What does the world have against America?


New member
Nov 27, 2009
Well, people judge a country's people by the country's government, so let's look at the government.

I think the problem for a lot of people in Britain (or at least in my corner of my county in Scotland) is that America thinks itself to be teh GREATEST!!! when no-one else really thinks it is. Seriously America, a lot of notice quite a few problems with you, for instance: Your healthcare, your prisons, your government, your civil rights. Yeah, you should probably fix that shit at some point. Though I suppose Britain isn't really any better, but it's less in the public eye, and everyone loves those crazy accents we all have anyway.

The other thing I find odd about America (I don't really hate it because of it, but it's strange) is the way you claim that you have a "left-wing" party and a "right-wing" party. No, you have a right-wing party (Democrats) and a *really* right-wing party (Republicans). Seriously, sort out your political spectrum, it's hella wonky.

And while I'm moaning, switch to the bloody metric system already! Geez!


New member
Dec 7, 2009
theseworlds said:
(also, the patriotism I always see in the media, movies, etc, is sickening. Not a fan)
If it makes you feel better, as and American the ultra-patriotism is obnoxious to me and a lot of others too. Honestly the only time I've felt strongly patriotic was during Captain America: The First Avenger. I'm not ashamed to admit that scene where Steve leads the troops back to the camp after they escape gets me a little teary-eyed. Otherwise it's pretty obvious that the "patriotism" is just propaganda.

Khanht Cope

New member
Jul 22, 2011
I don't approve of the idea of judging a country's people by their government. To rise to the top in political prominence; you generally have to be a superficial, disingenuous, sycophantic, multiple back-scratching douchebag... and that's if you're democratically accountable.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
zefiris said:

And yes, Russia is different because Russia actually did *less shit than this*. Seriously. Russia is a brutal dictatorship even today, Russia is committing genocide in a country right now (why does nobody care about this, by the way? Western allies sure don't seem to give a damn), and they still weren't as bad as far as historical facts go :/

Still weren't as bad? Have you even heard of Ivan The Terrible or Joesph Stalin?

Not that America is any better; e.g Andrew Jackson enacting the expulsion of the Native Americans into Oklahoma and set up the events that led to the Panic of 1837. Why is guy on the 20 Dollar Bill again?
Mar 29, 2009
zefiris said:
you mouth off to a cop and you will get your ass beat and then probably beat again once your in custody. Their media will simply report it as some rabble-rouser getting put in his place by proper authorities, if it gets reported at all.
It's not the 1940s anymore, sorry dear, so don't even try to make the United States look better by invoking Nazi stereotypes.
The German police is pretty much a joke compared to the American one, and also to that of other european countries (just look at an incident in Poland this year, where a group of german protesters ran into a police that wasn't filled with softies. Their first time, actually). Protesters love dancing on their noses, because the police really cannot do all that much. The cases where the police fucked up were cases that wouldn't even make news in the US, because they happen there daily. The worst case of police brutality we had in years were water throwers used to break up a protest. Not only did worse protest-breakups happen in the last few months in the US, in Germany this actually led to the politicans that forced this getting voted out of office immediately. For the first time in decades, that part of the country now has a different party (the greens) ruling. Meanwhile, in the US, the police can happily kill non-whites, cover up rapes, brutally break up protests, and nobody cares.

Yep, thats worse. Still, the german folks that screwed up with the water throwers should get punished: ANd they did. The US being far worse does not mean they didn't screw up.
And similarly, even if German police WAS worse than the US, the US police is still horrible, so your defense doesn't even work.

"Yes, he beat them bloody and killed people, but that guy over there beat up harder!"

Claiming that any european nation is as bad as the US with police brutality is ridiculous. In Germany, you cannot get shot for being non-white and carrying a sheated knife you use since you're a woodcarver. In the US, you can get shot for this 5 seconds after the cop spotted you. Actual case, too. The murderer wasn't even actually punished.

The only reason why SOPA is such a big deal is because America is doing it. Never mind that France tried to pass the same thing, which failed.
No, it is a big deal because American policy has the potential to affect everyone in the world, even those not in the United States. Also, big difference: it FAILED in France. If you cannot comprehend the difference, I feel sorry for you.

