What does Yahtzee want?


New member
Feb 9, 2008
I'd guess a hug

But really I've just lost interest in all his stuff, it's gotten kinda stale for me now

Mr Thin

New member
Apr 4, 2010
Yeah, he's paid to be - and popular because he's - bitter, sarcastic and hilarious.

Being nice to games isn't funny. Unless they're really, really, really bad. Which is something he occasionally uses to comic effect in his videos. You know, start of saying something's great and wonderful and - oh wait, no it's not. Anyway, it's funny because it's not nice.

Also, when he does like a game, you can pick up on it if you're familiar with him and his humor. Generally speaking, if all he complains about are the little things that don't have much import, or if he's still playing the game - which he sometimes admits to - chances are he's enjoying it. If he hates a game, he really tears into it, like a velociraptor into a cow.


New member
Jan 23, 2009
He is for the most part a comedian, finding the bad parts of games and make fun at them is what he is good at. his "reviews" would be pretty boring otherwise. It's simply his style to rip at the faults of games.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
ProfessorLayton said:
Of course it's not a real review... he does comedy videos. And besisdes, before he would actually point out the flaws in games but also add in the good stuff and now he's not even trying to hide the fact that he's trolling. I mean, he said he hasn't seen the Prince of Persia movie but he knows it's crap, he played the first five hours of Final Fantasy XIII but knows the rest of it is crap, he barely played any of Monster Hunter Tri but he knows the rest is crap... obviously he's just making comedy videos at this point and if you take them as actual reviews then you're wasting your time.
He didn't say that he knows "the rest is crap". At least in the case of FFXIII he said that even if the rest is the best thing ever, it's not worth the crap at the start. Whether you agree with him or not, he wasn't joking.


FDA Approved!
Mar 9, 2010
I don't know Yahtzee personally and it's a fair bet none of you do either so we won't get a 100% accurate answer out of this thread. I think he enjoys games but is yet to find one he considers perfect. I think most people here feel the same way. We have games we like but they're not perfect, sometimes we over look their faults in favour of what they did right. It's Yahtzee's job to find fault in games and this is why he seems impossible to please, there are probably many games he enjoys but he focuses on the bad points in his reviews, any reviewer will tell you how great a game is but Yahtzee is truly blunt about what parts sucked and his very entertaining in the process. He tends to give an accurate enough review that can contribute to, but like any review should not dictate, the decisions you make in regard to what is being reviewed. Others will tell you what they loved, Yahtzee will tell you what didn't work and from that you can get a more accurat review of any game than any score out of 10.


Elite Member
Mar 31, 2009
I think that Yahtzee does really tell us what he likes in a game, and what are good games and what aren't. You just have to sift through the comedic effect and hate he packages the review in to figure out what he's really thinking. It's a kind of psychology, I guess. Like the review for Just Cause 2, he ends it with "some might say that's enough, some might say I'm being to hard on it, and some can shut their fucking mouths." Just the fact that he acknowledges the fact that it could be a seriously fun game is praise in my books. And a lot of his criticism is with long running annoying things in video games, and actually serious criticism. You can tell when he's just grasping at straws, and a few times he actually admits it's hard to find stuff to rip on.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Wonder how many more times this question will be asked.

Seriously, no game is flawless, no game is perfect. Its the ability to see all those, sometimes small, flaws that makes one close to unbiased.
I loved DA:O and Mass Effect but i could go for hour pointing out all i didn't like in those games, they had their flaws and i cant admit it instead being raging fangirl that refuses to see the 'obvious'.

You need to remember Yahtzee's job is first and foremost entertainment, the comedy value of his reviews is their raison d'etre. Second would be, i just assume, to provoke you lot to actually think for yourself instead following blindly the hype. He will bash your favorite game so maybe, just maybe you will actually see the flaws for yourself and start looking at things differently.

Then again, as he says himself, he hates everyone including himself, so maybe HE and only HE is that raging fanboi of idealistic image of one and only game of the universe (what was it? one of Dizzy series? xd)


New member
Jun 19, 2010
I would say ZP is not so much about reviewing games, it's more about making fun of games. It's something we watch for the witty comments and pure sarcasm.

On the other hand there's Movie Bob, as you mentioned, which I watch not only because it's funny, but because I might pick up on a movie or two that's worth seeing.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
mikespoff said:
I ask this because he literally seems impossible to please. I can't recall a single contemporary game which he actually said anything equivalent to, "This is a great game, you should play it", with the exception of Portal.
In one of his videos, (I think it's the Prince of Persia retrospective) he shows a top five list of his favorite games of all time.

1. Portal
2. Silent Hill 2
3. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
4. Spiderman 2
5. Fantasy World Dizzy

Also, he has praised Condemned: Criminal Origins and the Half-Life series.

You need to realize that he is just nitpicking and don't take him too seriously.


New member
Oct 2, 2009
i think he very much does enjoy games, but as he's stated in some videos (eg bioshock review) his videos prove to be more popular when he's being negative. You've gotta admit, it is quite, dare I use the term, 'lulzy' watching him being angry.


New member
Jun 11, 2010
Hubilub said:
... You list games he likes in your post!

How can you be missing the point of your own thread?

Look! You answer your own question right there in your OP!

Oh well, to add some more substance to my comment, I'll say this:

Have you seen ratatouille? Do you remember that food critic who is kind of like the bad guy? That's Yahtzee right there.

"I love food. If I don't love it, I don't swallow"
Yes, Yahtzee just wants a game made like how his mother used to make them.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Read Extra Punctuation and then you'll see that Yahtzee does take the time to actually say something positive about a few of those games (not entirely positive though).


Wicked Prolapse
Aug 27, 2009
I like ZP, but I dont take it seriously. When he doesnt like a game he only gives the small reasons. He is such a deluded f**k that ay game he does like he still has to say shit about it. As I said in a different thread, ZP really isnt a game review, ist more of a "I personally hate this game and why I hate it". In the end you would think that Yahtzee is complicated figure, but if you look outside the lines you will see that he wants nothing more but attention.

The Ambrosian

May 9, 2009
Probably ninja'd but,
He says he's not a review, he's a critic.
So he doesn't say the positives points, he just criticises the bad ones.
I've listened to some podcasts he's done, and he actually seems to think some games he talks negatively about in ZP are quite good.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
I have a friend who told me his dad showed him love as a child by pointing out all the things he was doing wrong. Maybe this is yahtzee's way of showing love?