What Movie/Game Secretly Made You Cry ?


New member
Apr 13, 2009
Harry and the Hendersons - Probably everything that happens from the scene where John Lithgow puts the Rifle Crosshairs straight on Harry's Head until the End Credits done by Joe Cocker. Probably one of few movies that will make me cry throughout the entire thing.

The Brave Little Toaster - The Toaster sacrificing himself to save his friends and master. Puts me on the edge of my seat every time.

The Never Ending Story - This one isn't even fair; I'm sure everyone has cried during
Artax's Death
, but the scenes that really did me in were when Atreyu talks to the Rock Biter, and he says the one line that makes me feel real sad:

They look like big, good, strong hands, don't they? I always thought that's what they were.
Of course, the whole movie had me in tears, and I can easily yell "Moonchild!" out of context, and certainly get some response from some people.

Wall-E - The Ending. I ran out of the theater, trying not to be seen, it worked.

Pineapple Express - I shed a tear when Seth Rogen is carrying James Franco out of a burning building, just because the score playing in the background is beautiful, amongst all the violence and chaos that happened.

A Scanner Darkly - Only because of the ending just before the credits. That movie works like depression medication for me; If I'm depressed, by the end I feel better, and if I feel better, I can get depressed real easily at the end.

E.T. - If you haven't seen it, I'm not gonna tell you.

Ghost - "I Love you". "Ditto". = Cheezy 90's Gold.

There are a lot more, but that is all from me for now.


New member
Jun 24, 2008
Both kingdom hearts just try to make you cry. For disney games they can be gloomy and yes I'm man enough to admit I did tear up it was just really sad.

As for Movies I cried at the end of Iron Giant (I don't care who you are that end is just way to depressing for a kidish movie). Armageddon's end was just down right sad and I did cry.


Elite Member
Oct 30, 2008
Thunderhorse94 said:
piers789 said:
Thunderhorse94 said:
piers789 said:
The ending of The Killing Fields got me the closest yet.

When Sidney meets up with Dith Pran after searching for years and John Lennon's Imagine is playing. *sniff*
Yeah our class recently watched it and while the ending didn't make me cry, I was pretty moved by it, then annoyed when people were complaining about having to "sit through that shitty movie"
May I ask what sort of age group are we talking here?
The movie itself, while not one of my all time favourites, is still, in my opinion, an excellent film. Possibly the middle of the film is a little drawn out and could have been shortened but I wouldn't call it 'shitty'. There is a lack of action but the film isn't about action, it's about friendship in war-torn Vietnam - which is why the ending moves me, it always gives me a lump in my throat.
The age group for my class is 14-15 years of age, and I think the problem was that there wasn't enough John Cena for their liking. There was even one girl who was laughing at the "dumb and ugly Cambodians".
I think your right, when I was 14/15 I probably wouldn't have thought much of the film. I suppose it's partly due to maturity and with that comes the ability to appreciate things (that you may not normally like) more.

Circus Ascendant

New member
Jul 9, 2008
I cried at both Transformers films.

No, not because they were awful - I don't think they were.

It was just an emotional moment for me, in the first one when they all meet Spike (His name is SPIKE, not Sam) and transform for the first time, when they're all getting owned in the city and Prime shows up and you know everything will be okay and during Prime's final speech. In the second one I got close a few times but only actually got there when Jetfire broke himself down for parts to make Prime uber.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Braveheart: The final word uttered by Mel Gibson
FFX: When Tidus holds Yuna from behind with "To Zanarkand" playing in the background (I'm listening to this now)
Saving Private Ryan: When the medic dies
Serenity: Sheppard and Walsh made me tear up

Any movie with moving speeches on Freedom and fighting for what you believe in make me go a big rubbery one

Insert Comedy Here

New member
May 22, 2009
Reading this thread made me realize, I haven't cried in a long, long time. This isn't through some pseudo-macho "If I cry, I'm a gay, girly man" thing, it's more or less through emotional deadening.
The last time I remember crying was Titanic, sure, during the montage where the poorer people, or the noble ones stay behind and die. God speed you fantastic musicians.
But now, every time I see something that would force a man to his knees with sobs, it just stuns me.
For example, the twin Doujins by bleedman, PPGD and Grim Tales.

The whole emotional conflict of Deedee dying, and MinnieMandy sacrificing her powers and being generally selfless to Junior.
::End Spoilers::

It reminds me of my relations with my sisters. It drove deep because, I usually express a lot of disdain for them. But it would tear me apart if I ever had to see them die.
It's sort of separating yourself from your emotions to spare yourself the pain, and it's possibly one of the most selfish options a person can do.

Ace of Spades

New member
Jul 12, 2008
Twilight_guy said:
Toy story 2. Shhh! Don't tell anyone.
Also, the book Where the Red Ferns Grow has the saddest ending ever. It made me cry.
I read that book for school in fifth grade, and you're not alone.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
I haven't read through all 8 pages of the thread but if it hasn't been mentioned before, I have always (and will always say) that:

Patch Adams
Brian's Song

Will undoubtedly make someone cry unless they are made of stone.


New member
Jan 22, 2009
When I was younger, the scene in Robocop when Murphy is gunned down made me cry. Also, the episode in Futurama when Fry finds his dog.
Apr 28, 2008
barryween said:
I didn't cry, but almost at the end of Gran Torino. I won't tell why, but, It was really sad.
dude, I'm with you there, man that was sad

For me, other than near the end of Grand Torino, it was the futurama episode with fry's dog, sure eeveryone already said it but I don't care, I cried

And during the beginning of Up and a few times near the middle. He was just an old guy trying to fufill a loved one's dream, he didn't deserve half the stuff that happend to him.

As for a game, I woudl say Fable 2 when my dog died. Sure, it wasn't the greatest game, but no game has ever made me feel for a virtual dog the way I felt for mine in Fable 2 :(


New member
Apr 17, 2008
Irridium said:
barryween said:
I didn't cry, but almost at the end of Gran Torino. I won't tell why, but, It was really sad.
dude, I'm with you there, man that was sad

For me, other than near the end of Grand Torino, it was the futurama episode with fry's dog, sure eeveryone already said it but I don't care, I cried

And during the beginning of Up and a few times near the middle. He was just an old guy trying to fufill a loved one's dream, he didn't deserve half the stuff that happend to him.

As for a game, I woudl say Fable 2 when my dog died. Sure, it wasn't the greatest game, but no game has ever made me feel for a virtual dog the way I felt for mine in Fable 2 :(
Yeah Fry's dog was sad. But what I thought was MORE sad was that one episode Fry thinks his brother stole his identity and was the first man on Mars and it turns it it was his brother's son (or Fry's nephew) and Fry's brother named him after Fry because his brother loved him so much... It was sad. For a video game I'd have to say... hm.... I haven't played to many "sad" video games... When the Big Boss betrays Naked Snake in the begining of MGS3 I felt kinda sad for Snake... But that's about it...


New member
Feb 11, 2009
ldbmikey86 said:
First, I've never cried or even came close to doing so until watching these two movies. No videogames have made me feel as strongly (although, Silent Hill 2 and 3 have come close).

- The part towards the end of Reign Over Me, when Adam Sandler's character opens up to his parents.

- and pretty much the entire last half of Marley & Me
Damn do you have no soul!
Senial said:
I teared up in the first Pokemon movie when pikachu was zapping ash even though he was dead(kinda). But that was when I was 11, I might laugh if I saw it today.
yeah i was upset at this aswell....but then again i was 6.....but im sure if i watched it today i'd cry my behind off.