What does fallout 3 do better then fallout new vegas


New member
Apr 14, 2009
I like both a whole bunch, really. Can't see much difference, but I don't regret having both.

Mr Cwtchy

New member
Jan 13, 2009
It appears that when people dislike F3, they REALLY dislike it. I mean either that or the NMA regulars with a stick up their arse have descended on this thread.

For me, I don't find the games to be all that different. The combat is pretty much the same; point and shoot(from the hip or with ironsights) or use VATS. I loved exploring random places in 3, that took up so much of my time really that the main story gathered dust. Similar deal for NV too, albeit the exploring was more limited, and I didn't much like that.

The beginning sequence felt better in 3, and the 'primary motivation' of the story is likewise IMO. Yes, the (first) ending was awful, but the Tranquility Lane sequence more than made up for it for me.

Overall, these games seem to be heavily polarised, and frankly I don't think there's such a massive distinction between them that they should be.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Tropicaz said:
Can anyone tell me the name of the quest where you went into that kind of dreaming state in fallout 3? You went to this weird little suburbia. That quest was awesome.
Dude. I've been waiting for someone to ask that. I have the answer in photograph form:

I love the implication of that sign.
Oh, and it's Tranquility Lane [http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Tranquility_Lane], not Dead End.


New member
Aug 7, 2012
loc978 said:
Tropicaz said:
Can anyone tell me the name of the quest where you went into that kind of dreaming state in fallout 3? You went to this weird little suburbia. That quest was awesome.
Dude. I've been waiting for someone to ask that. I have the answer in photograph form:

I love the implication of that sign.
Oh, and it's Tranquility Lane, not Dead End.
Thank you :) It's been bugging me for a while now. That was such a good section of the game. Where is that picture from btw? And dont say just next to Tranquility lane.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Elmoth said:
J.E. Sawyer is a genius. Read his formsprings for a bit, and I don't see how you might think otherwise.
Reading that makes him seem like incredibly smug, and a person who thinks he knows everything.

This is the same guy who bold face lied to everyone when he said you cant patch DLC.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Tropicaz said:
loc978 said:
Tropicaz said:
Can anyone tell me the name of the quest where you went into that kind of dreaming state in fallout 3? You went to this weird little suburbia. That quest was awesome.
Dude. I've been waiting for someone to ask that. I have the answer in photograph form:

I love the implication of that sign.
Oh, and it's Tranquility Lane, not Dead End.
Thank you :) It's been bugging me for a while now. That was such a good section of the game. Where is that picture from btw? And dont say just next to Tranquility lane.
A little dead end country road called Tranquility Lane near my property... middle of nowhere, Clackamas county Oregon.
And you're welcome.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Isshiresshi said:
Fallout 3 is a lot more "humanity is suffering from nuclear war and everything has gone to hell"-atmosphere and the story too is more focused on it as well, where New Vegas has a "did not get hit near as hard with nukes like everywhere else"-background. The story makes a lot more sense from the start to finish then New Vegas does.

They both play like each other. No different in the graphic or mechanics from the two games.

Fallout 3 has some interesting things as well as New Vegas so I think you should try and make it work so you can try it out!
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
How does Fallout 3 make more sense than New Vegas? The bombs were dropped over 200 years ago, shit would have been rebuilt way fucking past a sheet metal shanty town. Speaking of Megaton, in Fallout 3 people built a town around A FUCKING NUCLEAR BOMB. Not only does that not make sense, but the inhabitants in Fallout 1 and 2 were characterized of all being REALLY FUFKING AFRAID OF NUCLEAR BOMBS, and therefor breaks the lore.
Honeslty, man. You can't say Fallout 3 makes more sens than New Vegas, you just can't.

Mycroft Holmes

New member
Sep 26, 2011
Fallout 3 has a more cohesive and tightly told narrative that is more focused. Which depending on what you want out of a game can be a bonus.

I enjoyed the radio music more on Fallout 3 than on New Vegas.

Spectrum_Prez said:
Fallout 3 did post-apocalyptic a lot better than FNV. Half the built-in appeal of FNV was the cowboy theme; if you liked Westerns, the setting would probably appeal to you more than FO3's nuked-out feel.
I really don't care that much about westerns at all. Don't like John Wayne that much, and the few westerns I have seen(The Unforgiven and 3:10 to Yuma) I liked for reasons beyond the western genre. On the other side of the spectrum I absolutely love the idea of post apocalyptic worlds. I played the fallout games in my youth, I've donated for a new Wasteland game, I read post apocalyptic books(A canticle for Leibowitz, Anthem, The machine stops, that one Philip K Dick short story about a post nuclear apocalypse society living under ground while machines fight the war above) and intend to write a PA book myself.

