What is your Scar?


New member
Nov 8, 2007
I've got two on my face.

One is in the corner of my eye, from when I fell out of my bed as a toddler and landed on a toy island. The one above my lip was caused when my little brother got mad and threw a video cassette at me (still in the box).


Not Dead Yet
Jan 7, 2009
I've got a scar on my right palm, from where I learnt that glass is sharp. And one on my head from a school fight. My most recent one is from when I was fourteen and cut the tip of my finger off.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
Shirokurou said:
I've got a katana scar. No shit.
My dad received one as a present and most of the time it stood along with the interior. But I liked to whip it out and act all cool with it.
So one time I decided to throw it up in the air and catch it again. Catch it I did, right on the blade (not far from the hilt).
Had my hand sewn back by a surgeon in a hospital (after waiting for like 20 minutes). I narrowly avoiding cutting the tendons on my hand, so I didn't lose use of it.

But I have this sleek scar going between my right thumb and index finger.

But whenever I say, "Oh it's a scar from a samurai sword." People usually think I bullshit them.



Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
I have a small scar on my forehead from the Chicken Pox. That's it.



New member
Aug 6, 2010
Both elbows have at least 3 scars since I loved rollerblading and biking as a kid (still do) without pads
One scar on each hand between the knuckles of my thumb and first finger
- One on the right hand from a small digging probe that archeologists use, that I accidentally plunged into my hand while at Royal Tyrell Museum some... 8-9 years ago?
- One on my left hand, in about the same spot, from a sparkler ember that hit my hand and hurt like the dickens
Both knees have scars (less noticeable) from rollerblading/biking without pads
I think thats all.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Subtle small scars (you'd only notice them if you look closely/they're pointed out for you) underneath my eye ('bout two cm or so) from a fight which involved mail-boxes being used as melee/ranged weapons, and a nice huge one on my right knee from me tripping and having to sew together an open wound.

Nothing serious.

8-Bit Grin

New member
Apr 20, 2010
I have a single scar on my head, the size of a pencil, from accidentally impaling myself with a nail.


Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger
Nov 9, 2009
I have a scar down the back of my left hand from one of my more fractious canine patients, I have one on my head after cracking my head open on a table when I was about 5 (my hair covers that one), and I have four small scars on the back of my right wrist from the surgery I had.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
Scar on finger from scissors.

Scar covering two thirds the circumference of my ankle, from a rope burn...a skipping rope burn.
It got caught around my leg at the end of a PE lesson last year, and some person (still don't know who) decided it would be nice to keep pulling if the rope is caught on something.
I cried afterwards, and had an infected burn leaking puss into my shoe for a few weeks. Had to walk around with my trouser leg rolled up and with a plastic bag in my shoe, and painfully replacing my bandage everyday.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
I have 6 scars on my stomach from an operation. One looks like it could almost be a second belly button, the others look like someone stabbed me and then removed the knife the same way it went in. My shin has a "dent" in it from when I tripped on my cement back steps. I have another knife like scar on my left thumb from opening a bucket of salad at work (I work in a deli.) I was removing the tab on it to break the seal and it just didn't end the way I intended. I did it twice, same exact spot. Once it healed from the first time, I went and re-opened it. Another scar on my other thumb, same area, honestly can't remember what it's from. Small cut in my right ear where I got cut by airborne glass in the car accident I was in. My right calf has a scar just under the knee joint from where I walked into a cement planter when helping my friend move. I managed to walk almost perfectly around it with it going between my legs, not even realizing it was there until my right leg scrapped against it. That is about all that comes to mind.


New member
Aug 13, 2010
when i think about some of my scars i h=get a little nervous, most of them are on my left hand fingers,

left thumb: scar running from tip tp base of nail, i almost shaved the side of it off when i slipped with a box cutter

left index: scar running on the side warping around about 3/4 the the finger, i was cuing something and looked up at a distraction and slipped (again) the bone was visible.

left middle: scar on the top running across the knuckle, i slammed it in a car door, the scar was from an open would i got when i right my finger out of the closed door in shock, but the real injury was the broken finger i got, i was a freshman in highs cool, now i'm a senior and you can still see a bulge and it's still very sensitive.

so yeah thats the order i got them in it seems i've done something progressively worse as i go down the line to the next finger. i ten years i may not have a pinky.


