What Race Do You Use In Skyrim? [And Why]


make cupcakes not bombs
Sep 14, 2008
Breton. i started off as a pure mage, but then got detracted by the shiny goodies* of the stealth class and archer. So now most of my battles are like this:

sneak near base-> archer off the lone guards-> sneaky into base->stealth stabbing-> AH! spotted-> CHAIN LIGHTING PEW PEW

*shiny goodies seens like a bad thing for a stealth class to have

PS: would someone please mod a batman armour in please


New member
Apr 11, 2011
Gotta go Argonian for one simple reason, under water breathing for example.

"Oh no- I'm being chased by a blood dragon, hey look a giant camp next a lake."
I just dive in, wait it out and kill the winner.


New member
Mar 16, 2009

With dragonskin and the natural 25% resistance, plus the extra resistance you can get from alteration, ill be pretty much immune to magic.

Also ill be ice spearing people from the shadows, stealth mage style.

By the end of this game i will dominate every single organization i can join. Yes, even the bards college.

Dragons will fear my powerful spell-blade-thief-assasin-bard.

Shoot ice swords from the shadows while singing songs about the injustice of Breton courts or something.


New member
Mar 19, 2011
I have usually played an Argonian in ES games, purely so I can take underwater short-cuts without drowning.

In Skyrim though I am playing a Redguard. I have no specific reason for this other than "not an argonian for once" and the choice was essentially random. Seems to be working ok for me so far though.


New member
Jul 18, 2009
My character is a stealthy, kleptomaniacal, Boethiah championing, blacksmithing, Imperial-allied, Redguard/Australian Aboriginal archer and sword-and-boarder named "Prisoner" (I accidentally skipped the initial naming process).

Ugliest bastard in Tamriel I think.

tobi the good boy

New member
Dec 16, 2007
Zarkov said:
mParadox said:
Nord. Destruction mage and one handed weaponry with Heavy Armour. o_O

Skyrim is my entry into the series so, I decided to start as the most human thing, Nord. Also, I like having fireballs in one hand and a sword/mace in the other. :D

Imperials are the "humans" of the game, although you can basically argue that for any of the human looking races except Bretons because they are half elf and thus great for spell-casting.

Happy skyrim playing!
Not exactly, The Bretons are humans with Mer ancestry very different from half-elves. By all rights they're human's it's just they're ancestors liked boinking elves.


New member
Nov 19, 2011
I play as a Khajiit, because of the night eye skill; but also because my first char in Oblivion was an archer female Khajiit, so in Skyrim I did the same kind of character.

The only differences between both Khajiits, it's that in Skyrim I leveled up conjuration so I can summon my own Bow with 100 Arrows at little mana Cost for 3 minutes. That bow hits really hard on low level, and captures souls automatically; that and the shout to disarm enemies and good level of sneaking made my character really powerful, no need for companions except for carrying my stuff =D


Local Cat
Aug 15, 2008
At first I went with an Argonian mage, solely for the fact that I could refer to him as a "Lizard Wizard"

Then I went with a sneaky Khajiit archer who punched stuff to death when things went tits up.

Now I'm more actively playing a Redguard dual-wielding swordy-person, it's a different kind of fun to tear things to shreds with swords than blasting them with doom spells or sticking arrows in their spinal columns.


New member
Oct 2, 2010
I'm playing as an Argonian theif/assassin. Why? Its the same character I had in Oblivion and it worked really well.


New member
Jul 1, 2011
ProtoChimp said:
dead.juice said:
ProtoChimp said:
dead.juice said:
The Dark Elves are persecuted by the human Imperial races in Skyrim. They look at them as inferior and untrustworthy due to their tribal-like connection with the darker gods.
The Dunmer are somewhat prejudice, but they can't even trust their own kind, so they come of as bitter and deceptive.
The Thalmor (high-elfs) are Elven supremacists pricks.
As for the Wood Elves, they are kinda like hippies, but cooler, so they stay out of either camp. They are generally respected and respectful.
That kinda makes me wanna play as wood elves (I'm a ***** for story) but I'm guessing they're more stealth and ranged based-i.e, shit for me?
Actually, Wood Elves aren't bad at straight up combat. What they lack in brawn they make up for in speed. Once you have several perks spent in one-handed, they'll be just fine for straight combat with two swords.
I don't think they have much affinity to magic like the Dunmer, they are kinda more balanced toward basic combat traits.
Okay, last 2 questions I swear. Is the customization good enough that you can stop the dark elves from looking like freaks (it's the eyes man) and does the choice of race just give a bonus to certain features like combat, magic, speech etc, or is it vitally important that you choose the right race for your playstyle? I think it changes the story slightly as well.
Ehh, not exactly. The only eye color the Dumner have is different variations of the red eyes, or pure black eyes. Despite the options, it's hard to not make them look like freaks. But you can make them look like cool freaks.

About the races; each race does have bonuses to certain features, but its not about who can cast magic or wield a warhammer, it's about who can do it best.
Your Orc can wield magicka, he just won't have a big pool of magicka to cast with. But that could easily be helped with, say, a hood or helmet of 20% Magicka.
In short, no race has any big penalties, and can do everything. But some can do it better, and a lot of the races are flexible and balanced for different mixes.

And yes, it does change the story a little, depending on what race you are. I haven't noticed nothing big yet, but you'll defiantly see your choice reflected in the other characters and how they talk to or treat you.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
tobi the good boy said:
Zarkov said:
mParadox said:
Nord. Destruction mage and one handed weaponry with Heavy Armour. o_O

Skyrim is my entry into the series so, I decided to start as the most human thing, Nord. Also, I like having fireballs in one hand and a sword/mace in the other. :D

Imperials are the "humans" of the game, although you can basically argue that for any of the human looking races except Bretons because they are half elf and thus great for spell-casting.

Happy skyrim playing!
Not exactly, The Bretons are humans with Mer ancestry very different from half-elves. By all rights they're human's it's just they're ancestors liked boinking elves.
I like the use of "boinking" there.

Thank you sir


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
Chose to be a Dark Elf two handed, heavy armour warrior because they get 50% resistance against fire attacks and that's what dragons usually do, breath fire at you (obviously I was wrong).


New member
May 17, 2008
Cat people. I hate em, so everytime he dies, I feel a little bit happy. *Mr. Matou charges into a bunch of Mudcrabs and is greeted with a pinchy death*

Though it does worry me a bit that he can handles dragons without breaking a sweat now, oh well, it's only a cat.

Hannah Button

New member
Oct 18, 2011
Khajiit. I like the bonuses to sneak and love the night vision, but honestly the reason I went with a Khajiit was the other races are much too uncanny valley. Also because I can have a werewolf Khajiit and that's pretty cool.

So yah, duel wielding magic with a sword so when I run out of magica I can just slice and dice whatever's coming after me.


New member
Sep 29, 2011
Started with a 2h/1h+shield nord cause why would i buy a game with a viking on the cover and vikings chanting in the backround if i wasnt gonna viking it up (my first ES also).... then i grew bored of the repetition, so using console commands started adding extra perks, but evenly dispersing them so i wouldnt be over powered for my level. I carried both caster and non-caster gear, so now i get to enjoy all the talent tree or celestial skills, w/e its called in the game and theres alot of variety offered to me in how i play (basicly i choose a certain playstyle and then change it completely when i get bored), but the game is still enjoyable because theres still some degree of difficulty mixed with the gigantenormous amount of content
So all the content, none of the tedium.