What is your Scar?


New member
Nov 17, 2008
I have a scar on my right eyebrow from running into a car, a scar on my right pointer finger from getting it impaled with a bike cog, a scar on my knee from a old crappy bed. I'm sure I have more I just don't remember.

Oh yeah a big scar on my back from a cyst being removed.


New member
May 14, 2010
Forehead ? Small dent from baseball bat to the head, accidental.

Right forearm ? hooked my arm on a nail sticking out of a door and ripped some skin (very strange looking).

Right forearm ? dog bites (not as bad as it seems, dog just freaked out).

Right hand between thumb and index ? strange bee sting.

Right foot ? burn mark (I used to like melting BIC pens with lighters over the toilet as a kid. would make swirly blue and white islands on the water, once hot plastic landed on my foot.)


New member
Apr 2, 2010
First off, my both hands are covered in scars from a lifetime of carpentry and all kinds of handy work. Doesnt hurt, most of them arent too visible, and they are nice memories. Aah, the time I cut off the tip of my left ring finger with a one-handed axe. Good times.

Really, they are nice memories. Anyone who enjoys the same things I do will probably agree.

On to a bigger scar. When I was about 9, for some reason I was standing on the toilet seat. Then, magically, gravity decided to show up and I fell and hit my head on the sink, so now I have a scar running across. Mind you, it's completely covered up by hair, but still. Damn sinks.

EDIT: and oh yeah, an embarrasingly large number of cuts from playing the skipping-between-the-fingers-with-a-knife game. Whatever it's called.

EDIT EDIT: And then that scar beside my right eyebrow. No idea where that one came from.

EDIT EDIT EDIT: A large cut in my hand from sharpening my father's katana. If one wants to learn, one has to try. And making mistakes is a great way of learning. Just ask my hands.


New member
Dec 14, 2010
I am without awesome scars because I have older siblings that went through the crazy accidents, so I never went through them myself. My older brother has a pretty cool one on his knee from getting it caught on a fence a while back(like when he was a kid, probably about decade ago) in a game of hide 'n seek.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
One on the back of my skull, one on my chin, one on my left elbow, and a small one on my bollocks (do not ask how that happened...)


New member
Oct 24, 2009
I have a scar on my leg which my mum done to me.

One night, I was about 8 or 9 at the time. I was lying watching TV on the floor downstairs. My mum came down, and without me noticing, put my hamster on my back. As soon as Hammy's claws tickled, I wriggled around laughing. Sadly I rolled straight onto my mum's VERY Sharp long toenail. Gashed a large chunk from my leg. Which she then took me upstairs, put the hamster away, and dared to pour SALT onto my bleeding wound. Jesus i'll never forget the pain.

Ace of Spades

New member
Jul 12, 2008
I have probably the lamest scar ever. One of my friends was helping me draw something when we were kids, and I accidentally stabbed myself in the palm with a pencil. I remember my CCD teacher said that it looked like I had been crucified, but it was a lot less impressive than it sounds. All I have to show for it now is a tiny white mark on my right hand that's barely visible.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
i got a scar on my finger and thrumb when i my father ran over my hand when i was little in a lawnmower... (im not joking) :/


New member
Nov 30, 2009
I have two circular scars on my knuckles. The one on my index finger was 2 years earlier from the first. They both look the same, other than the second one being on my middle finger's knuckle. I got them in the same location by the same person.

Indian Knife fighting can get really violent.

He cheated.


New member
Jan 26, 2011
i got to much scars to begin counting mainly due to me getting into fights with people provoking me. mainly one on my left fore arm. a dude hit me there, with a stick with nails hammered into it.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Got my head slammed against a glass table by my brother.

Got stitches in my nose and above my eye for that one. The ones on my nose look like a Nike sign.


New member
Oct 1, 2010
I have a scar on the back of my right hand from blocking a kick to my face when I should have just moved. Oh yeah, did I mention that the scar was from my two front teeth? XD

I also have a scar on my right shoulder from a jealous bf who caught me making out with his girl and tried to stab me. ...Well, I guess to be fair, he did, he just didn't kill me like I'm sure he was hoping to.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
I cut my thigh(almost hitting a major artery) with a box cutter, one on the back of my right hand from a hard plastic box, long scars on each of my forearms from some snot-nosed kid who didn't like me and various little work-related ones.


New member
Jun 2, 2008
One on my thumb where I broke my arm and the bone popped through, 2 above my lip in a cross - Horizontal one from bouncing on my bed and having my teeth pop through my lip when I fell off - Vertical from falling over a wall and splitting it.

Also have a 7 inch scar on my leg from a compound tib + fib fracture and bone once again popping through my leg.

I am horrendously accident prone :'(

Au Naturel.

New member
Apr 4, 2010
I have a scar hidden by my right eyebrow that I recived when running in the hallway with the power out as a child, and running full speed into my brother, causing the right side of my head to cave in at my eyebrow, the point of impact. The blood ruined my then favorite shirt, as I had to cut it off of me...


New member
Jan 13, 2010
Rusman said:
I knelt on a glass bottle in a club while slightly drunk once, took me 15 minutes to start realize that my leg felt wet, lifted up my trouser leg and blood was (thinned do to drinking) gushing from a cut just below my knee cap.

Thing that made me laugh most was that I went over to my mates who were dancing to The Prodigy at the time and said that I had to get a to a hospital in case I needed stitches or anything and one said, fine yeah lets go, the other said "Hang on I just want to finish listening to this song." Great, not like I'm in a hurry or anything.

Went to hospital, got bandaged (didn't need stitches) checked the time, 1am; "Back to the club then?" ended up staying out till about 4 and having my leg hurt like a ***** in the morning.
Please tell me it was the Prodigy song "take me to the hospital" ?


Paragon Printer
Nov 28, 2010
TitanAtlas said:
i mean i got a scar on my knee from falling from my bike
Got that one. Fell of my bike and cut my knee open on the chain (I think). Got small burn scars up my arms from work related accicidents (I'm an engineer oboard merchant ships). And also got a scar on my left leg but haven't a scooby how it got there xD