What MMO have you had the most fun in?


New member
Nov 23, 2008
WoW easily. Nicest people I've met have been in that game... alot of the free to play MMO's I've spent time in have been littered with more douchebags.

It's no wonder I keep championing WoW, It's held the best social experiences. Coupled with the shed load of stuff to do...It sits at number 1 for me.

Even when I was guildless I always came across random people who wanted to help. And I don't hold much resentment against the opposite faction jumping on my ass, it brings the world to life rather than "Here's a douchebag adventurer doing the EXACT same thing you are just out to ruin your day for his amusement" rather they're killing you because you're at war for alot of complicated reasons.

Or allies in another situation...I think the craziest thing I ever saw was a group of alliance and horde going at it, while the Night elf druid and Tauren druid just kind of stared each other down for about 15seconds before deciding..."No..this feels wrong" and going off to attack someone else.
For those not in the know the druids have their own kind of 'faction' called the Cenarion circle, it was a cute piece of random honor-bound understanding that to this day makes me feel all fuzzy.

...All the us paladins on either side are douche bags. *sigh* We go out of our way to seek out the 'other' paladin and kick his ass. Bah.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
None really, they all have their shitty sides and good sides, none are that great when in the ring with real games, all have gimmicks to try and get super users, but all are = shittness O METER is right.

If I have to pick a good one, WOW, its probably the only one that is fun because of just being fun.

Brutal Peanut

This is so freakin aweso-BLARGH!
Oct 15, 2010
I had the most fun and best social experiences in World of Warcraft. I had played it from a few months after it's release, until about February/March - 2011. I tried Rift. It was alright. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it either. I think I pretty much just felt burnt out where MMORPGS were concerned.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
Tough call. Overall time invested and enjoyment goes to Guild Wars. However, I'm having a lot of fun with LOTRO now that it's F2P. Give me a few months and LOTRO might be the winner.


New member
May 2, 2011
My only real experience with MMO's are WoW and Champions Champions Online and honestly I'd have to say Champions was the better experience.

Warcraft may be a billion dollar empire with a massive world and huge player count but thats exactly the problem: I felt like just another player, almost robotic in the way that everything plays out. Not to mention (and apoligies in advance to any WoW nuts but you know its true) Warcraft has some of the most OBNOXIOUS people ever. Honestly, if your not the highest level, everyone above you will pretty much ignore your entire existance, treat you like scum almost. And even THEN, you need the highest possible gear before you gain any kind of respect at all. Sorry, but thats just too much work for me.

Now let's look at Champions Online, a game I've been at for the past couple of weeks since its release on Steam. With a really amazing level of customisation I actually feel like an individual, and I can have any name I like too given that people contact you through a different system. The world might be a lot smaller, you cant play as an "evil" class and theres a lot of copy paste levels, but theres a much friendlier community and that alone almost makes up for all the negativity.
Great people, amazing customisation and very interesting powers combine to make a fun little package you can even get into for free.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Liudeius said:
Probably MapleStory actually. The ENTIRE GAME sucks. I would make it my life's mission to burn every single copy of it if it were single player, but the community is so friendly. It is extremely easy to find cool guilds to join.

For actual gameplay, Runescape. It's the only MMO I've played in which quests are actually enjoyable, rather than just Kill/Loot Everything busy work, and a story line exists.
It's also the only MMO in which combat is not the entire focus. I think that's why it gets so much trash.
Add on that it is the least money grubbing MMO I've played, and that would be why I've been playing it for eight years.

H1N1 said:
The only mmo i've played is Vindictus and i really like its gameplay compared to most other mmo's.

edit: at least from what i've seen
"The only mmo i've played"
There's quite a flaw in your statement there...
I feel your pain bro, I wasted my entire summer back in grade six on Maplestory. Though it had a extremely friendly community (on the border of creepy-friendly but still...).


New member
Oct 15, 2009
World of Warcraft. My time with it came and went and I'm better off without I've grown and learn to stay away from MMORPG's that drain soul's daily.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
I had the most fun back in my EQ1 days. Vanilla WoW brought me a lot of joy to but that was all downhill after BC.


New member
Aug 24, 2010
World Of Warcraft. I've tried Eve Online, and that was fun, I've tried Tabula Rasa while it was still live, and it was kinda fun, and others. But really, World of Warcraft is the one that draws me back in every time. It's not perfect, but so far it's still the best we've got.


Cosmic Rays of Undeadly Fire
Nov 2, 2010
I played about a month in WoW and I think the combat is Bollocks.
Then I moved on to Pirates of the Caribbean online which was also, strangely, fun but limited, the ability to have a boat was excelent but the rest was bullshit.
Now I wait for the Old Republic and I play DDO. As a D&D player I think it stays on the right track from D&D the game.

In short, DDO is the most fun I've had in an MMO, that and, Club Penguin (^-^)


Fall in line!
Jun 16, 2011
That's a tough one.

I'm gonna have to say WoW, simply because I spent the longest total time playing it.

Earth & Beyond would be second I guess. I miss that game, despite its flawed combat and leveling systems. It would've made a great single-player game though.

I played a half dozen or so F2P MMOs but by then I was kinda burnt out on mumorpugers in general and everything seemed like little more than a grind machine. I also gradually came to the realization that I'm not social even in games so a social game like an MMO is just not for me.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
2xDouble said:
Tried Last Chaos... *shudder*. Seriously, don't play that game. Free to play and still overpriced.
Yeah thats just Aeria Games for you, the fucking KINGS of micro-transactions.

I suppose the most fun I've had with an MMO is probably old Runescape, pre-miniclip release... so many good memories being somewhat repressed by the fact RS is now one of the worst MMORPGs available :/

Same story with Grand Fantasia, in Open Beta and quite a few months past that it was an absolute blast... but it was a game by Aeria so it's now not possible to pass level 50 without dropping cash for 'optional' (*coughBULLSHITcough*) items.

I've dropped playing most MMOs recently... still play Eden Eternal occasionally but right now I'm just biding my time with Minecraft till something decent comes out.


New member
Jan 30, 2011
I've played a ton of MMOs, my number one would have to be DDO for it's immersive combat, along with a great difficulty curve. City of Heroes closely follows with the ability to make you feel like an actual superhero.


New member
Nov 16, 2008
Eve Online was fun, but every corporation had some dick that wanted to steal everything and screw everyone. I'm kinda looking forward to seeing them do the out-of-ship avatars.

Champions Online is the one I'm into right now. Lots of new content coming down the pipe, f2p is bringing in a ton of new players, and it's a pretty decent community, at least better than the ones I've seen in games like CoH and WoW.