What does the world have against America?


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Starke said:
Well, that and California is weird. Sorry, that may sound like a copout, but it's true.

There's also the factor that a lot of California's population jump in the 1940s and 50s were Second World War Veterans, who emigrated because land was cheap. It could make sense under some strange circumstances, but, honestly, having been all over the country over the years, that one strikes me as sounding really odd. You may have found some bizarre outlier, or it's possible there was something else going on. I seem to recall Louisville drags out the flags in may for the Kentucky Derby... and then shuts down 2nd Street Bridge screwing up the traffic patterns for two weeks...
I will accept it as a possibility. Maybe next time I am down in the States I will count how many flags I see.

Kakashi on crack

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Aug 5, 2009
I think it mostly has to deal with us just being generally louder and more obnoxious...

Really America is just the new England.

Before WW2, everyone bashed on England because they were the loudest people in international politics and the like. When they insisted that America take that place cause they were tired of it, we happily obliged and became the "new england" in that sense. So since we get noticed more, we get hated on more.

... or something like that.

I guess its kinda like how most Canadians hate people from Quebec? I dunno...


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Jinx_Dragon said:
Starke said:
Well, that and California is weird. Sorry, that may sound like a copout, but it's true.

There's also the factor that a lot of California's population jump in the 1940s and 50s were Second World War Veterans, who emigrated because land was cheap. It could make sense under some strange circumstances, but, honestly, having been all over the country over the years, that one strikes me as sounding really odd. You may have found some bizarre outlier, or it's possible there was something else going on. I seem to recall Louisville drags out the flags in may for the Kentucky Derby... and then shuts down 2nd Street Bridge screwing up the traffic patterns for two weeks...
I will accept it as a possibility. Maybe next time I am down in the States I will count how many flags I see.
I'll keep an eye out too, the next couple days, and see if I haven't just been completely desensitized to them over the years, which is also quite possible.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I think partly it's because America dragged their heels so long in getting into WWII then seemed to think they won it single handedly.

Then to make up for it, they've made sure they got in first in almost every war since, even starting some outright to make sure they're not called out on being unpunctual :)

(I'm just ripping on you guys, we love ya really :D )

I would however complain about your taste in British people, can you stop making stars of the people we really can't stand? I'm waiting for the US to open its doors to Jeremy Kyle, Richard Littlejohn and Nick Griffin and give them all their own TV shows.

The last thing we needed was Piers Morgan and Simon Cowell to be encouraged to be even more arrogantly twuntish, yet you've convinced them they're doing something right, and in doing so, convinced a large area of the US viewing public that the British people are totally up themselves, heh.

I think, part of the problem is TV only ever seems to show the worst of America.

Talking of TV, you not only display the very worst of America then magnify it thru the TV screen - America's next Top Model, The Swan, Jerry Springer, Deadliest Warrior, WWE, Who wants to marry a millionaire midget, that dating show with Flavor Flav, etc... but you then sell the idea to idiot execs over here, who then tend to remake them, but worse!

Lastly, there's patriotism, and there's just being plain nuts.

The whole 'WOO! We're NUMBER ONE! YEEHAH!' thing kinda grates on everyone, especially when you check the league tables on health, education, public services, treatment of ex military, and pretty much everything else and realise that you're not.

I sound pretty harsh, but the thing is, I've visited once, and if I won the lottery, I'd consider moving there. I sure as hell wouldn't want to live there poor tho.

Also, re-read it, if anything, I'm being just as harsh on my own country for following along behind you, eating your leftover ideas and crapping em out into England.


