What has ruined YOUR life?


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Depression... suicidal depression. True, causeless, depression.

Still not 100% over it. True depression is a pain in the arse and when it hits during the teenage years it can be the worse. I stopped going to school, stopped even getting out of bed and generally thought about offing myself every passing day. I told no one I cared about of this though, as with true depression you don't want the pity or attention of those around you. One day my mother walked in while I was blooding myself, one of the few things that has been known to work to stop depression. She panicked, took me to get stitched up thinking it was a life attempt, and I was put on anti-depressents.

That made it a hell of a lot worse. Now I just wasn't depressed 24/7, no I was depressed 24/7 AND completely numb to emotions. The only thing stopping me from killing myself was thinking on those who cared, for reasons I still can't fathom, about me. It worked for many others, I later heard, and it did for me. I would think on these people, and how they would feel if I killed myself and it make it just bearable to push onwards cause I didn't want to inflict that sort of pain.

Without emotions it became harder and harder to do that though, I couldn't feel anything let alone empathy. One day cold hard logic kicked me in the arse, as that was all I had left. I was looking at the pills and thinking "They handed me the way to kill myself, those bastards." After that I stopped taking the pills and battled through the worse of the depression as best I could.

It ruined my schooling though, I don't boast about myself but I am quite quick in the mind which is part of the problem. Now all I have on my report card is all Fs, that is what happens when you don't turn up to sit a single test but are smart enough to fool the system into thinking you are still going to school. I didn't even turn up for the whole of the last year and still somehow got a card saying I completed high school.

Makes me wonder what I would of done with my life if I hadn't been depressed those years though. Not to say my life isn't good as it is, I have seen the world and not many Australians get the chance to do that. I've done a lot of things, experienced a lot of things, and still have plans now to go forth and experience more things. Work is a leash and thanks to that depression, ironically, it isn't a leash that I feel compelled to wear.

Even toying with the idea of Waltzing Matilda for a while.

PS: One of the things that helped break the cycle of depressive, negative, thoughts was Cannabis. If it was legal down here then maybe I never would of suffered to begin with. Even now I go through periods of depression and Cannabis breaks the cycle of negative thoughts that goes with it so damn easily, if I am lucky enough to get some.


New member
Nov 21, 2008
A book I read, ages ago...and now I am sad all of the time....fitting because it was about the great depression...

hamster mk 4

New member
Apr 29, 2008
CMPS 130 Introduction to computer graphics with OpenGL at UCSC

Before that class I thought game development was one of those mystical things that only supernatural beings could accomplish. After that class I realized it was within my reach and I started striving for it. I gave up on a nice normal programming career of databases and WebPages in order to pursue shaders and particle physics. Six years later and I still haven't broken into the industry. I probably could be making a lot more than I do now if I had stuck with conventional programming but I still want to live the dream.


New member
Oct 7, 2009
A combination of myself and a few other people, but mainly myself.

One of those people opening admitted to me that they had been emotionally blackmailing, mindfucking and trying to manipulate how I think and expected me to be ok with it. In fact, they expected me to put them before everyone else forever and talk to them all the time. When I said that if I were to get into a relationship that, that may change so they changed their tactics to: Love me or I kill myself. Thing is, I like them but they do not like me; they just don't want me to leave them.
We're still best friends.