What was the last game you found yourself seriously addicted to? - CHAT WITH THE STAFF!


New member
Jul 6, 2009
Well one time i was playing Kane and Lynch all day and night. well my brother asked me if i was watching him finish RE2, as Claire and i was half asleep, so i was sleep talking and I said but Thapa has the shotgun not me. It was really weird.

Sixties Spidey

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2008
The Sims 3 was surprisingly addicting. I never found myself to be a large fan of it, but after playing the new addition to the franchise, I had fun.

Bionic Commando (the newest one), the Halo games, Burnout Paradise, Starcraft (Starcrack) and Battlefield Bad Company are all games I got seriously addicted to. Halo 3 comes out the most with at least 80 hours into it. Most from multiplayer.

Sixties Spidey

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2008
Daedalus1942 said:
devildog1170 said:
KOTOR 1 and Oblivion. Those games are games everyone needs to experience.
KOTOR, i'm a big fan. Oblivion was a real let down for me.
I'll bite. What did you find in Oblivion that made it a let down for you?


New member
Aug 20, 2008
For me, it was/is Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones, since I've racked up countless 100s of hours on that game, and completed it far too many times over, but I still find it a challenge.

Close on its heels is Pokemon Gold, and, as a franchise, I've certainly spent more time playing the main series of Pokemon games that I have any other series.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
buy teh haloz said:
Daedalus1942 said:
devildog1170 said:
KOTOR 1 and Oblivion. Those games are games everyone needs to experience.
KOTOR, i'm a big fan. Oblivion was a real let down for me.
I'll bite. What did you find in Oblivion that made it a let down for you?
umm, let's see, bought it on pc for cheap, got 50 hours in, and it bored me, I then (don't ask me why, i TRIED my best to like it, i bought it on ps3 for really cheap, and it was substantially better).
I should also state, this was my first morrowind game, so I have never been a fan before.
I finished most of the sidequests, and the main quests, racked up about 120+ hours (so people can't ***** i didn't give it a chance). I did the thieves guild quest, knights of the 9, shivering isles the main quest, the fighters guild quests, and the sorcerors guild crap.
The whole game severely bored me. I literally forced myself to finish it.
In it's defense though, I played and finished Might and Magic: Dark Messiah before i started oblivion, so, right off the back I found the battle system for oblivion boring, and uninspiring, compared to the dynamic feel and originality of Dark Messiah. I also hated the inventory system for oblivion. The unoriginal battle system and the inventory setup really ruined the game for me. all up i give Oblivion roughly about a 5/10. It's passable, but i'll never pick it up again.
I should also state, this was my first morrowind game, so I have never been a fan before.


New member
May 21, 2009
Saints Row 2
Far Cry 2
Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
Fallout 3

World of Warcraft
Mass Effect


New member
May 21, 2009
Currently addicted to Resi Evil 5. Goddamn mercenaries I tells ya.
Before that, found myself addicted to Fallout and, more importantly, Left 4 Dead. Both theives of time. Also ashamed to say I racked up 26 hours on Dawn of War 2 over 4 days


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Hmmm well World Of Warcraft is my ongoing addiction.

Though chronologically Fallout 3 is the most recent as I've even taken time away from WoW to play it, and it keeps distracting me in my non-raid time despite having other awesome games like my recently arrived copy of "Demon's Souls". :)

Playing inFamous/Prototype, etc... I put both of them on hold without a second though for WoW and when playing them I keep getting wierd inklings to instead go play the newest fallout expansion or work on some ridiculous freeform project nobody would care about except me. :p


New member
Aug 2, 2008
I still can't stop playing FFXI. I've been playing it since the North American release and have around a year of playtime. Before that there was the Sims, and all other Final Fantasy games (besides VII and VIII because I think both are crap). When I lived in a house with four roommates I played a lot of Starcraft/Broodwars, Battlefield 1942, and Smash Bros / Smash Bros Melee. Also played a good amount of Rise of Nations as well. From time to time I'll play Civ 2 or 4 for hours on end. Same thing goes with Roller Coaster Tycoon 3.

Right now my new addiction is playing Final Fantasy Tactics A2 while sitting around looking for a party in Final Fantasy XI.


New member
Apr 28, 2008
I got addicted to Everquest in 1999, I'm still playing it. How's that for addicted.


New member
Jul 6, 2009
I got seriously addicted to Burnout Paradise when I got it. Seriously, just spent hours and hours non-stop at the controls before looking up at the clock... WOW time flies when you're having fun and trying to get that last bloomin' billboard.


New member
Jul 4, 2009
Garry's Mod.

Now before you ask this is not a mod this is a game, and it is one of the best games of all time, as of yet I cannot find the words to pin point what genre this game is. Some people would jump to the word sandbox, i however dispute this idea as it is both American and far to broad to give any real meaning.

Ok, some basic gameplay points to help demonstrate what exactly this game is:

FPS Section:

If like many of the adrenalin fueled gamers you fall into the category of receiving a massive rush after having taking the scalp off of some poor, distracted by magical ponies, 4 year old American child then this game may be one for you. It accompanies a variety of gamemode which allow you to do just that and more, one such gamemode - deemed "Fort Wars" by its creator - involves teams building elaborate destructible bases using a sizable selection of props before the the killing begins, after which a montage of bullets and dislodge base fragments will be the only thing you can see.

