Finally sunk my teeth into the Elden Ring DLC a little bit, meaning I literally have just explored the initial area.
Found a gigantic walking fire pit in the middle of a field that aggro'd on me from a generous ways away with a fire stomp that took about half my health. Nope.
Found an small-yet-ominous crypt with a stake of Marika and summoning pool stake at the door. Nope.
Found the entrance to a dungeon at the top of a huge staircase, I tried to walk far enough in that its name would splash across the screen, but it didn't happen before a giant scorpion/spider thing dropped from the ceiling and chased me back out. I cheesed it through the partially open doors it couldn't get through, but still, nope.
I might be having fun if my cowardice would let me adventure a little. I need to offload these 180K in soft runes I'm sitting on so I can YOLO it bit.
Also, I notice the sites of grace don't have any guidance... nice touch, FROM. Didn't think I'd ever actually use the guidance, but imagine my panic when it wasn't there.