What does the world have against America?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
A lot of people do because America has a lot more of them than most, I guess. And America is generally a very patriotic country, and not many people elsewhere like patriotism.
I don't hate America, I just see why a lot of other people do. And the patriots can get very annoying.
Except the people that hate every single American. They're dicks.

EDIT: Whoops, clarification, I mean the people who hate every American are dicks.


New member
Sep 12, 2010
ShadowsofHope said:
I'm a Canadian as well, and I don't hate America.

I am just really, really terrified of their particular brand of ultra-Neo Conservative wing rhetoric and the slavish worship from said political wing to the concept of American Exceptionalism/Just World mentality. And unfortunately, this group also tends to be the most obnoxious and vocal of all Americans in your media and foreign affairs..
Pretty much this.

Canadian living in a boarder city. It also bugs me how everyone here THINKS they're american when they aren't...

Also their patriotic pride bugs me to no end. I find people who recognize and accept their countries flaws are generally nicer people. This applies to everyone, not just US.

and again, right-wing conservative gun-waking religious fanatics!! ARGH!

Captain Chemosh

New member
Sep 5, 2011
Thyunda said:
To us in England, a lot of us are personally jaded towards the US, since they act like the spokesperson for the English-speaking West, and we do not like that. But for some reason, our leaders insist on sucking up to the States, even if we're well aware it makes no sense. Now we end up with Muslim extremists on our own soil, lumping us in with the Americans, despite the fact we're only in their countries because our leaders weren't man enough to tell the US to stop being such dicks.

I mean, really. Shooting Pakistani soldiers? Encroaching on Pakistani sovereign soil, and the moment they tell you to fuck off, you suddenly find ibn-Laden there? America, you ARE disgusting. You've imposed a sanction on buying Iranian oil, because Iran are supposedly developing nukes.
Well. You have nukes. I wouldn't be surprised if Iran is worried about a joint Israeli/American invasion. Wouldn't put it past you.
Oh, and the Iranian caught with radioactive contraband and Moscow International - what exactly are you trying to pull here? I'm fairly sure that if Iran wanted nuclear supplies, they wouldn't need to send a civilian via commercial airline.

And of course there's the Lockerbie bomber incident in the past. Scotland had no evidence with which to try the suspect, but did the Americans care? Nope. They wanted to put somebody away so they could swing their dicks at the public and say "Look what good anti-terrorists we are."

I feel so bad for the American people. In the Middle East, there are people that would happily burn you and rape your family due to the actions of your government. I know a lot of you are stupid, a lot of you are ignorant, and a few are completely insane, but you're really not bad people. 99% of the Americans on this site certainly don't fit into the above groups, but thanks to your leaders, you're the Infidel now.
* Applauds* I have to say... that's the best bit of literature I've ever read sir. Every single american should read this, information like this should be brought up in schools, this is truly impressive. (No, I'm not being sarcastic, I'm just in awe)


The God-King of Space
Apr 4, 2011
JasonKaotic said:
A lot of people do because America has a lot more of them than most, I guess. And America is generally a very patriotic country, and not many people elsewhere like patriotism.
I've never really understood patriotism. In earlier days I could've seen the whole point. The world being an open and scary place, foreigners don't get you nor your values. But I actually hoped we'd outgrow that in the 21st century.


New member
Jun 11, 2011
Fieldy409 said:
America was half of the reason the whole world could have been fucked by nukes in the 60s.
Could? that's why people hate us? because something bad could have happened because we were fighting a communist dictatorship? wow.


