What does the world have against America?

Mar 29, 2009
Captain Chemosh said:
Thyunda said:
To us in England, a lot of us are personally jaded towards the US, since they act like the spokesperson for the English-speaking West, and we do not like that. But for some reason, our leaders insist on sucking up to the States, even if we're well aware it makes no sense. Now we end up with Muslim extremists on our own soil, lumping us in with the Americans, despite the fact we're only in their countries because our leaders weren't man enough to tell the US to stop being such dicks.

I mean, really. Shooting Pakistani soldiers? Encroaching on Pakistani sovereign soil, and the moment they tell you to fuck off, you suddenly find ibn-Laden there? America, you ARE disgusting. You've imposed a sanction on buying Iranian oil, because Iran are supposedly developing nukes.
Well. You have nukes. I wouldn't be surprised if Iran is worried about a joint Israeli/American invasion. Wouldn't put it past you.
Oh, and the Iranian caught with radioactive contraband and Moscow International - what exactly are you trying to pull here? I'm fairly sure that if Iran wanted nuclear supplies, they wouldn't need to send a civilian via commercial airline.

And of course there's the Lockerbie bomber incident in the past. Scotland had no evidence with which to try the suspect, but did the Americans care? Nope. They wanted to put somebody away so they could swing their dicks at the public and say "Look what good anti-terrorists we are."

I feel so bad for the American people. In the Middle East, there are people that would happily burn you and rape your family due to the actions of your government. I know a lot of you are stupid, a lot of you are ignorant, and a few are completely insane, but you're really not bad people. 99% of the Americans on this site certainly don't fit into the above groups, but thanks to your leaders, you're the Infidel now.
* Applauds* I have to say... that's the best bit of literature I've ever read sir. Every single american should read this, information like this should be brought up in schools, this is truly impressive. (No, I'm not being sarcastic, I'm just in awe)
Actually, I would say this post should be reasonably ignored.
Especially since he's British.
Why you might ask? Because a lot of the problems in the Middle East are actually results of the British fucking around in it. In fact, they renege on a deal set up by T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia. all of this back in the aftermath of WWI) that would have granted Arab independence and continued to dick around in the area until they were forced out.
The Iran situation up to this point is all a result of the British government asking the Americans for a small favor to dispose of a democratically elected leader who wanted to seize their land back from British companies, who were drilling up oil. As a result, they got a dictator who was very much for the West but also very much a horrid person. This lead to the Iranian revolution which, more or less, put Iran in the spot it is now. Naturally, this is only America's fault.
Many of the things people whine about concerning the Americans can easily be pointed right back at the British, who were largely doing the same things until fairly recently.

Then again, this is all a matter of what's being told in the media. Believe it or not, but news sources based in Europe are actually quite censored or more reserved. It doesn't help that there are different mentalities there too.
Case in point, what people consider police brutality. A cop pepper sprays a bunch of people and he's demonized and the entire incident will be all over the news of how the entire legal system is fucked up and that American cops are brutal and sadistic monsters. Meanwhile, in Germany, you mouth off to a cop and you will get your ass beat and then probably beat again once your in custody. Their media will simply report it as some rabble-rouser getting put in his place by proper authorities, if it gets reported at all.

People here cry about the whole SOPA thing, but the problem is that most of your countries already censor things like you wouldn't believe. Like Aussieland and video games. Or Britain and its love of superinjunctions. The only reason why SOPA is such a big deal is because America is doing it. Never mind that France tried to pass the same thing, which failed.

Like it was stated, we pretty much air our dirty laundry on a flag pole. We also like to play up stereotypes because they're easy to remember. That's the only reason why you remember all Southerners being backwards hicks with thick accents and a utter love for guns and incest. Or that every New Yorker is an asshole. Or even that every American is a gun loving, flag waving, ultra patriot with a hard on for the red, white and blue 24/7. When in reality, they're not. They're just people.

And honestly, people like to hate America for the same reason people like to hate Justin Beiber. It's easy and popular. No one is going to look at things in context, or even look thoroughly into something. They see their friends hating on it and just decide to join in.