Yes, you're an apologist for the crimes of the US, we get it. Thing is: Blaming the british doesn't work here. Even if you ignore Iran, there's more than enough countries the United States ruined. Irak for example. Or there's another. Funny story.

Remember the 11 September? No, no, not 2011 - 1973. That's when the lovely United States destroyed a nation that was considered a beacon of democracy by installing a vicious ruler that would kill hundreds and torture scores more just in the time after the coup itself.

Not to mention the lovely way your government believes that 6 americans are worth more than thousands of africans. AIDS medicine vs Anthrax. :)

Remember: You jumping up and shouting "but the british!" isn't helping. The british fucked up as well, yeah, but that doesn't absolve what the United States did. You yelling "but the british!" makes as much sense as Nazi Germany officials shouting "but the Japanese!" or "but Stalin!"

Yeah, Stalin was a monster, and he actually caused millions of deaths without even counting war casualities, but that still doesn't mean that the german crimes were absolved.

A crime is a crime, other people doing crimes as well does not make a crime not a crime.

Fact is, people hate the US because the US is actively causing their lifes to be worse than they could be. Nobody likes this, and nobody should have to like it.
Apologist isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I'm not saying, "Oh, look, this is so awesome!", I'm saying, "Oh, look. They're doing it too. It's not just one country."

It only really matters because everything America does is publicized and put out on the news.
Even then, you don't get the full story or anything in context. Everyone screams about how america unlawfully invaded Iraq to steal its oil. But why? Most oil used in the US doesn't even come from the Arab states. The official reason is because of WMDs, but it's probably more a thing of "because we can", vengeance, or both.

I've even seen Vietnam get listed as something that was solely America's fault.
Except it isn't. Vietnam was a French colony till around the 50's when they were forced out. France immediately turned to USA for aid in the whole debacle. Soon after, they bailed and left it to America to fix the whole thing.

And naturally the American government places the lives of Americans over Africans. Would you expect it not to?

Not sure what happened to the German police in the past decade then, unless it was the one hardball on duty that day and/or the guy telling me about it had rather bad luck that day.
With the German protesters who met the rather harsher Polish police, that might just be because foreigners in trouble with another country's law enforcement.

In regard to American police, a lot of the wrongs are done under the whole "Wall of blue" or whatever it's called, where you do not rat out a fellow cop. This leads to the few bad eggs getting by that would often lead to a much larger mess. Why? Because under this system, any slight mistake can be used as grounds for appeal. That means that if those police officers get in trouble, it brings their entire career into question. That means any case they've ever been related to, no matter how small, can be dragged up and then brought out for an appeal.

The 60s and 70s are probably the grayest era there is. America went after anything remotely Russian supported and tried to crush it. It's why we funded various factions in Afghanistan when the Russians were there (See how well that turned out?). It's why we supported various dictators in South and Central America (Probably more a cause of the Monroe Doctrine, but then again, we -really- hated communism).

With SOPA, it has yet to pass. I'm saying it failed in France, it will fail here.

Posters from other countries aren't acting like their shit don't stink, so pointing out a false double standard doesn't really work. Also, pointing out people not being outraged by a definitively less severe copyright bill in another country doesn't really work.
That's the thing, they are acting like it's only America that's doing wrong. A lot of those posting about how the country sucks are also forgetting that theirs isn't so innocent either.

I'm also aware that they cry a lot about how Australia is draconian about video games. It goes to show that the American people aren't the only ones who elect out of touch officials.

Which leads to another thing... The whole Aussieland video game stuff is only relevant to this site because of the fact it's a video game site (Surprise!). But what of other public issues in Australia? What's their immigration system like? How about how they treat the Aborigines (Now and before)?

And I was going on that legislation on policing the internet doesn't pan out. I shouldn't have used the word "Same". "Similar" or "something like it" might have been better choices. If I remember correctly, it failed to pass in France since they realized that it would cost too much to enforce.

