What is your deal breaker?


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Drugs, Alcohol and/or smoking: I won't date a girl who's actively ruining her own body and ensuring her early death.

Obesity: I won't date a girl who's passively ruining her own body and ensuring her early death.

Stupidity: I won't date a girl who'll constantly and persistently annoy me.


New member
May 9, 2011
there are plenty of factors that would make me uninterested in a person

Physical factors:

Hairy back... I dunno.. it looks... dirty, unhygienic, insanitary...well, I just don't like hair... call me shallow

Being shorter than me, usually not really a problem since I'm 12 cm shorter than average for women in my country. but I get the feeling of dating a little boy, a child, if he is shorter than me, I whould feel like a pedophile despite any bodily hair...

Obesity, I fight hard my self not to slip and don't feel I need someone who does not care to fight as well, that would only be demotivational.

Personality factors:

Unencouraging, I have enough of that from my family and I set high goals for my self, so I need a partner who is ready to show me support if I falter, or a have a moment of doubt.

Bossy, I have no problem with compromising, but I can't stand people that have no such sense of diplomacy or mutual respect, neither do I want someone who just takes orders, I don't want a slave, I want a partner and an equal.

Twin personality, I don't want to date me, that would just feel wierd... I want someone with common ground ofc but my partner is some one I want to be able to give me another perspective, someone to really talk to and debate with, I can't really do that with my self.
I belive in the opposites attract theory.

Ungeekyness, my life pretty much revolves around games and gaming, this is my passion, and I suspect that while he wouldn't have to love the same games as me, I need someone with at least some understanding and interest for this passion.

Philosophical/Mental factors:

narrow minded, I suppose I could also call this stupidity because I suppose that is what it is to me, I percieve a narrow minded person as uneducated, dim witted and ignorant.
I love perspective; religious, political, philosophical, and any person that is stuck with their perspective only edges me alot.
but I do not confuse this with intelligence because that can come in many diffrent shapes.
a mathematical genious can still be awefully narrow minded.

Insecurity, sure all of us have our moments of insecurity and I can handle that, that's part of being in a relationship, but I can't take a guy with so much inferiority complex he will be jealous of everything I do, and cries in my arms every night because he thinks he is worthless and unskilled. I have left a guy with this problem... he would get jealous over silly things such as my first attempt at painting a warhammer model went better than his, even though I'm rather artistic and he never picked up a brush before in his entire life... it was rather tedious.

as you can see I have many deal breakers, but that is ok, I already have exactly what I'm looking for =P (aside from that he has this one dark, thick, annoying hair at his back *shudders* I snatch it every time I see it's growing back, can't be perfect I suppose)

Farther than stars

New member
Jun 19, 2011
Surely at the top of my list would be: "if she used to be a man". (Or didn't used to be a girl at least. =/)

Also, you spell it "your", not "you'r". You did it twice... For someone so concerned with etiquette, I thought I should let you know. ^.^

tobi the good boy said:
If she was a Cthulhu
There's only one Cthulhu. >.>


New member
Jan 5, 2011
If I'm already with them, fucking fucking fucking fucking clingyness. Her being too clingy is something that ruined my last relationship. It's just a shame you can't judge how clingy they're going to be until you're together.

tobi the good boy said:
If she was a Cthulhu
I would. Just to say I had. It'd go right in my Google+ bragging rights.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Proabably if she is super religious ie trying to convert me to be into her religon full time.
Also if she is a chav or come from a bad neighbourhood or upbringing (how I didn't found out after we dated I will never know) unless she want to get out from that. Although I would be in danger after I broke up with her.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
I have three, and I expect alot of flame for the first one but whatever:
1. Religious: and I don´t mean fundamentalist religious, just religious, as in believing in a god of some kind
2. High Maintenance
3. Overly clingy


New member
Apr 21, 2011
LobsterFeng said:
You might want to fix your title. I'm just saiyan.
You were just dying to say that, weren't you?

If she's a chain smoker, or if she's an atheist. Those are the only two things that I will not tolerate.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
Stupidity would be the biggest one, and I mean stupidity in the general sense, as in doing stupid things. Like abusing drugs/alcohol, being a bigot, being unable to proof-read a thread title, ect

Farther than stars

New member
Jun 19, 2011
Hagi said:
Drugs, Alcohol and/or smoking: I won't date a girl who's actively ruining her own body and ensuring her early death.