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Mar 14, 2011
lRookiel said:
Also the accent is very irritating as well.
I hate to be thick, but WHICH accent? There's yer northern accents, a dime a dozen, there's some southern accents, almost as many as the northern, then you have those in the rocky mountains, who's accents can be hard to place at times (and have some really shitty cooks). I left the west coast out due to my lack of exposure


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Aug 13, 2010
Cazza said:
nbamaniac said:
"nosing on around other people's business"
That is a huge reason. The Vietnam war started because the US didn't like how communism was expanding. It's not their country, they have no right in going gun blazing to "fix" things. Im glad they lost that war. If they had won they probably would have gone after the othe communist counties and more people would have been killed.
I disagree, america never really lost that war.
The Paris Peace Accords ending the conflict were signed January 27, 1973, and were followed by the withdrawal of the remaining American troops. The terms of the accords called for a complete ceasefire in South Vietnam, allowed North Vietnamese forces to retain the territory they had captured, released US prisoners of war, and called for both sides to find a political solution to the conflict

December 1974, when Congress passed the Foreign Assistance Act of 1974, cutting off all military aid. This act removed the threat of air strikes should North Vietnam break the terms of the accords. North Vietnam began an offensive that lead to the fall of Saigon.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Bradeck said:
I think it's because people are jealous we invented the hotdog, spray cheese, Turducken, Natty Ice, and Jenna Jameson.
Also, on the subject of food, who needs cheese that quickly?

Secondly, is no-one else worried that you can name a foodstuff Turd-anything and people will think it's a good idea? There's 'Don't eat that shit' and there's taking it to extremes.

Lastly on food, you seem to have taken the concept of 'all you can eat', when it should mean, 'all you want', and turned it into a competition. Just eating a lot shouldn't be a way to win medals and prize money :D


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Well there are many reasons.. and they aren't exactly held all at once by a single person. A few i can think of, and am probably guilty of somewhat, are:

First World Problems: That whole meme, where we basically exaggerate our problems, because perspective and empathy seem to be lost on the populace.

Waste: We're a country whos biggest problem is too much food (morbid obesity).... that seems very insulting to the starving countries.

Unwanted intervention: I can guarantee that this is why we've been the target of terrorism recently.

Corruption: From blackwater in iraq to our government at home spending home-security money on sno-cone machines, as a republic we sure elect dumbasses. I guess this ties into-

Laziness: Don't misconstrue this, we still work more hours than most countries and do work quite alot to maintain our economy and lives, but when it comes to greater matters, many of us are apathetic- 50% voter turnout rates, 90%+ incumbent Congress (With a what, 10% approval rate?)- you can blame politicians all you want, but some of the blame has to go to we the enablers.

Our stupidest: The ol saying you're judged by your worst, and we have those in spades: Fox news, Donald Trump, some of our more extremist groups (Westboro, Green peace for the most part, etc.).

But like many have said, we're far from the worst in the world- we're just the most prominent.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
dystopiaINC said:
Cazza said:
nbamaniac said:
"nosing on around other people's business"
That is a huge reason. The Vietnam war started because the US didn't like how communism was expanding. It's not their country, they have no right in going gun blazing to "fix" things. Im glad they lost that war. If they had won they probably would have gone after the othe communist counties and more people would have been killed.
I disagree, america never really lost that war.
The Paris Peace Accords ending the conflict were signed January 27, 1973, and were followed by the withdrawal of the remaining American troops. The terms of the accords called for a complete ceasefire in South Vietnam, allowed North Vietnamese forces to retain the territory they had captured, released US prisoners of war, and called for both sides to find a political solution to the conflict

December 1974, when Congress passed the Foreign Assistance Act of 1974, cutting off all military aid. This act removed the threat of air strikes should North Vietnam break the terms of the accords. North Vietnam began an offensive that lead to the fall of Saigon.
Well also it never really was an official war.. the last one Congress declared was WWII. This was another one of our Police Actions or whatever they want to call it.

We did lose it politically- we could have won that war no problem if our goal was one of offense and not prevention.


New member
Mar 28, 2011
It seems like a lot of comments here are about America, not its citizens (I am one by the way). Yeah, our country is run by a lot of out of touch high class jackasses, and yeah, a bunch of people here are assholes. Then again, I see that all around the freakin' world. Basically my answer is that Americans are humans and humans can suck sometimes, but so can the rest of the world, so it's not much different to me.