DarkArk said:
thaluikhain said:
DarkArk said:
Yes, and the IJN would have been destroyed by whose navy? Not America's in this scenario, and certainly not Britain's given what happened in real life. If there is no fleet to defend at Coral Sea Australia is up the creek.
I'd disagree there. Japan had realised that there was no point trying to invade Australia, their plan was merely to blockade it. The Japanese forces had already over-reached themselves trying to hold bits of China the Guomintang didn't care about, they weren't eager to do the same somewhere else as well.

DarkArk said:
Without American help the Soviets would have never had a chance to destroy Germany. Sure they might not have lost per se but they never would have had the ability to march across Europe as fast as they did. The Soviets simply didn't have enough trucks and trains on their own, and they never would have gained the strategic initiative.
I'd also disagree with that. Yes, it would have been a long(er) and bloody(er) business, but they would eventually overcome the Germans.
Way to dodge the question. How would Japan have fallen if there was no US military fighting them? The Pacific Campaign was the largest naval campaign in the history of the world, pray tell how one of those factions would have been defeated without its primary adversary. How are Australia, the Chinese, and the Brits going to sink 9 fleet carriers? The fact that Japan overextended itself means nothing if there's no one with the ability to make them pay for that mistake. And if Japan isn't fighting the US they'll be less overextended then they were in real history.

The fact that you say the Soviets would have overcome the Germans does not make it so. The Soviets were hurting badly and the West gave them the tools they needed to overcome the Germans. They received 4,000 locomotive engines from the West, crucial for offensive advances and resupplying armies. Half of all Soviet trucks were imported, as was 12% of their air force. The Soviets had very little skill in producing complex electronics like radios, which they imported in vast numbers. You see, the Germans don't have to win, they just have to not lose. Which a Red Army without crucial logistical support is not going to be able to do like at Kursk.
It didn't help the Nazis that their leader was also tactically stupid and facing an enemy who simply had far more people to throw at the enemy. After all, quantity has a quality all of its own. All he really had to do was learn when to cut his losses or go for objectives that are strategically important first.
Like oil fields and enemy military installations.


New member
May 6, 2011
Because we're imperialist dicks, and recently crashed the global economy. Also because we're better looking.

Techno Squidgy

New member
Nov 23, 2010
Cpu46 said:
American here. I would just like to point out that:
I hate the Bipartisan government. I hate the fact that you have a much harder time getting into office if you are not explicitly christian. I hate the fact that Bachman and Palin were even considered a good choice for any position of power. I hate the people in the south who are still butthurt over the civil war. I hate the rampant racism. I hate the blind nationalism. I hate the constant drone of political correctness. I hate the nonsense on a majority of the television stations. I hate the uneducated ignorant masses who feel that being in the land of the free means your opinion should carry weight.

Above all I hate the fact that all of these people define what this nation is in the eyes of the world despite being only small but vocal fraction of the entire population.
You just listed almost every single issue I have with america. I feel sorry for you, being represented by this bunch of morons to the outside world.


New member
Sep 28, 2008
Usually what pisses me off about the majority of the citizens of the USA is the massive overly patriotic circlejerk and the chanting of the phrase "Home of the Free" when you are clearly not.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
The US is increasingly marginal to global politics but doesn't realize it. After decades of being the only world superpower, we have to share the table with many other first-world, nuclear-capable democracies who continue to edge us out in fields like science research, standard of living, and education. But we still strut around and throw our bloated military around the world wherever we feel like it, because that's how foreign policy worked when there were only two superpowers and they hated each other.

We had plans to build a huge particle accelerator, you know, but we cut its funding back before the turn of the century. Now, that feat belongs to Europe, and with it the cutting edge of science. You say "Oh, well, particle physics, what does that even have to do with me?" not realizing that the computer you're typing on works because of the discovery of Quantum Physics.

Science and technology have always been the reason for the strength of nations, and yet we cut education, and we cut NASA, and science has to go hat in hand before Congress to beg for money. Science has to beg for money from people who "aren't nerds, but" and "aren't experts but have been told that", and, importantly, who may not be in office in six years so why should they pay for your research that may only see payoff in six decades? Payoff that will change the way human civilization exists, like it has repeatedly throughout history. The future means nothing to a culture that lionizes greed for greed's own sake.

The rest of the world goes green and funds space research and prepares their children to be scientifically literate. We try to butcher the Internet to appease our plutocrats. We're the punchline to a stale joke.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Living in England I get so much American crap pushed on me, it's like I am living in America. Nearly all of our TV, nearly every film, almost every company is American, so much American music etc etc etc

In the media Americans always seem to be portrayed the same way, fat, stupid, patriotic to an extreme and arrogant .... oh and always going on about hating commies.

