

By the way, you're not a gangster just because you have "swag" or can rap fools.


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
Shadow flame master said:
SageRuffin said:
- - "Why do you talk so proper?"

Outside the fact that I don't even know what the fuck that means, I guess it never occurred to some folks that, oh... I dunno, THIS IS HOW I FUCKING TALK!
I totally forgot about this one. I talk proper because that's how I was taught how to talk. I'm so god damn sorry that I don't mispronouce words(sang instead of sing) but just because I'm black doesn't mean I'll talk like a "gangster" than you idiotic pricks.

By the way, you're not a gangster just because you have "swag" or can rap fools.
Yeah. Every time I hear that question I wanna strangle the person with their own vocal chords.

Fucking morons the lot of them.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
BoredDragon said:
I don't just mean in threads. It can be you personally, someone else, etc.

For me, it has to be the lame question always asks me online to make themselves seem funny. "Are you bored?"
If you don't understand, look at my username.

So escapists, what questions do you hate people asking?
Is it awkward that you and your recent breakup are living together?


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
I got another one:

- "Why are you so mean?"

I am what society has made me. And society has made extremely cynical and sardonic. Terribly sorry if your feeble mind can't grasp any of the aforementioned concepts.


New member
Mar 9, 2010
People ask me what I study. I say volcanology. And everyone in the goddamn world thinks they're so fucking clever with the star trek reference in their next question.


New member
Apr 24, 2011
"are you from england?"
"have you ever been to england?"
"do you have english relitives?"
"why do you speak like that then?"

captcha: books atedrst


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
FuktLogik said:
Phasmal said:
"Are you really a girl?" (I dont get asked that in person, thankfully)
I get asked this over the internet a lot, like we're an endangered species or something.
There are no wimmenz on the internets.. Everyone knows this. You must be an A.I or something...
*beep* I dont know what you are suggesting, humanoid.. >.>

Toaster Hunter

New member
Jun 10, 2009
"Is your brother your twin?"

"No, we are not."
To which they respond:

"Are you sure?" That is a new level of stupidity.