New member
Oct 23, 2009
I have a prominent scar on my upper left arm about 1.5 inches long from a fight with my ex boyfriend. He chased me out of the house with a knife. Luckily police were already there and when he swiped at me a police woman pulled me away. Not quick enough to save me completely but if she hadn't I think I probably would have lost that arm : \

That was when I was 18 or so I think, don't think I have any from when I was a kid.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
When I was 2 I stuck my hand in the vacuum cleaner to get my sock out, the brushes tore the skin off the top of my middle finger on my right hand. Now I have a V that starts from either side of the first joint and meets halfway down the finger. I've always loved it.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
When i was about 5 or 6 years old, i went swimming in the local sportspark. Unfortunately for me, on the way out, a HUGE automatical iron door closed just as i was about to exit. I thought i could be quick enough to quickly grab it open, but i underestimated the weight of the door, and it continued with my hand still holding it. My finger was crushed.
Luckely, through reconstructive surgery and some excellent doctors who acted quick and smart, i recovered most of my thumb, Now it only looks a bit odd, but it works, and it doesn't hinder me from playing console games at all :)

Apart from that:
when i was 10, i got a bone deep scar on my my index finger from when i was cutting wooden stick. The knife slipped... (i was a scout for 7 years)
When i was 6, i got 3 scars on my scalp from when i hit my head on a concrete floor with pointy rocks. All the holes needed 3 - 5 stitches
I also have a scar the size of 4 keyboard keys on my left elbow from when i fell on my bike

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
TitanAtlas said:
so tell me dear escapists... what are your scars, and how did you made them?
I got 3 scars on my head for busting them open on 3 separate occasions.

The first 2 were just being a stupid kid and jumping on the bed.

The 3rd was when I was rollerblading, I almost ran into another skater and swearved out of the way only to have my head fall on the curb....I GOTS DAIN BRAMAGE! GOOGLY MOOGLY!!

Finally I got a scar right below my knee for falling on a gate rail and slicing my leg open straight to the bone. Quite a viceral image what with flesh dangling from my leg. The entire front half was split horizontally open.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
More than one.

The two people most notice are NOT from when I was a child; I have a very large pink scar on my inner forearm and on the opposite side of my forearm. It's from when a hunting knife went all the way thru my arm. It's frustrating because a lot of people assume it's a suicide attempt scar.

It's one of the few ways people tell the difference between me and my twin brother.

I have lots of small little pale scars all over my hands from when I worked on power tool and diesel engine repair, reaching into a 'bobcat' to pull out an impeller tends to knick your hands.

caspertjuhh said:
scar on my polse (english word? the part seperating your arm from your hand)

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
Palademon said:
Scar on finger from scissors.

Scar covering two thirds the circumference of my ankle, from a rope burn...a skipping rope burn.
It got caught around my leg at the end of a PE lesson last year, and some person (still don't know who) decided it would be nice to keep pulling if the rope is caught on something.
I cried afterwards, and had an infected burn leaking puss into my shoe for a few weeks. Had to walk around with my trouser leg rolled up and with a plastic bag in my shoe, and painfully replacing my bandage everyday.
DUDE!!! You're quite a soldier for putting up with that o_O

Me personally I have 3 scars on my head for busting them open on 3 separate occasions.

The first 2 were just being a stupid kid and jumping on the bed.

The 3rd was when I was rollerblading, I almost ran into another skater and swearved out of the way only to have my head fall on the curb....I GOTS DAIN BRAMAGE! GOOGLY MOOGLY!!

Finally I got a scar right below my knee for falling on a gate rail and slicing my leg open straight to the bone. Quite a viceral image what with flesh dangling from my leg. The entire front half was split horizontally open.