What do you want to happen to your corpse?

Prof. Monkeypox

New member
Mar 17, 2010
Take organs/whatever is salvageable to save lives. Burn the rest.
I don't care- it's just a shell at that point anyway.

Besides, I intend to have "jumped ship" by then anyway. Muahahaha


New member
Aug 4, 2011
I want to be shot twice through the head, just to make sure, since the only way I'm dying anytime soon is in the imminent zombie apocalypse we all know is coming. but, If my calculations are wrong and there isn't a zombie apocalypse in my life time, my organs are going to people that need them, because a healthy person is another warrior against the zombie scourge...


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Take the organs, bury me, and plant a tree over it.

And don't you fucking dare hold a service. Just take the money, and spend it on a night out.


New member
Feb 13, 2011
Viking funeral.

If not that, a pyre away from the city.

Coffin's and a plot in the ground cost too much. Screw the fancy funeral service too.


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
presuming that vampires still haven't come into existence and turned me by then I want my organs donated and my ass cremated and probably scattered over my favourite places.


In brightest day...
Nov 18, 2009
Bye-bye organs. Enjoy your new home.

Well, ideally I'll just skip the whole dying thing entirely. But since that seems unlikely, my organs are available to anyone who needs them. I won't, after all.
The rest of my body will ideally be shot into space. If I can't make it there whilst alive, at least my corpse'll do it.

William Ossiss

New member
Apr 8, 2010
my corpse will be burned upon a funeral pyre, like the old kings of Gondor, Qui Gon Jinn, and The Master.


New member
Jun 20, 2010
i would definitely prefer to not become a corpse, excluding the immortality option, probably cryostasis or something along the lines of being reanimated.


New member
Jul 27, 2011
Mr.Numbers said:

I would have my cremated ashes turned into a diamond by LifeGem and placed on a diamond ring for my wife, so that I may be with her always, for what is more eternal than diamond?

Oh, and donate my organs to people who need them first of course.
I'm 21 years old and I have 200k in life insurance. I'm having the doctors scavenge materials needed for procreation to ensure my genetics live on. I'm getting two 1.5 karat red diamonds made out of my corpse except for my skull which will be split and attached and bonded to black marble and then having those two red diamonds set into the eye sockets and permanently bonded and having a crypt built for my family.

After all is said and done the entire process would cost about 160,000 (crypt included)leaving enough for my family to pay off some bills and find a few voodoo/witches/gypsies to curse my skull so that any that would steal it be cursed to misery, infertility, and death.

Because to be honest I never bought that circle of life BS. Being made into Diamonds kinda upsets that dirt/grass/gazelle/lion thing doesn't it mufasa!?

So yeah...a fairly standard plan.


New member
May 18, 2009
I'll definitely donate what organs I can. Maybe donate the rest of my body to science. I do like science. Or a viking funeral would be pretty fucking epic.
Have this playing as the boat burns.


New member
Aug 2, 2011
I've given more thought to my funeral than my wedding and I'm (supposedly) going to be alive for that!

I want to be buried in a way where my body can decompose naturally into the ground.

My soul will be elsewhere at that point, so all that's left is a shell of nostalgia.
I don't want it to be stuffed full of chemicals and put on display, then locked into a cement box in the ground...
I find the whole concept of embalming to be dishonest and bizarre.

I want my remains to break down in the dirt and be used as fuel for the trees and grass around my grave. However, there are valid concerns about getting corpses in the water supply when you go that route, so finding a cemetery in this day and age that will allow that is tricky.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
As someone who works as an undertaker and if I was to die tomorrow, I would like to make life as difficult as possible for the people that I work with. So, I would want dressing in an all over rubber gimp suit and hopefully during being dressed I will shit myself so that they have to clean it up. I also want to be buried at sea, because the metal coffins that they use for a sea burial have to have holes in the bottom so that they sink, I want to be left in a really warm place for about a week or so before my funeral so that there is a nice collection of bodily fluids to pour out of of the bottom of the coffin when it is being carried onto the boat making it as unpleasant as possible for whoever is involved.

Failing that, I want to be cremated...in a metal coffin.

I just want to be remembered as a huge pain in the arse.

And if anyone plays "All Things Bright and Beautiful" at my funeral, I am seriously coming back as a Necromorph and making someone pay.

Whispering Cynic

New member
Nov 11, 2009
I don't really care since I'll be... elsewhere by that time. But allowing my organs to be used as transplants could enable me to possess the person receiving them... oh yeah, that's gonna be fun. My evil shall live on.