What does the world have against America?


New member
May 8, 2010
Seems to be a lot of revisionist history in this thread.
Malty Milk Whistle said:
Starke said:
snipity snip
Someones a tad defensive today..... but the difference between the British empire and U.S.A is that most Britons well....dont like the idea of a empire, and think it was a terrible time...and this forum is about america as a governmental body, not the individuals.
Really, I as an American like the idea of an empire? What else do I like?


New member
Apr 20, 2010
I don't hate AmericanS, I hate the American Government.

Patroit act.
Fucking Indefinite Detention Act (This is the bomb for my hatred)


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Descalon said:
Fair enough about the "destroying of nations", but we've got no bloody idea what full-out nuclear war will do to the world and everything in it. Yeah, there are theoretical models and whatnot, but no physical proof.
True, I'm always a bit leery of predictions.

But an awful lot of time and effort has been put into getting a fairly firmly grasp of the effects of nuclear weapons.

Secondly, the Earth is really, really big, and contains in excess of 7 billion people.

If the war kills 99.99% of all of humanity, but leaves 700,000 sitting around somewhere, (alright, they can't all be scattered around, they have to be able to form at least one soceity afterwards), it's failed to destroy the species.

hubert said:
The USSR received alot of aid from the US. I'm no historian, but I'm pretty sure the outcome could have been different on the eastern front if the USSR didn't receive aid from the US.
That's an important point, yes, but as I understand it, the German attack was doomed from the start. They simply didn't have the logistics to move their forces deep into enemy territory and keep them supplied. Without US aid the Soviets would have had a much worse time of it, yes, but would have eventually won.


New member
Oct 13, 2011
I have absolutely nothing against Americans. I've met many who are polite, funny, creative and ambitious.

I cannot say the same for its political system, which can eat a dick, for allowing itself to commit massive crimes against humanity and hypocritically claim to be aiding the common man.

No country is perfect, I recently read about atrocities committed by the English during the Boer Wars. The difference is that a lot of Americans would prefer to ignore things their country is currently doing and that's just fine by the current political/corporate leaders.


New member
Jun 29, 2011
I live in england. nobody over hear even dislkies americans. nobody i know at least. im thinking of visting some day soon.


New member
May 3, 2011
thaluikhain said:
Not true, the US wasn't the giant it is now in WW1.

Secondly, in WW2, though they were massively important, without them the war would have still been won by the Allies. The Germans couldn't hope to defeat the Soviets, and Japan was massively over-stretching itself.

Of course, the war would have dragged on for many years more, and the USSR would have gained much more territory in time for the Cold War, but that's another issue.
Yes, and the IJN would have been destroyed by whose navy? Not America's in this scenario, and certainly not Britain's given what happened in real life. If there is no fleet to defend at Coral Sea Australia is up the creek.

Without American help the Soviets would have never had a chance to destroy Germany. Sure they might not have lost per se but they never would have had the ability to march across Europe as fast as they did. The Soviets simply didn't have enough trucks and trains on their own, and they never would have gained the strategic initiative.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
I assume someone will put an 'oh this thread' picture up at some point - if they haven't already... then it'll slowly burn into a flame-war and yeah.... I know how this goes but I don't care, because I enjoy repeating my views... again and again...

Most people I know who have hatred for the place, dislike the country - NOT the people, I mean yeah, they have some shotgun wielding loony-bins as much as here in the UK we have stab-friendly chavs! I think the reason a lot of people dislike America more is that the government and a lot of the people don't just observe the fact they got things wrong - they simply don't care and pretend to be better.

You try and tell a patriot that it's not the land of freedom and oh boy you may as well be on fox news! At least a good amount of people here - you say, insult the royals, and the vast majority will be like... yeah it's probably true.
I don't hate Americans and I don't know many who do, but it's mainly the fact that the country itself appears as a show-off and it annoys others.

Malty Milk Whistle

New member
Oct 29, 2011
For.I.Am.Mad said:
Seems to be a lot of revisionist history in this thread.
Malty Milk Whistle said:
Starke said:
snipity snip
Someones a tad defensive today..... but the difference between the British empire and U.S.A is that most Britons well....dont like the idea of a empire, and think it was a terrible time...and this forum is about america as a governmental body, not the individuals.
Really, I as an American like the idea of an empire? What else do I like?
Food? but yea, i admit i did not make that clear but whether you like it or not, the American culture is practically empirical, with most people on the globe knowing a lot about american culture and suchlike.
and his original post was about the subject of the British empire, so Ya'know. but if i am honest, most people (where i live at least) don't dislike the people, just the foreign policy and american media (i'm looking at you Fox)

