What does the world have against America?

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
Jinx_Dragon said:
Vrach said:
I like how every thread like this magically assumes everyone who hates Americans thinks every other person from any other country, particularly their own has sunshine and butterflies flying out of their arse full time. Or how it mistakes "hating America/Americans" for "hating every single person regardless of who they are as long as their passport reads US".
Well, I don't think I count as I do not hate Americans given I immigrated to Canada to be closer to my friends in the North American Region. Still, I don't think your own blanket statement is accurate given we have not been asked to comment on our own nations. If you want to hear a whole lot of fucked up stuff about Australia, give me a few moments of your time.

Our government makes yours look tame... the only reason you don't hear anything about it is because we do not have the military might to fuck the world over on top of being dicks.

He is a freebee: To win an election Howard ordered federal police officers to seize the children of native Australians. He did this to drum up fears of children being abused in Aboriginal communities so he could he was 'tough on child abuse' and to vote him out of office would be supporting the rape of children.

That happened in 2007....
how...how..how have I not heard of this before? I'm American but I usually go to sites like BBC and the Guardian .


New member
Aug 30, 2011
I make a point to myself of not automatically hating an American I may see. In fact, a lot of them are perfectly fine, and some even think. Many of the staff at the Escapist are actually examples of this. But in America's case, the stereotypical ignorant, arrogant and insular American is an alarmingly large portion of Americans. This wouldn't be so bad if it weren't that America had so much cultural influence on other countries. I wouldn't care that most of the people in the country were idiots if it weren't that it translates across to most other largely sane countries.

I suppose what I'm trying to say is that every country does have idiots, as the OP said, but in most cases, they are neither running the country nor the voting majority, and much more rarely both. And America has perhaps the unique ability to put forth any views it may have on a subject almost without fear of reprimand on any kind of international scale.

Also, it was halfway responsible for the Cold War, and still maintains its status as saviour of the world after its one moment of glory in WWII. Not to mention the war in Iraq, which I believe is now the longest war ever, and during which there have been numerous systematic failures that have, at worst, installed tribal warlords and bolstered their power with the pretence of driving out terrorists.

Keep in mind that this is late at night, so if any of you see a problem with what I've posted, please refute.

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
idarkphoenixi said:
Many reasons really, I can't say I "hate" America, simply it's politics and ambitions.

Mostly I think it boils down to the abuse of power, corrupt capitalist system and the fact that it's commited some pretty evil crimes in the past (let's just be honest here).

Starts wars with countries that didn't really pose any initial threat to begin with, how many are they at war with now? 3? It's pretty fucked up when you lose count.

America also considers itself to be the most important country in the world, even though it's the youngest with therefore the least amount of history. IT'S military victories should be remembered by all (WW2 etc...). IT'S historical acheivments are the most important (Moon landing etc...) and IT'S tragedies should be forced down everyones throat for all eternity.
Sorry, I know I'm gonna get flack to this but seriously, shut up about 9/11. It was terrible, yes but terrorist attacks happen ALL THE TIME these days. Just a few days ago yet another car bomb went off killing around 80 people in the Middle East but you won't see them talking about it 10years later like it only just happened.

- Obesity
- Racism
- Creator of black slavery
- Highest amount of gun crime in the world
- Creator of nuclear weaponry
- Most advanced army in the world and a reckless ambition for global domination
- Some of the most embaressing and incompetant leaders in history (George W. Bush, need I say more?)
- Has a history of military occupation in countries it went to war with (they still have a base in Germany)
- Pretty much created the Global Economic Meltdown and it's banks are doing it again with other countries currently
- SOPA!!!!

I could go on but I think I'll leave it there. Just to make clear - I don't hate "America" or it's mass populus (save a few assholes)
Creator of Black slavery? Are you trying to start a flame war with that post, or was that just an ignorant post?


New member
Dec 27, 2011
Wow, there are so many things here I would like to respond to but I fear the size of the post. Also congratulations after a half of a year of coming to the Escapist for zero-punctuation I have finally created an account just to post a reply here.

