What do you find attractive in the gender(s) you are attracted to?


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
aegix drakan said:
neonsword13-ops said:
I'm looking for Brunette that likes games, and is actually smart.
This is going to be a hard find.
Especially since I've already taken one of the few that exist! XD

.....I mean...uh....Sorry? And good luck?
Haha, no problem. And nope.

I'm going to qoute Bo Burnham here. "Women are like yahtzees... cause I rarely get them."

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
lisadagz said:
I like guys who look like girls.
Short, skinny, long hair
the less going on around the crotch area the better.
You want a guy who looks like a girl and has a little or no penis?
Why not just go for girls...


New member
Mar 11, 2011
Pretty face. Curvy is fine but I could never date an outright fat girl. Everything else comes second to personality, which, cliche as it sounds, means a lot to me.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
I don't know...

And I mean that literally, I don't really have a type or anything, as long as a girl isn't incredibly stupid and snobbish then they're fine with me. And apparently I'm bad at telling good-looking from bad-looking, so looks don't really matter for me...


New member
Dec 1, 2010
Mr.K. said:
lisadagz said:
I like guys who look like girls.
Short, skinny, long hair
the less going on around the crotch area the better.
You want a guy who looks like a girl and has a little or no penis?
Why not just go for girls...
Girlfriends seem like too much high maintenance. Also it's harder to find one who wants to sleep with me. >_>


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Feb 12, 2010
HapexIndustries said:
I need a full set of relatively well kept teeth.

That, by far, is the most important thing to me. If you're missing teeth, or they're all fucked up, then I can't deal with it. I don't need PERFECT teeth, but they gotta be there and be where they belong.

After that, I need a girl's top to be larger than her bottom, or at least roughly the same size. No pear shapes. That's a little brutal but... whatever. I don't mind a little chub, or even a lot of chub, but no webeloes (they wobble but they won't fall down).

Those are the physical requirements, and once those are out of the way it comes down to personality and intelligence. I like a smart girl, I NEED a smart girl, I need someone that will challenge me and tell me when I'm wrong and then prove it to me, that turns me on like nothing else. Shared interests are nice, but not required beyond an interest in film and literature and a taste in movies that isn't fucking painful.

Personality wise, the girl can't be evil. I need to be with someone that shares at least the same rough outline of my system of ethics. I can't deal with ANYONE that is a total asshole/**** so I certainly couldn't handle being with someone like that.

All that said, to be perfectly honest, I am also attracted to partially broken/totally damaged girls. I assume this is to avoid dealing with my own problems as I deal with theirs. It's one of the major reasons I've sworn off relationships until I meet someone truly special.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
What I find attractive is cute/unique appearances of females. I have a hard time putting in words what I mean by this. Some examples was a female friend I had who was ashamed of the shape of her nose but that individual detail made her all the more attractive to me. Another example was a teacher I had who had a stern brow with piercing eyes, but I found that to be all the more wonderful. Both of them were, in my eyes, leaps and bounds more beautiful then any Megan Fox or Kim Kardashian. I think the major thing for why I find such things attractive is because it goes against the grain of the popular thought of what "hot" or "beautiful" in American society. Still, it might be that I was picked on by the so called "attractive" girls in middle school so now I might look at them all as non genuine and faulty.


New member
Feb 12, 2010
This is why I asked to have this made. Girls are all over the bored and guys are pretty consistent for the most part.

P.S. I'm an ass man, and I do not like big women at all


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Oct 22, 2007
Cute face, someone I can playfully debate with, good sense of humor, intelligent, and not too big (both height and weight)


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Oct 27, 2010
I like someone who looks like they're in shape, long hair preferably darker hair, nice legs and breasts. Mentally good sense of humor and a want for adventure.


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Jul 8, 2011
Someone who is not overly emotional. I like a guy that can take and throw a punch, and isn't afraid to have a good time. Uptight guys are boring.


New member
Jun 16, 2008
Nice tits and ass is appreciated and quite important, especially the tits. Face doesn't need to be 10/10, but it needs to be nice.
And in shape, some muscle tone is great. I just hope my gf won't read this last line.


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May 18, 2011
Personality is the first thing I find attractive, because if I'm going to reproduce with this man, I want to be able to do things other than baby-making. I also need them to see me for me, and not some chick with boobs and an ass.

I also enjoy a good sense of humor, gamer, and to be in shape. My personal preference is for them to be assertive, and dominant (not controlling, that was my ex) I like them to be around my height, or a couple inches taller. Is it bad that I want to be the smart one in a relationship?

Surprisingly, crooked teeth isn't a turn off for me (dental child)

They also have to be able to cope with my emotional instability (curse you childhood).

Lucky me, my current boyfriend fits most of these qualities.

Murray Kitson

New member
Mar 8, 2011
I am about proportion. A girl can be beautiful without the common stereotypes that men are known to fantasize about. My preference is brunette, and small. The petite kind of girl. Kinda odd since I am 6'3, but hey, who cares.

In personality, I want someone who will call me on my bullshit. Can hold a conversation, and is smarter than your average fence post... still looking.


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Aug 8, 2008
Girls who are considerate, sharp, weird but stable, cute face, petite body, passionate conversationalists, doesn't drink/graceful drunk, and the best for last: Red hair. I love red hair. LOVE!

Edit: Forgot to add adventurous.


New member
May 4, 2009
Casual Shinji said:
I'm a face man.

If a girl has a beautiful face, I don't care too much how the rest of her looks.
Heads up, every one is a face man/ woman, there's no fetish for the face disregarding specific features, (ie, nose lips, ears, eyes, even hair) but when conformed to a whole there is no fetish. It is very rare that a fetish takes over so fully that it would overwhelm the look of the face, as the only thing people cannot be physically attracted to is a non symmetrical face (which does not include burn victims or rashes/ birth marks, and some other after birth deformities) for example one eye being an inch above level with the other will make a person ugly to all of the human population (well it might need to be a little higher but you get what I mean) In 1000 years scientists (according to NewScientist Magazine) predict humans will be more symmetrical, due to humans only selecting others who are symmetrical .