New member
Jan 14, 2008
There is a difference between a country and the citizens of it. We're a global superpower, we are pretty much on the minds of every person in every country pretty much. When someone lets the nasty stuff out, the whole world sees it. We are basically like a celebrity being spied on by the paparazzi, except it's national governments with the future of the planet as the wager in this global game of dice we call capitalism. We're tied down to a lot of stuff, we step in to help and then can't walk out...America sacrifices a lot and makes itself everyone's enemy just for stability for a little while longer, stave off the eventual implosion, know what I mean?

It's one major screw up from everyone pointing fingers and the whole tower to fall down and all that'll be left is for someone to shout "Jenga!" Personally, I think America is just a little too in the pocket of capitalism and corporation to really free itself so it's just sighing and doing what poppa corporation wants and waits for the day they're free.


Edible Avatar

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Oct 26, 2011
theseworlds said:
then there was the spoilt 8 year old fat daughter, who would just sit there watching me as I played games. Not watching the game. She would watch ME. No idea why.
So, it was like pedobear...but in reverse?

The Crazy Legs

New member
Nov 11, 2011
Well, I'm an American and I have one main thing to say: Yeah. America's not that great. I really hate being in the same country as hundreds of thousands of absolute assholes who think they have absolute power. I don't remember it being our duty to defend democracy in tiny Middle Eastern countries. When was that the policy? Do you see anyone else doing that? Canada, perhaps? The UK? France? No? Well, no shit, it makes us all look like assholes just be diffusion.
Also, if you pick up a book, you can clearly read that America is/was one of the most racist places in the world. Obviously, some hatred for us must have stemmed from there. I don't like having to critize my own country, but we've ultimately just kept electing representatives who keep making stupid decisons.


New member
May 4, 2009
Starke said:
-more crap-
How might my name affect my nationalism....oh, let's think about this, shall we?

Had you ever visited the United Kingdom, and clearly you must have, since you speak for the Scots, the Irish AND the English (Strangely not the Welsh), so I assume you've lived among the 'colonies' for a long time, you would know that nobody with an Irish name would ever be an English nationalist.
And put simply, I'm not.

But what you're clearly missing is that whatever Britain did in the past fifty years has been eclipsed by what America has done in the past five. Stop trying to pass your own, current atrocities on some questionable mandate you like to keep bringing up. Fact of the matter is, you're oppressing these people NOW. As in, killing 'allied' soldiers, imposing sanctions that are not yours to impose, attempting to prevent nuclear development in countries that aren't you, actively killing civilians because half the soldiers forgot that you were there to kill terrorists, not 'ragheads'.
So we occupied other countries. Got a lot of rebels. The IRA, for example. Yeah, they want independence, though I can guarantee none of them actually know what they'd do with it. The Scots will take a walk when they can be bothered, it's not urgent at all. If they hated England so much, then I wouldn't have been born here, and that's that.

I'm not trying to say that England is better than America. And I don't even know where you get off calling the French our allies - and since you insist on bringing history up, it was the French that freed your damn country from our civilised grip, and now look at it. If the French could have just left well enough alone, the Middle East would be shooting at each other and not us. I hope you're proud of yourself, America. You got your independence from us, and now you're determined to take it away from everybody else.

But do yourselves a favour. Stop pretending. No more puppet governments and civil inciters. If you want a country, just take that fancy army of yours, march in and take it. I understand what you're doing - trying to avoid flak from your allies (not that it'd bother you, really), and avoiding the costs associated with an occupation.
But on the plus side, you get to turn the country into another Little America, and take the profits for yourselves.
I mean, yeah, history would see you as brutal imperialists, but I think that's a bit better than the peculiar begging for treats your politicians do for the corporate lobbyists, or the cowardly way in which you wage war.

And David Cameron....if America calls on you to send our soldiers to Iran, tell them to go fuck themselves. Iran's not wronged us. And they probably won't. Maybe when America can stand up to Israel, they'll stop exerting false dominance over us.


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May 4, 2009
Frostwhisper21 said:
Our stupidest: The ol saying you're judged by your worst, and we have those in spades: Fox news, Donald Trump, some of our more extremist groups (Westboro, Green peace for the most part, etc.).