But none of it helps that everyone is basing their views of America based on what the media tells them. Do any of you think they'll talk about how amazing things are? Or the latest innovations? Fuck no. They just want to report on negative things because that's what sells. They want to tell people that the world is utter shit and going down the drain. They want to convince people that it's all X's fault, or solely Y's. They want to go on about the latest sexual fad among teens that doesn't actually exist. They just want money, regardless if they're telling the truth or not.

But to rationalize anything? We're bored. Plain and simple. We don't have some common enemy to fight. We don't have some world threatening evil to stop. We've got nothing to do. As a result, we got bored and started to create bad guys for the sole purpose of beating the crap out of them. Which is kinda plausible considering the batshit insanity of the things the CIA comes up with and tries to get working, but then again, we like fighting.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Malty Milk Whistle said:
Starke said:
snipity snip
Someones a tad defensive today..... but the difference between the British empire and U.S.A is that most Britons well....dont like the idea of a empire, and think it was a terrible time...and this forum is about america as a governmental body, not the individuals.
That's funny, because most Americans don't like the idea of empire, and think it is a terrible idea. Those that actually like the idea tend to be either a small cadre of elites or people who have been lead blindly by the nose, either through patriotism or other incentives. A pattern that should be painfully familiar to you. Saying you hate America for it's hypocrisy while at the same time raging at the very behaviors your own government engaged in is, well, hilariously hypocritical. Especially when you do not even acknowledge your own government's history.

Though, in point of fact, this forum is about random shit, not America, it's governmental body, or it's people. You're thinking of the Religion and Politics Forum, which is over there somewhere.

Thyunda said:
Starke said:
-Bizarre paragraphs of 'It's not America's fault'-
I'm sorry, what? Do you really think anybody still cares about the British Empire? The only people who still remember that there even WAS an empire are British nationalists.
You keep making this typo, you keep saying "people" when you really mean "Brits". I'm sorry, but in the interests of clarity someone needed to point that out to you.
Thyunda said:
The reason Eastern extremists burn effigies of American presidents and American flags is NOT because they're angry at their oppression at the hands of the British Empire some two hundred years ago, it's because America is waging a subtle war even NOW.
Quite, but the hatred they have for the British hasn't abated in the slightest. And their willingness to gleefully bomb you only only tells us how well they remember. It seems ironic, but it would seem that they have a better understanding of who they hate more than you do.

Thyunda said:
The British have indeed done terrible things. We're a culture that developed from having terrible things done to us, and doled them out in equal measure. The Norse made us their ***** for years, and that really only ended because the French came and conquered us. Then we got the upper hand, and yes. Did some nasty, terrible things.
So, what you're saying is you were oppressed, except you were also the invaders. In fact the British isles have been invaded so many times it is entirely possible that there are no indigenous people left. Which of course fully justifies your decision to export that to other foreign lands.

Thyunda said:
Oh well. Nobody even cares any more. My associates care - but that's because we're all very Irish, there's a lot of pro-independence going around. My family had a castle in the 17th century, but the English destroyed it. This was hundreds of years ago. Why do you think people harbour resentment of that time?
Maybe you should ask them. After all, the Irish remain subjects to foreign colonial rule today, in an era when most nations that once had empires, said, "no, this was a bad idea." But, here you are, gleefully holding on to your last foreign colonies like there's no tomorrow. I should applaud you for your rugged determination in the face of changing times.

Thyunda said:
NO. The Middle East is angry at the NOW, not at the THEN. You're delusional if you think it's somehow England's fault that America is doing what it does now. You're NOT our colony any more, you cannot justify your actions by saying 'England did it first'. You wanted independence, and you got it. Take responsibility for the actions of your country and government, Starke, because saying that we've done worse is NOT an excuse.
Of course it isn't an excuse. I'm applauding you. For all our efforts we have never managed to screw up the region as seriously as you have. With the exception of that one little case you referred to us, we have tried to have the same degree of impact on the region, but it turns out we just cannot do it. Our disruptions tend to be much shorter, whereas you have been able to upset balances of power, and generate enmity lasting for centuries.

As to them hating us and not you, I'd have to suggest you ask them. You know, ask them, "do you hate the British?" Because, when you do ask that question, the answer tends to be, "yes, because we have a memory longer than a goldfish."