RPG section:

Those noobs who see the pinnacle of RPG been elder scrolls have not met what it is to role play until they have experienced what Garry's Mod has to offer. 2 gamemode wage war within these borders, the first of which is "Serious RP" a gamemode that requires players to adopt a role in society and become both powerful and successful, however forget all that rubbish graphics & most of the work done for you, your simply given a well scripted gamemode and a tag with your job on it, true roleplay is a process of the mind fragmenting temporarily and allowing you to assume a new persona etc. The second contender of the RPG aspect of Garry's Mod is "Dark RP" a similar idea to the first with the bonus of it been slack, allowing you to build intricate contraptions to do the various jobs that are needed, these range from been a gun dealer to a drug dealer, a cop, the mayor, or in fact anything you can come up with.

'Sandbox' Section:

This is what I like about this game, it has a mode called "Sandbox", phun. This is all about gamers been dumped into a randomly large and beautiful map, and then well, erm ... yeah. What ever you want, design and build a car, using assembly write a CPU to produce complex holographic images, design a massive logic algorithm which enables the development of Space Invaders or a watered down version of WOW, all ingame.
To get the true scope of this section do your normal rounds on "Garry's Mod", if you don't know what I mean by this then your not a gamer, not are you even close to an internet user. Heres a hint: Youtube, Google, Wiki, etc.

Themed / Directional 'Sandbox' Section:

As many gamers who have ever been given freedom know some times ideas are more difficult that finding an online match on GOW2, so as a response to this many gamemodes have been constructed to allow you to build with a purpose, my favorite of which is "SpaceBuild" where gamers are dumped on a planet and told "Good Luck", of course you don't have to explore the many planets within the harshest of climates that is the vacuum of space, but what the hell. Constructing a spaceship is first required, after which the generation of resources such as Air, Energy and Coolant is required, then the life support must be rigged to your ship and its storage's filled. Finally freely explore massive maps, or mod your ship to change it from humble explorer to an American who is ever so slightly upset about the fact it is Monday.

Survival Section:

Many of us enjoy beginning with nothing and then becoming a dominant super power, as is the idea behind many RTS game and the American dream - which I might add is ultimately failure as with the impending climate change farming will become increasingly difficult. Anyway, the gamemodes here range from zombie survival, where gamers must attempt to subdue wave after wave of the undead, or an interesting gamemode know as "Stranded". This is a nice gamemode which mixed elements RPG skill training with FPS blood and gore and the American ideal that anyone weaker or less developed than you should be killed. Gamers are forced here to mind for various ores and chop wood, enabling the construction of workbenches and furnaces which enable better tools and more refined pure metals, eventually the production of guns and other tradables / killing implements become available and the gamers either band together in tribes or attempt to disembowel one another, some of which will be using spoons others 9mm's.

Ok, fingers tired need to get my tea.

Right where to purchase this what is to many a game, but to a fanatic such a myslef is the hold grail. Steam. If you don't know what Steam is or believe that purchasing games from vapor is neigh impossible then please see below for details.


[SoundKiller777 Laughs Insanely]

This is not all the game has to offer, but im tired so you will have to see the rest for yourself, oh and by the way this is a multilayer game with single player capacity too.


This game requires skill, and is not for mere players but is in fact for gamers, LUA programming and C++ are what you strive to achieve with this game, it introduces programing to you then allows you to develop and gradually improve your skills, it also offer the most dynamic gaming experience that is attainable at the moment. Another important note, those of you which admire graphics should know that the screen upon which you are now reading is flat as such ALL graphics are 2D!, anyone who so much as whispers the words "Graphical Improvement" will be shot on sight.

Remember Gaming, Touch, Sight, Smell, Vision etc etc, all take place in the mind. The mind is not part of the material world in which you may deem to live in, the mind generates and controls what you see, have it ignore graphics, despise them, and adore the gameplay instead.


New member
May 25, 2009
I'm gonna have to join the Oblivion crowd i'm afraid, damn that game sucks you in. Motorstorm: Pacific Rift keeps sucking me back in too, and then there's the usual up-til-three-in-the-morning addiction thats comes around everytime they release a new Dynasty Warriors game.

Just one more mission, just one more....

EDIT: Oh and a while back I was addicted to an ancient game called Dink Smallwood. A cookie if anyone's even heard of it.


New member
May 1, 2009
Disgaea 3, logged around 300+ hours into that game, worth it for the billions of damage I do by trowing explosive penguins at german dominatrix queens though.
FF XII, not alot of people like it but I actually completed it, twice.
Also got me a 100% game save on that one.
Soon I'll probably do all nighters on Demon Souls and Cross Edge.


8 miles high and falling fast
Mar 31, 2008
I think the biggest ones were Oblivion and the Guitar Hero/Rock Band series. Fallout 3 is getting that way too.

What's slightly worrying though... I've been a bit paranoid about playing the 360 over the past week 'cos the weather's been scorching and I'd rather not red ring it unnecessarily, so I've been very bored. Boredom yesterday led me to RuneScape. Played it for a while, it's amazing how fast the time goes. Same this afternoon. I can see this becoming a trend.

Tonight's plan: WoW free trial. I've never played it before so maybe it's time to see what all the fuss is about.

EDIT, a bunch of hours later: Okaaaaay, a few hours of WoW and I can already see where the addiction comes from. This is gonna eat up my entire summer.