But like many have said, we're far from the worst in the world- we're just the most prominent.
It's amusing that when a religious group gets up in arms in the Middle East, America is the first to run for his shotgun. But when it's religious extremism on their own soil? Corruption among its own politicians?
I don't see the martial law then. I don't see a US Marine raid on a politician's house when he proclaims the evils of homosexuality.
Freedom of Speech only applies to American citizens. If a high-profile member of another country were to say the wrong thing, suddenly they'll be at gunpoint for being a threat to the United States.


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Jun 17, 2010
Jinx_Dragon said:
Well, I don't think I count as I do not hate Americans given I immigrated to Canada to be closer to my friends in the North American Region. Still, I don't think your own blanket statement is accurate given we have not been asked to comment on our own nations. If you want to hear a whole lot of fucked up stuff about Australia, give me a few moments of your time.
I just mean the way the OP and thread titles like this always ask "Why do you hate America(ns)" in a way that asks "Why do you hate every single American" and go on about "Every country has douchebags/idiots". People like the OP assume that someone who hates America(ns) think all the best of every single other person on the planet, but Americans as a whole, each and every individual are mindless douchebags. It's just stupid and properly annoying to come across in a forum thread all the time.


The God-King of Space
Apr 4, 2011
Thyunda said:
It's amusing that when a religious group gets up in arms in the Middle East, America is the first to run for his shotgun. But when it's religious extremism on their own soil? Corruption among its own politicians?
I don't see the martial law then. I don't see a US Marine raid on a politician's house when he proclaims the evils of homosexuality.
Freedom of Speech only applies to American citizens. If a high-profile member of another country were to say the wrong thing, suddenly they'll be at gunpoint for being a threat to the United States.
Cheers, mate. But even "Freedom of Speech" should be taken with a pinch of salt. If I'd run a campaign against Christianity I would get shot in the face before I could say "evolution".

Malty Milk Whistle

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Oct 29, 2011
SenseOfTumour said:
I think partly it's because America dragged their heels so long in getting into WWII then seemed to think they won it single handedly.

Then to make up for it, they've made sure they got in first in almost every war since, even starting some outright to make sure they're not called out on being unpunctual :)

(I'm just ripping on you guys, we love ya really :D )

I would however complain about your taste in British people, can you stop making stars of the people we really can't stand? I'm waiting for the US to open its doors to Jeremy Kyle, Richard Littlejohn and Nick Griffin and give them all their own TV shows
how dare you insult our own culture! :trollface: but yea, how do they even get airtime?


New member
Sep 16, 2009
O'Doyle USA rules!

cookes for who knows reference..


The US was a main player in the war. Europe was on it's knees Russia was sending tens of thousands to their deaths for feet of land and while Japan was spread thin, it was still whoopin up on China.

If World War OO was an RPG, the US would be the player character and the other countries would be add on characters. Yea there's times when the add on characters shine and have their moments of helping the player character, but the game doesn't go on without the main one and you can't win the game without the main one there.

So yes, USA level was max while other countries were still lagging and should've power leveled.

(I'm waiting for all you haters to chew that up)


New member
Sep 5, 2011
SenseOfTumour said:
Bradeck said:
I think it's because people are jealous we invented the hotdog, spray cheese, Turducken, Natty Ice, and Jenna Jameson.
Also, on the subject of food, who needs cheese that quickly?

Secondly, is no-one else worried that you can name a foodstuff Turd-anything and people will think it's a good idea? There's 'Don't eat that shit' and there's taking it to extremes.

Lastly on food, you seem to have taken the concept of 'all you can eat', when it should mean, 'all you want', and turned it into a competition. Just eating a lot shouldn't be a way to win medals and prize money :D
If we're talking about things we can eat, then why not mention Jenna? I will now do something flagrantly American and claim something that isn't true. We invented 74 of the 98 different uses of the word fuck. We invented the toothbrush, (Your welcome England) and we invented the telephone (Your welcome Thai sex industry).

People hate us because our country is/has been run into the ground by religious imperialist madmen who view half the world as needing a religious crusade. America would be much better off if we didn't have religion.