New member
Aug 20, 2010
I'm actually scared to post my real feelings on this I just hope the various agencies don't mark me down as some subversive (sigh). Aristotle criticised the state he asked for his punishment to be a wage and free dinners for the rest of his life but he got poison, I think that's likely to be my fate.
I don't hate America, whatever you can say, they're not boring. Americans are humans like humans everywhere else and do the same bad things as humans elsewhere, but they definately have an interesting style to go about it. I think, - at the heart of the matter in any country , is the social contract- this is a secular form of a covenant with God, it's basically an agreement made between the citizens/people of a country and it's ruler/state.
The social contract is basically- we can't trust humans to be good humans but we can create rules called laws to rule fairly over everyone and if not create a utopia(perfect country) then as close to the idea as possible- the judge and executor of this is "state" the government-that statement I will paraphrase "for the people by the people for the people".
In the States but not uniquely so, the government has failed due to self-interest/greed, paranoia, putting their own group before the people, stupidity, politiking for it's own sake, slowly but surely the system is failing , the discipline is failing. The government of America is , if not deliberately then turning a blind eye to making it's own people poorer, more scared, less educated, more exploited, less cared for. It's forgotten it's mission statement, image and lies have been used to make America look good, it's wealth used to bribe the people with cheap debt , the fear increased to make the defence industry so important to control the people through fear and to NEED the security of having the best weapons. If I were the state I would want my children to be mentally strong enough to overcome any obstacle, able to stand on their own feet, not be naieve but nevertheless extend the hand of friendship to other peoples and be an example to others.
It is easy to criticise the government, the responsibility rest not solely with the state but also with the people, and as people in the "Arab Spring" have demonstrated- the people and citizens can also effect change and wipe out the rot.
The social contract was created to protect the weak from the bullies, because the majority of us are weaker than the few elite, now the elite are calling the shots, if you want your country to be better, gather the collective will and effect change- and afterwards make sure the replacements do the job they're supposed to do and maintain the vigilance.
WE are our own worst enemies.


New member
May 3, 2011
thaluikhain said:
DarkArk said:
Yes, and the IJN would have been destroyed by whose navy? Not America's in this scenario, and certainly not Britain's given what happened in real life. If there is no fleet to defend at Coral Sea Australia is up the creek.
I'd disagree there. Japan had realised that there was no point trying to invade Australia, their plan was merely to blockade it. The Japanese forces had already over-reached themselves trying to hold bits of China the Guomintang didn't care about, they weren't eager to do the same somewhere else as well.

DarkArk said:
Without American help the Soviets would have never had a chance to destroy Germany. Sure they might not have lost per se but they never would have had the ability to march across Europe as fast as they did. The Soviets simply didn't have enough trucks and trains on their own, and they never would have gained the strategic initiative.
I'd also disagree with that. Yes, it would have been a long(er) and bloody(er) business, but they would eventually overcome the Germans.
Way to dodge the question. How would Japan have fallen if there was no US military fighting them? The Pacific Campaign was the largest naval campaign in the history of the world, pray tell how one of those factions would have been defeated without its primary adversary. How are Australia, the Chinese, and the Brits going to sink 9 fleet carriers? The fact that Japan overextended itself means nothing if there's no one with the ability to make them pay for that mistake. And if Japan isn't fighting the US they'll be less overextended then they were in real history.

The fact that you say the Soviets would have overcome the Germans does not make it so. The Soviets were hurting badly and the West gave them the tools they needed to overcome the Germans. They received 4,000 locomotive engines from the West, crucial for offensive advances and resupplying armies. Half of all Soviet trucks were imported, as was 12% of their air force. The Soviets had very little skill in producing complex electronics like radios, which they imported in vast numbers. You see, the Germans don't have to win, they just have to not lose. Which a Red Army without crucial logistical support is not going to be able to do like at Kursk.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Descalon said:
JasonKaotic said:
A lot of people do because America has a lot more of them than most, I guess. And America is generally a very patriotic country, and not many people elsewhere like patriotism.
I've never really understood patriotism. In earlier days I could've seen the whole point. The world being an open and scary place, foreigners don't get you nor your values. But I actually hoped we'd outgrow that in the 21st century.
Yeah. A country's just a big patch of ground with people on it, there's no need to get obsessive over it. And hate every other patch of ground whose people don't live the same way your patch of ground's people do.
(I really don't understand the hate for communism)


New member
Jan 14, 2011
Jealous. They see that we get all the fast food, guns and laziness. They want to be like us. Also, this song.
They be jealous. You can't write a like that song about France or the other european countries.


The God-King of Space
Apr 4, 2011
JasonKaotic said:
(I really don't understand the hate for communism)
It's an idea that directly stands against capitalism. So when the west decided that capitalism was the way forward, communism suddenly got quite dangerous. It's the exact same with religion, you don't believe what I believe; so I'ma bash yo face in! Only then on an ideological level.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Every country has its ignorant masses, and sometimes they gain the upper hand. The problem is that America is so powerful when it's controlled by idiots, is makes the rest of us suffer too, like with SOPA. But when a tiny country starts doing far worse, it barely touches the rest of us.


