What is the most difficult game to finish?


New member
Apr 9, 2008
GamerPhate said:

TMNT 1 ... why did they make the water level so impossible? or just like it would be Silver Surfer as well.. one of those uber twitch games. I loved when they would make a game with 3 lives, and no continues, that is a good idea! No one ever has to go to work or school, so just leave the thing on all the time since you can't continue. Oh wait.. you only got 3 lives? Oh never mind you are going to fail before you have to quit playing for the day anyways :(

Such a depressing gaming experience for us old skoolers that were kids when the NES came out :(
Good point. I was going to say the original Ninja Gaiden but I think you may be right about TMNT1. I got way farther in Ninja Gaiden.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Halo 3 on hardest difficulty.

The levels where you only fight flood is easy, but the other ones are a nightmare


New member
Jul 15, 2009
ShoryukenDude said:
SmilingKitsune said:
I want to be the guy, that game was designed by sadists...~curls up in a ball and starts weeping~
*Annoyed Groan*
I dont get why everyone says this game is so hard. Woo, anythign kills you in one hit, and half the time it's diffiult to know where it's coming from. All the game is is one gigantic Trial and Error test. You try to go one way and die. You use your death to know where the deadly thing is and avoid it. It's not Rocket Science.

Back on topic here:

Ghosts and Goblins. I personally dont want to have to beat a game twice in a row to get any sort of closure.
Agreed, IWBTG isn't that hard. It's really a lot about people getting too pissed though and giving up. If you just keep at it, ANYONE can complete it.

For some reason I always find Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 to be really hard...But maybe it's just me not being an avid fan of the series as I am a, for example, Baldur's Gate fan. Completed the game from start to end without picking up any other characters. Made for an interesting run;)
Fallout however, damn. The master is tough=/


New member
Jul 15, 2009
Rolf said:
Halo 3 on hardest difficulty.

The levels where you only fight flood is easy, but the other ones are a nightmare
You need to play more games mate! Get to it!^^


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
if by complete you mean get 100% and theres absolutly nothing new you can do or get, the pokemon.


Wrote Some Words
Jul 16, 2009
Steel battalion. End of Thread. No Saves in missions and if you die you start over. Seriously. If you die the game deletes your campaing. Oh and you have to fork out £60 buy buy the bloody thing in the first place. This is the game that has convinced my to never buy from Capcom, even if their next game is the Jesus of the gaming industry and recieves flawless reviews I won't buy it out of sheer spite for Steel Battalion.

Nigh Invulnerable

New member
Jan 5, 2009
GonzoGamer said:
GamerPhate said:

TMNT 1 ... why did they make the water level so impossible? or just like it would be Silver Surfer as well.. one of those uber twitch games. I loved when they would make a game with 3 lives, and no continues, that is a good idea! No one ever has to go to work or school, so just leave the thing on all the time since you can't continue. Oh wait.. you only got 3 lives? Oh never mind you are going to fail before you have to quit playing for the day anyways :(

Such a depressing gaming experience for us old skoolers that were kids when the NES came out :(
Good point. I was going to say the original Ninja Gaiden but I think you may be right about TMNT1. I got way farther in Ninja Gaiden.
Thanks for bringing up some traumatic childhood memories, guys. TMNT was controller-flinging-TV-punching difficult. Damn that electric seaweed crap.


New member
May 16, 2009
Jet Force Gemini. I've never not been able to finish a game, except that one.

Fuck, it's been 10 years and I still havent found that last piece of the spaceship.

Zombie Badger

New member
Dec 4, 2007
Satin6T said:
Zombie Badger said:
Satin6T said:
Zombie Badger said:
The advanced maps on Portal. Without a guide.

accountant said:
Psychonauts!!! It's the easiest game for like the first 5-10 hours of gameplay, then you get to the big top and it expects that it's harsh training has given you the skills to complete this evil, evil level.
That's piss easy. I did the entire circus in 30 minutes.
the meat circus is freaking hard if you arent at level 100

just because of the running around while your dad throws knives at you part
I was at level 32. And if I remember right, you jump over the knives.
not that part when your running around him and you have to jump to fence to fence and the fences are goin up in a cylindrical fashion
The trick is to jump to the outside of the fences.


New member
May 5, 2009
Zombie Badger said:
Satin6T said:
Zombie Badger said:
Satin6T said:
Zombie Badger said:
The advanced maps on Portal. Without a guide.

accountant said:
Psychonauts!!! It's the easiest game for like the first 5-10 hours of gameplay, then you get to the big top and it expects that it's harsh training has given you the skills to complete this evil, evil level.
That's piss easy. I did the entire circus in 30 minutes.
the meat circus is freaking hard if you arent at level 100

just because of the running around while your dad throws knives at you part
I was at level 32. And if I remember right, you jump over the knives.
not that part when your running around him and you have to jump to fence to fence and the fences are goin up in a cylindrical fashion
The trick is to jump to the outside of the fences.
I beat it a while ago it just took me forever, and I didn't jump to the outside i jumped on the top of them