What is your GOTY so far?


New member
May 26, 2011
Hrm... Difficult choice. Since the year isn't technically over yet, this is tentative, but I'm going to have to go on a limb and say it's either Dishonored or ME3.

ME3 mainly because I just love the universe and how amazingly the story is told (up until the end, at least...)

Dishonored is for the universe it's set it and how generally fun the mechanics are. The kind of whale-punk (that's my name for it, now) style it has is really cool, and it's always satisfying to blink right behind a guard, stab them in the neck, and watch their body disappear.

So, unless anything major comes out in the next couple of months, that's it.


New member
Jan 23, 2011
Spec Ops: the Line by a long way. Gameplay wasn't up to much, but everything else more than made up for it.


Senior Member
May 25, 2009
Assuming that Skyrim doesn't count, I've only played 3 games released in 2012: Mass Effect 3, Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2. I would pick ME3 as my default GotY, as the other 2 ended up being disappointing in my opinion.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
Mass Effect 3, Dishonored, Dragon's Dogma and Borderlands 2 are on my list. Ask me on a different day, you'll get a different answer. Right now, probably Borderlands 2. That said, I'm waiting on Assassin's Creed 3, AC liberty, Halo 4 and Black Ops 2.


New member
Nov 29, 2008
I'm on a limited budget; I wait till GOTY editions come out & drop to $20. This means that I'm still playing last years games.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
That I've played and finished?

Story: Spec Ops or Walking Dead

Gameplay: X-Com

All around: Dark Souls PC

Dark Prophet

New member
Jun 3, 2009
Mass Effect 3 or Borderlands 2 although I kinda think it's going to be ME3 because I'm going single player only and Borderlands 2 has sort of neglected single player, I still had fun with it but not as much as I hoped and also the leviathan dlc for ME3 looks pretty sweet. There are a few games that could possibly dethrone ME3 Spec Ops, Dishonored and Xcom Enemy Unknown.


New member
Nov 25, 2010
I don't rally know what my game of the year is. Haven't really been playing that much this year, don't really know why. I think it's because there isn't any game this year that have really caught my attention.
I would have to say Torchlight? I don't know, I really liked the game but i haven't had much time to play. (DAMN YOU HOMEWORK!)

When i get the money I will buy Dishonored though, that looks really interesting.


Mar 7, 2012
Max Payne 3.

God damn that slow-mo shooting was appetizing.

Judging by these posts, I really need to play Spec Ops: The Line.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
This will probably change by the year's end, but for now, it's:

1) FTL
2) Borderlands 2
3) Torchlight 2
4) X-COM: Enemy Unknown
5) Quantum Conundrum
6) Kid Icarus: Uprising

The biggest wildcard for me right now is (no, not CoD4.5) Starbound.
Tiy stated that the game is in a very playable state, and is aiming for a release by year's end.

All the other wildcard games were on the 3DS, and have been punted into 2013; assuming they even see release outside of Japan at all. Way to support your new handheld Nintendo; it really makes me want to keep buying your systems. :/

EDIT: I see a lot of Mass Effect 3s. While those are perfectly valid opinions, it does strike me as odd given the EPIC bitchstorm we endured earlier this year.


New member
Aug 4, 2011
Pandora's Tower

I'd say its as good as Shadow of the Colossus as the bosses are all interesting and the ending twist wasn't expected. I don't even have to look at the previous posts to know that I'm probably the only one who has said it is their favourite game this year so far. Underrated Wii Gem. I still want to try Xenoblade and The Last Story but I doubt they'll top it for me.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
Here are my contenders so far:

Mark of the Ninja: great stealth game whose only real flaw is that a lot of buttons do more than one thing (like how B picks up a body AND lets you hide, leading to situations like a guard seeing you dragging a body and attacks you).

Dishonoured: also a great game, love the emphasis on using magic. However, the game IS very short. I complete a run in which I killed nobody, was never detected AND got at least 75 percent of runes and bone charms in under 10 hours. (Yes, Mark of the Ninja is ALSO that short, but it's also cheaper and made by 11 people rather than hundreds. Also, Mark of the Ninja has more replay value thanks to the different suits)

XCOM: Enemy Unknown: while I haven't played any of the older XCOM games, I had a BLAST with this. While some people find chance-based game-play stupid, I think it only serves to make the game more tense, though it does lead to situations where all your men die in one turn due to unfortunate events involving exploding cars.

Torchlight II: while Torchlight I was good, Torchlight II was AMAZING. It is the best kind of sequel, in that it used the original as a jumping off point. I don't really have a major complaint with this one, just a few minor ones here and there. All in all, great game.

I think I'm leaning more towards XCOM, only because it was the only game that really made me lose track of time. While Dishonoured is amazing, I couldn't play more than three hours at a time without deciding to take a break (this is because of the fact that you had to return to the Pub after beating a mission, which stupidly broke up the action).

I should mention that I haven't gotten around to playing Spec Ops: The Line or Borderlands 2 yet, but from what I hear, they will probably also end up on my list of contenders once I play them.


New member
Dec 11, 2011
If Far Cry 3 menages to do everything I belive it will do it's very close in battle with Dishonored and XCOM. Also I liked Gus Guzzlers: Combat Carnage (if anyone ever heard of that) becouse it's a game from my contury :p and for a indie game it really has good graphics (gameplay is kinda flatout+carmagedon).