Mostly I feel a lot of hate comes from personal feelings and skewed view points. People do not all think alike when it comes to many issues and some problems come from this. I feel its a little hard to really judge a country or its people unless you live there. It is fairly difficult to know a group of people from news reports, television shows and especially movies.

Sorry if there are any horrendous errors in my writing, pretty tired and I have been living in a non-English speaking country for a year and a half now :p


New member
Sep 5, 2011
Volf99 said:
idarkphoenixi said:
Many reasons really, I can't say I "hate" America, simply it's politics and ambitions.

Mostly I think it boils down to the abuse of power, corrupt capitalist system and the fact that it's commited some pretty evil crimes in the past (let's just be honest here).

Starts wars with countries that didn't really pose any initial threat to begin with, how many are they at war with now? 3? It's pretty fucked up when you lose count.

America also considers itself to be the most important country in the world, even though it's the youngest with therefore the least amount of history. IT'S military victories should be remembered by all (WW2 etc...). IT'S historical acheivments are the most important (Moon landing etc...) and IT'S tragedies should be forced down everyones throat for all eternity.
Sorry, I know I'm gonna get flack to this but seriously, shut up about 9/11. It was terrible, yes but terrorist attacks happen ALL THE TIME these days. Just a few days ago yet another car bomb went off killing around 80 people in the Middle East but you won't see them talking about it 10years later like it only just happened.

- Obesity
- Racism
- Creator of black slavery
- Highest amount of gun crime in the world
- Creator of nuclear weaponry
- Most advanced army in the world and a reckless ambition for global domination
- Some of the most embaressing and incompetant leaders in history (George W. Bush, need I say more?)
- Has a history of military occupation in countries it went to war with (they still have a base in Germany)
- Pretty much created the Global Economic Meltdown and it's banks are doing it again with other countries currently
- SOPA!!!!

I could go on but I think I'll leave it there. Just to make clear - I don't hate "America" or it's mass populus (save a few assholes)
Creator of Black slavery? Are you trying to start a flame war with that post, or was that just an ignorant post?
I think someone needs to fill him in on the origins of slavery in general. Say for instance how the whole British empire thing....Gunga Din anyone?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Well I can't pass judgement on all Americans (so I wont) but the world sees things like FOX News, the Black Friday Sales, Bush, Palin. Not exactly shining examples of humanity. There's also the impression that there is a lot of corruption which is ruining the world for the rest of us. Yeah, there is a lot of bad things to say about America. About Americans how ever, well that'd be wrong to pass judgement on.


New member
May 13, 2010
I was raised with my father constantly saying how Americans were assholes and stuff. I wasn't given any logical explanation or reason as to why he thought so (and I still haven't to this day). At that time I was pretty impressionable, and I almost worshipped my parents.

It wasn't until I was older when I actually wondered as to whether or not it was true or 'right'.
I can honestly say that when I started playing games online and joined a US clan that it swiftly changed my opinion for the better, and I learned and realised that at least in one sense my father was talking a load of complete bollocks.

I've since known many people who lived/live in America, and I think they're just fine - no better or worse than those I'd find in my own country, the UK.

Having said that, I absolutely fucking hate the US government and the fact that the UK government kisses it's ass and let's itself get sucker punched time and time again and comes back for more.

It's not much of an example, but http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/wikileaks/8304654/WikiLeaks-cables-US-agrees-to-tell-Russia-Britains-nuclear-secrets.html

Such things really bite my ass.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I'll you 2 reasons...

1. Most of them hate foreigners, so from the start why should the foreigners love someone who hates them and thinks they're filthy and stupid just because they aren't US citizens? I know, not all americans think this way, but still, would you honestly deny that those kinds of intolerant pricks are the majority of the Americans? So it's easier to just "hate" Americans in general than making an effort to dig through the crap to find the few good ones.
Bottom line, it's a two way street, the world don't like America because America doesn't like the world. Although I hope you understand that this only goes for the US, Canade as an example isn't hated, on the contrary atleast around these parts we like Canada.

