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Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
They just made the guilty gear accent core +R GGPO netcode permanent until the official patch is done! Hurray!

Gonna keep grinding on +R until the cows come home. Hopefully they use this netcode on Strive too.

(anyone up for matches? this is rollback on PC and the game is damn cheap so if anyone wanted an amazingly deep fighting game with perfect netcode to pick up it's this one alright, super active online, lots of new people to learn alongside with, you can even do matches with 200+ ping and they run fine)


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Yeah, I guess there's not, doing a quick search. A pity.

I'm guessing it probably doesn't matter too much which path I take when the road forks. For example, if I go through Farrow Keep and do the Abyss Watchers or go through the Crystal Sage and into the Cathedral, I have to do both eventually, I take it.

I know I have to kill the Abyss Watchers and I'm guessing the Cathedral isn't an optional area, considering how huge it looks and how often it gets mentioned thus far.
It took me a while to find the Keep, and that’s after a spending a long time in the Deep well beforehand. Not sure if there’s a predetermined order to it or not but would be interesting to try going about it differently on a NG+ run.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
I'm guessing it probably doesn't matter too much which path I take when the road forks. For example, if I go through Farrow Keep and do the Abyss Watchers or go through the Crystal Sage and into the Cathedral, I have to do both eventually, I take it.

I know I have to kill the Abyss Watchers and I'm guessing the Cathedral isn't an optional area, considering how huge it looks and how often it gets mentioned thus far.
You're right that you will eventually have to do both, but Cathedral of the Deep is easier than Farron Keep, and the boss of the former is significantly easier than the latter. It may be worth going to the Cathedral first to get a few more levels and potentially some gear before taking on Farron Keep.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
It took me a while to find the Keep, and that’s after a spending a long time in the Deep well beforehand. Not sure if there’s a predetermined order to it or not but would be interesting to try going about it differently on a NG+ run.
Yeah, the Swamp area is a bit confusing and I figured the only road out of the area had to lead to the abyss watchers. And then I ended up following the CO-OP guy down to the OTHER swamp, which was interesting(especially since the guy ended up dicking around in the swamp until he died and me trying to help him fight the giant slugs) so I probably wouldn't have found it until later without a map or a bit more exploring. I keep forgetting how these maps have paths everywhere, like how I needed to check a map to figure out how to get to the top of that building before the crystal sage(because I could see the item on the stairway I couldn't reach) then realized I'd bypassed the stairway up almost completely on accident(because it looked like it only dropped down to the crucified lycanthrope guy near the campfire).

I'm a little surprised that there are more references to DS2 then I expected. The bug/mushroom monsters in the crucifixion woods are clearly from DS2(Shrine of Amana for sure, if not earlier) and the Mirrah set is clearly supposed to be a reference to Lucatiel.

And while I'm going off about Call backs, Onion Bro is back. Sure, he's pretty much just Siegmeyer(I think he's got the same VA) again but with some beer on his person but fuck it, it's good to see a friendly face(though apparently he has no idea how the elevator works). We even got to go kill a Taurus demon together above the church in the settlement, shared a drink and then he went to sleep because of course he did.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Oh, I learned that lesson from DS1.

Is there even a rusted ring in this game?

So far I haven't had to deal with the giant crabs directly, because I've been keeping well away from them and I've seen how fast those fuckers can move. As tempting as some of the shinies can be, I'd not going to kill myself to get them unless there's some really good ones I need to grab.
There's no rusted ring in this game however, there is an item that lets you get through the swamp much easier.

Most of the daggers in this game have a skill that allows you to do a quick dash. The skill consumes your FP, however you can keep doing the skill even if your bar is empty. The dash also works in water that would normally hinder your movement. So if you need to get through the swamp fast you just equip a dagger and spam the dash.

It's the easiest way to get the items the crabs are guarding.

If you've gone through the road of sacrifices you probably found the Brigand Twin Daggers so you can slap those on and you'll be good to go.
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The face I make when I see unguarded pie.
Jan 9, 2011
There's no rusted ring in this game however, there is an item that lets you get through the swamp much easier.

Most of the daggers in this game have a skill that allows you to do a quick dash. The skill consumes your FP, however you can keep doing the skill even if your bar is empty. The dash also works in water that would normally hinder your movement. So if you need to get through the swamp fast you just equip a dagger and spam the dash.
I had no idea about that, I'll have to use that next time I play through. I had a moment when I found out there was no rusted ring. Just full on "oh of COURSE FUCKING NOT easily the most useful item from a practical standpoint couldn't possibly be here OF COURSE you took that away you bastards".

I absolutely hate mobility reduction zones in games and I took the RIR as a sign that someone on the dev team agreed with me to one extent or another but apparently he got thrown off a bridge or something before DS3 happened.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I had no idea about that, I'll have to use that next time I play through. I had a moment when I found out there was no rusted ring. Just full on "oh of COURSE FUCKING NOT easily the most useful item from a practical standpoint couldn't possibly be here OF COURSE you took that away you bastards".

