What game are you most proud of conquering?


New member
Jul 10, 2009
TheCameraman said:
Super Ghouls and Ghosts.

Yes, I finished it twice in a row for the end boss...
Kudos! My buddy managed to do it once.. I never could!

Anyways, i'm most proud of beating the original "X-Wing" with the rank of General.

Darth Brownie

New member
Jun 10, 2008
TheCameraman said:
Super Ghouls and Ghosts.

Yes, I finished it twice in a row for the end boss...
I still cant beat the final boss on the second run :(

Right now I'm playing Demon's Souls and every single boss is a victory I am extremely proud


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
Well I got almost all the achievments for Prototype. I still have to do Revenge Revisited though.


New member
Oct 2, 2009
I don't care how easy or how hard anyone else finds it my game is Beyond Good and Evil. I never used to be a completist. As long as I did the story and got to the final boss blah blah I was happy and for some reason I started playing this and had to complete it. I don't know why either. Ever since then I've become a completist.... Damned game, I love you!!


New member
Jan 16, 2007
I'm one of the few crazy enough to play and finish I wanna be the guy. I did it on normal difficulty, but it doesn't change much for the hardest part of the game: The Guy himself. It took me around 500 tries (6 hours of "press R to try again!").

As for my 100% completed games that i'm the most proud:
-All the GBA/DS castlevania with portrait of ruin and order of ecclesia done with level 1 characters
-Sonic adventure 2. Took me forever to get A everywhere but i got to see the secret stage.
-Metroid prime 1 & 2 on hardest difficulty (yeah that's not very hard but i'm still proud of it)

Also I want to try touhou but I can't make it work :/


New member
Dec 31, 2008
dmase said:
Beat oblivion 100% eventually got to the point where i was going and clearing out random dungeons and going to prison so that i could continue to level my character i had a lvl 60 something crusader. Dragon quest 8 i beat the extra boss(technically several bosses for several items) that made me feal good.
Ibanez887 said:
Oblivion 100%
It took me ages to track down EVERY LAST QUEST. Boring summer time well spent
It seems to me like you guys didn't find every single location, meaning that the game is not 100% complete

*Rains on your parade*


New member
Jun 2, 2008
Ibanez887 said:
Oblivion 100%
It took me ages to track down EVERY LAST QUEST. Boring summer time well spent
I completely agree :D

Either that, or nearing completion with Digimon world 1. Well, I say nearing completion, I had about 65-70% of stuff done. It took like 4 years and then I just left it. It's the most anyone's completed it to my knowledge.

Also completing MGS1, because I bought 3 copies, and the first 2 always ALWAYS froze at the end of the end credits, so finally getting a working copy was something good :D


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
Final Fantasy 7

it was just SO long, and it took me like three years to complete, because I was like seven when I started, and my brother kept saying "Ooo I want to try!" and making a new file that OVERWROTE MINE, I swear that happened like 5 times.

I could probably beat it in a few weeks now.


New member
Oct 21, 2009
Registered to post here...and no doubt seem like a strange egotistical maniac. So hi guys :)I'd say my greatest gaming achievements are:

GTA III, Vice City, San Andreas, Liberty City Stories, Vice City Stories and IV all 100%

Silent Assassin ratings on all levels in both Hitman Contracts and Blood Money.

Getting each and every dog tag in Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (and beating nearly all the VR/Alternative missions) and unlocking all the bonuses in MGS3:Subsistence.

Oh and beating Resident Evil 2 Leon A in under 90 minutes :p


New member
Jan 9, 2009
TyrantGanado said:
Registered to post here...and no doubt seem like a strange egotistical maniac. So hi guys :)I'd say my greatest gaming achievements are:

GTA III, Vice City, San Andreas, Liberty City Stories, Vice City Stories and IV all 100%

Silent Assassin ratings on all levels in both Hitman Contracts and Blood Money.

Getting each and every dog tag in Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (and beating nearly all the VR/Alternative missions) and unlocking all the bonuses in MGS3:Subsistence.

Oh and beating Resident Evil 2 Leon A in under 90 minutes :p
Welcome to the Escapist! I don't actually know the "official" introduction, but don't feed the trolls and please enjoy your stay.

Guys, it looks like our newest member beats you all.


New member
Oct 21, 2009
Thanks for the welcome :)
I've actually been reading these forums for a while and just never joined until now lol
Anywho...as you were ladies and gentlemen, I don't wish to clog your topic.
Feb 18, 2009
ThatOneJewYouNo said:
Gonna say my biggest accomplishment would probably be The World Ends With You; got all the pins, beat all the enemies, got all the items, and aquired all the information on every item. It. Was. RIDICULOUS.

In other mainstream games I collected all the achievements from Assassin's Creed. That's something to be proud of, although it was many dreadful weekends of flag hunting and Google searches...
Whu... How can you have an attention span that long? I went out of my way to find flags etc. as I was playing through AC and by the time I finished I still only had about half of them.

OT: Probably completing the original Half Life - not because it was difficult but because I had no idea how to do it back in 199? whenever I first played it. Then I picked it up off Steam last year and blasted through it. Shows that you do get better with age!


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Beating assassin's creed was awesome, because I was stuck for some reason, so I completely redid the game. None of my friends have beaten it, so I pride myself in doing so. Beating Mass Effect was awesome too, beecause I redid that game as an engineer after getting to the final level as a soldier, for some reason. And getting all the keys and gargoyles in Fable 2.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
nikki191 said:
grimsprice said:
Original C&C for the GDI. Some of those missions are balls to the walls hard.
it was a ***** to complete but i discovered the cheat by accident of walling them into their base and so it turned out to be easy.

for me it was the game shuttle on the amiga.. considering it came bundled with a 3 ft by 6ft poster that detailed all the cockpit controls, you can get an understanding of the complexity
Wow, you even know which particular mission i'm talking about too. Yeah, the one where you get dropped of on the beach with absolutely no resources. God i hate that mission. And yes, sandbagging them into their base is practically the only way to beat that mission.