2. They try to play world police, more often than not only to benefit themselves. You live in a country full of oil and brown people? Watch out, Americans might already be coming for you! Also, that stuff about copyright and censorship going on right now has also brought heat upon America. Why are you letting a small group of ignorant old people take away our freedom? Starts to look more and more like a fascist country, doesn't the military have the right now to imprison anyone they like? Awesome. And that law they're going on about right now affects the world which is pretty crappy too.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
idarkphoenixi said:
blah blah shut up about 9/11...Just a few days ago yet another car bomb went off killing around 80 people in the Middle East...blah blah Yeah, because almost 3000 people being killed in a stable and civilized country is the same as 80 being killed in a war torn wasteland. Your comparison here is completely valid and meaningful.


- Obesity - Seriously, so what? If you don't like fat people...don't talk to them. I'm sure they're not bothering you. Let them eat their McDonalds. It helps fuel the economy that allows me to have so much freedom.

- Racism - Do you actually live here? I'm pretty sure I don't encounter any racism. As a matter of fact, mixed race relationships are more common now. We have a black president. Many of our doctors and scholars are immigrants and are very well respected.

- Creator of black slavery - Slavery has been in existence since the beginning of the human species. To say that America created slavery makes you sound ignorant and spiteful.

- Highest amount of gun crime in the world - Hmm, I'm not sure about this...I doubt it if you mean percentage wise. Maybe in volume, but I'd still like to see some numbers to back this up. Otherwise I call bullshit.

- Creator of nuclear weaponry - Yeah, and we also created nuclear energy. A clean and powerful resource for electricity. You're lucky the US developed it first, or our Earth would most likely be a fallout style nuclear wasteland.

- Most advanced army in the world and a reckless ambition for global domination - Its most certainly not reckless, and I don't think the US is out for global domination. If we were, you'd be dominated already. Remember that most advanced military thing? Its required of a world power to have a dominant military, otherwise we'd be crushed by people like the 9-11 terrorists. I'll be honest, I like feeling secure in my country and not having to walk down the street in fear of some invasion force landing on our beaches.

- Some of the most embaressing and incompetant leaders in history (George W. Bush, need I say more?) I'm afraid the only person that you're embarassing with this statement is yourself. Some of the most incompetent leaders in history? You mean like George Washington? Or Abraham Lincoln? Or Theodore Roosevelt? Or General Patton? Franklin D. Roosevelt? Yeah, some real incompetents, let me tell you.

- Has a history of military occupation in countries it went to war with (they still have a base in Germany) - yeah, Germany once committed genocide and twice tried to take over Europe. In general, occupation of a defeated territory is just common sense. All the allies did it. Open your eyes.

- Pretty much created the Global Economic Meltdown and it's banks are doing it again with other countries currently - Again, I think that you're just spewing nonsense that you have no idea about. Global Economic Meltdown? Which universe brane are you living on? Last time I checked, the US was in a minor recession. Which we seem to be slowly pulling out of. The only serious economic problem I know of is the one where Greece signed away its rights to adjust its money supply to the EU, and therefore caused an economic collapse in Greece. Italy seems to be having trouble too. FYI Greece and Italy do not the entire world comprise.

- SOPA!!!! - Ok, I hate to do it...but I'm gonna give you this one. SOPA is an awful, insular mess. (Kind of like the rest of your post)The one thing that I take comfort in, is knowing that it most likely won't pass.

I could go on but I think I'll leave it there. Just to make clear - I don't hate "America" or it's mass populus (save a few assholes)-Well just thank you so much for your graciousness. "Us Americans" appreciate your kind words and ignorant generalizations.

Pierce Graham

New member
Jun 1, 2011
I'm sorry, but when someone starts mocking me because I'm not American, starts saying that "America is great because it's great" I'm going to get a little irritated.


New member
Sep 16, 2011
I think one of the factors could be the lack of any real culture. America hosts so many different backgrounds, and ethnic group, that the citizens are forced (or at least encouraged) to keep their believes private. So essentially, cultural diffusion is ruining the country. America has little to offer besides slightly higher employment rates, and an advanced social media structure. Yet, it is praised as the top country.

And as always, no offense.


New member
Jun 24, 2011
Volf99 said:
idarkphoenixi said:
Many reasons really, I can't say I "hate" America, simply it's politics and ambitions.