I hate the way celebs are treated like gods, "you get paid millions for every little work but here are meals, free products and amazing service" ...


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Fieldy409 said:
Really it just boils down to the wars America has been in. Also America was half of the reason the whole world could have been fucked by nukes in the 60s.
Think about it this way. If world war II had never happened, america never would have been allies with russia and thus would have made nuclear war far more likely. Does this mean we should all love the nazis?


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
I don't hate Americans, but I hate things America tired to do like SOPA. And basically try ad take over the world.


New member
May 4, 2009
Starke said:
-Bizarre paragraphs of 'It's not America's fault'-
I'm sorry, what? Do you really think anybody still cares about the British Empire? The only people who still remember that there even WAS an empire are British nationalists. The reason Eastern extremists burn effigies of American presidents and American flags is NOT because they're angry at their oppression at the hands of the British Empire some two hundred years ago, it's because America is waging a subtle war even NOW.

The British have indeed done terrible things. We're a culture that developed from having terrible things done to us, and doled them out in equal measure. The Norse made us their ***** for years, and that really only ended because the French came and conquered us. Then we got the upper hand, and yes. Did some nasty, terrible things.

Oh well. Nobody even cares any more. My associates care - but that's because we're all very Irish, there's a lot of pro-independence going around. My family had a castle in the 17th century, but the English destroyed it. This was hundreds of years ago. Why do you think people harbour resentment of that time?

NO. The Middle East is angry at the NOW, not at the THEN. You're delusional if you think it's somehow England's fault that America is doing what it does now. You're NOT our colony any more, you cannot justify your actions by saying 'England did it first'. You wanted independence, and you got it. Take responsibility for the actions of your country and government, Starke, because saying that we've done worse is NOT an excuse.

As for building cultures on genocide...bah, who hasn't? The Native Americans at least got the chance to preserve their heritage. Every other victim just got wiped out. The Inuits were only too happy to exterminate the original Norse Greenlanders, but everybody thinks they're friendly polar bear people...but I know their secret.


The Loneliest Jedi
Apr 17, 2009
thaluikhain said:
Chechnya and Georgia?
well, yes Chechnya and Georgia are good examples of War, but i´m just going to tell you that in the end, they are neighbors, and its understandable that if they have a conflict, they would resolve it as they can (yes even war)

but the U.S... they have to travel halve around the WORLD to look after their "Interests", and that's just messing with peoples lives

ok, I understand that most people in the marines or the armed corps of the united estates, try to work towards the betterment of the countries they are invading *ejem* "rescuing", but the politics behind it all?? they are so obvious that no redeeming quality actually can make us forget that the US gov proclaimed itself the police of the world and now can invade whichever country they want for whatever dumb reason they want... now, this was question as for why most peole HATE Americans, In my very personal opinion, i have to say that i do not hate "Americans", i hate their goverment, and i hate racist and overly patriotic to the point of fanatizm people, that can be said for any country or group of individuals, sadly, whenever i get online, the mayority i encounter are those guys, and my view is probably skewed

the goverment gave me a reason to "Dislike" the U.S., the people on the internet gave me a reason to "hate" the U.S. but dont get me wrong i dont think or either believe for one seccond the whole of US residents are like that, and i am sure most people think the way i do, but its easyer to put a lable on what we hate as broad as posible, heaven knows what would happen if we didnt hated someone we should be hating, thats why we say "THE WHOLE COUNTRY" :p


New member
Dec 3, 2011
you mouth off to a cop and you will get your ass beat and then probably beat again once your in custody. Their media will simply report it as some rabble-rouser getting put in his place by proper authorities, if it gets reported at all.
It's not the 1940s anymore, sorry dear, so don't even try to make the United States look better by invoking Nazi stereotypes.
The German police is pretty much a joke compared to the American one, and also to that of other european countries (just look at an incident in Poland this year, where a group of german protesters ran into a police that wasn't filled with softies. Their first time, actually). Protesters love dancing on their noses, because the police really cannot do all that much. The cases where the police fucked up were cases that wouldn't even make news in the US, because they happen there daily. The worst case of police brutality we had in years were water throwers used to break up a protest. Not only did worse protest-breakups happen in the last few months in the US, in Germany this actually led to the politicans that forced this getting voted out of office immediately. For the first time in decades, that part of the country now has a different party (the greens) ruling. Meanwhile, in the US, the police can happily kill non-whites, cover up rapes, brutally break up protests, and nobody cares.

