What has ruined YOUR life?


New member
Sep 15, 2008
May sound like a strange way to title a topic, but if this actually helps someone see they may be heading down a dead-end, maybe this post will be worth it.

I had to go to work on my day off last Thursday, and it wasn't for any sort of happy occasion. I had fire a guy because he basically let World of Warcraft destroy his life. I've worked with this guy off and on for five years. When I first started working at the paper, he was obsessed by EQ2. When I left for a year and came back, it was WoW, and it was that way until he got fired a year and a half ago. His being fired the first time was for: bad hygiene, drinking, and tardiness. At the end of last year, this guy came back to us non-stop begging for his job back, claiming he changed, that he had been taking therapy and cut down on the gaming. He fooled my boss and my warehouse foreman into believing this as he was hired back, much to my dismay and under my protest.

When I saw the new expansion for WoW start to make waves over the summer, I told my boss he better be prepared to fire this guy, because all of the same old problems were going to arise again. He didn't believe me, thought if kept having talk after talk with this guy, he'd actually get it.

Well, he didn't.

The bad hygiene was first; I have no sense of smell, but this guy came in with clothes so bad one night, I didn't want him any closer than 5 feet in front of me. 3 occasions I had to send him home for that. Then the last straw hit over the weekend when beer was noticable on him. When my boss and I fired him, his eyes were bloodshot-red and he smelled like beer yet again. He affirmed he'd been up most of the night doing nothing but playing WoW and only had a couple hours of sleep before he came to work.

Obsession is a funny thing, it comes in so innocently, small things at first are deemed unimportant to give the obsession more time and room to grow. Then you don't see what has happened until you've hit bottom. Out of all of this, the only person I felt sorry for was my boss; it was his call to hire this guy back, and now the man we let go may decide to go kill himself because he said 'My life is officially over; I'm 49 years old and can't get work anywhere else.' I may be a bastard about this, but if this guy kills himself, it wouldn't be a loss to society since he refuses to participate in the 'real' world anyway.

Writing about gaming destroying someone's life is a little odd, because I'm a gamer myself. I play MMO's, console and computer games, and I even enjoy good old pen-and-paper role-playing. But, when it comes down to it, I have a job, I'm married, I have bills to pay, and I have friends IRL. I try never to lose sight of that, because I look around and see how easy it is to really lose everything when you let fantasy overtake reality.

So, the question is there. Has something almost ruined your life? Was it in the past, recent, or is it just starting to unfold?

Devil's Due

New member
Sep 27, 2008
My ex, you wouldn't believe how bad she hurt me. Been with depression for a while now because of it. Grades and friends have suffered because of it, dang it.

black lincon

New member
Aug 21, 2008
Quite an interesting story. I have a bad habit of telling the truth. It doesn't get me in enough trouble to seriously affect my life, but it sure as hell pisses of some of my teachers and the administration, and I'm sure if I went back to my church any time soon I'd get a few mean glares.


New member
Nov 21, 2008
Ice Storm said:
My ex, you wouldn't believe how bad she hurt me. Been with depression for a while now because of it. Grades and friends have suffered because of it, dang it.
Pretty much the same actually i was going out with this girl for a long time and then we broke it off, as anyone would be i was really upset, and then i started to get drunk every weekend and i now smoke, and unforunatly, ive made some of my friends the same way beause of the bad things that have happened to them. Not a fantastic year really.

Ago Iterum

New member
Dec 31, 2007
My laziness. I'd take days off work and college, fall behind in everything because I couldn't get up in the morning. All sorted now though.


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
Nothing has actively/permanently ruined or damaged my life, though the Economic Crisis coupled with Low Oil Prices (I work for an Oil Company) and increased Civil Taxes may come close to ruining my life for a little while. That and I really wished I'd payed more attention when people told me what the real world was like, I could have been better prepared.


New member
Feb 7, 2008
MMO's, but not in the way you might think. I'm working on publishing a book about it: if it ends up on a bookshelf somewhere, buy it and find out :p.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Akas said:
MMO's, but not in the way you might think. I'm working on publishing a book about it: if it ends up on a bookshelf somewhere, buy it and find out :p.
That sounds interesting. I would love to read that book.


iDrink, iSmoke, iPill
Nov 16, 2008
Prob my mouth. I love to talk back to anyone which usually leads to arguments with parents and in trouble with teachers, but just cant resist adding in that one smart comment.


New member
Jul 8, 2008
My mum lent a "friend" a lot of money- which to this day we haven't got back-, that led to me getting thrown out of my school, which led to a long string of illnesses and switching schools, which led to my now crippling shyness and hatred of everything. But hey, I'm happy with who I am now, the only thing I'm not happy with is my lack of nice things. XD
(Oh and if you see a book out in the next three or four years called 'Searching' by Valerie Skinner, it's based on all this crap we've been through). :p


New member
Nov 23, 2008
Nope, I'm a freak of nature, I repel addictions if I see them creeping up on me.

I drink coffee, but I'm not addicted, I can go months without a cup if I suddenly decide. Same goes for games. I play WoW, but I don't play much more than a few hours every few days, it just...it's fun but it doesn't make me want to LIVE in that world.

Real life can be fun too if you make it...


New member
Mar 29, 2008
I got fired once, but it was the best thing to ever happen to me. My life is so much better now!


New member
Nov 23, 2008
I have a speech impediment, like Jimmy in SP. Id be a completely different person without this. I often let people walk all over me just because I know I wont be able to say what I want and then Ill just look even more stupid or embarressed or whatever cause most people are fucking dicks when it comes to people who have a speech impediment. I fall behind in class because I dont ask questions when I get stuck or dont know how to do something. I dont stuff I really want to do because of the sheer terror of having to talk to someone I dont know and just 1 person. I have to get up in front of the class and give a 5 minute presentation on something as part of a project for college. This was mention off hand by the lecturer and just the thought of it scares the crap outta me. So, thats what ruined my life.

CommandoUK said:
...then i started to get drunk every weekend and i now smoke
Hmm, i do that anyway, but thats cause im Irish.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
WeedWorm said:
I have a speech impediment, like Jimmy in SP. Id be a completely different person without this. I often let people walk all over me just because I know I wont be able to say what I want and then Ill just look even more stupid or embarressed or whatever cause most people are fucking dicks when it comes to people who have a speech impediment. I fall behind in class because I dont ask questions when I get stuck or dont know how to do something. I dont stuff I really want to do because of the sheer terror of having to talk to someone I dont know and just 1 person. I have to get up in front of the class and give a 5 minute presentation on something as part of a project for college. This was mention off hand by the lecturer and just the thought of it scares the crap outta me. So, thats what ruined my life.
I highly recommend a book by David Mitchell called Black Swan Green. It's a great book for anyone but I think it would help you. It helped me. I don't have a speech impediment but the are lessons in that book for everyone.

Edit: And don't let the bastards drag you down, buddy.