What does the world have against America?


New member
Sep 5, 2011
Wicky_42 said:
Personally, I think it all stems from that documentary "Team America". Seriously, sometimes it's better to not hang out your laundry in public, guys ;)
Evrah thang I larned bout dem ferenors I learnded from dat movie. Fuck yeah! Freedum costs a buck o' five, muthafucka.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
There's more reason to hate the English, it was they not America who once owned 3/4 of the Earth, including America, and occasionally oppressed their peoples.


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Apr 24, 2010
Fieldy409 said:
Really it just boils down to the wars America has been in. Also America was half of the reason the whole world could have been fucked by nukes in the 60s.
That never made any sense to me, Europe has been in so many goddamn wars and ruined most of the world particularly Africa, and yet it doesn't get as much flak for the wars it goes into, despite them usually being the same ones America goes into as they tag along to say they were there. I mean hell the two conflicts called the World Wars were started because Europeans were warlike, and yet America goes into wars alot?


New member
Nov 2, 2011
Just because I love the subject :)

1) Abuse of freedom. USA is open for propaganda, corporate charlatans and indoctrination. All under the flag of freedom. Banks and brokers are free sell you hot air, the democracy is downgraded to a corrupt media circus, and channels like FOX news can freely spread lies and suggestive ideas without facing punishment. It's probably one of the first civilizations in the world who suffers from too much freedom, but for an outsider, it's incredibly painful to see.

2) Arrogance. the USA tends to believe that the USA is the center of the world. They barely seem to care about the world, except for their primary trading partners. That the USA is one of the last developed countries in the world that acknowledges the problems of climate change, is typical. Also the wars. This seems to improve though, and individually, American citizens are incredibly generous.

3)Greed/Economics. The USA (together with the UK) are the most corrupt countries when it comes to reshaping the economic sector. We've seen it blow up a few times, we see people suffer because of it, and we've seen economic bandits get away with millions. It will take a very, very brave president to stop this cycle of corruption. The euro crisis is just a good decoy for the financial sector for now: Don't forget that this same financial sector officially raised the rent on the loans of Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal.

4) Stupid Americans come on TV too much.

5) Commercializing EVERYTHING.

6) The voting system.

7) All round just as corrupt as Italy, but ignoring it.

I don't care much about internal politics like social security and stuff. I think it's a good thing, but I think the country should decide for themselves how they want to fix the mess of poverty. If the USA prefers to have slums, be my guest. The civil rights in America are fine and progressing, and people change slowly. I don't blame the USA for not picking up gay rights as quick as more awesome countries like the Netherlands or Germany.
I also admire the USA for it's spirit, creativity and goodwill. They might have been world police for a while, but I can only think of 2 or 3 countries who would do a better job given the population.
And I hate the English just as much, if only already for screwing up the world so badly in the colonization. But that's another story.


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Apr 7, 2011
I can't say I hate America. There's plenty of things to hate about it, but also plenty of things to love. They've contributed with their fair share of both groundbreaking advances for the human species and crimes against humanity.

And I just know that for every Glenn Beck spewing backwards make-belief and calling me and others like me socialist nazi pussies for preferring a different alternative, there are at least ten truly great, admirable people. Just like most (not insane) places on Earth.

But yeah, there are quite a few glaring reasons as to why you'd feel less than friendly disposed to the United States...


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Jan 14, 2011
dogstile said:
Wasn't that song made as part of a film mocking the ever loving shit out of America and their foreign policies? Wouldn't that kind of make your point sorta... invalid? Just sayin'
I just faceplamed so hard I might have broken my nose. Wow.

A bus full of special needs children would've seen the sarcasm I was displaying.

Just sayin.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
No I can agree with people who dislike obesity. I can tell you now that the argument "it keeps you warm" is faulty. You know what else keeps the body warm? Not dying from obesity-related illness. We live in a country where you can work an hour or two and afford a perfectly acceptable jacket, or whatever cold-weather gear. Not to mention relatively cheap heating...

