What was the last game you found yourself seriously addicted to? - CHAT WITH THE STAFF!


New member
Jul 22, 2009
I would have to say Zelda Phantom Hour Glass because for some reason after i got use to the new controls I loved it despite how short it was I just couldnt get enough.

Other than that I would say World of Warcraft but Iv never been perticually addicted to the game, its dam good fun but I often find I dont play these days as with a girlfriend it feels sorta pointless to even try and play as I cant fulfill the consistent "time commitment" World of Warcraft demands from me.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I don't really get addicted to individual games, but my father put over 450 hours into Oblivion after he bought himself a 360.


New member
Feb 8, 2009
the orange box. i just borrowed it from a friend after playing portal at his house, and now ive completed Half Life 2 within three days, Episode 1 in a day, and am now working on Episode 2. i was playing team fortress a lot for while and got pretty good with the pyro and sniper. im completely addicted to the Box haha

Marcus Dubious

New member
Jul 22, 2009
First post so here we go,

Addiction grabs me until the next "grab me game" comes along,

Fk so many people here must get that urge to go back to their old favourites.

OK bollox aside.

The ones that grabbed me, last few years,

GTA IV etc, loved them all, Galactic Civilizations II, Fallout 3, KOTOR.
I know I'm flogging a naughty horse and making it to ride again but, Portal.
I so wish that game was less brilliant. hard to not get adicted to such a short game.
It has been the game I replay most, never stop havin another go.



New member
Sep 17, 2007
When it comes to game obsession, I have two stories to tell. Saving best for last, too.

- When I first played FF7, it had such a profound effect on me that has not faded to this day. I'm not a fangirl, and respect that others don't feel the same. But when I went to my 2nd (ever) convention and saw pvc Advent Children figures, I bought them immediately (Cloud, Sephiroth, Tifa). I've had to excersize enormous will power not to buy a replica Buster Sword, and other nick-nacks. But the series of FF7 related media has me in a solid choke hold, that's for sure.

- Eons ago, when the SNES was the most powerful gaming system on the market, I fell in love with The Secret of Mana. I first played it at a friends house when she rented it on her SNES. I didn't have enough money to buy an SNES of my own, nor could I convince my dad to get me one. (Much later when I tried holding a corner sale with my NES games to drum up money, he'd change his mind.) I did however have enough money to get just the game, and I'd take it with me to my friends whenever I went over.
Well, my first sit down with the game was when my friend rented it. The game featured a sort of gimped 2 player, and I controlled the Sprite for offensive magic. We stayed up from friday evening, through saturday, until sunday afternoon playing Secret of Mana. Actually, I stayed up. My friend slept some. Woke up early, and got back into the game. Sunday afternoon, I walked (staggered) back home in a state of massive sleep depervation. I was so out of it, that I could still FEEL the SNES controller in my hands. To walk, I held forward in my brain. When I got home, I started to walk down stairs. But I was so tired that I couldn't make it the extra 10 feet to collaspe in bed. I got a little confused because I wanted to "sit" but none of the buttons on my Brain-Controller were letting me. But I managed somehow. I sat, and passed out.
I have no idea how much time passed. I woke laid out on the stairs, but energized enough to stagger into my bedroom, and crawl into bed.

I have never been so obsessed with a game to have that kind of experience again. I've been obsessed (FF7), and it's even been a healthy obsession at times. But never have I played a game to the level of hallucinations. I later got an SNES (thank you, dad), and played Secret of Mana at healthy intervals.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
All the way back to Worms Armageddon for me, no game has truly hooked me since. I have played Guild Wars a lot but that is purely due to the people, not the game it's self.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Well, there are only 2 games that made me stay up for at least two days straight.
Those games would be Half-Life 2, and City of Villains.


New member
Mar 21, 2009
Many games...

World of Warcraft...I had 150+ DAYS in that game easily...But I quit a while ago.
Guitar Hero
Call of Duty 4

And many others i'm sure.


New member
Mar 6, 2009
Oblivion, I mod it to what it should have been and can spend entire days and weekends exploring that world.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Lost Odyssey, I'm still hooked right now. I'm just not playing it at the moment due to a frustration with the Black Cave.

To this day, i'm still addicted to Kingdom Hearts. I love it.

Instant K4rma

Aug 29, 2008
Ive been really addicted to Mass Effect lately, most likely because im super pumped up for Mass Effect 2 :D


Gone Gonzo ..... no ..... wait..
Jun 18, 2009
I don't have an addictive personality despite playing wow i only play on wow for long periods if i need to achieve something like leveling i did 70-80 in a month when WOTLK came out not playing at weekends and then stopped playing for 1 month i also cancelled my subscription during my exam period.

But the only game that has hooked me albeit for about a week at a time is Diablo 2


New member
Jun 5, 2009
Fallout 3, can't remember how long I played it but I know I shouldn't have played for that long and I haven't even got any dlc yet for the game so I'm sure when the dlc comes out on ps3 I'll spend around over 100 hours playing it again :(


New member
Sep 11, 2008
The last game I had that I just couldn't put down was Tactics Ogre. I'd have dreams about how to beat the next battle if I tried it before going to bed.