What 'Class' Do You Naturally Tend To Play In Games?


New member
Oct 9, 2008
Im usually a fan of evil knight types, Death Knights in WoW since everyones using that as an example, In Skyrim I often build heavy armour characters who summon the dead. It comes from enjoying having minions to do my work but also enjoying being a tanky character.


New member
Aug 24, 2010
In FPS games: all purpose assault class. I tend to be the quarterback of a given team so to speak so I need to be versatile.

In MOBAs: ADC, for sure. Then mid. I'm very good at reading a given game, but I'm not patient enough to jungle.

In RPGs: ranged or tanky. I find mage classes too cheap or too boring most of the time.

The Squid King

New member
Jan 19, 2014
I vary between magic and stealth based classes in RPGs, I just don't find tanking that fun.

In shooters, I tend to focus on stealthy, long ranged classes. There is just something satisfying about completing objectives without being noticed.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
In FPSs I am a scout. I never go into the center of the fray. I pick apart everyone I find in the perimeters of the map and make sure I am not seen or heard. Same goes for games where the option of infiltrator something or other is given. You'd be surprised at my KD, people tend to forget that the outlines of the terrain are also a hunting ground so I tend to get good scores. MW 2 was the first game that taught me how to hide.

As for the rest, wizardry. Careful placement of spells and getaway tactics since we are glassy. And monks in D III but only because it is not your standard melee affair, you get killed quick if not careful so you have to know when to back off.


New member
Nov 29, 2009
In RPGs I always play a warrior style class. Basically I like to walk into a fight and deal out damage. Usually support myself with a few offensive spells and healing ability.

In shooters I usually play assault style classes. I like the run and gun approach.


Elite Member
Jun 21, 2012
I kinda just choose whatever takes my fancy. I've "mained" all the roles at one point or another, so I just take whatever pops into my head. I'm a bit of an all-rounder, a jack-of-all-trades, so I just pick whatever we need to win. Which is nice, since I fit in with random teams fairly well.


New member
Feb 16, 2011

I think Baldur's Gate is probably the game that defined alot of the tactics that I still use today. It was my first experience with D&D rules and also my first western style RPG, so I didn't really know what I was doing. I actually had a couple of false starts, where I created my character and within 4-5 hours I was getting totally owned and decided to re-roll.

First time I was a mage because I was thinking "yeah, fireballs, cool" but I was sooo weak in melee. Second time I was a warrior and I got further but was still dying alot. But having recruited Jaheira, I recognised how useful her healing spells were. So my next attempt that ended up being successful, I decided to go cleric, still recruit Jaheira, and effectively double my party's healing spells.

When I play Elder Scrolls, I try to build a very similar character - heavy armour, single handed weapon, shield, healing and a bit of destruction. Same with other RPGs as much as the ruleset will allow. In TF2 and Killing Floor I've played hundreds of hours as medic. In Xcom I try to bring 2 supports with upgraded medkits.

Basically my principle is: "I can't kill the bad guys if I'm dead, so stay alive as long as possible".

Poetic Nova

Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus
Jan 24, 2012
Tanks and glasscanons, though the latter requires me to be in a particular mood.
Oh, and bonus points if these classes can make use of the elements.

Leonardo Huizar

New member
Jul 1, 2012
Assassin/Sabotage then i tend to switch to Tank/Cannon if i have to go battle mode. Im not too familiar with the MMO lingo.

Skyrim for example my primary modus operandi
Stealth/Archery/Conjuration [specifically for the bow cause it saves on arrows and strongest before smithing one yourself] and is a strong class against mages IMO especially firing arrows against that impotent magic ward

And alternately
Heavy Armor/Dual Wield [buffed up with Elemental Fury]/Alteration [to buff up the armor with an even bigger defense]

and some times mix destruction

Cid Silverwing

Paladin of The Light
Jul 27, 2008
Anything remotely related to healing, which means paladins/clerics/priests/medics/etc.

With varying degrees of success depending on the class balance.


New member
Jan 14, 2012
I tend to play as either a magic user, or a dexterity based class, depending on how good either one is. Usually mage if I can, but if the magic system sucks I'll tend to avoid it.

It all goes back to my days in World of Warcraft where my first, and only character to get further than level 25, was a rogue. A Night Elf rogue to be exact. I liked sneaking around and backstabbing things. And so I got into stealth and dexterity-based classes in other games.

Magic because as I grew up I came to realize "Magic is fucking cool." and discovered something about myself. I'd become a magic user if I could. Fantasy over sci-fi and all that. I love magic systems in things. It's just so fun. Though if I can help it I'll avoid fire magic in favor of cold magic, if the game will let me.

Chaos Isaac

New member
Jun 27, 2013
Pretty much Rogue/Mage if possible. Unless playing with friends, then I generally end up with HAHAHAHAHA I'M BARBARIAN TANK MR BEEFY SMASH.

Although, in a game with good roleplaying things, like SWtor, it depends on the character I want to make. (I have tons of characters I like to make for stuff and who they are is more important then what I want to play. Unless it's like GW2 where half of the classes are boring as tears.)


