What old games can still stand against new titles?


New member
Feb 6, 2008
Nutcase said:
I didn't know you meant the Gameboy version. That's why I checked out Wikipedia myself to find out what the real original/port/derivative situation was. I never played much of the game, I think I have tried NES and (some) PC version.
Apologies; I thought you were being sarcastic.
Even if the Arika TGM games have this infinite spin (?) feature, surely they don't look easy.
The problem is that without infinite spin levels as fast as those would be completely impossible; the bricks would just land with no time to respond. With infinite spin you can just keep rotating the block after it's landed, allowing you to maneouvre it into a space. So you can get faster levels, though it just feels wrong to me when playing it. Thus while it's not necessarily easy, it does make it easier.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Super Mario All Stars, Super Metroid, Legend of Zelda: OoT/Link to The Past/Link's Awakening, FFVII to mention a few. For me, it feels like games have gotten worse with times, less great games have been released. Oh sure, you'll find some top-notch games eventually, but nothing can beat the older games of the past. Or maybe I'm just nostalgic.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Planescape Torment, Freespace, Roller Coaster Tycoon, etc. There's plenty of them.


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Jun 19, 2008
Metal Gear Solid 2 (And 3 if that's considered old enough)
Final Fantasy IV&VII
Warcraft III


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Lukeje said:
Nutcase said:
I didn't know you meant the Gameboy version. That's why I checked out Wikipedia myself to find out what the real original/port/derivative situation was. I never played much of the game, I think I have tried NES and (some) PC version.
Apologies; I thought you were being sarcastic.
Even if the Arika TGM games have this infinite spin (?) feature, surely they don't look easy.
The problem is that without infinite spin levels as fast as those would be completely impossible; the bricks would just land with no time to respond. With infinite spin you can just keep rotating the block after it's landed, allowing you to maneouvre it into a space. So you can get faster levels, though it just feels wrong to me when playing it. Thus while it's not necessarily easy, it does make it easier.
OK, it's just a different kind of hard then.

Tetris looks like a natural fit for a joystick. That's another reason besides the appearance of the game why I would specifically like to try an arcade version.

I found this helpful wiki [http://tetrisconcept.net/wiki/Main_Page]. The amount of detail is nuts. :)


New member
Jul 7, 2009
Quake 3 arena.

I will always remember the voice saying Quad Damage for the rest of my life.


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
Besides the bloody obvious Morrowind:

- Railroad Tycoon 2. Better than RRT3, better than Sid Meier's crash-to-desktop Railroads!
- Port Royale 2. Just came out on Steam at only $5. Better than Sid Meier's Pirates remake (now keep in mind I'm a Firaxis fan, lest you think I'm just bagging on Meier).
- Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. For my money it's better than Civ 4.
- Final Fantasy VI. Far and away the best-written game of all time. I usually hate JRPGs but FF6...just, wow.
- Rome: Total War. Holds its own against Medieval II and Empire, still ranks #1 on my all-time list of greatest games.
- Chrono Trigger. Speaking of old JRPGs that proved their greatest strength in their masterful writing. Fans have been arguing for years which is better, CT or FF6. Unlike most fanboy arguments, it's never about "your game sucks", but more like arguing the comparative merits of mind-blowing sex and great barbecue.


New member
Jul 8, 2008
Amnestic said:
I'm actually mildly surprised -and pleased- no one mentioned Ocarina of Time.

KotOR, Starcraft (Just visit Korea!), Warcraft 3 multiplayer (DotA <3).

Dammit =_= Someone would post Ocarina of Time while I was writing this. Sod's goddamn law.
Well, actually he said Orcania of Time so you kind of beat him in that sense. :p

[small]and I thought you didn't like that game...[/small]

GodsOneMistake said:
Super Mario
I have to disagree. Sure it started one of the best franchises ever but the levels are repetitive as hell and it's hard to beat in one sitting unless you've played it a thousand times. Super Mario 3 doesn't stand up much either. Unless one is willing to sit and play a game for hours on end they are never going to complete the game, unless - like I said - one has played it a thousand times.


New member
Apr 19, 2009
Psychonauts (not really old, but whatever), Super Mario 64, Neverwinter Nights, Black and White, and Diablo 2 come to mind.


New member
May 20, 2009
Morrowind, Thief 2, Monkey island series, Deus Ex, Vampires the masquerade:Bloodlines, Day of the tentacle, Baldur's Gate series, Diablo series .... The list goes on