A little overweight wont kill you (An overweight person who exercises constantly will live longer than skinny people who don't) but obesity is inexcusable- and I mean obesity as in Body fat %, not the inaccurate BMI measurement (Bodybuilders are obese according to it, ha.)

But i can see why people hate us for it- We're a country whos problem is TOO MUCH food, whereas in many other places starvation is a real problem. Yet there are many of us who complain about meager, petty problems (CHRIST OUT OF CHRISTMAS comes to mind, since it's recent) or complain about trying to lose weight (like it's hard- the only difficulty is self-discipline if you're not handicapped).

This doesnt have to apply to Obese people too: I remember seeing how some Americans pushed out Genetically modified farming in poorer, starving countries in favor of more expensive, less efficient organic crops. Pushing our food choices onto others seems worse than throwing away the left-over food we have at home.


New member
Feb 16, 2011
theseworlds said:
I've had an American family stay with us for 3 weeks. They are friends of my step mums that she hasn't seen for yonks, so they decided to come pay her (and us) a visit. There was a fat mother with a big mouth, who liked to down a bottle of wine every night, which made her even louder. There was a skinny father, who barely said a word the entire 3 weeks. I could actually stand him. And then there was the spoilt 8 year old fat daughter, who would just sit there watching me as I played games. Not watching the game. She would watch ME. No idea why. The most annoying thing though was their accent. They had a really deep, Southern accent, which pissed me off to no end whenever they would open their mouths. And as the fat mother would get drunk every night, the annoying accent would be heard from further and further distances. I really hope I never see those people again. I am not going to go to America, ever. I cannot stand that accent, and those people have ruined my perception about the country.

I don't know about everyone else, but this is why I don't like America.

(also, the patriotism I always see in the media, movies, etc, is sickening. Not a fan)
As an educated American with a healthy weight, no southern accent, no alcohol problem, a hatred for patriotism in movies, an ability to hold intelligent conversation, and an educated family and background, I have to say that not everyone here is like that, and if you think that everyone here IS like that, you are taking the easy way out and judging an entire country based on the actions of three strange and ignorant people. Your post is kind of offensive, imo.


New member
May 3, 2011
The problem is even on the name: AMERICA

Hold one second, America is a continent not a country, yet they have engraved in everyones mind that is in fact a country as if them themselfs own the very continent and the rest of the countries can go to nameless land, because every time i say : Im American they think instantly im from the US, when in fact im not, i am American because i LIVE in the AMERICAN CONTINENT.

And that by itself makes pretty much all Americans (people who lives in the American continent) pretty much hate the US.

Also there has been many many problems not migration related, but wars related about the US. Like Mexico for example, Mex in the 19th-20th century let the US citizens to be in their lands allowing them to live there and sharing the place. What the US goverment thought? well if my ppl lives there might as well make the territory MINE, and thats how the invaders stole 50% of Mexico's land. But all that is remembered is the grudge for battle of Alamo as if they were the -good guys- and not some sort of pirates taking over the house that the host kindly offered to stay in.

And many many examples can go backwards and foward in time as many have already stated here.

And yet, i happen to have many -gringo- friends that i care a lot about. As everyone in America says: i dont hate the US citizens but i hate their country.


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Oct 8, 2009
NightmareLuna said:
obesity, etc etc.
I've always loved seeing this. Because the US is the only country that houses obese people. Nevermind the fact that it's like 8th or 9th on the list of the most obese countries.

Ah well. It doesn't matter. People hate us because they're unintelligent. Plain and simple.

Thanks for helping make the United States possible, England! We owe everything we do to you!

Da Orky Man

Yeah, that's me
Apr 24, 2011
Tax_Document said:
Starke said:
BiscuitTrouser said:
This is really well written and i was honestly looking at the keyboard after reading this trying to decide what to add. I dont hate americans but as one "combined" country entity you can be rather dislikable.