Mostly I think it boils down to the abuse of power, corrupt capitalist system and the fact that it's commited some pretty evil crimes in the past (let's just be honest here).

Starts wars with countries that didn't really pose any initial threat to begin with, how many are they at war with now? 3? It's pretty fucked up when you lose count.

America also considers itself to be the most important country in the world, even though it's the youngest with therefore the least amount of history. IT'S military victories should be remembered by all (WW2 etc...). IT'S historical acheivments are the most important (Moon landing etc...) and IT'S tragedies should be forced down everyones throat for all eternity.
Sorry, I know I'm gonna get flack to this but seriously, shut up about 9/11. It was terrible, yes but terrorist attacks happen ALL THE TIME these days. Just a few days ago yet another car bomb went off killing around 80 people in the Middle East but you won't see them talking about it 10years later like it only just happened.

- Obesity
- Racism
- Creator of black slavery
- Highest amount of gun crime in the world
- Creator of nuclear weaponry
- Most advanced army in the world and a reckless ambition for global domination
- Some of the most embaressing and incompetant leaders in history (George W. Bush, need I say more?)
- Has a history of military occupation in countries it went to war with (they still have a base in Germany)
- Pretty much created the Global Economic Meltdown and it's banks are doing it again with other countries currently
- SOPA!!!!

I could go on but I think I'll leave it there. Just to make clear - I don't hate "America" or it's mass populus (save a few assholes)
Creator of Black slavery? Are you trying to start a flame war with that post, or was that just an ignorant post?
Um... I think he is. I feel a bit in need to enlighten. You know, being a fat, racist, slave owning, gun tooting, nuke building, strong arming, poorly lead, strong arming, money eating, bar of soap... (Wait. What on that last one?)

Sorry, just trying to get a laugh in with that. Don't take it as me offended. But shall we?

Obesity: The obesity issue is brought up frequently as a result of the lack of common exercise for the common American. Food in take is a large issue with the mid-west. Most of them are potato shaped people. Needless to say, they are in a harsh cold area of the country. Fat builds more easily to keep them warm. As for the subject in general, unless your country has no fat people in it, (And I have seen some REALLY fat englishmen) then no one has room to talk there. Unless you want people to start picking at Englands alcohol issues?

Racism: Point me to a location on the map where there is not racism. People hate people who are different. That's natural. We do not understand something, our first instinct is to dislike it or smash it. It's human nature. It's caused by a lack of being around whatever that person hates. No one can honestly say that they are 100% non-racist at some point in their life. And honestly, the less you stop poking at the issue, the less reason you give the other side to BE racist so let it lie. Hell, I was watch the English version of Top Gear. Know what I saw?


Oh look. That sure is not an American show, nor an American crowd that is laughing. Racism you say?

Creator of black slavery: African's taught -Americans- how to enslave their own people and then traded their own tribesmen or prisoners that they have taken from other villages to them. Oh, and need I say this? DIAMOND MINES IN AFRICA!!!

Highest amount of gun crimes: Highest of RECORDED gun crimes? Okay, I'll give you that. Want to know how many children are shot dead in Africa? Or families for that matter?

Creator of nuclear weapons: Yes. The Manhattan project turned out to be a shadow on our country. But you know what? We didn't even know those would be that powerful. The bombs that is. Oh, and if you wanna talk about weapons? Why not talk about who first made the gun, which lead to the first cannon, which lead to the first nuke. Weapons keep updating to keep one side from being wiped out by the other. Not unheard of.

Global domination military: Okay, this kinda offends me seeing as how I enlisted, but I'll try to keep it off me. For last generation there has been NO DRAFT. You know what that means? It means that the majority of our arm forced VOLUNTEERED.... of their own will. That large number are people who were willing to put on a uniform knowing they could die an early death in that uniform. Be it for money, just to get a job, or just to survive. Whatever the reason, they are willing to accept this.

Many people have little room to talk since they have not volunteered to be -shot at-. What the leaders do with those people is the government's issue. Not the ones who dress down for it.

Bad leaders: Annnnd the UK had how many actual tyrants? I mean guys who would order soldiers to grab a family they did not care for and take their heads off? King John was a tyrant. George the III was a super ultra mega tyrant. Henry the VIII...need I continue? These men make George Bush Jr. look like a god send. Not that I am defending the man, he was a puppet to Dick Chaney.

