What would you have done in my situation?


New member
Aug 21, 2010
you should have caught a even rarer disease so everyone would forget about the other guy and focus on you.

Benjamin Moore

New member
Nov 29, 2010
This reminds me of the Daria episode "The Misery Chick"
(It appears only part 1 is available; problems with copyright, particularly with the music, plague that show.)

The episode revolves around a tragic accident where a member of the schools alumni who returns for an award ceremony, is killed by a falling goalpost. The problem was: he was an absolute jerk to everyone, and Daria finds herself in the position where she feels that she is the only one who saw that, by the way everyone else is reacting. But by the same token, she isn't happy that he died.

I don't know your situation. I can't tell you you are doing the right thing. But I do, to some degree, understand.


New member
Jan 23, 2011
OK, perhaps I wasn't clear: That guy is someone I invited to my 9th through to 12th birthday parties in an effort to get along with him, and he managed to ruin the 10th, 11th and 12th. He is not dead, he made a recovery, and I made the previously mentioned remark when I knew he was out of the woods. He might be smarter and better looking than I am, but he will always be more of a retard because at least I have morals. People like that cannot expect sympathy if they harass and bully. That's just my view...


New member
Mar 29, 2011
agree with this dude, if someones and asshat and can afford this stuff he can get it himself. But saying it nicer or pretending to forget the day its on or something like that. Some people go through this stuff and it makes them realise their asshats, talk to him one more time, maybe he ent got long left and will wanna apologise. If he's still a git then whatever you don't owe him any kindness


Aug 5, 2009
No_Remainders said:
So, yeah, question's simple, what would you have done?
Yeah, I would have pretty much told then where they can shove their pity bucket. Quite frankly if the guy doesn't an asshole he's an asshole, the only difference is that he became an asshole with cancer. I could name a couple guys went out of their way to try and make my first year of secondary school hell.

Gratz on sticking to your guns duder.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
C.S.Strowbridge said:
I guy I know uses the saying, "Dying doesn't make you a nice person." If it applies here, use it.

I personally use, "I have a limited amount of give-a-shit, and I'm not going to waste it on this."
This, basically. With the added bonus that I now have two new sayings for my collection. :D

I think to make fun of someone with cancer would be going too far, especially if it was terminal. However, I'm not going to bury my face in your ass because having a difficult disease apparently redeems the genuine scum of the earth these days. All in all, good job.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Oh, in your shoes, I would figure a total asshat would understand if I flung it back in his face JUST ONCE. Even if he didn't, he deserves it.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
-Drifter- said:
So, you're not going to a charity event for a guy with cancer... because you don't like him? Ever heard of being the better man?
They can afford it without help. The patient's an arsewipe. Fuck 'em. You want to be the better man?








I really hate the way we ... what's the word? Beatify. We beatify the dead and dying. Talk shite your whole life, get cancer and suddenly you're the speaker everyone has to travel to hear. Put a hundred kids' lives in danger by driving like an utter shithead on a daily basis for a year, wrap yourself around a tree and suddenly it's tragic that you died so young with your whole life ahead of you and everyone loved you and yada yada yada.

If they call you names, agree. Just tell 'em: "People are shit, when you're a shithead. Purse-strings get tightened, when you're a ****. Women seem wicked, when you're a wanker. Pay it yourself you ... bunch of clowns. When you're scum, noone'll visit your grave. When you're scum, you're not worth trying to save, when you're scum, when you're scum, when you're ... SCUM!"

Okay, maybe don't actually tell them that. You could just tell them you gave your money to a worthier cause.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Generic Gamer said:
But I would be quite upset if I had cancer and someone turned around and said they didn't care, ...
Do you care whether the patient in this case dies? How about the patient in the next bed? No? Never met either of them and neither of them's ever been good or bad to you, right?

