What MMO have you had the most fun in?


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
Well, MU Online introduced me to the genre but I don't think it's a great game since all you can do is grind, but the armours, weapons and wings look awesome so it made good inspiration.

I'm pretty sure the most fun I ever had with an MMO was with Lineage 2 the early chronicles, specifically before the 5th. Nice beautiful 3D world which sometimes reminds of SotC and good music too as well a crap load of classes to try out, it was the most popular MMO at the time. Couple of years before WOW, bots n' famers were just starting out but they didn't have a chance because the game hardly had any rules and the punishments were really brutal, so it was always fun to pick on jerks. There were even huge clans back then that specialized in destroying bots permanently, I got my fair share of blood.

Domehammer said:
WoW classic before all the expansions was so much fun. I never had as much fun as I did before the expansions and changes to game. Old 4-6 hour AV was greatest thing ever until it was ruined. Nothing in expansions has ever equaled enjoyment I got out of classic WoW.
Same here. I remember when the first expansion came in and there was a whole lot of things they changed that disturbed me, then I saw what they were doing with the 3rd installment and I just didn't bother at all. It's so unfortunate that games are more popular when they aren't nearly as challenging and rewarding for it.


Gloria ex machina
Sep 21, 2009
Sigh, so many people say Vindictus, completely ignoring the other shining gem developed by DevCat and published by Nexon. Mabinogi!

Seriously: No set classes, tons of varied and awesome skills, completely impossible to hit a level cap, and balanced gameplay. It is overlooked way to often.


Doctorate in Danger
May 29, 2010
Oh, well, GW2 will come sooner or later.

Sehnsucht Engel

New member
Apr 18, 2009
Sword of the new world. It's free, but I played it with some friends for like two months and it was a lot of fun. I haven't played since we all quit, but I still remember it.


New member
Nov 1, 2010
EVE Online. It's the only MMO I've ever actually payed a subscription for. I did try a 10-day trial for World of Warcraft, but it didn't really click with me. I also tried Runescape, but I found it even less enjoyable than WoW.


New member
Mar 19, 2008
I've played alot of MMO's including: EQ, EQ2, WoW, Aion, Rift, LoTRO, RoM, MS, RS, DDO, but Dark Age of Camelot wins my vote for favorite. The combat was a whole lot of fun getting together 40 people to go take over the 2 enemy factions fortresses out in the wilderness between the 3 kingdoms. Then for pure havok fun going on a PvP server... holy crap those were crazy anyone anywhere could attack you once you reached lvl 10.

I liked to take my Eldritch (super ranged spell caster with big nukes) that I only got to like lvl 13 sat on top of roofs in lvl 10 towns and just started blasting people. Noone bothered to level much after reaching 10 on pvp servers so being 13 was actually a fairly big advantage.

Annoying Turd

New member
Jul 3, 2009
Ultima Online and Asheron's Call

Eve online after both games bombed, but eve is too hardcore if you know what I mean.


New member
May 5, 2009
Guild Wars, while I was playing I put ridiculous hours in. And it wasn't spent grinding. No, in GW the cap was level 20 and you reached it quick. That's how good that game was. There was so much to do and it was so much fun to get parties together and do dungeons or take part in the hall of heroes or guildwars themselves.

Can't wait for GW2.


New member
Dec 10, 2008
Eve Online hands down. I played WoW, Everquest, DCUO and DaoC too but nowhere had i as much fun as in Eve.

Pretty much because i don't care about the Level-grinding and hours of Raids of other games, while Eve gives me lots of Opportunities in Pvp with a great community and ingame politics and economies i've never seen before.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
The old World of Darkness moderated chats set in New Bremen. I know, it was only a java chat, but it had a functioning game system underneath it and all the community activity you could hope for.


Jan 17, 2010
United Kingdom
World of Warcraft up until halfway through WotLK. I'm really looking forward to Guild Wars 2 and The Old Republic.

I recently tried Age of Conan since it's gone free to play but the free version is so severely limited it completely put me off. You can only choose 2 out of like 9 classes and the inventory space is reduced to 12 slots instead of like 20.

I also heard that even if you buy the expansion pack you can't play it as a free to play player, you still have to purchase a premium account to get access to an expansion pack you have already paid for. I don't really see the point of them making it free to play if they're going to cut out like half the content, It's more like playing an extra long trial.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
WoW, I'm ashamed to say. But its a love-hate relationship. Loved vanilla and Lich King. Hated Burning Crusade and Cataclysm. LotRO is ok, too. But I really have to be in the mood for that one.