Yep, thats worse. Still, the german folks that screwed up with the water throwers should get punished: ANd they did. The US being far worse does not mean they didn't screw up.
And similarly, even if German police WAS worse than the US, the US police is still horrible, so your defense doesn't even work.

"Yes, he beat them bloody and killed people, but that guy over there beat up harder!"

Claiming that any european nation is as bad as the US with police brutality is ridiculous. In Germany, you cannot get shot for being non-white and carrying a sheated knife you use since you're a woodcarver. In the US, you can get shot for this 5 seconds after the cop spotted you. Actual case, too. The murderer wasn't even actually punished.

The only reason why SOPA is such a big deal is because America is doing it. Never mind that France tried to pass the same thing, which failed.
No, it is a big deal because American policy has the potential to affect everyone in the world, even those not in the United States. Also, big difference: it FAILED in France. If you cannot comprehend the difference, I feel sorry for you.

Yes, you're an apologist for the crimes of the US, we get it. Thing is: Blaming the british doesn't work here. Even if you ignore Iran, there's more than enough countries the United States ruined. Irak for example. Or there's another. Funny story.

Remember the 11 September? No, no, not 2011 - 1973. That's when the lovely United States destroyed a nation that was considered a beacon of democracy by installing a vicious ruler that would kill hundreds and torture scores more just in the time after the coup itself.

Not to mention the lovely way your government believes that 6 americans are worth more than thousands of africans. AIDS medicine vs Anthrax. :)

Remember: You jumping up and shouting "but the british!" isn't helping. The british fucked up as well, yeah, but that doesn't absolve what the United States did. You yelling "but the british!" makes as much sense as Nazi Germany officials shouting "but the Japanese!" or "but Stalin!"

Yeah, Stalin was a monster, and he actually caused millions of deaths without even counting war casualities, but that still doesn't mean that the german crimes were absolved.

A crime is a crime, other people doing crimes as well does not make a crime not a crime.

Fact is, people hate the US because the US is actively causing their lifes to be worse than they could be. Nobody likes this, and nobody should have to like it.

Communist partisan

New member
Jan 24, 2009
Pretty much everything, do I need to explain properly? Well no so I'll put it in a nutshell.

"War for freedom", "democracy", "freedom", ignorance, war, culture, ignorat hate against Communism even if they don't know shit about it, behavior, politics, they bombed my home country, still raging about 9/11 that Bush planned and before you argue on that point it even stands in our fucking schoolbooks and pretty much everything else. I got no personal hate towards the people, not everybody is a ignorant fool and every country got decent people but for the rest I mostly hate America and wish it will fall.


New member
Dec 21, 2011
In my opinion, I think it is probably a combination of the following:

1. A resentment of the integration of American culture into other cultures due to the media. The worst example I can see of this is how American urban gang culture has been glamorised to the extent that it has been adapted over here both in fashion and attitudes.

2. The apparant ignorance of America to other cultures. I've read somewhere that most Americans do not own passports as they don't see benefit in seeing the rest of the world. Furthermore, if another culture produces a piece of popular media, such as film or TV, America see fit to adapt it to fit to their own culture rather than taking it for what it is. (Among a few examples of this are Doctor Who (that 1996 tv film was awful), The Office, The IT Crowd, Troll Hunter, Let The Right One In, Skins and Life On Mars).
With regards to this, I found particularly annoying the American aquisition of Torchwood. This spent hours filling in back story as the network believed its audience too ignorant to go back and watch the earlier BBC Wales episodes. Furthermore, they all but ditched the interesting and diverse Welsh setting for a bland and uninspired American one; with little differentiation from shows such as and a consequent loss of the charm the show originally had.

3.The way that when American people find out you're British the majority instantly assume you're best mates with the queen and seem baffled by our accent (seemingly forgetting that every region has a different dialect and that they themselves have quite a thick accent).

4. The heroic attitude that they take towards World War 2. Aside from the fact that they only joined at the last minute, if America hadn't been as hell bent on its isolationist stance and had gotten involved with the League of Nations it's arguable that the whole war could have been avoided - as sanctions would serve to be more threatening with the increased weight behind them.