Thyunda said:
As for building cultures on genocide...bah, who hasn't? The Native Americans at least got the chance to preserve their heritage. Every other victim just got wiped out. The Inuits were only too happy to exterminate the original Norse Greenlanders, but everybody thinks they're friendly polar bear people...but I know their secret.
And your point is? You see, we practiced genocide on our own continent. You practiced it across three, that is a staggering level of achievement. Perhaps not the best example to follow, but we seem to be trying none-the-less.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Because we are a bunch of arrogant bigoted assholes that's why. Or at least thats the persona we seem to project to everyone else.

At least that's my view of the situation.

Pyramid Head

New member
Jun 19, 2011
Maybe it's America's habit of trying to make itself out as the injured party when it still controls a large chunk of all of the worlds wealth and our habit of being so war obsessed we even fight wars on drugs and wars on obesity?

I actually think you nailed it on the head with the utterly retarded politicians actually. The reason need not be so complex, our politicians can't get shit done because they're more focused on fighting each other than facts, as you can tell by the advent of the Tea Party and politically charged global warming denial.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
As an American I can understand why everyone else may not like us. We tend to think we know how to run everyone else's countries, we bully, can be arrogant, we seem to forget that the world doesn't revolve around America and that there is a whole lot more world out there, and feel like we run the world. But not all Americans are like that (like me). I know that we can be hard to deal with and I know there is a lot more out there than just America.

In a nutshell: We're not all bad but we can be assholes at times.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Kiardras said:
People hate America because the worst of you gets the most exposure. Being the worlds last superpower, and the influence of music and movies, means that most people who see the news see stuff about America as well.

But we never hear of Bill Smith, the man who works hard, looks after his family, gets a degree at night school and volunteers for charity.

All we ever hear about are the Scientologists, the homophobes and the racists. I know its only a small minority but its the small minority that gets the most "air time".

Its the same with Terroism. 99% of Muslims are hard working, family people who don't care about killing Jews, but all you get exposed to is the 1% of maniacs, which clouds your views and gives the implications that all muslims are terrorists, which is bullshit.

The same with america. Sure 99% of you are intelligent, hard working good people, but all the rest of the world ever sees are the gay-hating, flag worshipping, racist, ignorant wankers, and so it clouds our view.
SiskoBlue said:
The main reason, plain and simple is because everyone knows America. They have won the cultural war. The UK and the rest of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa. These are the predominant "western" cultures and have their influences in our global culture.

But the most popular music, the most popular films, the most popular games all typically come from America. We know who your president is, we know the names of dozens of your cities, we know your catchphrases, your accents, your landmarks, your major historical events. America's policies affect the whole world. Where they choose to trade, who they choose to aid/invade/embargo. Whatever national debate is occurring suddenly it's a global debate (the UK has had gay marriage for a while now, so why are people in the UK debating it? Because the US is).

Like it or not America is a beacon to the world. Good or ill.

Now reverse that and ask the average American what they know about another country. I doubt most of them know who our leaders are, what our landmarks are, our history. I'm not saying Americans are uneducated, probably the opposite but their education seems largely internally focused on American culture and history.

So when non-Americans see America make decisions which are good for them and bad for the rest of us, it rankles (carbon footprint anyone?) It gets us mad. When America holds itself as the "world leader" and does things we don't like we call them a bully. When they do something good we say "they should have done it earlier if they think they're so damn amazing".

It's tall poppy syndrome, you are attacked because you are the biggest, and the loudest. But here are two facts;
1) Every western country has things to be ashamed of. The UK effectively dragged the US into Iran in the 50's which has caused most of these terrorist problems. The French have a terrible reputation with their colonies and Germany, well we all know what Germany did. And Russia. But none of these countries is screaming their successes and power from the rooftops like Americans do. Maybe they would if they could but as I said American culture rules. So we see everything they do.

Americans are largely ignorant of things outside America, also largely dismissive. It makes me laugh the way politicians are getting attacked over the global financial crisis. Think about it. GLOBAL financial crisis. No country has escaped, certainly no western countries. So how can a politician who only has power in his country be held responsible for GLOBAL occurrences. So here's the other fact, 2) America is not as powerful as it thinks it is. It has military might but what good is that these days? You can't use it where every you like and it costs you billions. Other than that they are suffering the same as the rest of us but still say "Greatest country on Earth". It's not all about you, despite what movies, TV, games and music seem to say.