However I very very much prefer New Vegas to Fallout 3 in terms of atmosphere. New Vegas is about the rebuilding and restructuring of societies that are struggling to survive in a post apocalyptic world. It's people trying to put things back in order in a destroyed world. Fallout 3 was taking a vibrant post apocalyptic franchise and then watering it down and making it as generic PA as possible while still using Fallout brand words like vault, nuka-cola and buffout(which hilariously Bethesda didn't even want to use; but Australia wouldn't let them use real drug names.)


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Elmoth said:
Well is it smug to say things that are true?
Yes, in fact, saying true things in a certain way is what 90% of smugness is about. Being smug is knowing you are right, and then rubbing it in other people's faces.

Also, what he said about patching DLC was 100% wrong, and people called Obsidian out on it numerous times.

Just another excuse Obsidian made up to get out of fixing even one of their games.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
It does atmosphere and exploration a hundred times better than New Vegas in my opinion. NV has much better writing though.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Anthraxus said:
I wouldn't even bring up lies when we all know your favorite is one of the biggest liars of them all.
Funny because..... most of the things people say Todd lied about... were really
-He said something
-Fans blew it out of proportion in what they expected it to be like
-Then when the game didn't meet their overblown expectations they claimed Todd lied

Most of the shit Todd supposedly "lied" about whas shit the fans made up. Furthermore Todd hasn't made such a obvious, and downright lazy cop-out excuse such as "you cant patch DLC".

Seriously, did ANYONE believe Obsidian when they said you cant patch DLC?


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Reincarnatedwolfgod said:
What does fallout 3 do better then fallout new vegas?
Honestly, if it does anything better then I either didn't notice or it wasn't important. New Vegas is the better game by far.


Elite Member
Oct 3, 2009
United States

I don't know exactly why, but I found Fallout 3 more immersive than F:NV.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Elmoth said:
How is he rubbing it in people's faces, exactly?
Its the tone of his words, after reading through a lot of the stuff he posted there he just seems very stuck up.
Sep 14, 2009
malestrithe said:
gmaverick019 said:
so did you learn all this from cut files...? or where did you read up on this? i'd like to read it myself if you remember.

and that is the exact reason why i love kotor 2, the restoration patch brought back nearly everything and boy is that a sweet fucking game to plow through when most of the content is there that was originally planned to be. (curious, are they trying to restore that for new vegas at all? some of those would be sweet)
Regardless of the justification that's going around, the version that was released is the version you were meant to play. There was more planned, but frankly who give a shit? What matters is what is released.

Also, if you read the notes on the restoration project, the people making it said that they were not restoring everything. they were restoring only things that feel like they belong to the game and ignoring stuff that did not fit. If it was a true restoration, everything gets put back in. In other words their vision of KotOR 2 is what you are getting. They did not make the game, they do not get to say what fits.
wooh....did i punch you in the face as a child? where is this hostility coming from? The reason why it matters at all is that most of the files were on the disk when it came out, so people could pick them up and twiddle with them as they pleased, it's not like they weren't there to begin with. And yes, they weren't restoring everything, i read that, but that still changes...what exactly? big deal if EVERY last nook and cranny didn't get put back in, they at least tried and made a ton of things smoothed out for everyone to enjoy, what's to hate?

...or did you just want to fire up an argument for the sake of arguing?

SajuukKhar said:
Dr. McD said:
As for bugs, they can be fixed, bad writing, boring atmosphere, illogical plot, black and white morality, and boring characters can not.
To bad Obsidian never fixes their bugs... leaving their games with constant CTDs, and broken quests to such an extent that Bethesda's games look stable.

Writing the best book ever means nothing if you can't get it printed on a book that doesn't dissolve after 3 minutes.

And sure bugs CAN be fixed, but a lot of things CAN happen, but that doesn't mean they actually will happen.

It really seems like the people who use the argument you just made don't actually think it through, because if they actually did, they would realize how idiotic and broken of an argument it is, especially in Obsidian's case.

Face the music

What people need to do when it comes to Obsidian.
how is it a broken argument? in the long term, it is fixable, while a bad game is not, you have to start from scratch. how is that an idiotic compromise?

mind you, i played new vegas from day one release and never had a problem, so i don't even have to make this argument in the first place if i don't want to.