As an Indian-Australian, with a British accent; I find that confusing people who think I've just arrived in the country is my core skill. "You speak very good english!" 'Yes, so do you', is a dance I've danced before. Also, due to my Australian upbringing, I can eat Vegemite. In large quantities, thus making me (and any other Australian worth his or her salt-ed yeast extract) king in the event that a Vegemite based life-form attempts to take over the world.
Additional Racial Benefit:
Living in the future, letting people in lesser timezones know what the day will be like.
Racial Drawbacks.
..none, I'm Australian, and we happen to be great at everything. Except when South Africa plays us in cricket. Or when we try to have a local variant of Top Gear, or when we insist that Australian beer is any good. Or our tendency to give things stupid names. "Great barrier reef, Great sandy desert, Great western highway, Great Australian Bight. Honestly, I've been on that highway. It's not that bloody great.
Also this may or may not be my first post! /hides.