I absolutely hate mobility reduction zones in games and I took the RIR as a sign that someone on the dev team agreed with me to one extent or another but apparently he got thrown off a bridge or something before DS3 happened.
He went Hollow working on DS2 :)
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Update: I finished the Cathedral of the Deep, after a lot of craziness. Was getting serious Anor Londo Flashbacks with some of that Flying Butress Traversal.

So I don't pretend to be a theology major(particularly not of the psuedo-catholic religion in DS3) but I have visited many beatiful churches and cathedrals over the years. The Cathedral of the Deep is making a number of rookie mistakes that puts a serious hamper on their pilgramage and, more importantly, Tourism business:

1. Rather then have the doors open and easing access, prospective visitors have to run through a creepy graveyard, past armed guards, up the side of the roof, past a huge giant with a temper problem, and through a rather nasty gauntlet of all sorts of dicks.
2. There is no gift shop or donation box. Even Notre Dame de Paris has a gift shop! How do you expect to make sweet tourism money like that?
3. Rather then feel welcome, tourists and pilgrims are forced to fear for their lives to even get a glimpse of the grand interior. This is bad for the faithful and tourist alike.
4. The Cathedral seems to have some sort of drainage problem, with big ass pools of water in the Nave, which means there's also no seating.

In short, it's the worst cathedral I've ever visited. 0/5 Would not visit again.

Seriously, yeah, that place was beautiful but man they really, really wanted to keep everyone out(which means the Road of sacrifices doesn't seem to serve a purpose anymore) The Deacons of the deep were an interesting fight and I died once because I got greedy. Still once of the less annoying gank fights in the souls series.
Also, apparently there's something hidden in the room, apparently behind an illusionary wall and maybe unlocked by a gesture but I haven't figured out what it is.

Finally, there are some levers that raise big ass gates but I have no idea what they actually do, other then keep the giants from moving around freely. I thought they might form paths but they don't.

Also more or less think I've cleared Farron Keep except for the Abyss watchers. The 3 lights are out and I found the way up to the bridge again and there's a big ass demon patrolling up there. Unless he's guarding something good in those shinies I think i'm gonna leave him alone. Oh, and I think maybe SIF or something like SIF is up in the bonfire room and it looks like I can join the watchdog covenant(or as I've also heard it called "The Furry Covenant"). I have made it to the perimeter bonfire, which is close to where I think the Abyss Watchers are because It's a big door, I can hear sword clashing from the distance and there's a darkwraith guarding the door(who is also killing the other enemies in the area, so that's "nice" of him).

On the lighter side, a while ago I invited a pilgrim to firelink shrine who keeps giving me free levels which turned me into beef jerky but other then that doesn't seem to affect my health or anything. Then he died...for reasons and a woman in black who totally doesn't come across as creepy as fuck showed up to call me lord of hollows...so yeah, I guess we're doing this.

Also, I bumped into Anri and her friend Horace. Anri seems very nice but Horace might have a serious case of the hollowing....or has literally lost his tongue(there is a faction that is all about cutting tongues considering I've found a couple out so yeah).

As a final note, I just want to say that it's kinda weird how for a while Titanite shards were kinda rare and I had to scrape around for them to upgrade my primary weapon to +3, but now that I've done that I'm finding them all over the place. Which feels like the game is mocking me....I mean it's dark souls so the game is very likely mocking me.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Update: I finished the Cathedral of the Deep, after a lot of craziness. Was getting serious Anor Londo Flashbacks with some of that Flying Butress Traversal.

So I don't pretend to be a theology major(particularly not of the psuedo-catholic religion in DS3) but I have visited many beatiful churches and cathedrals over the years. The Cathedral of the Deep is making a number of rookie mistakes that puts a serious hamper on their pilgramage and, more importantly, Tourism business:

1. Rather then have the doors open and easing access, prospective visitors have to run through a creepy graveyard, past armed guards, up the side of the roof, past a huge giant with a temper problem, and through a rather nasty gauntlet of all sorts of dicks.
2. There is no gift shop or donation box. Even Notre Dame de Paris has a gift shop! How do you expect to make sweet tourism money like that?
3. Rather then feel welcome, tourists and pilgrims are forced to fear for their lives to even get a glimpse of the grand interior. This is bad for the faithful and tourist alike.
4. The Cathedral seems to have some sort of drainage problem, with big ass pools of water in the Nave, which means there's also no seating.

In short, it's the worst cathedral I've ever visited. 0/5 Would not visit again.