So in my mind it's all about what we see, hear, watch and play. Few people express opinions about stuff they don't know and we all know America.
This right here is the primary reason for most of the "hate". It's the combination of overexposure and the nuttier, fringe groups having the loudest voices. It's ironic really, we're the purveyors of our own bad image. We're often the ones giving the nut jobs the most air time. Talk about "shooting yourself in the foot".

'Course, it's not the only reason. Our actions and policies over the years are just as much responsible. And the fact that most of the world seems hell bent on only pointing out the bad ones or the mistakes. Not that our mistakes haven't been worth that attention.

Frankly, it comes down to this. Are we perfect? Hell no. Of course not. But then, no country or group is, and any that claim to be are both arrogant and stupid. Do we screw up? Oh man, do we ever. Spectacularly at times. Yet, we don't mess up any more or less than any other country. (though in some cases, FAR less) But, because of our sheer level of influence and exposure to the world, even our smallest hiccups are broadcast, in HD, to the world stage. There to be scrutinized by all.

What bugs me, though, are these people that point out mistakes America has made in the past as if we're the only ones to ever make those mistakes. However, a vast majority of the "errors in judgment" they point out are ones their own country and government have committed. In some cases, more than once. (and are still committing some to this day) Yet they'll never admit to it. They're content to just "forget" their own transgressions as they lambast and chastise the US over it's transgressions. It just screams ignorant hypocrisy and I'm growing VERY tired of it.
Dec 14, 2009
I don't hate Americans, never have. Why would I?

Many of my favourite things are American.

I don't like to get bogged down in the politics, for that way leads to madness.

I will say that many of my real life encounters with Americans were pretty awkward. I have a very sarcastic sense of humour, something that always seemed to fly right over the heads of the Americans I've met.

I know this isn't true everywhere (this site is a testament to that, many Americans here 'get' British humour very easily).

It just leaves me a little hesitant to make jokes around Americans outside the internet.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
Pearwood said:
They mispronounce the word "aluminium".
Gotta say I did lol when in the middle of a heated discussion you bring the 'butchering of the English language' joke into it xD.

But a short answer to this long long thread would probably go something like this:

The fact that she got an ounce (and loads more) of attention in america and was considered 'presidential material' by ANY of your citizens is enough to make people raise an eyebrow. I mean, I can live with having people like Nigel Farage and Nick Griffin campaigning in England if you people have to put up with that.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Is it because we've been acting like the global "big kid on the playground" bully for decades? Yes, yes i think it is.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
People don't hate Americans, they hate America. Or, more accurately, it's policies, political climate and over-the-top patriotism.

An example of this? "God bless the United States of America."

The implication being, "And nowhere else".

Pierce Graham

New member
Jun 1, 2011
You speak as though I support the US. I don't. As I said, there are many things about them that I don't like, a lot of things I hate. SOPA and their foreign policy are the worst.

Foxbat Flyer

New member
Jul 9, 2009
For me its because they seem to be soo stuck on the past when the whole world couldn't stand up to them, They still feel like they are the most important race in the world so they can push other countrys around, and tread over who ever they want...

Although, I have met probably about 10 or so Americans in the past 6 months who are willing to explore the world, and see what it is really like, they have an understanding of the world, and don't think they are better than everyone else. They are the only ones that stop me fully ranting about America (Yes, what you see below is not my full rant...)

The people who ruin America's image are the ones who go on about how America is the best country in the world, without going out to see the world and try it out before claiming it. Its kinda like owning a PS3 (America) and saying the Xbox 360 (every other country) is shit without trying it, or owning a PS3 (America) and trying out a low end PC (Seeing on the news a documetary about the slums in a developing country) that can't run as good as a PS3 (America), they are judging based on what they assume all other PC's (All other countries) are like (If that third world country is like that then everyone else must be like that!).

Thats just my opinion, so in no way do I think that I am correct. So from my view, this is what I See