What Race Do You Use In Skyrim? [And Why]


New member
Jul 1, 2011
Krakamaka said:
Haven't actually played Skyrim, but in Morrowind I've always played as a Nord, because they look cool, or a Dark Elf, also because they look cool. I'm considering Argonians. They looked okay in Morrowind but really ugly in Oblivion, and in Skyrim they're not too shabby.
If your ever going to try a Argonian, its a good thing you waited till Skyrim.
I haven't played them myself yet, my friend has. You have cool options for customizing them, and they have an extremely useful daily power that makes their health regenerate an an incredible rate. I wish my Nord or my Redguard could have this trait, it would be a godsend in straight combat.


New member
Mar 25, 2011
2 Characters:

Imperial Great Sword wielding Magic using smithing pretty much all over the place-ing build. Because Money is sweet.

Breton Heavy Armor Alteration build centered around Fists of Steel. Because Punching Dragons is what it's all about. Also, Heavy armor and up to 55% magic resist from base stats alone is nothing to sneeze at. And Alteration's armor buffs on top makes for one durable dude. Who Punches Dragons. I even dared to call him Captain Falcon. Just because I could.


New member
Feb 8, 2010
dead.juice said:
ProtoChimp said:
dead.juice said:
The Dark Elves are persecuted by the human Imperial races in Skyrim. They look at them as inferior and untrustworthy due to their tribal-like connection with the darker gods.
The Dunmer are somewhat prejudice, but they can't even trust their own kind, so they come of as bitter and deceptive.
The Thalmor (high-elfs) are Elven supremacists pricks.
As for the Wood Elves, they are kinda like hippies, but cooler, so they stay out of either camp. They are generally respected and respectful.
That kinda makes me wanna play as wood elves (I'm a ***** for story) but I'm guessing they're more stealth and ranged based-i.e, shit for me?
Actually, Wood Elves aren't bad at straight up combat. What they lack in brawn they make up for in speed. Once you have several perks spent in one-handed, they'll be just fine for straight combat with two swords.
I don't think they have much affinity to magic like the Dunmer, they are kinda more balanced toward basic combat traits.
Okay, last 2 questions I swear. Is the customization good enough that you can stop the dark elves from looking like freaks (it's the eyes man) and does the choice of race just give a bonus to certain features like combat, magic, speech etc, or is it vitally important that you choose the right race for your playstyle? I think it changes the story slightly as well.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Nord, not because it felt appropriate, but because I played a nord in Morrowind and Oblivion too. That said, it does feel appropriate. :p

Definitely going as an argonian next time, though.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
I haven't got the game yet, but when I do get it I plan on playing as a sneaky Khajiit marksman.

debra_ beretta

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Sep 8, 2010
I'm a Nord battlemage who is a bit nationalistic. Also, a game which finally has a dreadhawk for women! It looks like me irl :-3


New member
Nov 16, 2011
My first character was a Altmer mage turned assassin turned warrior who ended up with his perks to heavily diverged. Now I'm rolling a Redguard.

Thee Lost One

New member
May 26, 2010
I've rolled with Argonian's since Morrowind, my induction into the TES series. Origionally, I made good use of their claws they used to have, but have sense adapted a much less... feral, playstyle.

All my main characters, aka, my first's, aka, My Argonian's, are master sneak theives with insane destro backed up by Archery and classic sword and shield should things turn ugly.

Lemme tell yeah, against spell casters, Shield bash is your friend when you're a theif. Interrupts almost all spells. Assuming you can't sneak attack them that is.

Start with an arrow sent sailing down the hall, OHKO'ing the big bad, then Stab the guy who investigates in the spleen, throw him to the ground as I fire off a volley of Ice Spear spells with my offhand, followed by by Fus Ro Dah, use the gap to switch to dervish (dual wield), wade in like a blender with numerous dual charged attacks, relying on Histskin, Dragon Scale(legendary) and massive stamina reserves to fuel all the attacks. What's left standing I'll either shout down with firebreath, or a spell.

Completely differant strategy for Dragon priests though. Equip SpellBreaker Shield, Equip Dawnbreaker, pop Histskin, and wade in, shield bash whenever they look like they're waving their hands funny, and just chop 'em up.

Of course, having a prideful, confidant, Lizard man with the ability to breath Fire, and wearing Dragonscale armor, it all kinda screams Micro Dragon. All I'm missing are the wings xD


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Imperial. I always pick Humans in games if i can choose, simply because i find it the easiest to imagine myself that way.

Matthew Valkanov

New member
Jun 8, 2011
I play a Redguard, have ever since Morrowind. What's not to love about a race of people who are described as the most naturally talented warriors of the continent, with a strong independant and solitary streak, capable of beating of almost any adversary? Plus 75% poison and disease restistance, pretty large warrior skill bonus' and Adrenaline Rush, a perfect answer to both difficult combat situations and unfortunately low weight limits :p
Wait, they've nerfed Redguards sp that they only have 50% poison resist, and all Adrenaline Rush does is supercharge your endurance(still pretty nice in combat, but no longer usable to pick up a little extra weight...)? Bugger...well, still love em because of the lore^^


New member
Nov 19, 2011
New character I just made while watching the topic.

A nord that specialises in magic, sneaking and a different kind of magic [illusion]

If the guy at dragonsreach can do it so can I.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
Khajiit Thief/Assassin, because I'm chicken and the night vision keeps the baddies from surprising me. I hate surprises. I'll also probably play as an Argonian next, 'cause that's about the closest to being an actual dragon that you can get.

EDIT: Also I made a Breton magic user called Tim, because I wanted to know what it feels like to be an Enchanter.


New member
Sep 25, 2011
Nord because I'm a xenophobic bastard.

I thought cold resistance would be handy (yet all the mages who are using ice based magic are raping me mercilessly...) and it makes more sense to me that the Dovakiin be a Nord.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Argonians because Reptilians are usually cool and since they got a nice new remodel they feel much more badass and able to handle themselves. (Oblivion, they looked ugly)

I'm a fighter mage that carries a bow an arrow just to be safe.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
Wood elf for the archery. Playing a thief-warrior hybrid.

I plan to do a dark or high elf mage for my next playthrough.