What state were you born in and live in now?


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
But yeah, our state troopers are quite the over zealous bunch aren't they?
Louisiana state troopers are up there, too. 6 years ago, I got pulled over for doing 79 mph in a 75 mph zone. The trooper informed me that I was 4 mph over the speed limit and would be getting a ticket. I asked if it was necessary for such a small infringement (mind you, cars are blowing by us at upwards 80-90 mph as I'm receiving this lecture,) and he said "when the limit was 70 mph a few years prior, they let folks get away with the normal 5-10 mph over, but when they raised it to 75 mph, they had a strict 'no speeding' policy." So 79 mph in a 70 mph zone was fine, but 79 mph in a 75 mph zone is a no-no. $120 ticket, that one. Wouldn't bother me so much this long ago later if it hadn't been for the inane logic he tried to justify himself with; just tell me you're meeting quota and tell me to fuck off like a normal officer.

Ghostrick Dorklord

Ordinary High School Girl
Oct 2, 2009
Through the Looking Glass
Why? What's wrong with Wisconsin?
Sorry for the extremely late response but I got caught up in PSO2 hell had stuff going on.

But Wisconsin has been pretty ehhh... I think it might be where exactly where I live but there's nothing too interesting going on and there's a lot of crime going on here and there that I became an indoors person because of it. But again it might be my exact location instead the entire state.

However I do noticed there's a lot of weird people from Wisconsin too. Idk why it attracts weirdos but over the years we had cannibals here and there but that's what comes to mind.