Dr. wonderful

New member
Dec 31, 2009
Vindictus:The combat is fun as hell.You hadn't lived till you fucking powerbomb a gnoll through the ground.

Karok please:

That man is a fucking badass.

The other game is champion Online.

They just starting to have secret bases and one of them? It's on the moon.


New member
Jul 4, 2009
I would have to say City of Heroes, I've spent a lot of time in that game, and the community has turned me on to some of my other favorite pastimes. And now, even though I don't play that often, I have to keep my subscription up so that when an idea for a new character hits me I can log right in and get Kraken.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Let's see..

I've played Runescape, WoW, Planetside, Age of Conan, Requiem Bloodymare, LotR online, Dungeons and Dragons Online, SWG, Dungeon Fighter Online, All Points Bulletin, Vindictus and a bunch of f2p games that are easily forgettable for how bad they were. I tried one of the everquest games for about an hour or so at a friends house. Which one? I honestly do not remember.

Which one did I have the most fun in?

Well that's a tough one. Planetside's gameplay was quite entertaining and I would LOVE to see more games like it. Push button/receive bacon mmo's such as WoW, LotR:eek: and Requiem, I can honestly say I regret playing... Requiem being the worst out of those three. That gameplay mechanic is dull and mind numbingly boring (IN MY OPINION) but if I had to play one, it would definitely not be WoW, I don't feel the need to hand blizzard $15 for the same style of game play mechanics, questing system, and raiding content that I can easily get from a f2p game. While Requiem was utterly dull... I'd still play that over WoW. Atleast I know I'm paying a good price for that amount of dull entertainment.

Age of Conan put a twist on that with it's combat mechanics. I feel as though this twist was enough to keep me interested in quite a while, the music was... Let's just say I spent quite some time in zones I didn't even need to be in just because I wanted to soak up the music and the atmosphere. If I had to pay for a game of that style? I'd pay for AoC.

Ahh SWG... Of course I'm from the era of when the game was actually -GOOD-. Oh how I miss you. There was SO much you could do in this game, and never did I feel compelled to blow through the content just to get max level like I did with AoC and WoW. That says a lot actually. If people are plowing through your game just to get to the end game content... That speaks volumes about your game.

Vindictus. The combat system... I adore it. The game relies purely on instance based combat. It gets a bit grindy in terms of quests though, but with a somewhat of an understandable reason, for there are times in the game where players need to buff up a bit before getting put in a challenging boss fight. I understand it, but I still disagree with it. I feel that if you're taking a small jump in difficulty or level pre-req, then either add more content inbetween there to smooth things out, or give more xp earlier. DON'T nerf the boss, unless it there is no other choice and it is needed.

Dungeon Fighter Online, I was a big fan of the streets of rage game and other games like it back in the day. This game appeals to me in just that, and is incredibly fun when playing with a friend or 2. My biggest concern is the combo rating %. We have a basic idea of how it works, but the damn thing seems to have a mind of its own, and can be quite troublesome considering it is based on the group, not individual players. Quests that rely on getting a good combo rating in an instance end up being solo'd later on in the game. Which I feel is a major problem considering the game is supposed to promote team play.It is an mmo afterall.

Dungeons and Dragons online, you are a saint amongst mmo's my friend. You're not afraid to be challenging! You're not afraid of allowing players full customization of what their characters do or how they play. You're not afraid to have situations in the game that a certain character simply cannot handle alone. Your old school challenging features are a blessing in this modern day crowd of brainless nonsense!

All Points Bulletin Reloaded. I know you're still a beta, so I'm not giving up on you yet. Your a really fun game, your something I have never seen before when it comes to MMO's and your character creation is by far the best out there, but right now you have so many problems that I simply do not wish to play you because even thinking about playing you makes me annoyed. Here's hoping this changes.

Most fun I've had? It's a tough tough choice... DDO and DFO are fun as hell, DFO is action packed, but I think the reward has to go to SWG before they decided to take a dump on it. That game was a blessing. Too bad the people behind it are evil and like to ruin good things.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
I'll have to say Guild Wars has well..... ive played loads and loads of mmorpg's and MMO's, but the one i loved the most was guild wars... played the longest, had the most characters, wasted the most time on evolving and creating my heroes...

i love the asthetics of the game... and im really excited with GW2 considering i will be able to play has a charr (pyerce was my favourite hero and character on the whole game).

I especially loved the deep and strong story, has well has the designs of the world (monsters, bosses, creatures, players, clothes, weapons.... the whole business).

The only thing i hated was my inability to jump... wich is beeing solved on gw2 :D