5. I think the heavy difference in culture could also have some baring as whereas the British seem to value the underdog in American media the big, bullying jocks are always presented as the heroes.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Pierce Graham said:
Now, I'm Canadian, and I know that a lot of people dislike, even hate, the US. There are several things about the US that I really dislike and hate. But I've always wondered why people seem to view every single American in a bad way. Sure, the US has a lot of obnoxious, arrogant, self-centered, greedy, immoral people, especially in the government. But honestly, what country doesn't? Can any country claim to be perfect bastions of freedom, democracy, happiness, cute puppies and cute smiles on a baby's face? None. Each country has it's flaws. Is it maybe because the US is often set as a country to aspire to? Is it because it's one of the three most powerful countries on Earth? Is it because the Republicans and Democrats seem determined to tear the country in two apart because of their feud? What are your thoughts?
So, let me throw this back at you. As a Canadian, how many countries are you currently waging war in, attacking with drones, talking smack about, or similar?

As a Canadian, can you tell me how many major politicians have endorsed bullying people based on sexuality?

As a Canadian, what is your nation's level of consumption and waste compared to the US?

Has the Canadian Government ever passed a law or similar act of official government to try and claim jurisdiction over the internet?

Just how many Canadian companies are taking out life insurance policies against their own workers without the consent or knowledge of said employee?

Does Canada allow people to die by withholding aid to regions that refuse to vow no abortion under any circumstance?

Does Canada endorse torture, rendition, or waterboarding?

Does it engage in the above?

Do Canadian companies operate under the "company store" model in third world countries, effectively creating corporate slavery?

"Nobody's perfect" is a REALLY shitty excuse.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Lord S. Binkleheimer said:
People here cry about the whole SOPA thing, but the problem is that most of your countries already censor things like you wouldn't believe. Like Aussieland and video games.
You mean, one of the other things people "cry" about on here frequently?

People aren't ignoring that, or pretending it doesn't exist. "Someone else is doing something you guys hate and actively oppose" is kind of a shitty example.

The only reason why SOPA is such a big deal is because America is doing it. Never mind that France tried to pass the same thing, which failed.
What you leave out is that HADOPI was actually far more like the system we already have in place with DMCA notifications. Which means, in short, SOPA and HADOPI really aren't comparable. While the "Three Strikes" policy is harsher, the major contested elements of SOPA are quite dissimilar. HADOPI still allows appeal. HADOPI does not expand copyright infringement to make millions of people felons. HADOPI affects the end-user, rather than blacklisting access to a site based on piracy allegations.

So yeah, three examples, at least two of which are dishonest, are quite likely "most" of the Escapist users' countries.

Posters from other countries aren't acting like their shit don't stink, so pointing out a false double standard doesn't really work. Also, pointing out people not being outraged by a definitively less severe copyright bill in another country doesn't really work.

Did you just think nobody knew the details of that bill, and you would get away with making false comparisons uncontested? Or did you just not pay attention to what the two laws would do?

Khanht Cope

New member
Jul 22, 2011
Well, this topic is starting to get really morbid.

Can we revert to a more healthy, balanced and constructive tone for discussion here?


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011

Joking aside: I think I have an answer. The American system is based around personal rights, rather than the common good. To us Americans, what's good for the individual is good for the country. In several European countries, it's the opposite. What's good for the country is good for the individual. I would trace that back to us having an explicit Bill of Rights. Something which innumerates what rights I have to myself from other groups. It's very much a "care about yourself" system of government. At least that's my take on it.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
I know most americans are pretty normal people, but the stupid and loud minority is enough to make me cringe. So I do have some dislike for it. Mainly for the hypocrisy, the stupid ass politics, the overly religious zealots.

And yet despite restricting regulations, and stupid rules and politics, they are still convinced they are the land of the free.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
Cazza said:
nbamaniac said:
"nosing on around other people's business"
That is a huge reason. The Vietnam war started because the US didn't like how communism was expanding. It's not their country, they have no right in going gun blazing to "fix" things. Im glad they lost that war. If they had won they probably would have gone after the othe communist counties and more people would have been killed.
And here I thought the French attacked Vietnam first.

OT: Go watch Inside Job. What they show in the movie is probably why many hates America (USA).