What D&D Character Do You Play As?


New member
May 27, 2009
Lumberjack duh when someone busts down your door with a sword, who do you call?
a wizard
a sorcerer
no, a lumberjack


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
NeutralDrow said:
FalloutJack said:
Evil warlock. All hail Garlock The Destroyer.
No relation.

Garlock The Destroyer, that master of the arcane! The evil warlord who sits in many dark towers and castles, devising new methods of attack and roaming the countryside to brutalize people and animals alike with magic claws.

It was he who tried to open a portal into the black void of the stars to suck all the air out of the world!
It was he who tried to summon the Great Old Ones using alchemy, human sacrifice, steampunk machinery, and a bagel!
It was he who made a giant golem out of his castle after a bunch of villagers trashed it during his vacation in the tropics!

(Never mess with an evil dude's vacation time.)

Garlock is...sort of entirely made up, basically. He's based upon a small cat named after a faultline.


New member
Apr 27, 2009

I'm banned from Fighters after the "Warcraft 3.5" incident where I accidentally made a character that could reliably kill whole hordes of bandits unarmed by level 5. By level 7 I'd coerced a Tinker into making me a pile of flame-thrower based weapons and provided sketches and schematics as to how laser weapons would work.

I'm banned from Monks after making a Kobold version of Yoda and successfully drop-kicking the Tarrasque from a five-mile tall tower. He got bitten by a werewolf and I "sadly" didn't get treatment in time. He also had the Vow of Poverty. Fun times!

I'm banned from all Spellcasters after spending an entire campaign questing to get XP to make Rods of Wonder. In my defence, I DID manage to use one to kill a high-level boss with a spectacular assault of small gems and a well-timed Prestitidigation (sp) to clean a glass floor panel to a... Polished... Finish.

I'm banned from Paladins before I even start...

I don't allow myself any more Rogues or Warlocks after my multiclass Rogue/Warlock undead sentient rat. Because nothing can beat ol' Rod.

So... Yeah... Rangers it is... Hooray for Dual-wielding!


New member
Feb 23, 2009
Try Wizard(5)/Paragnostic Champion(1)/War Weaver(4) - I own on party buffing! All Armor spells I cast are at +2, greater resistance on everyone, fly, invisibility and then as we go into combat, I can cast other buffs as a move action! I named my character Kev'Lar in order further emphasize my role in the party! As a wizard, I am also creating a lot of the items that our party wants without having to be at the mercy of local towns or their steep prices. Wizard FTW!
Mar 1, 2009
I made a bad ass 4.0 spell warrior. I took an eladrin wizard and gave him average strength, so since he is proficient with a longsword (eladrin) all I had to do was use my feats for armor specialization. By level seven he was the greatest mofo in the land.


Elite Member
Sep 19, 2008
Multiclass Sorcerer/Fighter in one campaign, Barbarian/Dragon Shaman in another. I normaly play a trickster (magical) or some whirlwind of violence. But i prefer shadowrun and other games over D&D.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
When I stated playing DnD, always Ranger, then progresed to Druid. Playing a Rogue/Assassin in Pathfinder and about to start a Pathfinder Paladin. Also play Fighter/Rogue combis a lot, especially in DnD-based PC games like NWN, as they can pretty much do everything and survive on their own (plus, comp will let you sneak attack with greatswords...)


New member
May 11, 2008
In the last adventure I played in I played as a Chaotic-Good Half-Celestial Cleric (Got to love the wings). Fun times, although I did manage to get my character shrunk to about twelve centimeters tall, so I ended up being more of a faerie.


New member
Mar 22, 2009
I play a Human or Half-Elf Fighter. Sometimes a Ranger. I do more meatshielding than direct damage, though. I float around Neutral or Chaotic Neutral alignment. If I multiclass, it's usually into a class that boosts my tanking.
I played a Monk once. That didn't go well.

I eat Druids.