Pixel Pusher
Mar 25, 2009
arcticspoon said:
"Hata's gone hate!" Just joking. It's a nice place but it's on center stage. It's in HD. Even Erin Burnett has wrinkles in HD -- yet I still wanna be OutFront. I don't believe in the principle of American Exceptionalism but I believe in the historical reality of it. At least when we're ugly the cause is clever manipulation of social opinion ... as opposed to some edict of Kim Jong Il's kid. (You could -- almost [incredibly nearly]-- paint the "Mona Lisa" on his double chin).
you're talking about the frog, jong-un. quite the canvas of a neck ... i agree

i don't think the anti-americanism spreads quite as wide and thick as people think ... there are pockets all over and most of it is understandable ... we have been asses

money runs things in such a pathetic manner that i'm fuckin ashamed to be here most times. i doubt we'll get thru to ol' frogger there in the nk, but we can only hope that the shit doesn't hit the fan.


The God-King of Space
Apr 4, 2011
jawakiller said:
They be jealous. You can't write a like that song about France or the other european countries.
Yeah we could.. But it wouldn't be as fucking awesome!


The Loneliest Jedi
Apr 17, 2009
DarkArk said:
Fieldy409 said:
Really it just boils down to the wars America has been in. Also America was half of the reason the whole world could have been fucked by nukes in the 60s.
But then nobody seems to hate Russia for that.
No... but everyone knows that after the cold war Russia hasn´t being involved in any "open war" against anyone, whereas the U.S has kept approaching the militaristic approach to its economy, and if things get too bad, they can always start a "war" somewhere just for the hell of it.

Fieldy409 said:
Really it just boils down to the wars America has been in. Also America was half of the reason the whole world could have been fucked by nukes in the 60s.
you just said halve of what i was going to say, the other halve is the blatant Racism and patriotism most guys in the United States have, i know that it will be hard to find someone here on the escapist, but get on youtube, or other more public space and you get the redneck and his cousins calling you a piece of vile stupid scum just because you are from another country... and double that if the people on your country is dark colored, hell, i remember watching a video that had a lot of comments in some language that i dont understand, and the very first comment was "SPEAK ENLISH BUNCH OF TARDS OR GO BACK TO YOUR OUN COUNTRY!"

in a channel solely in one language, ¬¬ made exclusively for people that speak that language... the nerve of some people... its as if i got here and said "ORA CULEROS! HABLEN ESPAÑÓL DESGRACIADOS O LARGUENZÉ A SU PAÍS"


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
HentMas said:
DarkArk said:
Fieldy409 said:
Really it just boils down to the wars America has been in. Also America was half of the reason the whole world could have been fucked by nukes in the 60s.
But then nobody seems to hate Russia for that.
No... but everyone knows that after the cold war Russia hasn´t being involved in any "open war" against anyone,
Chechnya and Georgia?

Alistar said:
I'm actually scared to post my real feelings on this I just hope the various agencies don't mark me down as some subversive (sigh). Aristotle criticised the state he asked for his punishment to be a wage and free dinners for the rest of his life but he got poison, I think that's likely to be my fate.
Socrates, not Aristotle. IIRC, technically he was done for "questioning" and "corrupting the youth" rather than criticising.

DarkArk said:
Way to dodge the question. How would Japan have fallen if there was no US military fighting them? The Pacific Campaign was the largest naval campaign in the history of the world, pray tell how one of those factions would have been defeated without its primary adversary. How are Australia, the Chinese, and the Brits going to sink 9 fleet carriers? The fact that Japan overextended itself means nothing if there's no one with the ability to make them pay for that mistake. And if Japan isn't fighting the US they'll be less overextended then they were in real history.
You're right, I was assuming the Japanese would realise they couldn't successfully take and hold anything to speak off, which doesn't fit with the mindset of the time.

DarkArk said:
You see, the Germans don't have to win, they just have to not lose.
I take your point, but IMHO, one or the other would eventually have to win, and I would expect it to be the USSR. However, I must admit I'm not a military analyst.


New member
Sep 16, 2009
hubert said:
Patriot much? The world would have gone on without you, yes the world would have been different but pretty much still alive. And what's up with Africa and Australia? You just confirmed the myth of the ignorant American..
U Mad Bro?