I mean you can try and brush that genocide under the carpet as much as you like america but you were built on taking natives and brutally murdering them then building on top of the rivers of blood.
Well, what can I say, we learned from the best. And you did teach us a lot about how to deal with pesky natives. Well, sorta. Conquering China because, hey, why not, right? That was inspired. You could say we misunderstood that point though. We thought the idea was to get rid of the drugs coming to us, not ship them to other countries. Our bad.
BiscuitTrouser said:
Now you tend to be quite scared of anyone bringing change to your country from outside.
It was the understandable knee jerk reaction of having once been subjects of a foreign Imperial government, well, not foreign to you, but you understand, right?
BiscuitTrouser said:
We hate hitler for what he did but for some reason no one tends to hold this against you. It kinda rankles me that so many can die and no one even cares.
We care. Americans, contrary to what you may have been told, do have big hearts. It's the only things that keep us upright after we eat the things we do.
BiscuitTrouser said:
The native americans are just a forgotten people.
No more forgotten than the Welsh or Scots. You know, the native peoples of the British Isles. The only surviving native people.
BiscuitTrouser said:
And when your average american complains about invading "aliens" the hypocracy makes me cringe.
Well, the forces invading from Beta Andromedae are a persistent threat, and one we must remain vigilant against since they seek to sexually violate our rural, and possibly inbread, population.

Although in a moment of clarity, I agree that US Immigration policy is fucked.

BiscuitTrouser said:
Also this. Your tagline would be more accurate as "Free if you agree to be a a chrstian or follow our rules"
Well, what can I say, we learned from the best. Though to be fair, we haven't actually gotten that one really rolling yet. Turns out, it's hard to institute the president as head of our church seeing as we have too damn many.
Yet the Scots and Welsh have their own nations, what about the Native Americans?
Welshman here, and I can indeed confirm that we are a lot better off than the native Americans. Scotland and Wales make up a guessed 45%-ish of Britain, what percentage does the native American territory take up?

Ironic Pirate

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May 21, 2009
RewardMe said:
Ironic Pirate said:
TheDarkEricDraven said:
Because we, as a country, are awful. Seriously. Just the worst.
Also we don't seem to have a grasp of the problems other countries face in comparison to ours. Y'know, famines, military juntas, that kind of thing.
Yeah, that's true. We europeans can't go a day without a big old famine hitting us. Damn to hell our junta leaders!!
Wasn't referring to europe. More referring to Africa, which is largely the way it is due to european imperialism, incidentally.


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Aug 13, 2009
DRes82 said:
Ramzal said:
I love my home itself because I have the opportunity to strive to be a better person, build a family and life that I'd love. In other places, I do not have that opportunity.
Thank you. This is why we love our country. Its not some misguided, uninformed nationalism. Its the fact that we can do whatever the hell we want and be assured that ourselves and our families are safe.

The resentment towards the US just blows my mind.
But...people in countries all around world can make families and better lives and so on for themselves. People and families all around the world are safe, exceptions notwithstanding. How exactly does that make America special?


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Jul 21, 2008
Kiardras said:
People hate America because the worst of you gets the most exposure. Being the worlds last superpower, and the influence of music and movies, means that most people who see the news see stuff about America as well.

But we never hear of Bill Smith, the man who works hard, looks after his family, gets a degree at night school and volunteers for charity.

All we ever hear about are the Scientologists, the homophobes and the racists. I know its only a small minority but its the small minority that gets the most "air time".

Its the same with Terroism. 99% of Muslims are hard working, family people who don't care about killing Jews, but all you get exposed to is the 1% of maniacs, which clouds your views and gives the implications that all muslims are terrorists, which is bullshit.

The same with america. Sure 99% of you are intelligent, hard working good people, but all the rest of the world ever sees are the gay-hating, flag worshipping, racist, ignorant wankers, and so it clouds our view.
Coming from a 33 year old libertarian man living in north west North Dakota, thanks. I think this statement reflects the most truth of the question at hand.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
jawakiller said:
dogstile said:
Wasn't that song made as part of a film mocking the ever loving shit out of America and their foreign policies? Wouldn't that kind of make your point sorta... invalid? Just sayin'
I just faceplamed so hard I might have broken my nose. Wow.

A bus full of special needs children would've seen the sarcasm I was displaying.

Just sayin.
Oh good, that's a massive massive relief. I've seen that video used seriously enough lately that I was starting to lose faith in people again.