New member
Apr 22, 2011
I bounce around.

I mean I play like any class. Good at all, expert at none. This first started off in games where my helpers were more specialized(like KotoR) so I tried to spread my points out to cover more ground. Eventually I got into games that offered different play styles(Like Oblivion and later Dark Souls) and just went from there. Make an Archer, come back through as a Mage, next time I play as a Two handed weapon user.

Mobas also influenced this as you could never count on random people picking the roles you need, same with class based FPS. Hell table top RPGs also made me go into the "I'll play anything" mind set, having to pick a paladin for a game that had no healer or tank, rogue when a skill monkey isn't there, sniper when we have no long range damage, etc etc etc.

Really what Class I play as is all of them but it really depends on the game as to what I gravitate towards.


Social Justice Squire
Jan 3, 2010
In order of what I usually play:

For fantasy RPGs: Mage (healer, or crowd-control DPS if I'm not allowed to heal) > tank-y sword-and-shield type > backstabby dagger-y rogue type > everything else. But this varies a bit, since I tend to get impatient with cast times, so I may veer more towards something else, depending on how the game deals with mages.

For FPS: all sniper, all the time. Fear my long-distance wrath. I've tried other stuff and usually uber-fail. Though I'm not too into this genre anyways.

For MMOs: I tend to either heal or tank, though I go through random phases of wanting to DPS that always really confuses the people I run with.

I tend to steer towards the "unusual" as well, though. Things that subvert expectations. Witness in my current MMO of choice, where my healer character has heavy battle armor and my tank has a pretty dress (and both are, in fact, in class-appropriate stuff - this would be SWTOR, so my healer's a trooper and my tank is a Jedi consular).


New member
Nov 1, 2011
Always tanks lol, though I tend to go for light armor and a shield in Elder Scrolls games. They wind up being just as effective as heavy later on anyway. If I'm using magic, I'll probably go for fire or lightning if it's available. Some kind of stun effect is always nice. I guess I like a kind of self-reliant style since I usually play solo. Trying that with a glass cannon or healer class is too much risk for too little payoff.


May 26, 2009
Always, without fail, I will take the class that can take the most hits, draw attention to itself, and at the same time heal/otherwise support the rest of the team. Even in singleplayer this is the kind of character I go for, I just can't help it.

FPS-wise, MEDIC!


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Usually some kind of offensive spellcaster.

GW2 is the exception, because the Engineer is just so cool, and a Charr engie fits the aesthetic perfectly.


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
I always go for high mobility characters, I generally preffer melee glass cannons, basically something that moves fast hits hard and dies in 2 hits and if that's not available I'll go with fast hits and low damage but if there is something that requires opening or hacking I'll go for that every time, same with talking which basically means I generally end with characters that suck at fighting because my main priorities are opening closed doors or crates, dialogue and mobility, probably why I don't play RPGs that much.


Living undeath to the fullest
Sep 21, 2014
Mostly Supports, in MMO and Dota-style games. Secon go-to-thing is offlane/semi-carry/battlemage.

In singleplayer this translates to: 1. Strength-characters.
2. Mages.

Honestly, I switch most of the classes. Every playthrough will be the polar opposite of the previous (for example, first DS2 Run: DEX-Dual Katana, second run: Pure Caster (with shield)).
And I will switch between Meelee and Caster according to what I played previously in another game.

I mostly avoid rogue-characters though. I don't really like bow-and-arrow (they seem like the weak version of ranged) and dagger/stealth-style (mostly because I don't like to play "bad" characters in my first playthrough). Of course there are also exceptions. I like stealth games.

Well ... It's complicated. Basically I play everything.


New member
Jul 12, 2013
I'm not interested in "my dick is bigger than yours" arguments in shooters, or "my number is bigger than yours" in MMOs. I want to have fun in a role, and I'm happy to admit that I'm rarely the best shooter/combat specialist on any given team (though I can hold my own when required to).

Because of the above, I go for support roles a lot of the time. In some games it's difficult to find players who will reliably perform a role without getting distracted by the action around them/the opportunity to increase their net-peen, and I like being that guy people can rely on to do his damn job.

Have a guess why I love Killing Floor so much. ;) I started that game as a berserker, and as I got onto the harder levels eventually became a medic instead. I find it really gratifying when my team survives a wave simply because I was on the ball doing my thing. It's a good feeling when the smoke clears and five total strangers turn to you and say "nice one, man." Tanking against Fleshpounds, throwing med nades at exactly the right time, using zed-time to nail the berserker with as many darts as possible while he's moving slow enough to hit - I love all that stuff.

Though I will admit, part of my love for the medic class comes from those occasions when I get to be the arbiter of teamwork. Someone on the team trying to solo/refusing to share/acting like a jackass? No heals for you. Someone sharing, taking hits to defend others, and playing their role like a boss? Here, have some of my Insane Amounts of Cash. (For those not in the know, medics on high difficulties end up making fat money off healing constantly.)