What is your Scar?

Your Nightmare

New member
May 28, 2010
A piece of glass went through the middle of my hand, just got this scar in the centre of my palm.

And I slipped on a doorstop and smashed my nose on some concrete :l
Now it's disjointed to the right and slightly bent ):

Also got scars on my knee where I was just running around outside and slipped. God knows why I still have them, I always used to think they were stones lol


New member
Aug 20, 2009
a scar near my right eye I got it when I ran head first in a tabble corner I also cant blink my right eye (strangley enough I can close it when I close both of them)


Enlightened Dispenser Of Truth!
Feb 4, 2010
A 60mm X 30mm[footnote]2 and a bit " X something < 1" for Imperialists[/footnote] keloid scar on my right shoulder from a surgery gone wrong. Makes it fun to wear a backpack or things like it. Also, lots of tiny versions on my hands, arms, and legs. When I say tiny, I mean it's difficult to distinguish from mild acne on inspection.

EDIT: Just to prove I didn't misread the topic, the smaller ones are mostly caused by papercuts and the like. See? Accidental. :p


New member
Jun 5, 2010
I got part of my cheek torn out with a rusty nail when I was 6 or 7 years old. I have a scar on my knee from when I had an infected cut, that ended in a large ball of, for lake of a better word, pus. I took a knife and physically cut it out, leaving a ring-shaped scar on my knee. I've got 16 scars on my fingers from various injuries. As you can tell, I scar pretty easily.


New member
Jan 7, 2008
I have one on my forearm from getting burned with an iron when I was 5 or 6 years old.
I have one on my index finger from cutting it with a butterfly knife (pretty deep, I could see my bone through the cut).
I have one on my middle finger knuckle from when I tried to punch my brother and ended up punching the sharp corner of a desk (don't ask).
I have several on both my hands, probably from wrestling.
I have one on my forearm and my ass from when I wiped out while dirt-biking.
And there's a bunch on my knees and legs, also probably from wrestling.

Yea I have a lot of scars...


New member
May 20, 2010
I've got a scar on my forehead, since I was 5 years old. I hit a metal container pretty hard with my head when I tripped on some sort of a branch. Or so I am told. I don't really remember.

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
Scar on my left index finger from a bandsaw in Shop class.

It was the one in the back. The evil one.


Kid makes a post...
Jun 1, 2009
Loads of minor scars. But when my hand heals up, I'm going to have some crazy scarring along my three main fingers.


New member
Jun 28, 2010
I've got scars pretty much on every part of my bodey, but who doesn't?
I've got a couple that really bugs me though.
One is on my left hand, right below the knuckle of my indexfinger and just above the base of my thumb. I got that one from getting my hand stuck in a BB-gun(12 years). (Don't ask how...)
One on my left knee, smack dab down on the top of it. Got that from slipping on a crossingstripe on the road att my grandmothers'(12 years).
One on my left forearm (many on my left side... Coincidense?) that's from a computer of all things...(10 years).
And one last that really bugs me: One on my back that goes right over my spine, right about the center of my back. The thing that bugs me about this scar is the fact that I don't know when I got it...(??? years).


New member
Oct 19, 2010
scar on my polse (english word? the part seperating your arm from your hand)

got it playing with those things in a playing garden... tottaly unclear post, but nvm


New member
Nov 2, 2010
Scar on my knee from god knows what, scar above my right eye from head on head collision with a friend, scar on my head from a particularly nasty 80 pound metal cover, several small scars on my forearms....
Xojins said:
I have one on my forearm from getting burned with an iron when I was 5 or 6 years old.
Same thing happened to me at that age, except i burned the palm of my hand. Strangely enough, no scarring.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
I have a big scar on my right foot. I was running barefoot outside and my a huge chunk of the top of my foot got ripped off and onto a pipe that was sticking out of the ground (hidden by grass)


New member
Jan 22, 2011
Got one on the lower left side of my abdomen from when I was ten. I saw a dead tree, I climbed the dead tree, and I paid for my stupidity when a branch snapped and I got stabbed in the side by it.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
I have a perfectly circular scar on my right leg. I woke up crying one night and discovered an absolutely bloody massive blister on my leg - rushed to hospital yadda yadda, doctors were baffled but gave me some antibiotics, sent me home and told me to come back if there was any change (for the worse). Blister died down after a week or so, and I have scar to remind me.

How I got the phantom blister is something we will never know.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
I have two fun scars. A scar on my knuckle from knocking a child's tooth out with my fist.

...We were both six and he had a wobbly tooth. I can't remember if we had a fight or I was just dancing enthusiastically.

Second scar in an inner-scar...in that it's on the inside of my face when I got punched by a random lad I'd never seen before. What goes around comes around.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
my fingertips are covered in little scars from climbing trees and stuff, I think i've got 2 under my hair from cracking my head open on the edge of a slide, I assume they are still there but I haven't seen them since I got them so I'm not sure.

Steve Fidler

New member
Feb 20, 2010
Fell off a dresser onto a train set and cut my nose where it meets my face, and had that 'flap' hang open for a few days while it healed rather than get stitches.

I have several on my hands from various dog bites, cat attacks, and ex-girlfriends (seriously.)

I have one on my back that I have no idea where came from, might have been a stretch mark from a growth spurt that healed to look like a scar.

I have one on my chest from a jellyfish sting that appears to have healed but I can still see it since I had to stare at it for years... might be phantom scar syndrome I don't know.

And the obvious ones on my legs/knees/etc from childhood. Biking, sports, climbing, etc.