Black Arrow Officer

New member
Jun 20, 2011
Our politicians are complete jokes. It doesn't matter what they said they'll do or their "stances" while running, the second they enter those Capitol Building doors they're up for grabs by any corporation. I made a joke with my friend the other day that politicians should be covered in brand-name stickers to signify which companies they've sold out to, like NASCAR cars. Once they're bought out, it only takes a steady stream of cash to direct their votes to what the corporation wants. It's a mess, and I'm not sure change is in our direct future, what with SOPA and other outrageous bills floating around.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
As an American, I would say our biggest problem is that many Americans are decent and nice folks, but are completely ignored for the loud, annoying assholes. Which makes perfect sense, really, as who are most people in a crowd (the world) going to pay attention to more? The quite, mild mannered person, or the asshole with his dick in the air shouting "LOOK AT ME, IM AWESOME!"...

Of course, the government is another problem with our country, but thats an entirely different discussion...


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Something I don't get, how can you like the people, but hate the government? I mean, the government is voted for by the people, it acts the way it does to get the most support...surely that means it's a good reflection of the people in many ways?

Malty Milk Whistle said:
the American culture is practically empirical,
Imperial (well, political analysts and the like use the term "hegemon", not "empire").

Empirical means you can measure or observe it.

DarkArk said:
Yes, and the IJN would have been destroyed by whose navy? Not America's in this scenario, and certainly not Britain's given what happened in real life. If there is no fleet to defend at Coral Sea Australia is up the creek.
I'd disagree there. Japan had realised that there was no point trying to invade Australia, their plan was merely to blockade it. The Japanese forces had already over-reached themselves trying to hold bits of China the Guomintang didn't care about, they weren't eager to do the same somewhere else as well.

DarkArk said:
Without American help the Soviets would have never had a chance to destroy Germany. Sure they might not have lost per se but they never would have had the ability to march across Europe as fast as they did. The Soviets simply didn't have enough trucks and trains on their own, and they never would have gained the strategic initiative.
I'd also disagree with that. Yes, it would have been a long(er) and bloody(er) business, but they would eventually overcome the Germans.

Malty Milk Whistle

New member
Oct 29, 2011
thaluikhain said:
Something I don't get, how can you like the people, but hate the government? I mean, the government is voted for by the people, it acts the way it does to get the most support...surely that means it's a good reflection of the people in many ways?

Malty Milk Whistle said:
the American culture is practically empirical,
Imperial (well, political analysts and the like use the term "hegemon", not "empire").

Empirical means you can measure or observe it.
Ok...yea i fudged that word up, i admit it..but for you first 2 lines...are you actually serious? people will hate their own and other governments for any mistakes made, human nature to blame things on the people in charge. and its all to easy to like individuals and not governments, look at mob rule, people are just funny like that.

Zach of Fables

New member
Oct 5, 2011
Americans come from all over the world, so when you think about it, aren't Americans just a microcosm of the planet as whole? Except that maybe certain races are under/over represented?


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Malty Milk Whistle said:
but for you first 2 lines...are you actually serious? people will hate their own and other governments for any mistakes made, human nature to blame things on the people in charge. and its all to easy to like individuals and not governments, look at mob rule, people are just funny like that.
That's true, yes, but surely similar things are said about the people who voted for them, who were too stupid to see how bad they obviously were etc?


New member
Oct 19, 2010
I myself love Americans, they are social, open, fun to be around and speak English reasonably well. (I somewhat dislike anyone who doesn't speak/understands any English).
As for American as a country, well they screwed up with Bush then Bush again and then seriously considering Mc Cain (who himself might not have been a bad president, but there was a very likely chance he would die in his term, leaving the dumbest woman alive president.) Any other hate isn't really fair. Sure Viatnam was a general crime to humanity (singing 'napalm sticks to children' doesn't make you a popular bunch), and the usage of atomic bombs against Japan was morally deplorable (though I personally believe it prevented WII progressing in WIII (the Russians would have no reason to stop marching westwards after they had captured Berlin) but then against the Russians)/ But they deserve no less hate for those things then most European countries for their military actions during the 20th century.
Personally I think most people hate America for the same reason most people hate France. Just because it's fun to hate something that everybody seems to hate. That and their extreme national pride (If you don't understand that's a bad thing look at Europa's history, and you'll understand that it is), which is properly again the same reason most people hate France.


Elite Member
Aug 8, 2010
I don't hate Americans, just the stereotypical Americans who, as I understand it, make up only a very small percentage of the population.

I'm also kind of upset about the whole butchering of the English language thing.


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2011
They just look like dicks, it's a stereotype. They tend to do a lot to propagate stereotypes too (see French, Dutch, Muslim, bimbo,...)