Base in everywhere they had a war: You know, by technical means... if we defeat a country in war or have them submit or give up...we own that land. That goes for rules of war throughout the entire -world- not just the US. You fight a war, you win, that land is yours. That is how war works, however we do not do that. We allow for the people to have their land and build their own government that is accepting towards the -ideology- of democracy. (Which said ideology has been dragged through the mud by our own retarded government.) If we took the land for ourselves then maybe you have a point on the world domination but no. We mainly become security for where we are based.

As the actual rules of war go, Japan and Germany are lucky that a foothold is all that's there.

Global economic meltdown: That...okay. I know this may not be very believable but here it is anyways. Booms and busts happen in the economy. There is no economy, global or private that does not crash and burn. It was bound to happen one way or another.

SOPA: That was created by a group of companies with self interests. Willing to trade their own freedoms for gain. Let me tell you this right now. Anyone who is willing to see freedom as a cheat commodity deserves what terrible rulers they get. Yes, I am saying anyone who fell into the 911 scares deserved to get their privacy taken away because they were willing to give it away to -feel- safe rather than BE safe. SOPA is no different (Minus crazy blow myself up people.) than that. It's a group of idiots who'd give away freedom in the promise of security and money. That does not reflect on the US as a whole as the majority of the US are AGAINST IT.

There you go. :) And yes, I am an American. Overall, I think people in general who just feel proud to be in a country and ride off past victories are delusional and spoiled. I love my home itself because I have the opportunity to strive to be a better person, build a family and life that I'd love. In other places, I do not have that opportunity. Although I may have better chances elsewhere. But to be fair I will say what ticks me off about my country. In fact, it drives me nuts.

Not rebuilding the Towers.


New member
Oct 17, 2009
The same reason people hate anything, because people are whiny.

If there were no Americans, the people "hating Americans" would just complain about something else.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Ramzal said:
I love my home itself because I have the opportunity to strive to be a better person, build a family and life that I'd love. In other places, I do not have that opportunity.
Thank you. This is why we love our country. Its not some misguided, uninformed nationalism. Its the fact that we can do whatever the hell we want and be assured that ourselves and our families are safe.

The resentment towards the US just blows my mind.


New member
Jan 19, 2008
Most people will always hate an overwhelmingly powerful force, and the people associated with that power. You could call it outrage at cultural and military dominance, or jealousy.

Furthermore, the fact that the populations of overwhelmingly powerful countries don't need to learn as much about other cultures as people from other countries doesn't help. The U.S. is quite isolated geographically, and U.S. citizens don't feel the need to travel and learn about other cultures and learn foreign languages. The U.S. isn't like the Roman Empire, where Rome and Italy was hemmed in on all sides by diverse cultures. This is similar to British people, who are disliked in many European countries because they only Brits they see are drunk monoglots.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Tax_Document said:
Yet the Scots and Welsh have their own nations, what about the Native Americans?
Native Americans are almost all sovereign states under treaty. The BIA and FBI have authority to enter Tribal land in pursuit of a suspect, and the FBI has the authority to intervene in a criminal investigation on tribal land under certain rare circumstances (The Patriot Act may have changed this, but I somewhat doubt it), but otherwise they are autonomous. They have their own constitutions, their own laws, and governments. Their authority generally stops at the edge of their land, and I'd be disingenuous if I said the situation wasn't frequently horrible, both from within and the outside, but they are still recognized as nations, although ones with very limited political influence.

It gets slightly crazier in that some Tribes have actually taken to exiling their own tribal members (usually under the claim that they do not meet a level of genetic purity, if you can believe that), in order to further concentrate their Casino income (if a Tribe has legalized the operation of Casinos on their land, the state that the tribe resides in has no say over it's operation or existence) into smaller groups of individuals. And under treaty, the US cannot intervene in this matter, regardless how egregious the expulsion is. Something that has been tested in the courts.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Personally, I think it all stems from that documentary "Team America". Seriously, sometimes it's better to not hang out your laundry in public, guys ;)