Wow, so you insult someone for being a patriot. Good Show ole chap. I don't really care where you're from, because if it's not from America then it doesn't matter. Unless it Japan, or China, they make all our stuff.

Now if you read past all my pro-America stuff you'll see I do have a few grivences. Also, if you're not a patriot for your country, you're either from Greece or Antartica.

Other than that, learn to love and tolerate..


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Considering America is supposedly the leader of the Western world, its frightfully backwards in certain cases (the death penalty and gay rights, for example).

Although, I wouldn't say that's enough of a reason to hate an entire country (although I suppose there's a distinction between hating America, and hating Americans) as large and diverse as America.

Another thing would be religion's domination of the political landscape though: I've never heard a politician over here bring religion into any argument, CERTAINLY not one that impacts on other people's rights, but in the States you can't get away from it.


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
It probably has to do with how we stick our noses in other people's business all the time, and the stereotype that we Americans are loud and obnoxious doesn't help at all.

Not all Americans are like that, but it's a small, overly loud minority that has to ruin it for everyone else.

I just wish we could put a muzzle on them...


Not quite Cthulhu
May 25, 2009
Timberwolf0924 said:
US is one of the greatest country in the world and yes I dare say many other countries out there wouldn't be without us. (Yes France we know you helped us during the Revolutionary War, thanks for that) Yea we stick our noses in where it doesn't belong. But think about WWI and WWII who was the major player in both wars? The U.S of A, hell even historians say if the US didn't get attacked at Pearl Harbor by Japan, then there'd be just one big Germany and one big Japan, then Africa (cause nobody wants that place) and America. (cause.. U.S of A!) Austrilia would still be there cause the land itself would kill the invading forces.
This is one of the biggest problems have with America, this ignorant revisionist history which has no grounding in reality that gets shoved in the rest of the worlds faces.
America was not a major player in WWI, it was barely a footnote. America did not single handedly defeat the Nazis, the Russian contribution was of far, far, far, greater importance. Hell, even in the war against Japan (the only theatre in which America can be said to have played a decisive role), the vast majority of the Japanese army was busy ravaging China or fighting the Empire in Burma and Malaya. Here endeth the lesson Timberwolf0924, oh and by the way, no respected historian says anything of the sort.

To me, this over glorification of both its involvement in WWI and WWII and the culture of the US in general seems almost childish. Its almost as if the USA is in need of constant self validation of its own history, without which the country would tear itself apart.

I just don't like the image of itself that America presents of itself to the rest of the world, as if its some glittering utopia when in reality socially, politically and economically its bearly holding itself together.

I dont like the ignorance America shows to the rest of the world either (going back to its woefully inadequate eduction system) with its continuing perpetration of stereotypes that ceased to be valid 50 or 60 years ago.

Most American sicoms also drive me nuts. They are not funny or even remotely interesting so please stop exporting that crap to the rest of the world. In fact, the only area of comedy in which americans can be called funny is political satire.

The thing i hate most about America, the one thing i really loathe and despise is the overly conservative 'Christian' right wing of your political sphere. These are some of the most ignorant, and downright offensive people i have ever seen in western politics and yet to what seems like half of America they are a shining example of what it means to be an American. Its disturbing and in some ways frightening that a modern and supposedly civilised nation has such a large proportion of people that hink like this. In most of Europe the Republican party would be marginalised as raving lunatics.

I have met some wonderful Americans in my time, and on an individual level quite a few can be really nice, educated, funny, well informed people that i would happily call my friens, but as a whole, i find very few redeming features of the USA.


Gloria ex machina
Sep 21, 2009
American here. I would just like to point out that:
I hate the Bipartisan government. I hate the fact that you have a much harder time getting into office if you are not explicitly christian. I hate the fact that Bachman and Palin were even considered a good choice for any position of power. I hate the people in the south who are still butthurt over the civil war. I hate the rampant racism. I hate the blind nationalism. I hate the constant drone of political correctness. I hate the nonsense on a majority of the television stations. I hate the uneducated ignorant masses who feel that being in the land of the free means your opinion should carry weight.

Above all I hate the fact that all of these people define what this nation is in the eyes of the world despite being only small but vocal fraction of the entire population.