Seriously, yeah, that place was beautiful but man they really, really wanted to keep everyone out(which means the Road of sacrifices doesn't seem to serve a purpose anymore) The Deacons of the deep were an interesting fight and I died once because I got greedy. Still once of the less annoying gank fights in the souls series.
Also, apparently there's something hidden in the room, apparently behind an illusionary wall and maybe unlocked by a gesture but I haven't figured out what it is.

Finally, there are some levers that raise big ass gates but I have no idea what they actually do, other then keep the giants from moving around freely. I thought they might form paths but they don't.

Also more or less think I've cleared Farron Keep except for the Abyss watchers. The 3 lights are out and I found the way up to the bridge again and there's a big ass demon patrolling up there. Unless he's guarding something good in those shinies I think i'm gonna leave him alone. Oh, and I think maybe SIF or something like SIF is up in the bonfire room and it looks like I can join the watchdog covenant(or as I've also heard it called "The Furry Covenant"). I have made it to the perimeter bonfire, which is close to where I think the Abyss Watchers are because It's a big door, I can hear sword clashing from the distance and there's a darkwraith guarding the door(who is also killing the other enemies in the area, so that's "nice" of him).

On the lighter side, a while ago I invited a pilgrim to firelink shrine who keeps giving me free levels which turned me into beef jerky but other then that doesn't seem to affect my health or anything. Then he died...for reasons and a woman in black who totally doesn't come across as creepy as fuck showed up to call me lord of hollows...so yeah, I guess we're doing this.

Also, I bumped into Anri and her friend Horace. Anri seems very nice but Horace might have a serious case of the hollowing....or has literally lost his tongue(there is a faction that is all about cutting tongues considering I've found a couple out so yeah).

As a final note, I just want to say that it's kinda weird how for a while Titanite shards were kinda rare and I had to scrape around for them to upgrade my primary weapon to +3, but now that I've done that I'm finding them all over the place. Which feels like the game is mocking me....I mean it's dark souls so the game is very likely mocking me.

Don’t forget about the huge chained ogres. They make damned sure nobody wants to set foot in that place!

I agree that leveling in this game seemed to happen at an almost glacial pace.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
*points at the plethora of people turning this into a Dark Souls discussion thread*

GET A ROOM! :p Or I don't know, play something else xD


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
*points at the plethora of people turning this into a Dark Souls discussion thread*

GET A ROOM! :p Or I don't know, play something else xD
If it helps, I'm only throwing in tips and opinions occasionally. At the moment, I'm focused on Yakuza 7 and a replay of Danganronpa V3.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
The giants in the Cathedral, or the one on top of the tower who throws spears?
The one on top of the tower is shooting giant arrows, and you can make peace with him so that he helps you out by shooting enemies.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
*points at the plethora of people turning this into a Dark Souls discussion thread*

GET A ROOM! :p Or I don't know, play something else xD

I'm in the midst of wrapping up Watch Dogs legion. One thing I can say, while they took the multi-villain approach from WD1 back, its not not as cohesively written. The villains don't really seem to interact or counterplay on each other much, and it feels more like they're just tacked on to pad things out.

Warframe's kind of in a holding pattern. I do still need to go wrap up the Glassmaker stuff before Deimos Arcanum drops.

Picked up the Serious Samuel HD collection too, though thats more of something to play in occasional bursts.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
*points at the plethora of people turning this into a Dark Souls discussion thread*

GET A ROOM! :p Or I don't know, play something else xD
No. We need to escape the feelings of failure and dread of the real life hellscape we live in by immersing ourselves in feelings of failure and dread in a different virtual hellscape.
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Elite Member
Jan 7, 2011
Halo 4. Decided to jump into it on Legendary.

By god I hate the fucking Promethean Knights.


At age 6 I was born without a face
Jul 1, 2020
Just finished Hades yesterday. As in, got to the credits. I had no idea what to expect, but it was very sweet. But by no means am I done, oh no. There's still shittons to do (I literally only discovered how to access the weapon aspects before my final run), and the combat is just too damn fun.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
The one on top of the tower is shooting giant arrows, and you can make peace with him so that he helps you out by shooting enemies.
I found that out, which was nice to have close artillery support in some of those areas. I'm a little sad you can't actually see the arrows incoming though.

And it turns out the daggers with quickstep do a great job of getting through the mire and onto solid ground to fight the train of mobs that inevitably decided to come out to play. Notably the giant Oolacile corrupted monsters. In fact, the entire area looks very familiar to the DLC of DS1 which means time is really messed up in Lothric because that area should be LONG gone by this point.


Elite Member
May 29, 2007
United States
NG+ in Demon's Souls. Wish I had remembered the importance of world tendency. I'm fucked now. My HP is too low, I have to stay in soul form with reduced health the entire playthrough to try and get tendeny to white everywhere (for the items) and the enemies are buffed by black world tendency. It's almost unplayable now. Bosses kill me with one hit. Those rocks being thrown at the entrance of Stonefang kill me with one hit too.