Obesity: I won't date a girl who's passively ruining her own body and ensuring her early death.

Stupidity: I won't date a girl who'll constantly and persistently annoy me.
Woah... that's a pretty endemic concern with death there. I'm sure Freud would have something to say about that.
I hear what you're saying about smoking, but for me it's more aesthetic. I've never actually kissed a girl who's a smoker, although I hear it's pretty disgusting and judging by the way I dislike cigarette smoke, it's not exactly a goal of mine and all things being even, I'd definitely go for the non-smoker.
As for obesity, it's still an aesthetic matter for me; nothing to do with death. Indeed, heavily obese women I don't find beautiful. But some girls being overweight, even pushing obese, I can still find attractive because of other qualities.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
-Pseudo-agnostic "I SPiRTaUL!" type people
-Right leaning politics

Farther than stars

New member
Jun 19, 2011
bigsby said:
I have three, and I expect alot of flame for the first one but whatever:
1. Religious: and I don´t mean fundamentalist religious, just religious, as in believing in a god of some kind
2. High Maintenance
3. Overly clingy
Nope, no flame. That wouldn't make any sense either, because love and attraction are completely relative and as with free will nobody else should enforce their standards on them. So I won't. But it did make me laugh though, because with an overwhelming majority of the world being Christian, let alone religious, I can see you having a pretty hard time finding a suitable partner. XD


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Kahldris71 said:
I have to say, Clinginess?. It?s the one thing i can?t tolerate. I can tolerate an annoying laugh or a religion as long as they don?t try to force it on me. For example i dated a woman, who i was quite happy with for the first month. Until she got clingy... to the point of calling my cell phone while i was in the washroom. To tell me she missed me. For context, she was in the living room watching TV, and i had only been gone for about 3 minutes. I draw the line at potty calls.
As he said. That and being a complete bogan...


New member
Jan 15, 2010
Every other response has intelligence as criteria. Funny enough, a guy once said he'd totally make a move for me "if I wasn't too smart for him".
o_O Never did get the real reason.

I won't list smoking, religious fundamentalism or such as those things tend to come up before the deal-breaker phase in a crush. There's less obvious things like

*Being manipulative/submissive - if I ask you a question, I want to know what you think, not what you think I want to hear.

*Being violent - there is no excuse.

OP: I know what you mean. I met my friend's boyfriend for the first time at her birthday party. She pretty much greeted us with the guy's hand down her blouse. All through the evening he just couldn't keep his hands to himself. I propably had my "are you serious?!" face on the whole time. Aimed at my friend, she could do better.


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
Proverbial Jon said:
thenumberthirteen said:
Cheating. I hate it when a girlfriend cheats on me loads. A little bit can be ok, but if it's every night with a different person then that's where I draw the line.
Wait, what? You're okay with being cheated on "a little bit"? What does that even mean? Surely you either cheat on someone or you don't. There's no half meassures... at least not in my world.

I know a lot of girls who seem to consider kissing another guy doesn't count as cheating. Umm, you put your tongue in his mouth, you made a conscious choice to do so and therefore you were not being faithful to me. That's cheating and that's an absolute no no for me.
I define "a little bit" by both amount and severity, but the main way is by intent, and the emotions felt. I'm ok with my girlfriends going out and kissing people, or even sleeping with someone. Provided she's honest about it, she still loves me and wants to be with me, and she's not having a serious relationship with that person. It's ok to have some fun every so often. We're young.

This is something that never really came up until I went out with a girl who had some serious sexual issues, and would, basically, sleep with anything that moved. The relationship we had was different. We stayed together for a few months, and I helped her through her self image issues (which lead to anorexia, alcohol, drug abuse). I knew she was sleeping around A LOT, it was no secret, but I knew it was a symptom of her problems. I told her it was ok, and by bringing it out in the open (she knew I knew of course, but it went unsaid) I got her to be sure to be careful and to use protection (I was really worried she'd end up catching HIV or something). We broke up because she suffered from really bad mood swings, and I couldn't take her throwing everything back in my face all the time. Last I herd her parents were looking to get her sectioned. I sure know how to pick 'em :)

My point is that as long as I know that I come first in her heart, and she loves me then I'm ok with that.

I, of course, don't take my personal standpoint as an excuse for me to sleep around in a relationship.


New member
Jan 30, 2008
Also smoking. I already have enough trouble breathing, I don't need to be inhaling toxic smoke all the time.