Besides, even if you honestly don't care it's worth chucking a couple of quid their way just to comfort them.
I don't see you asking for the paypal address so you can donate money to post-op treatment for some kid whose parents can afford it without your help, and he's never pushed you downstairs, stolen your lunch money, thrown your homework in the river or bled all over your nice new blouse ... which funnily enough tends to be the last shitty thing a bully does to someone, if it happens. So, he's been nicer to you than he has to the OP, and you've donated nothing but you criticise the OP for not donating.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Jaded Scribe said:
Ok, so you didn't like the guy and didn't want to go to his fundraiser. Fine. Instead of acting like at least (imo more) of an asshole as he was to you (making me think you probably deserved everything you got), why not just say "No, I'm not going. I have another commitment that night I can't get out of." ?
So you're okay with lying to the dying and bereaved?


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Kroxile said:
I still went to the funeral because it was the right thing to do.
That's rather different. You don't go to a funeral for the dead person. The dead person's already died and gone and no longer gives a rat's arse whether you show up or not. You attend the funeral for the bereaved, because they get a little bit of comfort out of not being the only people there.


New member
Apr 14, 2008
I agree with with this guy to put it in a broadest most exaggerated and overused sense it's like feeling bad for Adolf Hitler (the world war 2 one not the one who's parents are horrible at naming their children) cause he got cancer if someone were a total ass to everone around them and then got cancer i'd just smile and think karma ***** and i certainly wouldn't go to a charity; now if it were a stranger or decent human being i would be helping out all the way but as i've heard it Mr cancer doesn't need help his family has enough cash for it so why give them more instead of say donating to save starving orphans or to a fundraiser to help the Japanese with what happened to them but no money is going to some asshole who doesn't need it.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
ScoopMeister said:
No one deserves to die, whoever they are are, whatever they've done. I know some MASSIVE pricks, but I would never wish death upon them, and even if I wasn't going to this fundraiser, my prayers would still be with him and his family, no matter how much I hate him.
Aaawwwww, such fuzzy, pink naivete!

Well, that or really unnerving religious fundamentalism. That stuff's even scarier.


Holly Wells.

Jessica Chapman.

Pol Pot.

Abeer Qasim Hamza al-Janabi.

Josef Mengeles.

My Lai.

Peter Sutcliffe.

Sarah Payne.

Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow.

Theodor Eicke.

Rudolf Höss.

Irma Grese.

This guy [http://www.bnvillage.co.uk/news-politics-village/99397-one-most-horrific-crimes-imaginable.html].

Some of our fine, brave heroes [http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/apr/07/kenyans-mau-mau-compensation-case].

This [http://www.english.globalarabnetwork.com/200907301981/Palestine-Politics/israel-admits-white-phosphorus-use-during-gaza-war.html].

This [http://startthinkingright.wordpress.com/2011/04/07/school-bus-attacked-with-missile-in-gaza-muslims-continue-to-target-israels-children/].

This [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/1779713.stm].

Tony Blair.

These scum [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1179058/Trader-guilty-Britains-worst-animal-cruelty-case-horses.html].

Lots more people [http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=honour+killings+uk].

If you can read all about all of them and not budge from your position quoted above ... well, I have to admire your tenacity.


New member
May 8, 2008
I see your list, but I still do not wish harm on anyone.

Personally, if I'm in that particular situation, I will just turn it down politely.
I have a member of the family who is always an ass to everyone else, but does require a lot of assistant to survive, so I think I understand your situation. To be honest, we are sure the person has something wrong with her head. And yet we still treat her as kindly as we can. We know she's always out to get us (she does that pretty actively), but that's not going to stop us from loving her. She's a family and a human. You can't just turn a blind eye sometime.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
olicon said:
I see your list, but I still do not wish harm on anyone.

Personally, if I'm in that particular situation, I will just turn it down politely.
I have a member of the family who is always an ass to everyone else, but does require a lot of assistant to survive, so I think I understand your situation. To be honest, we are sure the person has something wrong with her head. And yet we still treat her as kindly as we can. We know she's always out to get us (she does that pretty actively), but that's not going to stop us from loving her. She's a family and a human. You can't just turn a blind eye sometime.
Most people are of such insignificance in this world that the only shits that can be given are by the people they irritate. If we can wish someone was still living, we can damn sure say some people are just better off dead.

Note: For legal purposes, I do not wish death on Kotick. But if he were struck by lightning or some natural phenomena that could be considered karma, I might take the day off.