What Race Do You Use In Skyrim? [And Why]


New member
Aug 12, 2009
I have a cpuple of different characters atm.

High Elf for my pure mage for the highborn power and the increased magika
Kajiit for my assassin because they look cool
Orc for my sword and sheild guy, because berserker rage is good and they look cool
Nord for my two-handed guy because they look like vikings
Redguard for my dual weilding expert for the initial one-handed skill
Dark elf for my spellsword

I have made way to many characters already and if I sit through the intro sequence again someone is geting punched.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
Dark Elf...because I can roleplay that I hate the Empire and that's why I joined the Stormcloaks and freed Skyrim. No one seems to hate Dark Elfs as much now.

And mostly because being fifty percent resistant to fire is nice when a dragon tries to fire-breath me. Just stand there and bathe in it before charging in madly. Destruction, one-handed, light armor, and some healing magic to back it up!


New member
Jul 1, 2011
ProtoChimp said:
dead.juice said:
ProtoChimp said:
I haven't bought it, getting it for christmas, but I wanna be a quick as all hell ninja (not real stealthy ninja, Ninja Gaiden type ninja) with two swords attacking really fast who's also an awesome mage. What's the best race for that?
Dark Elves. They're not as fast as Khajiit or Wood Elves (the two fastest), but they mix stealth, one-handed weapons, and magic together.
They don't need to be stealthy, stealth abilities also count toward light armor and speech. And they have an affinity with destruction magic, among others, so they make good spellswords or assassins.
Also, their racial power calls out ancestral flames that burn anyone around them. Kinda like the Flame Dragon ninpo.
Seems like they where made to suit your preferences, sir.
Ah, why thank you my good man, also it's kinda cool someone calling me sir when I'm only 17. MAKES ME FEEL LIKE A PROPER GROWN UP LIKE!1111!! (sorry). Just one question, I thought the elves were racist wankers, or is that just the Thalmor or the Aldmeri Dominion or the High Elves or all of the above. I don't know much, and if someone does answer this please try not to spoil, aren't the elves a bunch of evil tyrant fucks, or just some?
The Dark Elves are persecuted by the human Imperial races in Skyrim. They look at them as inferior and untrustworthy due to their tribal-like connection with the darker gods.
The Dunmer are somewhat prejudice, but they can't even trust their own kind, so they come of as bitter and deceptive.
The Thalmor (high-elfs) are Elven supremacists pricks.
As for the Wood Elves, they are kinda like hippies, but cooler, so they stay out of either camp. They are generally respected and respectful.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Khajit. Mostly because they're the most interesting to watch on screen.

I generally prefer the nonhuman races, and I loath most of the elves; though, I recently found out that Orcs are another kind of elf (which I don't mind, since they're orcs and therefor badass), and also the Wood Elves are dedicated carnivores (even going so far as to practice ritual cannibalism), so those elves are hunky-dory with me.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
Dark elf dual wielding fire spells. If only there were a mod that would make him yell "yoga flame" every time I did it.


New member
Sep 11, 2010
I'm a Dark Elf, because I'm a Stealth/Mage Vampire and Dark Elves have good roots in both Thief abilities and Mage abilities, and stealth is kinda necessary to be a Vampire plus being a Dark Elf reduces my Vampiric fire weakness and I...

... I haven't even played Skyrim yet. I... I'm getting it for christmas but.. I can't stop reading wikis and planning out my character... HELP D:


New member
Jun 8, 2010
I have three characters so far. 1) a Breton mage because they are one of the better mage-y races, 2) a Khajiit monk-style guy that uses unarmed attacks and a bow, and 3) a Dark Elf rogue-y fellow that backstabs everyone.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
I picked Argonian because the water breathing perk is always nice, keeps me from having to constantly swap out a ring or something. But mostly I just picked it because Argonians are awesome and I like them.


New member
Feb 8, 2010
dead.juice said:
The Dark Elves are persecuted by the human Imperial races in Skyrim. They look at them as inferior and untrustworthy due to their tribal-like connection with the darker gods.
The Dunmer are somewhat prejudice, but they can't even trust their own kind, so they come of as bitter and deceptive.
The Thalmor (high-elfs) are Elven supremacists pricks.
As for the Wood Elves, they are kinda like hippies, but cooler, so they stay out of either camp. They are generally respected and respectful.
That kinda makes me wanna play as wood elves (I'm a ***** for story) but I'm guessing they're more stealth and ranged based-i.e, shit for me?


New member
Aug 13, 2009
I'm playing a Breton, because the daily power + The Golem starsign = 100% magicka absorption. Dragons can suck it.


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
Having a magic fetish, I chose a High-Elf.

50+ Magika has certainly helped me from time to time.

Oly J

New member
Nov 9, 2009
I chose a wood-elf because for some reason I always do, being a human seems boring but I like to be able to make my character look like me,(obviously a heavily idealised version of me) so yeah, elf...plus resistant to disease


New member
Apr 21, 2011
MY High Elf is generally good until you wave a daedric reward in front of him or see below.

Majoring in Smithing, destruction, enchanting and one hand weapons.
Minoring in sneaking, blocking, restoration, summoning and alchemy.

I am going out of my way to get shouts but I am not maxing out on my one arm or armor multiplying off each other.

I want to be tough in the game but not spam high level damage with potions making items making weapons enchanting weapons already made till you get a sword that takes away from tactics.

Like all the recent elder scroll games I started being good and got turned while doing the dark brother hood missions. I had such high hopes this time.


New member
Jul 1, 2011
ProtoChimp said:
dead.juice said:
The Dark Elves are persecuted by the human Imperial races in Skyrim. They look at them as inferior and untrustworthy due to their tribal-like connection with the darker gods.
The Dunmer are somewhat prejudice, but they can't even trust their own kind, so they come of as bitter and deceptive.
The Thalmor (high-elfs) are Elven supremacists pricks.
As for the Wood Elves, they are kinda like hippies, but cooler, so they stay out of either camp. They are generally respected and respectful.
That kinda makes me wanna play as wood elves (I'm a ***** for story) but I'm guessing they're more stealth and ranged based-i.e, shit for me?
Actually, Wood Elves aren't bad at straight up combat. What they lack in brawn they make up for in speed. Once you have several perks spent in one-handed, they'll be just fine for straight combat with two swords.
I don't think they have much affinity to magic like the Dunmer, they are kinda more balanced toward basic combat traits.


New member
Jul 3, 2008
Haven't actually played Skyrim, but in Morrowind I've always played as a Nord, because they look cool, or a Dark Elf, also because they look cool. I'm considering Argonians. They looked okay in Morrowind but really ugly in Oblivion, and in Skyrim they're not too shabby.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
I play as a Wood Elf Archer, because this race was meant to be archers, and I like archers. With the right customization, everything will be banished by the superpowers of sneak-attacks.


New member
Jul 1, 2011
Eoghan Kelly said:
Majoring in Smithing, destruction, enchanting and one hand weapons.
High Elves major in smithing, enchanting, and one-handed? Very nice.
I have two separate characters training in each one, it sounds pretty sweet to have a plus to both in one character.

Like all the recent elder scroll games I started being good and got turned while doing the dark brother hood missions. I had such high hopes this time.
lol. The grey part of the gradient of morality in Skyrim is a very interesting thing to get lost in. You find yourself choosing personal reasoning over alignment.


New member
May 14, 2008
Im a nord mage (Yeah, i know..), cos i was a nord in Oblivion and i find casting spells in skyrim WAY to fun to not use, and honestly, once ive kitted myself in casting armor i dont find any disadvantage to being a nord, plus everyones really nice to me :D